An agreement made this 22nd June 1824 between Nathl Greaves of the one part, and John Tensbloom & Henry Moor of the other part

Nathaniel Graeves vs John Tensbloom & Henry Moor, Fredericksburg Superior Court of Law, Court Records, 1828. ID 448-54.

Witnefseth, that for the consideration herein after mentioned, the said Tensbloom & Moor agree to build on sd Greaves's Lot in Falmouth two Brick houses, and make sundry improvements to the house in which sd Greaves resides, one of the Brick houses to be 16 feet long & 12 feet wide, one story & a half high, the first story 8 feet from the floor to the ceiling of the joists, a Brick & a half thick, & the half story 4 feet from the second floor to the eave, one Brick thick, a chimney of proper size at one end of the house, with two fire places, one below, & the other above stairs; 3 Windows below, 15 lights each, & one Window above in front; one pannel door in front; the stairs to be Genteel, with banisters at the top; the floors of inch & qu[arter] plank, the Sills of white oak; the shingles of Cyprefs, of proper thicknefs, & rounded; and the house to be lath'd, plaister'd, & white washed below & above stairs.

The other Brick house to be 30 feet long & feet wide, one story & a half high, one brick & a half thick from the underpining, which is to be of Brick, & of proper thicknefs, & level with the underpining of the sd Greaves's dwelling house, to which this new house is to be attach'd; the first story 8 feet from the floor to the joists, to be finish'd for a Granary with 4 divisions, by studs from the floor to the joists, & plank'd up to a proper height; the Walls to have as many Windows as sufficient to admit light & air; & to have one coat of plaister; two doors to be in front, with arches turned over them; a decent set of stairs to be run from one of these doors up to the second story, with hand rails & banisters, Ceiled up so as to divide the Stairs from the Granary. The half story to be 4 feet from the second floor, the Walls Brick & a half thick, the same as the first story, & divided into two rooms to be lath'd, plaister'd, & white wash'd; & one Dormer Window to be in front. One end of this house to be of Wood, but the sides & the other end of Brick. In this end there is to be a chimney with two fire places as sd Greaves may direct & two or three Windows [torn] think proper. The Sills, Sleepers, & Girders, to be of White Oak, the floors of inch & quarter plank & the Shingles of Cyprefs of proper thicknefs & to be rounded--all the materials, which are to be of good quality, are to be furnish'd for both these houses by the sd Tinsbloom & Moor, & they are to do the work of every Kind in a compleat & workmanlike manner.

And the sd Tinsbloom & Moor are also to furnish the materials, & make the following improvements to the house in which sd Greaves resides, viz put in a Dormer Window, Sash, Glafs, & Vinician Shutters to the front window, & repair the casing of it, to sheet up the cellar way at the end where it now is, & make a new Cellar way in front, on the street, walling up the sides with Brick, & to have folding doors; to put a new front sill to the house, new floor of good Inch & quarter plank to the room on the street next to the store room, the old plank to be laid on the floor of the storeroom if it will answer, if not a new floor of inch plank to be laid on the floor of sd store room, and to make & set up a compleat & neat chimney piece.

In consideration of sd Tinsbloom & Moor's furnishing the materials, and Building the two Houses, & making the improvements to sd Greaves's dwelling house, as herein stipulated to be done by the Tensbloom & Moor on their part, the sd Greaves on his part agrees to pay them the sum of Five hundred & fifty Dollars in manner following viz. one hundred & fifty Dollars there of in Goods, & the remainder in money, one half of each before the work is finish'd, and the other half on or before the 1st Janry next -- It being understood that the work is to be commenced immediately, & compleat'd before the 15th day of Octr next.

To the performance of all which, the parties bind themselves their heirs, Exors & adminors to each other reciprocally in the penalty of one thousand Dollars--

In Witnefs whereof they hereunto set their hands & seals the sd 22nd June 1824
Nathaniel Greaves
John Tinsbloom
Henry O. Moore

Acknowledged by the parties in presence
Wm P. Cunningham.

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