An agreement made this 25th day of August 1809 between Walker R. Carter of the Town of Fredericksburg & Larkin Stanard of the County of Spotsylvania which is as follows

Robert MaKay vs Larkin Stanard, Fredericksburg Superior Court of Law-Appeal, Court Records, 1827. ID 448-52.

The said Larkin Stanard is to build for the said Carter one house of the following size to wit, Two Roomes sixteen feet square and to be set twelve feet apart and all to be under one rought [roof]. The roomes to be built of hewed logs, The lower floor to be nine feet pitch & the upper part to be run up half a story before the rough is put on,

The said Stanard is to cut and hugh [hew] the logs, hall them in, place & put them up, saw the rafters & shingling laths and put up the rough & shingle it, to lay floors make the doors & windows. The shingles, plank & such as is called English miter cut & are to be formed by the said Carter. The said Stanard agrees also to build a shop for the said Carter which is to be two 16 feet roomes set twelve, and to be under one rought, to be built with round logs, and covered with slabs in the common cabbin way. The said Carter to find the timber for both houses. For which the said Carter agrees on his part to build & compleat in every respect a neat elegant and convenient Coachee which is to be built of the best seasoned wood & materials. To have pannel boddy storm [?] & Venetian Blinds instead of Curtains. be line with real leather, to be hung on swingle leather and to have neat fashionable springs. The houses to be compleated by the middle of November next. The Coachee to be compleated by the same time. The Coachee to be painted any color the said Stanard chooses. To the faithful performance of this agreement the parties hereunto subscribing their names bind themselves each to the other in the penalty of five hundred dollars.
Larkin Stanard
W. R. Carter

Teste, Thomas Stanard

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