Building Contract between Joshua Long and Austin Bush for a brick warehouse

FREDERICKSBURG CIRCUIT COURT, Fredericksburg, Virginia [included in the suit Humphries vs Long]

Statement of the Contract between Joshua Long & Austin Bush & Co. for a Brick Warehouse Size of the Building outside 36 by 44 feet Cellar or lower Story to be 10 Feet in the Clear, Walls 2½ Bricks Thick with a devision Wall in the Centre of 2 Bricks thick with Cellar floors of Inch & ¼ Plank with Doors of 4½ feet in Width in front of each Cellar & a like door in the Devision Wall with one Window in front of each Cellar of Three feet--

The first story above the Cellar to be of 2 Bricks thick & eight & a half feet in the Clear, Floor to be of Inch & quarter Plank on a Girder over the Brick division Wall of Ten by Twelve Inches with joists of Three by Twelve Inches & laid down Fifteen Inches from Center to Center, to have one four & half feet door & three Three Feet Windows on the North Side also one four feet door near the North end West Side one four & half feet door in the Center & two three feet windows one each side of the Middle door, one four feet door & one three feet window on the South Side to have a Counting House of 15 by 18 feet petitioned of with plain Inch Plank with a Window of Twelve lights looking to the Corner Doors With two pair of Stairs to go into the Next Loft--

The Second Story from the Cellar to be 8 feet in the Clear & 1½ Bricks Thick. The Floor to be of Inch & quarter plank on a girder Ten by 12 Inches, With joists of three by 12 Inches & fifteen Inches between each Joist. This floor to be supported from below under the Girder with four Posts, Round, of twelve Inches diameter, with one four feet door in the Center on the West Side, two three feet Windows on the same side. Three three Feet windows on the North Side, Two three feet Windows on the South Side with a Counting Room by 12 by 15 petitioned of with plaind Inch Plank, one pair of Stairs to lead to the Next loft. The Floor for the Next Loft under the roof to be of Inch Plank on a Girder of 8 by 10 Inches with Joists of 3 by 10 Inches to be placed each one Immediately under a Rafter the Roof to be supported with 52 Rafters of 3 by 5 & 3 by 7, 26 feet long with Collar beams & Studs to each pair. This Garrit Floor to be supported by 4 round Post of 10 Inches diameter under the Girder.

The Roof to be Covered with Good Well-burnt Tile & made water tight. The timber for the building to be all of Good, White & Red Oak. The Gable End on the West to have a large door & two Windows of Glass & one Glass Window in the East End of the Garrett. The Six windows in the first & second stories to be Glazed & Window Shutter to every Window except those in the Gable ends, with Sufficient Iron Staples & Wooden bars for fastenings. The two doors in the Cellar & the front north door in the First Story & the other Doors to be sufficiently secured with Iron Staples & wooden Bars all the doors & window Shutters to have Iron Hinges of Sufficient Strength. All the outside Woodwork to be painted with two coats of Paint.

All the doors & windows to be capted & silld with hewn Stone Caps to be one foot thick & Sills eight Inches thick, with Stone Steps where necessary. Doors all seven high & winders five feet high, all the floors to be tounged & grooved frame for Trap Doors in each Floor to the Garrett under the Hoisting place. Door & Window Shutters to be lined.

The Above is Agreed to by Joshua Long & Austin Bush & Co. The payment to be Four Hundred Dollars in Advance in addition to the one Hundred & Seventy five before paid to Tounta Bell & tis understood that the Contract with the said Bell is to be taken by Mr. Long & We Pay to the Said Joshua Long for this Building one Thousand & twenty five Dollars as it may be Wanted as the building progresses & the balance being four Hundred to be paid Said Long on the fifteen Day of December next making in the Whole at the completion of this Building Two Thousand Dollars & we find the said Long one Hundred Weight of Flooring Nails & the Building to be compleated from the first to the 13th September next or the damage accruing the said Austin Bush & Co. in witness where of we have hereunto set out hands in Fredericksburg the 30 Day of March 1813

Witness, Robert Wasson
Signed, Joshua Long
Austin Bush & Co

Last modified: 7 July 1999
Send Comments/Questions To: Gary Stanton