The Virginia Gazette

July 9, 1772. Number 1093. Page 3, Column 3

ALL Persons having Demands against the Estate of Roger Dixon, late of Fredericksburg, deceased, are desired to make them known, and they who are indebted to the said Estate are desired to make speedy Payment, either to Mr. Oliver Towles, Attorney at Law in Spotsylvania (whom I have empowered to act these Affairs) or to JOHN DIXON, Administrator, with the Will annexed.

***It hath been reported (and I fear the Report will prove detrimental to my Brother's distressed Family) that his Debts exceed the Value of his personal Estate, and that, dying intestate, his Lands would be liable for none but English Debts; but I hereby assure those whom it may concern, that there was a Will found, and proved, wherein he directs the Sale of all his Lands (except his Wife's Dower, the Houses and Lots where he dwelt, and his new Mill near Fredericksburg.) the Produce of which will be applied, together with the Debts, as fast as they can be collected, to the Payment of his just Debts, which I must acknowledge amount to a large sum of money; but, after the nicest Inquiry we were able to make, his Credits will exceed them by many Hundred Pounds. Delay in the Debtors, and too hasty Demands from the Creditors (which I earnestly desire both will avoid) are the only Things that are likely to hurt his Family, in whose Names I address the benevolent Creditor in the Woods of the supplicant Debtor: Have Patience with me and I will pay thee all.