Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

At a meeting of the Council at the Town Hall the 1st day of February 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Geo Cox, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
F Johnston, Common Councilman
H T Phillips, Common Councilman
B R Wellford, Common Councilman

[Page 348]

Resolved that Therit Towles & David Briggs members of the House of Delegates be requested to ask leave to bring in a bill authorizing the Town of Fredericksburg to raise $50000 by Lottery or lotteries to be applied towards establishing a College or Academy to be located in the said Town or its immediate vicinity

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C F

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 17th day of March 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
William A Knox, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman
William Browne, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman
Geo Cox, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Henry White $4 overcharge for the tax on his house

The Council proceeded to examine and allow the following claims against the Corporation; It is ordered that the Chamberlain pay the same
To William Browne pr a/c $2.60
To Robert Ellis pr a/c 2.83
To Horace Marshall pr a/c 8.00
To Robert Lewis Mayor pr a/c 5.24
To James D Harrow pr a/c 18.50
To William F Gray pr a/c 6.00
To John Staylor pr a/c 3.56
To Frederick Pilcher pr a/c 6.00
To John Goolrick pr a/c 22.00
To Fayette Johnston pr a/c 1.13
carried up $75.86
[Page 349]
To William Gordon pr a/c $18.00
To John Scott pr a/c 12.97½
To B R Hillyard pr a/c 10.50
To Lindsay Pullin pr a/c 25.50
To Lindsay Pullin & B R Hillyard pr a/c 9.45
To Clai Wiglesworth pr a/c 357.54
To Casar Garnett for ringing bell 50.00
To John M Shepherd, Sergeant pr a/c 484.36
[Total] $1044.18

William A Knox, Anthony Buck & John Hart or any two of them are appointed to settle with Robert S Chew, Chamberlain & John M Shepherd Sergeant of the Corporation; Their respective with the Corporation and make report to the Council on Monday next & the said Comm'ee are authorized to count and cancel the Corpo notes redeemed by the Chamberlain and credit him by the same

Rob't Lewis, Mayor


R S Chew, C F

At a council held at the Town Hall on Monday the 20th day of March 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
H T Phillips, Common Councilman
B R Wellford, Common Councilman
William Browne, Common Councilman
H Marshall, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
F Johnston, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman

The Committee appointed to settle the account of Robert S Chew, Chamberlain with the Corporation, reported that they had examined the said account and find the charges supported by proper Vouchers and all credits given, and that the balance of $520.33¼ remains in the hands of the Chamberlain which report is confirmed by the Council

The Comm'ee appointed to settle the account of John M Shepherd as Sergeant of the Corpo reported that they had examined the said account and find it correctly stated and the charges supported by proper vouchers and that the same is balanced which report is confirmed

[Page 350]

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Robert Mackay agent for Geo Gallagher $4.24 balance due on a/c & to Geo Rothrock & Son $13 pr a/c this day allowed

Ordered that the clerk of the Council address a letter to the principal agent of the M A Society informing him that the property insured by Geo Gallagher has reverted to the Corpo & request to be informed of the manner in which the property has been insured & also to forward the Policy in case it has not delivered

Rob't Lewis, Mayor


R S Chew, Cle

March 20th 1826

This being the day appointed by law for the election for a Common Council for the Corporation of Fredericksburg for one year, The free-holders and house keepers being notified thereof met at the Mayors Office and having deposited their ballots, upon examination thereof, the greatest number of votes were found to be favour of the following persons to wit

John Goolrick 150
Beverly R Wellford 140
Robert Lewis 133
John Roy 132
Anthony Buck 132
George Cox 132
John Hart 131
Richard Johnston 131
Henry T Phillips 124
Wm A Knox 118
Robert Parrott 116
Robert Ellis 111
Wm Gordon 51

The first named twelve were accordingly duly elected This being the day appointed by law for the election for a Common Council for the Corporation of Fredericksburg for one year, The free-holders and house keepers being notified thereof met at the Mayors Office and having deposited their ballots, upon examination thereof, the greatest number of votes were found to be favour of the following persons to wit

adj'd til tomorrow Ev'g 4 O'clock

Rob't Lewis, Mayor

March 21st 1826

The Council met according to adjournment

John Goolrick
Beverly R Wellford
Robert Lewis
John Roy
Anthony Buck
George Cox
[Page 351]
John Hart
Wm A Knox
Robert Parrott
Robert Ellis
Henry T Philips

Robert Lewis was unanimously re-elected mayor of this Corpo for one year, who was made qualified by John S Wellford a Justice of the quorum of Spotsylv'a County. The Mayor then qualified the members of the Council present.

The Council proceeded to Ballot for a common councilman to supply the vacancy occasioned by the appointment of Robert Lewis a member of the board to the office of Mayor, when William Gordon was duly elected, and having by his note declined accepting the appointment, the Council proceeded again to ballot when William Browne was duly elected and qualified

Wm A Knox was duly elected Recorder of this Corpo for one year, who qualified accordingly

Robert S Chew was duly re-elected Clerk & Chamberlain for one year who qualified accordingly

Robert Parrott was duly qualified Guager and Inspector of Whiskey in this Corpo for one year, who qualified accordingly

John Goolrick was duly re-elected Surveyor for this Corpo for one year who qualified four that office

John M Shepherd was re-elected Clerk of the Market & Police Officer for one year who was duly qualified

Samuel Phillips was re-elected measurer of coals, salt & grain sold at the wharf for one year

John Terrier was re-elected Measurer and Inspector of Lumber in the Corpo for one year who qualified accordingly

George Cox, John Roy, Robert Ellis & John Hart are appointed Trustees of the Market House & Superintendents of the Streets, also to rent out the Hay Scales & Public Wharf

[Page 352]

Anthony Buck, Henry T Philips & Robert Parrott are appointed a committee to superintend the pumps the present year & they are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for such sums as may be necessary to keep them in repair

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a council held at the Town Hall on the 2nd day of May 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
Wm A Knox, Recorder
Beverly R Wellford, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Wm Browne, Common Councilman

Richard Johnston who was duly elected a common councilman appeared was qualified & took his seat

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Jacob Gore the sum of $76.90 pr his accounts this day allowed for repairs to pumps

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Rowland Wood $10.12½ pr his account this day allowed

Wm Browne, Beverly R Wellford & Wm A Knox are appointed a committee to make such alteration in the Mayors office for accommodation of the Mayor as to them may seem proper & convenient

John H Wallace is elected a common councilman in the room of Robert Ellis who is Commissioned a Magistrate who App'd & was qualified

Wm Browne, Beverly R Wellford & Wm A Knox are app'd a Comm'ee to enquire into the best mode of erecting a cage for the confinement of disorderly and suspicious persons, with the probable cost thereof & report to the next court

[Page 353]

On motion made & seconded, it is ordered that the wine belonging to the Corpo now is possession of Wm Allen be sold at public auction to the highest bidder

Rob't Lewis Mayor


R S Chew, C C

At a council held at the Town Hall on the 9th day of May 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
Wm A Knox, Recorder
Beverly R Wellford, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Wm Browne, Common Councilman
George Cox, Common Councilman
John H Wallace, Common Councilman

On motion made & seconded, Resolved that George Rowe be exonerated from the rent of the Country stall in the Market house, that his bond be returned to him, and that the sd stall be reserved for the use of the Country People

Pres't Henry T Phillips

The Committee appointed to enquire into the best mode of erecting a cage for the confinement of disorderly & suspicious persons with the probable cost thereof made report, On consideration whereof It is ord'd that a cage be erected for the purpose aforesaid, and that the same Comm'ee do let the building of the same to the lowest bidder, provided the cost shall not exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars

Ordered that the pump Comm'ee cause a well to be dug on Princess Ann Street at a place to be selected by them, and erect a pump in the same and draw upon the Chamberlain for the expences thereof

On motion made & seconded, Resolved that the house on the Market Square lately reverted to the Corpo from George Gallagher be insured in the M A Society of Va & that the Chamberlain be authorized to effect the sd insurance assurable to the letter of James Rawlings, principal agent addressed to the Clerk of the Board

[Page 354]

John Metcalfe com'r of the Revenue returned an account of the taxable property & amount of the rents in the Corpo as follows to wit
Amount of rents $53,604.46 2/3
Whites above 16 years 406
Slaves 630
Horses 151
Free Male Negroes & Mulattoes 57
Free Female Negroes & Mulattoes 67

Whereupon it is resolved that the taxes for the present year be as follows Viz;
On the Amt of real estate 3 pr cent
On all white males; slaves above 12 years & horses $1.50 each
On all free males, Mulattoes & Negroes $2 each
On all free females, Mulattoes & Negroes $1.50 each
On all four wheel riding carriages (except Park Phaetons, Carioles & Jersey Waggons) of $200 value & under $2
On all four wheel riding carriages (except Park Phaetons, Carioles & Jersey Waggons) above $200 one pr cent on the value thereof
On all Gigs, Chairs, Park Pheatons, Carryalls & Jersey Waggons of $100 value & under $1 each
On all Gigs, Chairs, Park Pheatons, Carryalls & Jersey Waggons above $100 one pr cent on the value thereof

On motion made & seconded Be it ordained that the tax imposed on auction sales be and the same is hereby repealed

Robt Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a council held in the Town Hall on the 13th day of May 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
Beverly R Wellford, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
John H Wallace, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman

On motion made & seconded, Resolved that William A Knox, Beverly R Wellford & Robert S Chew be a Comm'ee to draft a set of rules for the Government of the deliberations of this board, in place of the Comm'ee formerly appointed for that purpose

[Page 355]

Ord'd that the Chamberlain pay to John Combs $13.75 pr his account this day allowed

Resolved that the act of the Virginia Legislature passed in the year 1802 authorizing the Mayor and Corporated body of the Town of Fredericksburg to raise by Lottery or Lotteries a sum not exceeding $15,000 for paving the main street of Fred'g be now carried into effect and that Robert Lewis, Beverly R Wellford, John S Wellford, Anthony Buck, Robert S Chew, William F Gray, James Williams, Archibald Hart, Thomas Seddon, John H Wallace & John Roy, be and they are hereby appointed managers thereof, & they are requested to prepare a scheme for the purpose & publish the same immediately & adopt all necessary measures for carrying the sd law into effect by as many classes as may be necessary

Be it ordained by the mayor & commonalty of the Town of Fred'g and it is hereby ordained by the authority aforesaid that a tax be levied & collected annually of one dollars on every male animal of the dog kind & of three dollars on every female animal of the dog kind, kept within the Town of Fredb'g, and it shall be the duty of the Constables sometime in the month of June, Yearly & every year and oftener if necessary to take an account of every animal of the dog kind in the said Town and return a list of the owners names to the Clerk of the Council; and whenever an animal of the Dog kind shall be owned or harboured at any other seasons of the year the owner or harbourer shall be subject to the aforesaid tax and the owner & harbourers of every animal of the dog kind shall at all times, when thereto required by the constables aforesaid make due returns of every such animal by them owned or which they shall suffer to remain about their houses, on penalty of forfeiting & paying ten dollars for every refusal one half to the informant & the other half to the use of the Corpo; and be it further ordained that the several constables do soon as they shall have returned the aforesaid list to the Clerk of the Council & obtained a copy of the same from him, shall demand the aforesaid tax of one dollar for each male & three dollars for each female animal of the Dog kind so returned and if the said tax shall not then be paid, nor within twenty days thereafter, the Constables are hereby authorized and directed to levy the same by distress agreeably to the mode prescribed for collecting other taxes in said Town and such Constable shall have & receive a commission of twenty five per centum on all monies received by them in virtue of this ordinance, as full compensation for taking the list & Collecting & paying over the said monies to the Chamberlain of the Corporation

[Page 356]

And be it further ordained that every owner of an animal of the dog kind kept within the Town shall cause such animal to wear a collar about its neck stamped with the letters C F at all times on penalty of four dollars to be paid by the owner or habourer of said animal, one half to the informer & the other half to the use of the Corporation, and every such animal not having such collar about its neck shall be forthwith killed or destroyed by any of the Constables of the Town

And be it further ordained, that it shall be the duty of the Constables to cause the dogs killed to be immediately removed without the limits of the Corporation and they are hereby authorized to charge and receive fifty cents for each & every dog killed by them when satisfactory evidence is produced to the Council of the number destroyed and be it further ordained that whenever in the opinion of the Mayor such precaution shall have become necessary, he is hereby authorized to prohibit by proclamation in the Newspaper of the Town for a limited period (not exceeding ninety days without further notice) the running at large of all animals of the Dog kind within the limits of the Corporation, and it shall be the duty of the Constables, to kill and dispose of as the law directs all such animals of the Dog kind as shall thereafter and within the period prescribed by the Mayor, be found running at large within the limits of the Corporation aforesaid

All penalties imposed by this ordinance shall [be] recovered by warrant before a Magistrate

All ordinances heretofore passed concerning dogs shall be & the same are hereby repealed

This ordinance shall commence and be in force from & after the 20th day of June next

Rob't Lewis, Mayor


R S Chew, C C

[Page 357]

At a council held at the Town Hall on the 18th day of May 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
George Cox, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Wm Brown, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
John H Wallace, Common Councilman

On motion made & seconded, Resolved unanimously that the following form of a lottery Tickett adopted by the board of Managers appointed by the Council to carry into effect the Lottery authorized by the Virg'a Legislature for paving the main street of Fredb'g be & the same is hereby approved by the Council to wit;

By authority of the State of Virginia
Fredericksburg Street paving Lottery
The Corporation of Fredb'g promises to pay to the bearer of this Tickett such prize as may be drawn to its number in the 1st class of Fred'bg Street paving Lottery, if demanded within twelve months after the drawing, subject to a deduction of 15 pr centum; payable sixty days after the completion of the drawing; to the payment whereof the property & revenues of the Corporation are pledged
(Signed) Robert Lewis Mayor

Present John Goolrick

Resolved that the proceedings of the board of managers appointed by the Council to carry into effect the Law authorizing a Lottery for paving the Main Street of Fred'bg, be laid, by the Mayor, before the Council, and that the Mayor be authorized and required to call a meeting of the Council when necessary to inspect the said proceedings

It appearing to the Council that the permission given by the order of the 15th of April 1825 to hold the Sessions of the Chancery Court in the Town Hall, has deprived the Corporation of a portion of its revenue, Resolved that the said order be rescinded & that the sergeant take possession of the Hall immediately after the rising of the present Chancery Court

Robert Lewis, Mayor

[Page 358]

At a council held at the Town Hall on the 28th day of June 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
Wm A Knox, Recorder
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Richard Johnston, Common Councilman
George Cox, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Beverly R Wellford, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Wm Brown, Common Councilman
John H Wallace, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to John Robinson $30.25 pr his account this day allowed

An ordinance regulating the police of the Town of Fredb'g & concerning nuisances. Be it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder & Common Council of the Corporation of Fredericksburg and it is hereby ordained by the authority aforesaid, that there shall be annually appointed for the said Corporation, a Superintendant of police who shall receive such compensation for his services as shall be from time to time fixed by the Council; and whose duty it shall be to cause to be executed all ordinances of Council in relation to the police of the Town and cause to be abated all nuisances which may endanger the heath and lives of the Citizens

Be it further ordained that the owners or possessors of all Horses, Cattle or other animals which may die within the limits of this Corporation, shall cause the same to be immediately removed one mile from the Corporation and deposited at a reasonable distance from any public road. Any person or persons owning or possessing any such Horses, Cattle or other animals which may happen to die, and not immediately complying with this ordinance shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of six dollars, to be recovered by warrant. And it shall be the duty of the superintendant of police, and the several constables to attend to this ordinance, and cause it to be enforced against all offenders

Be it further ordained that if any inhabitant of this Corporation shall throw or suffer to be thrown out of his or their lot, into any of the public streets, or into the market square any dung or other filth, which may be [Page 359] offensive to the smell or pernicious to the health of the citizens, he, she or they so offending shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of one dollar; and for every day the said nuisance may continue, the further sum of three dollars; to be recovered by warrant, and be prosecuted by the superintendant of police any of the Constables or by an citizen or citizens aggrieved thereby, and, applied to the use of the Corporation

Be it further ordained, That every owner or occupier of a lot, on which any necessary now is or shall be hereafter erected, suffer it to become a nuisance, under penalty of one dollar for every day it shall remain in the situation, after having had due notice thereof from the police officer

Be it further ordained that it shall be the duty of every person on whose property there may be a sunken place, containing stagnant water or other nuisance, to fill up or drain the same, or to remove the nuisance;

Any person owning or occupying property on which there may be such sunken place, neglecting to commence to fill up or drain the same, or to remove such nuisance within ten days after notice so to do, when by the superindendant of police or by the Mayor or other Justice of the peace or by either of the constables of this Corporation, shall pay a fine of two dollars per day for every day he shall suffer the nuisance to remain, after a reasonable time allowed for removing the same; and the superintendant of police shall immediately thereafter cause the same to be done, at the expence of the Corporation; but the part suffering such nuisance to continue shall be liable to the Corporation fo the said expences

Be it further ordained that it shall not be lawful for any hog to run at large within this Corporation, and it shall be the duty of the Constables to take up all hogs found running at large in the streets, and bring the same to the Market House during market hours and dispose thereof to the highest bidder for ready money, one moiety whereof shall go to the Constable and the other to the Chamberlain for the use of the Corporation; and if the said hog or hogs cannot be conveniently caught, it shall be lawful for the Constables and they are hereby required to shoot or otherwise destroy them; in which case the said hog or hogs shall belong to the Constable shooting or destroying it or them. It shall also be lawful for any citizen of this Corporation, within whose enclosure any hog may be found, to kill and destroy the same.

[Page 360]

Be it further ordained that all hog pens within this Corporation shall be taken and treated as nuisances within the meaning of this ordinance, which the superintendent of police and several Constables are hereby authorized and required to abate or cause to be abated; and if any person within the Corporation shall continue such nuisance, he, she or they so offending shall forfeit and pay for every day the same shall remain the sum of two dollars; to be recovered by warrant.

Be it further ordained, that it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to burn within this Corporation any kiln, having in or upon it any oyster shells; every such kiln shall be treated as a nuisance, which it shall be the duty of the superintendent of police and of the several Constables to abate or cause to be abated; and the person burning the same shall moreover forfeit and pay to the use of the Corporation a fine of one hundred dollars, for every kiln so burnt contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, to be recovered by suit in the Corporation Court

Be it further ordained, that no person shall discharge any musket, fowling piece, pistol, or other fire arms, or any composition of gunpowder within the limits of this Corporation, unless in the execution of some law or in the discharge of some duty imposed by law, or a military parade in celebration of some festival, every person offending herein, shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum of one dollar

Be it further ordained, that if any person or persons shall willingly strain any horse or horses in any of the streets of this Corporation, he, she or they so offending shall forfeit & pay for every such offence, each the sum of five dollars to the use of the Corporation; and it shall be the duty of the public officer, and of the several Constables, to give information of such offenders to the Mayor or some Justice of the Peace, whose duty it shall be to issue his warrant against the offender or offenders for the penalty, and to give judgment for the same and cost upon being satisfied of the fact. If any slave or slaves shall be guilty of the same offence, he, she or they so offending shall receive on his, her, or their bare back, any number of lashes not exceeding five at the public whipping post; the for which he shall be paid by the owner or master of such slave or fined in the sum of $1 at the discretion of the Justice

[Page 361]

Be it further ordained, that if any person or persons shall beat any drum within this Corporation after dark, he, she or they, so offending, shall if free, forfeit an pay for every such offence, the sum of $5; and if a slave shall receive on his, her, or their bare back, any number of lashes not exceeding ten, unless at a military parade, or celebration of some festival. And the superintendent of police and several constables shall cause this ordinance to be executed

Be it further ordained, that it shall not be lawful for any person, bond or free to clean fish or otherwise improperly use the water of any of the pumps within this Corporation, at the said pumps, Any person offending herein, if a free person shall forfeit and pay for the first offence the sum of 50 cents, and for every other offence the sum of one dollar. If a slave he or she shall for the said offence be punished at the discretion of a magistrate.

Passed by the Council the 28th June 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor

R S Chew, C C

At a council held at the Town Hall on the 25th day of July 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
John Roy, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Rich'd Johnston, Common Councilman
John H Wallace, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman

Ord'd that the Chamberlain pay to Andrew s Buck the following accounts for expenses attending the ceremonies on the occasion of the death of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, Viz't
Wm Gordon $4.63
John Phillips 4.38
John Lewis 1.25
Washington Guards 6.00
John Taylor 4.50
Andrew S Buck 21.50

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

[Page 362]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 13th day of September 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
Wm A Knox, Recorder
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Beverly R Wellford, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
John H Wallace, Common Councilman
Rich'd Johnston, Common Councilman
Wm Browne, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
George Cox, Common Councilman

On Motion made & Seconded, Resolved that the Serg't be authorized to rent the Town Hall for the use of the Chancery Court to any person who will apply for the same at the price of $1.50 pr day, and the room to be returned in good order

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Henry Sandy six dollars pr his account this day allowed

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Fayette Johnston $3.62½ cents pr his account this day allowed

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Edward McDowell $9.50 for a record book furnished for the Corporation Court

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Wm F Gray $4 for Hennings Justice furnished the Mayor

Ordered that the account of Jacob Gore agt the Corporation be referred to John H Wallace, George Cox & Wm A Knox to examine & report to the next Council upon the propriety of the charges

Ordered that the Serg't have credit in his account for $1.50 improperly charged to Henry Hyde as a tax on a slave

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew C C

At a council held at the Town Hall on the 29th day of September 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
Wm A Knox, Recorder
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Beverly R Wellford, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
George Cox, Common Councilman
Rich'd Johnston, Common Councilman
John H Wallace, Common Councilman

[Page 363]

William B Peake is duly elected Inspector of Bacon, Butter & Lard in this Corpo in the room of Terrance Duffy, resigned

The Comm'ee appointed to examine & report upon the account of Jacob Gore, returned the account and recommended the payment of the same. Whereupon it is ordered that the Chamberlain pay the said Jacob Gore the sum of $147.58 the amount of the said account

On motion made & seconded, Resolved that Beverly R Wellford & John Roy be permitted to erect a post & railing before their dwelling houses with the usual pass way to remain during the pleasure of the Council

On motion made & seconded, Resolved that the order made on the 9th May directing a well to be dug in Princess Anne Street be rescinded & It is ordered that the pump Comm'ee do cause a pump to be fixed in the well on the lot of Robert Lewis, at the expence of the Corpo & keep the same in repair the sd Lewis yielding his right to the well to the Corpo

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Wm Redd $5.50 cts pr his account this day allowed

Ordered that the further sum of $30 be appropriated towards the repairs of the Streets

Robert Lewis, Mayor

At a council held at the Town Hall on the 15th November 1826

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
Wm A Knox, Recorder
John H Wallace, Common Councilman
George Cox, Common Councilman
Wm Browne, Common Councilman
Beverly R Wellford, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman
Rich'd Johnston, Common Councilman

William F Gray was duly elected Clerk of the Council in place of Robert S Chew, deceased & qualified accordingly

Present Anthony Buck

William F Gray was duly elected Chamberlain of the Corporation, in place of Robert S Chew, deceased

Wm A Knox, Beverly R Wellford & John Roy were appointed a committee to settle the accounts of the late Chamberlain

[Page 364]

Ordered, that Philip August be relieved from his obligation to the Corporation for rent of the house lately occupied by him, from the 22nd day of September last

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to George Ellis eight dollars the amt of his account this day allowed

It appearing to the Council that James Green, a coloured man, who has been charged with $3.50 Corporation taxes is not an inhabitant of this Corporation, it is ordered, that the same be remitted to him.

Robert Lewis, Mayor


Wm F Gray, Clk

Transcribed by Gary Stanton
Please send comments or corrections to Gary Stanton at
Last Modified 18 February 2013