
The HABS Virginia Catalog lists records on more than 3,800 structures, representing the total number of buildings which the Survey has recorded in the Commonwealth. The book is divided into two sections: the catalog proper, which contains over 900 entries, and the inventory, in which approximately 2,900 structures are listed. Buildings listed in the catalog, as a rule, are more completely re-corded and documented than those in the inventory. The purpose of this catalog is to present concise descriptions of structures and the HABS records of each, sufficiently informative to prospective users for them to find data they desire and to order duplicates from the Library of Congress. Structures are alphabetically arranged ac-cording to (a) city or vicinity and (b) the name of the structure. This arrangement is found in both the catalog and the inventory. County locations are also noted. The number in parentheses following the county name is used for filing purposes at the Library of Congress. Each catalog entry also contains a precise locational description; for properties in rural areas, a nearby natural feature is listed in addition to the nearest highway intersections in order to facilitate locating properties on maps. Names of natural features are generally taken from maps issued by the United States Geological Survey. The location is followed by a succinct architectural description, noting the most significant features, and a brief historical statement if warranted. A "bibliography" of the materials that comprise the HABS records on the structure concludes the entry. The "bibliography" gives the number and types of measured drawings, photographs, and data pages and notes whether the structure is also recorded with an inventory form. Dates following the records refer to the year in which the records on the structure were made. Buildings listed in the inventory have been recorded on a single page, standard 8" x 10'/2" sheet, which provides identification of the structure, concise written historical and/or architectural data, a small photograph, a location diagram, and source references.

The HABS Inventory (HABSI) Form was developed in 1953 by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in cooperation with the National Park Service and the American Institute of Architects to facilitate the recording of large numbers of historic buildings and to identify those structures that were of sufficient importance to war-rant a more extensive coverage. In 1962 the inventory form became an integral part of the Survey, and over the several years in which the inventory was conducted, many buildings in Virginia were listed. However, with the passage of the Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the task of gathering a basic inventory of the country's historic resources became the responsibility of The National Register of Historic Places. Subsequently, the HABSI program was eliminated as an integral part of the HABS recording efforts.

Because the information contained on a typical HABSI form is necessarily abbreviated, no attempt is made herein to describe buildings that have been inventoried. Rather, they are listed solely by name and address. The HABSI forms for Virginia have been transmitted to the Library of Congress, where they may be consulted, or where reproductions may be ordered.

As far as possible the entries in this catalog reflect the latest historical research. Entries from the National 1941 Catalog and the 1959 Supplement have been updated and expanded to provide more useful information; they reflect more clearly the nature and extent of the HABS records and the architectural and historical significance of the structure. In many cases it has been possible to correct dates for buildings or note them precisely and fully. In some cases more historically accurate names have been assigned, with cross references under formerly used names where necessary. Care has been taken to avoid making or repeating errors, but if the reader detects any, HABS will greatly appreciate receiving notification. Each building or site listed in the catalog has been visited to ascertain its present condition. In general, staff members of The Virginia Historic Landmarks Commission examined sites in the western, central, and southern portions of the state, as well as the Eastern Shore. W. Brown Morton, architect, HABS, visited properties in the northern counties, and the Northern Neck. Mr. Morton also served as coordinator for the efforts of both the Landmarks Commission and HABS. Caroline Reynolds Heath and S. Allen Chambers of the HABS Staff were responsible for the final compilation and editing of the manuscript, under the supervision of John C. Poppeliers, Chief, HABS.

The following abbreviations and symbols have been used in all of the recent Historic American Buildings Survey catalogs:

VA-100     Historic American Buildings Survey number. All structures recorded by the Survey are assigned an HABS number. These numbers have no historical significance, but serve only to facilitate processing. These numbers should be used when inquiring about a structure or ordering a reproduction.

"Sheets"     Indicates the number of sheets of measured drawings avail-able for study and reproduction. Sheets are generally a standard size, 15½" x 20" inside border lines. The number of sheets in the set and the kinds of drawings (plans, elevations, sections, details) are listed. Prints of measured drawings are made at actual size. size.

"Photos" ("ext. photos" and "int. photos")     HABS negatives are normally 5" x 7" occasionally other sizes, especially 4" x 5" or 8" x 10".

"Data Pages"     It is HABS policy to give the physical history of the structure along with a technical architectural description. Original data pages are typewritten and may be duplicated.

"HABSI" HABS Inventory forms. HABSI forms are duplicated at actual size (8" x 10½").

n.d.     The date is not ascertainable.

NHL     The building has been declared a National Historic Landmark.

NR     The building has been entered on the National Register of Historic Places.

(1), (2), etc. after County names     HABS material is filed at the Library of Congress according to county locations. These numbers assist in locating material at the Library.

Send Comments/Questions To: Gary Stanton