Samuel Alsop, Jr

Inventory and appraisement of the personal estate of the late Samuel Alsop, 1859

one grey mare mule called Jenny 20
one bay mare mule called Kildie 20
one black mare mule called Nelly 30
one bay mare mule called Sal 35
one bay horse mule named Rock 100
2 sorrel horse mules named George & Sam 260
2 dark mare mules Martha & Amanda $150 each 300
2 black horse mules Charly & Peter 250
2 bay mules, Ned & Mary $150 each 300
1 Bay horse Bil 75
1 bay horse Peter 50
1 black horse Bil Brown 130
1 old bay Mare 20
2 young mules (twins) $75 each 150
1 Bay horse mule Peter 125
1 Carriage & harnefs 350
1 Rockaway & ditto 175
1 set old harnefs 2
1 Pied Ox called Ball 40
1 ditto called Linsey 30
2 ditto called Davy & Dragon 40
2 ditto called Longside & Ranger 50
1 ditto called John 25
1 Yoke oxen called Buck & Lion 40
1 ditto called Peter & Lion 40
1 ditto called George & Charles 40
1 ditto called Ned & Prince 40
1 ditto called Charly & Tom 40
1 ditto called Bil & Ned 50
1 ditto no name 40
1 ditto called Mike & George 50
1 Pied Cow & calf 18
1 White ditto 15
1 Buffalo ditto 20
1 white ditto 25
1 ditto called Mary 15
1 ditto called Kale 18
amount carried forward 3028
1 pied heifer 10
1 black ditto 12
1 buffalo ditto 12
2 white ditto at $8. each 16
1 Red ditto 13
1 brindle ditto 15
1 bull 12
2 red heifers 15
1 small ditto 3
43 sheep at $3. each 129
1 ox cart $12; ditto 2 at $5. each 22
2 ox waggons $20 each 40
1 horse ditto 65
1 horse ditto 45
1 small ditto 25
1 horse cart 5
1 ditto 15
1 ditto 5
1 old buggy 15
1 old carryall 5
1 horse cart & gear 12
3 two horse ploughs & swingle trees 18
4 #1 cuff & brace; one horse ditto 12
3 shovel ploughs at $2 each 6
6 old Mc cormick #9 ditto at $1. each 6
6 ditto #5 ditto at .50 each 3
2 cultivators at $2. each 4
1 lot old coalters 0.5
3 side wisses at $2. each 6
2 large harrows at $3. each 6
2 new McCormick mouldboards 0.5
3 spades $1; 6 shovels $1.50 2.5
8 mattocks $2.; 3 briar hooks $1.50 3.5
9 scythes & cradles at $2.50 each 22.5
3 bramble blades 1.5
lot old sythe blades 1
amount brought forward 3612
2 old mill saws $.50; old steelyards $.25 0.75
lot old tyers 3
1 pannel door 1.5
1 lot rubish plank 2.5
3 picks .75; hoes $1. 1.75
9 axes $4.50; 2 hay forks $1. 5.5
2 dung forks $1.50; 4 crowbars $3. 4.5
lot iron 5
4 pair wedges $3.; 1 log chain $3. 6
4 lock chains $6; 1 fifth chain $.50 6.5
4 ox chains 4
wagon & plough gear 15
1 old cast mill $1; 1 balance $.50 1.5
1 bucket $.40; 3 half bushels $1 1.4
1 wheat fan 10
1 threshing machine 125
50 stacks wheat & oat straw at $3. 150
rye straw 6
6 stacks hay at $6. 36
1 stack top fodder 30
19 blade stacks at $5. 95
270 barrels corn at $13.50 pr barrel 945
corn sheller 10
carpenters tools 25
plank & timber 15
4 work benches 5
2 grind stones 2
black smith tools 15
2 old iron axles 3
2 crofs cut saws 1
6 old whip saws 6
3 cutting boxes 5
1 saddle & bridle 3
1 set cart gear 4
3 ice hooks 0.5
amount brought forward 5161.9
Household furniture
1 Mahogany sofa 15
1 Cane seat rocking chair 4
30 ditto chairs @ $1.50 each 45
1 small Mahogany table 3.5
1 Spring seat sofa 25
2 small sofas @ $20. each 40
2 mahogany rocking chairs @ $8. each 16
curtains & fixtures for 6 windows 60
1 carpet & rug 20
fender, andirons, shovel & tongs 5
carpet & rug 40
fender, andirons, &c. 12
mantle lamps 10
1 Side board 6
2 lounges $3; 1 chair $5. 8
carpet & matting 5
2 candle stands 5
1 wardrobe 20
1 bureaw $12; looking Glafs $2.50 14.5
1 mantle mirror 3.5
1 lounge 10
bed & furniture 40
6 cane seat chairs 3
2 rocking ditto 1
1 small table 1.5
wash stand &c. 3
3 window curtains 5
carpet & rug 10
1 Bed & furniture 20
1 lounge $10; 5 flag chairs $2.50 12.5
1 clock $15; 1 case $1 16
1 looking glafs $1; 1 wardrobe $10. 11
1 bureaw & medicine stand 3.5
pine chest, table & candle stand 2.5
carried forward 489.5
2 pair andirons & fenders 3
6 sad irons 2
2 small pine tables 2
3 old chairs 1
matting in crofs pafsage 1.5
Room 1
3 bedsteads, beds & beding $35 each 105
1 set draws & looking glafs 3.5
1 wash stand, pitcher & Ewer 1.5
1 table & 2 slop buckets 1.25
andirons, fender, &c. 3
carpet $5; 4 curtains $2. 7
10 chairs at $.40 each 4
Room 2
2 bedsteads, beds & beding &c. 80
9 chairs @ $.50 4.5
1 wash stand, Pitcher & Ewer 3
1 small table, pitcher & Ewer 2.5
1 table & water bucket 0.75
andirons, fender, shovel, & tongs 5
mantle mirror & pitcher 5
drefsing table & glafs 2
carpet & rug 5
window curtains 2
Room 3
2 beds, beding &c. at $30 each 60
1 trumble bed &c. 10
1 bureaw & mirror 10
1 settee $1.50; 4 chairs $2. 3.5
andirons, fender, &c. 1.5
carpet, rug &c. 3
wash stand, pitcher, basin 2
table & bucket 0.75
window curtains 1.5
Room 4
2 Beds, beadsteads, & beding 50
2 chairs $1; table & looking glafs $2 3
wash stand &c. 1.25
andirons & fender &c. 2.5
carpet $3; curtains $.50 3.5
carried over 6048.4
1 corner table in crofs pafsage 1
1 wardrobe 12
2 trunks & stand 2
1 bed &c. 35
2 wardrobes at $8. each 16
1 crib &c. 2
1 walnut chest & 1 box 4
matting 1.75
1 arm chair & 6 common ditto 3.5
2 half round tables 5
2 silver ladles @12.50 each 25
22 table spoons 55
12 desert ditto 25
3 Sugar tongs 8
2 butter knives & 2 pickle ditto & forks 10
4 salt spoons 2
12 plated forks 3
2 plated cake baskets 20
glafs $4; castors $15. 19
12 knives & forks (horn handles) 3
12 ditto & ditto (buckhorn handles) 5
24 ivory handle ditto 12.5
6 plane ditto 2
tea set, China & glafs 18
common castors 1.5
ditto cups & saucers 1.5
2 sets white China 35
1 set common blue ditto 8
goblets, wine glafses &c. 2
Bratania coffee & Tea pots &c. 2.5
Preserve bowl & salver 1.5
14 waiters 5
side board & glafs prefs 7
3 tin safes at $7. each 21
1 glafs prefs 4
carried forward 6454.15
1 walnut dinner table & half rounds 8
1 pine table 2.5
14 chairs & small table 6.5
1 clock 0.5
fender, andirons & shovel & tongs 2
carpet & mat 2
6 brafs candle sticks 1.5
tin safe, tables & water stand 2
contents of cellar closets 14
ditto cellar store room 15
ditto small dining room 4
ditto dairy 6
ditto kitchen 25
4022 lbs pork at $8. per hundred 321.96
beef 40
bacon & contents of smoke house 25
1 loom & spinning wheel 10
54 hogs at mill 278
18 ditto at house at $10. each 80
Walker 50
Ben Davis 100
Jeff. Monroe 100
Mellford 150
Jefferson White 800
Miles 950
Robin 450
William 600
Jacob 1100
Roy 750
Edmund Fisher 300
Gilbert 1100
Thornton 1250
Jim Slaughter 650
Henry Smith 1200
Tom Black 300
amount brought forward 17147.91
Daniel 1350
Peter 1500
Michael 1300
Charles 1250
Bob 1200
Tom 1200
Jack 1400
Sam 1400
Wingfield 1300
Ignacius 1200
Kesiah 200
Mary 1000
Nannie 700
Robert 600
Lucy Ann, Eliza & Malvina 1400
Amanda 800
Beverly 700
George 550
Ellen & Charles 700
Georgeanna 1150
Edgar 800
Susan 450
Betsy, Emanuel, & Wesley 900
Minor 900
Ezekial 700
Dolly, Milly, Moses & Joshua 1400
William 1000
Alice 500
Joe 450
Milly 800
Catherine 1000
Isaac 1000
Martha 1100
Susan, Polly & Phil 1350
Harriet 550
James 450
Brought forward 52472.91
Georgeanna & infant child, & Frank & Emma 1600
Frances & child Abram 1300
Sarah 1200
Mary Willis 1000
Judith 1000
Elizabeth 1200
Adaline 1250
Maria 1000
Sarah Carter 1000
Joe Frazer 450
Anthony 400
Billy 1500
Reuben 1300
Clara Pendleton & Victoria 900
Festus 1400
Lewis 1200
Henry 600
Anthony Jr. 600
Nelly, Arina & Eli 1600
Margaret & infant 1300
Susan 900
Woodson 1500
Mat 900
Linsey 1100
George 750
Lucy 600
Jacob 450
Wesley 250
Polly, Selina & Killis 500
Rachael, Mary Ann & Delphia 1200
Silvy 1300
The undersigned acting under the annexed order of the County Court of Spotsylvania being duly qualified by taking the oath prescribed by law appraised the personal estate of the testator Samuel Alsop Decd shown to us by the executors as set forth above.
J. P Gayle
C. M. Harris
Benjn S. Cason
Jno. R. Samuel
John F. Alsop

Last Update 3 January 2011

Name: Gary Stanton
