Mutual Assurance Society Records, Misc Records 1794-1869, Virginia State Archives, Richmond, Virginia

Articles of agreement entered into this 29th day of April 1842 between Roche of the City of Richmond, of the one part and Alexr H Rutherfoord of the said city of the other part--

The said Roche hereby agrees to do all the painting and glazing for a house &c to be erected by the said Rutherfoord and to furnish all the materials for the same including all the glass, putty &c, the glass to be Baltimore Anchor or such other Cillender Glass as the said Rutherfoord may prefer all to be of the best description, the whole work throughout to be executed in a handsome & workmanlike manner, the colours to correspond and such as the said Rutherfoord shall approve--The house to be thirty nine feet square out to out and containing the following--

The Basement Story to be eight feet pitch in the clear, two and a half feet below and five and a half feet above the surface, seven six light windows, twelve by eighteen, sand venetian shutters sill casings &c complete, one outside six pannel door complete, five inside batten doors, ninety two feet beaded washboard, stairway to the next story, lintel over fire place.

The principal story to be twelve feet pitch in the clear six twelve light windows twelve by eighteen inches, two of which with doors underneath to open into the portico, and venetian shutters to come down to the sill outside venetian shutters to all the windows, those in the front to work on Rollers, Two blank windows with venetian shutters &c, Seven inner doors, one pair large folding doors, and one outside door with lights around, one wooden mantle to correspond with those in the other rooms which are to be of marble, washboard throughout the story, stairway with mahogany Rails &c--

The upper Story to be ten feet pitch in the clear, seven twelve light windows, twelve by eighteen inches, with venetian shutters &c five six pannel doors, washboard throughout this story, wooden caps and sills to all the windows, and wooden caps to the doors similar to those of the house occupied by Wm R. Myers--

Roof to be hipped, with gutters and fancy cornice and blocking, and balustrade at the top, all to be similar to Frederick Bransfords or Front porch similar in size, materials & workmanship to Saml Taylors or

Portico in the rear twenty feet long & eight feet wide with four large columns, with gutters cornice blocking &c and steps underneath out of the cellar--

Eighteen panels pailing fence and nineteen pannels board fence--

The whole house on the exterior as well as the interior to receive three coats of paint, and in addition thereto the principal Story throughout is to receive four Coats, (in all) the doors of which to be painted in imitation of Mahogany, oak or maple should the said Rutherfoord require it-- The inclosure as above mentioned to receive three coats of paint on both sides--

In consideration of the above the said Rutherfoord hereby agrees to pay to the said Roche the Sum of three hundred and fifteen dollars ($315.) in the following manner, one hundred dollars when work to the amount of one hundred and fifty to two hundred dollars shall have been executed and the remainder so soon as the whole painting and glazing may be completed-- It is further understood and agreed on, by the parties that the said Rutherfoord shall be allowed to make such alterations or additions in the painting and glazing above mentioned as he may think proper, provided he gives due notice of the same, and that for such alterations or additions, deductions and additions in prices shall be made accordingly-- In Testimony of the above mentioned agreement the parties have hereto subscribed their names and affixed their seals the day and year herein written--

N.B. It is understood that the said Roche hereby agrees to put a fourth coat of paint on the outside of the house (including the porch, portico, and fences) for the sum of fifty dollars should the said Rutherfoord at any time subsequent to the completion of the work above mentioned require it to be done, and the said Roche also agrees to paint the roof of the house, if required by the said Rutherfoord for the further sum of fifty dollars--

basement drawing
First Floor drawing
Second Floor drawing

Last modified: 30 January 2012
Send Comments/Questions To: Gary Stanton