Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

[Page 330]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 10th day of January 1825

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Clai Wigglesworth, Recorder
R Parrott, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Richard Johnston, Common Councilman
R T Thom, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman

Resolved that should the Congress of the United States authorize the opening of a national road from Washington to New Orleans, our Senators and representatives in Congress be requested to use their best exertions to make Fred'g a point in the sd road & that a Copy of this resolution be transmitted to each of our Senators & the representatives from this district & also from the Northern Neck

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, Cle

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Friday the 18th day of March 1825

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Claiborne Wigglesworth, Recorder
John Roy, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman
Richard Johnston, Common Councilman
Robert Ellis, Common Councilman
William Gordon, Common Councilman

The council proceeded to examine & allow the following claims against the Corporation & It is ordered that the chamberlain pay the same Viz
To Lewis Thornton pr a/c $1
To Lindsay Pullen pr a/c (pd H Marshall pr order) 19.50
To John Ames pr a/c (paid) 13.30
To John M Shepherd Serj't pr a/c (charged in a/c) 620.95
To George Rowe pr a/c 1.00
To Charity School of Fred'g (paid) 15.00
[Page 331]
To Peter Alexander pr a/c (paid) 1.50
To Peter Rollow & B R Hillyard pr a/c (pd Hillyard) 5.65
To Claiborne Wigglesworth pr a/c (paid) 23.28
To Robert Lewis Mayor bal pr a/c (pd Hillyard pr order) 16.16
To Robert Ellis pr a/c (paid) 16.78
To James Liverpool pr a/c (paid) 1.50
To Cohn Carter pr a/c (paid) 9.50
To George Rothrock & Son 6.87�
To Horace Marshall pr a/c (paid) 9.50
To Richard Johnston bal pr a/c (paid) 1.17
To Ceasar Garnett for ringing bell (paid) 50.00
To Edmund Banks pr a/c (pd R S Chew pr order) 50.00
To Robert S Chew pr a/c (charged) 50.00
To James D Harrow pr a/c (paid) 18.66
[total] $931.07

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Robert Mackay $150 over paid by him to the Sergeant for taxes the last year

On Motion made & Seconded, It is ordered for reasons appearing to the Council that Claiborne Wigglesworth be exempt from the payment of a tax on one dray for the present year

Claiborne Wiglesworth, Reuben T Thom & John Roy or and two of them are appointed to settle with Robert S Chew Chamberlain & John M Shepherd Serg't of the Corpo their respective accounts with the Corporation and make report to the Council on Monday next and the said Committee are authorized to Count and Cancel the Corpo notes redeemed by the Chamberlain and credit for the same in his account

On motion made & seconded, it is ordered that William Gordon, Richard Johnston & Robert Ellis be appointed a committee to examine the lease from the Corpo for the lot on Markett square now owned by George Gallagher and report to the next council their opinion upon the proposition of said Gallagher to extend or alter the terms which the lot is leased

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C F

[Page 332]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Monday the 21st of March 1825

Robert Lewis, Mayor
C Wigglesworth, Recorder
William Gordon, Common Councilman
George Ellis, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman
Robert Ellis, Common Councilman

The Committee to settle with Robert S Chew Chamberlain with the Corporation reported that they had examined the said account and find the charges supported by proper vouchers & all credits given and that the balance of $196.47� remains in the hands of the Chamberlain which report was confirmed by the Council

The Committee appointed to settle the account of John M Shepherd, Sergeant of the Corporation his account with the Corpo reported that they had examined the said account and find it correctly stated & the charges supported by proper vouchers and that the acc't is balanced which report is confirmed

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Polly Dabb window of Aminidab the sum of $25 balance due of the appropriation made to Aminidab on the 22nd May last for damages done to his lot in digging a canal through it

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

[Page 333]

March 21st 1825

This being the day appointed by law for the election for a Common Council for the Corporation of Fredericksburg for one year, The free-holders and house keepers being notified thereof met at the Mayors Office and having deposited their ballots, upon examination thereof, the greatest number of votes were found to be favour of the following persons to wit
Robert Lewis 90
Clai Wiglesworth 83
John Roy 82
Anthony Buck 81
William Gordon 77
George Co 57
Hy T Phillips 53
Beverly R Wellford 49
William Brown 49
John Goolrick 48
Horace Marshall 48
William A Knox 45

who were accordingly duly elected

Adj'd til tomorrow evening 3 O'Clock

Robert Lewis, Mayor


R S Chew, C C

March 22nd 1825

The Council met according to adjournment

Robert Lewis
Claiborne Wiglesworth
John Roy
William Gordon
George Cox
Henry T Phillips
William Browne
John Goolrick
William A Knox
Beverly R Wellford

Robert Lewis was unanimously re-elected Mayor of this Corpo for one year who was qualified by John S Wellford a justice of the quorum of Spotsylvania County. The Mayor then qualified the members of the Council present.

Fayette Johnston was unanimously elected a common Councilman to supply the vacancy occasioned by the appointment of Robert Lewis a member of this board to the office of Mayor, who was duly qualified

William Gordon is duly elected Recorder of the Corpo for one year who was qualified

[Page 334]

Robert S Chew was duly re-elected Clerk & Chamberlain for one year & it is ordered that he enter into bond and security in the penalty of $10,000 for the faithful performance of his duties

Robert Parrott is duly re-elected guager and inspector of Whiskey in Corporation for one year who was qualified accordingly

John M Shepherd was re-elected Clerk of hte Markett & Police Officer for one year who was duly qualified

Samuel Phillips was re-elected measurer Coals, Salt & Grain sold at the Wharf for one year and was qualified accordingly

John Terrier is re-elected measurer & inspector of lumber in this Corporation for one year who was qualified accordingly

John Goolrick was re-elected Geographer for one year who was duly qualified

Resolved, that a committee of five be appointed whose duty it shall be to enquire diligently into the nature of the duties performed by the different salaried officers of this Corporation and report to this board whether the same will bear reduction & how much & that the said Committee is appointed by ballot & a committee were accordingly appointed consisting of William A Knox, George Cox, Clai Wiglesworth, William Gordon & Beverly R Wellford

Claiborne Wiglesworth, Anthony Buck, Horace Marshall & Henry T Phillips are appointed Trustees of the Markett House and Superintendents of the Streets also to rent out the Hay scales and Public Wharf

[Page 335]

George Cox, John Roy & Fayette Johnston are appointed a committee to Superintend the Pumps the present year & they are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for such sums as may be necessary to keep them in repair

Resolved, that the committee appointed to rent out the Hay Scales be instructed to have the same properly adjusted

Robert Lewis, Mayor


R S Chew, Cle

At a Council held at the Town on Saturday the 2nd day of April 1825

Robert Lewis, Mayor
John Roy
William Gordon
George Cox
William Browne
John Goolrick
William A Knox
Fayette Johnston

On motion made and seconded, It is ordered that the consideration of the report of the Committee of retrenchment be postponed til Tuesday evening next 3 O'clock

On motion made and seconded, it is ordered that the Serjeant of the Corpo be directed to make sale of the gates and posts on the Markett House lott

On motion made and seconded, It is ordered that the Serjeant be direct to take down the steps leading in the court house yard and erect a pass way similar to that at the Clerks office

On Motion of Mr Johnston, made and seconded, a committee consisting of himself, Anthony Buck, William Browne, Horace Marshall, and Beverley R Wellford are appointed to consider of the expediency of carrying into effect the Act of Assembly authorizing the drawing of a lottery for the paving of the streets of Fredericksburg and make report to the council as soon as convenient

Rob't Lewis, Mayor


Geo F Chew Cle C F

[Page 336]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 5th day of April 1825 Pres't
Robert Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
George Cox, Common Councilman
William Browne, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
William A Knox, Common Councilman
Beverley R Wellford, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Clai Wiglesworth, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall who was elected a Common Councilman appeared and was qualified

The Committee appointed to enquire into the duties of the different sallaried officers of the Corporation and report to the board whether any of the said Salaries will bear reduction made a report on consideration whereof. Resolved that the following salaries be allowed for the present year viz
To the Mayor for his services $500
To the Chamberlain 75.
To the Clerk of Court of Hustings including Sal & stationary 150.
To the Clerk of Council 50.
To the Police Officer 100.
To the Clerk of Markett 120.
To the Jailor 100.
To the Serjeant for Attending Court 75.
To the Serjeant for Attending Council 50.
To the Commissioner of the Revenue 60.
To 2 Constables Each $100 200.
[Total] $1480.

Resolved that a Commission of 10 pr ct is allowed the Serjeant for collecting the taxes and a Commission of 5 pr cent be allowed him for collecting the rents due the Corporation

Resolved that the Chamberlain give bond and Security in the penalty of $5000 instead of the present sum

Resolved that henceforth it shall not be the duty of the Measurer of Plank & lumber to measure any plank or lumber brought into this Corporation on land carriage

Resolved that so much of the Law of the Corporation as subjects all whiskey and other spirits brought to this Corporation to be inspected [Page 337] and guaged by the Town guager be repealed as to the Whiskey and other spirits brought to this port by water carriage

On motion, ordered that the measurer of coal and grant and coal be authorized to employ at any time he may find is necessary one or more deputies of lawful age to insist him in his duties permanently or temporarily who shall be sworn to the faithful performance of their duties as deputies before any Magistrate of the Corporation, and it is ordered that no grain salt or coal shall be measured unless under the immediate inspection of the Measurer or his deputies

William Gordon, Geo Cox & Beverley R Wellford are appointed a committee to examine the Lease from the Corporation for the lot occupied by Mrs Sexsmith and report to the next Council the terms of the said lease and whether the persons for whose lives the said lot was leased are still in existence

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, Cle

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday 16th April 1826

Robert Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
H Marshall, Common Councilman
B R Wellford, Common Councilman
William Browne, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman

Anthony Buck who had been duly elected a Common Councilman appeared was qualified and took his seat

Application having been made to the Council by Mess'rs Harrison & Stevenson for permission to use the Town Hall for the purpose of holding present term of the Chancery Court therein, on Motion, Resolved that permission to that effect be granted and it is understood that Mr P Harrison pledges himself that the Hall shall be kept in good and clean order, and at the expiration of the Term of the Court it shall be surrendered clean & uninjured

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
Wm Gordon, Clk C F

[Page 338]

At A Council held at the Town Hall on the 17th of May 1825

Robert Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Clai Wiglesworth, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
George Cox, Common Councilman
William A Knox, Common Councilman

George Cox, William A Knox, Henry T Phillips, Horace Marshall & John Scott are appointed a committee to superintend the cleaning out of the canal through the meadow at the west of the Town any three of whom are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for the sum necessary for that purpose, the same committee are requested to enquire into all the nuisances proper to be removed during the present [?] with the repairs necessary to be made to the Streets and report to the Council the probably expence of attending the same

On Motion made and seconded, Resolved that the fees for guaging and inspecting whiskey shall in future be 1/ for each barrell & 20 cents for each hogshead

At the request of William A Knox, Silas Wood & Joseph Whitemore a Licence is granted each of them to carry on and exercise the business of auctioneers in this Corporation upon their giving bonds & security respectively with such condition as the bye laws & ordinances of the Corporation require

Rob't Lewis, Mayor

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Thursday the 2nd day of June 1825

Robert Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
George Cox, Common Councilman
Wm Browne, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman

Ordered that the dirt in the Cross Street between Samuel Phillips & Robert Hudgins lotts be removed at the expense of the Corporation

Robt Lewis, Mayor

R S Chew, C F

[Page 339]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 7th day of June 1825

Robert Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
George Cox, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
William Browne, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman

John Metcalfe, Commissioner of the Revenue returned an account of the taxable property and amount of rent in the Corporation as follows to wit
Amount of Rent $52,300
Whites above 16 years 354
Slaves 674
Horses 153
Free male Negroes & Mulattoes 55
Free female Negroes & Mulattoes 81

Whereupon, Resolved that the taxes for the present year be as follows, Viz
On the amount of rents & real estate 4 pr cent
On all free male mulattoes & Negroes $2 each
On all free females mulattoes & Negroes $1.50 each
On all Theatrical Exhibitions $5 each night
On all Exhibitions or Assemblies or feats of horsemanship $5 for each day or night
For Rope or wire dancing or puppet show $10 for each week or less times $5 each night
For Musical parties for gain $3 each night
for all other public exhibitions $2 for each week or less time
On all four wheel riding carriage wheels (except Pack Phaetons, Carryalls & Jersey Waggons of $200 value & under $2 each
On all four wheel riding carriage wheels above $200 value One pr cent on the value thereof
On all giggs & chairs, Pack Pahetons, Carryalls and Jersey Waggons of $100 value & under $1
On all giggs & chairs, Pack Pahetons, Carryalls and Jersey Waggons over $100 value One pr cent on the value thereof

On all other subjects taxed the last year the same tax rate of taxation as imposed for the present year

Anthony Buck gave bond and Security as auctioneer the present year

[Page 340]

Be it ordained by the Mayor & Common Council of the Town of Fredericksburg that no person or persons within the Town of Fredericksburg shall act, exhibit, play or perform any play, farce, interlude, show, opera, or other theatrical or dramatical performance or entertainment, show or public exhibition for gain without license, for that purpose first had and obtained from the Mayor under his seal, under the penalty of $20 for each exhibition to be recovered by warrant before a Magistrate

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C F

At a Council held at the Town Hall at the 11th day of June 1825

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Clai Wiglesworth, Common Councilman
William A Knox, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Geo Cox, Common Councilman
William Browne, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the subject of the taxes assessed at the last meeting of the Council be reconsidered

On Motion made and seconded, Resolved that the tax upon rents for the present year be 3� pr cent and that the other taxes remain as assessed at the last Council

Rob't Lewis, Mayor


R S Chew, C F

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 13th of June 1825

Robert Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Clai Wiglesworth, Common Councilman
George Cox, Common Councilman
William Browne, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Beverley R Wellford, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman

[Page 341]

On motion made and Seconded, Resolved that a committee be appointed to draft rules and regulations for the government of the deliberation of this board, and a committee were appointed consisting of the Mayor, Recorder, and Clerk of the Council

A Motion was made and Seconded, that the Order entered at the last meeting assessing the tax on rents at 3� pr cent be rescinded & that the tax on rents remain at 4 pr cent and the question being put it was carried in the affirmative; Ayes, William Browne, John Roy, Wm Gordon, George Cox, Fayette Johnston & Horace Marshall; Noes, Clai Wiglesworth, Beverley R Wellford

On motion made and Seconded, Resolved that no tax shall be imposed on drays, carts & wagons except those worked in hire

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew C F

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 18th day of June 1825

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Henry Phillips, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
William Browne, Common Councilman
Beverley R Wellford, Common Councilman
William Gordon, Recorder

A motion made and Seconded, Resolved that the resolution passed at the last meeting of the Council respecting the tax on drays, carts and waggons be rescinded

On motion made and Seconded, Resolved that there be added to the present Salaries of the Constables the sum of fifty dollars each for the present year

Rob't Lewis Mayor
Wm Gordon Clk P F

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 9th day of July 1825

Robert Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Anth'y Buck, Common Councilman
[Page 342]
Beverley R Wellford, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Clai Wiglesworth, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman

On Motion made and Seconded, Resolved that a Committee be appointed to rent out the Corporation lot near the Bridge for the term of 5 years, (reserving such part thereof as they may think necessary) upon the best terms they can, the rent to be paid annually. The heirs of Philip Terrier are permitted to remove the Brick house erected there on by said Terrier dec'd and Anthony Buck, John Goolrick Beverley R Wellford are appointed the Committee

William Gordon, Claiborne Wiglesworth & Henry T Phillips are appointed a committee to investigate the nature of the insurance on the tenement of [blank] Gallagher on the Markett Square lately reverted to the Corporation and confer with R Mackay agent for said Gallagher & Presley Thornton agent for M A Society and report to the Council

Robert Dickey is permitted to take down the Brick Wall in the rear of his tenement on the Markett Square so as to enable him to put shutters to his windows under the inspection of the Mayor, and upon condition that he replace the wall whenever the council shall require

Ordered that the laws of this Corporation be published in a pamphlet from under the superintendance of Beverley R Wellford, Robert Lewis and Robert S Chew & that one hundred copies be printed

Rob't Lewis, Mayor


R S Chew

At a Council held for the Town and Corpo of Fred'g the 30th day of July 1825

Robert Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Clai Wiglesworth, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
H T Phillips, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman

[Page 343]

A doubt arising whether the Council of this Corporation have the right to pass a law taxing all theatrical exhibitions and shows &c on Motion made and Seconded, Ordered that the Mayor be authorized to obtain the opinions of John F Lomax and Isaac H Williams Esqr's in relation to the subject and lay the same before the next Council

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C F

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 22nd day of August 1825

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Clai Wiglesworth, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Geo Cox, Common Councilman
Willaim Browne, Common Councilman
Beverley R Wellford, Common Councilman
William A Knox, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman

Ordered that the pump Committee is authorized to draw on the Chamberlain in favour of M W Carter for $97.14 balance expence incurred in digging and walling up well near Farmers Bank

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Joshua Myers $15.37 for services rendered the Corporation, as it shall appear upon examination that the same has not been heretofore allowed

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Sidney Porter $24.62 pr his account for conveying General LaFayette to Orange County

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Isaac Jones $18.37� pr his account for hack hire in conveying General Lafayettes suit to Orange County

Ordered that the Sergeant have credit in his account with the Corporation for $1.50 improperly charged to John Carter for tax on a horse, also $1.50 tax charged Rhoda

Ordered that the Sergeant have a credit in his account with the Corpo for $2.30 improperly charged Peter Hord as a tax [Page 344] on his house and a Poll Tax

Ordered that the Sergeant have credit fo r$1.50 the tax imposed on A M Morton, he residing in Allen Town

Ordered that the proposition submitted to J H Runnells & B R Wellford & R S Chew respective the drawing of a lottery is referred to William Gordon, F Johnston, Horace Marshall, A Buck, & Claiborne Wiglesworth who are requested to report to the Council on Thursday Evening 3 O'clock

Robt Lewis, Mayor

At A Council held at the Town Hall on the 25th day of August 1825

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
Beverley R Wellford, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
C Wiglesworth, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Geo Cox, Common Councilman
William A Knox, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman

The Committee to whom was refered the Several propositions for drawing the lottery for paving the streets made a report. On Consideration whereof the Council doth approve the said report and it is ordered that the Mayor and Recorder be Comm'ee for carrying on the Correspondence contemplated by said report

It appearing to the Council from the report of J H Williams & John T Lomax to whom was refered the question whether the Council had a right to tax theatrical Exhibitions, show &c that the Council have no right to tax those exhibitions and shows. Be it ordained that the Ordinance levying the tax on said exhibitions and show be and the same is hereby repealed

Ordered that the Sergeant procure the white washing of the Jail and repair of the water spouts & the removal of the shed attached to the Jail by Gibbs

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

[Page 345]

At a council held at the Town Hall on the 13th day of Dec'r 1825

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
Beverley R Wellford, Common Councilman
Geo Cox, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 29th day of Septr 1825

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Beverley R Wellford, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman
Geo Cox, Common Councilman
William A Knox, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
William Browne, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Sergeant rent out the room in the Markett house lately occupied by Dr Wallace for one year at $50 upon receiving payment therefor in advance or taking bond with good security for the same

John Hart is duly elected a common councilman in the room of C Wiglesworth who had been appointed a Magistrate of Spotsylvania County, who qualified Accordingly

At a Council held at the Town on the 13th Dec'r 1825

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Bev'y R Wellford, Common Councilman
Geo Cox, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman

Geo Cox, Beverley R Wellford, Henry T Phillips & Robert Ellis are appointed to examine the accounts of Major [Page 346] Claiborne Wiglesworth & Malaleel W Carter and report the Council William Gordon, William A Knox & John Hart are appointed a committee for contracting for the repairs of the House and lot occupied by Philip August

The former Committee for examining accounts are appointed for the purpose of examining and ascertaining the boundaries of the Gunnery Spring and report to the Council

Ordered that the Poll Tax on Jeremiah Parish deceased be remitted

Rob't Lewis, Mayor

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 15th day of December 1825

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
John Roy, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Beverley R Wellford, Common Councilman
Geo Cox, Common Councilman
William Browne, Common Councilman
Fayette Johnston, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman

Ordered that the accounts of Clai Wiglesworth which was examined by a committee appointed for the purpose, amounting to $63.51 be presented to the Chamberlain for payment

Ordered that the account of Malaleel W Carter which was examined by a Comm'ee appointed for the purpose amounting to $116.02 be presented to the Chamberlain for payment

William Gordon, William A Knox & John Hart who were appointed a Committee for contracting for the repairs of the house occupied by Philip August are authorized to accept of the contract of William DeBaptist amounting to $47 for said repairs

John Hart, John Roy & Geo Cox are appointed a Comm'ee for opening the Spring belonging to Horace Marshall for public use and report to the Council the probable expence of opening said Spring

Rob't Lewis, Mayor

[Page 347]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 22nd of December 1825

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, [Recorder]
John Roy, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Beverley R Wellford, Common Councilman
William Browne, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman

Resolved that a Committee be appointed to ascertain in whom the right of the Gunnery Spring and land adjoining reserved in the Deed from the Trustees of the Charity School of Fredericksburg to Richard Johnston for public uses exists and that the said Committee shall endeavor to obtain a relinquishment of said Springs and land adjoining to the Corporation of Fredericksburg and that the said Committee obtain such legal advice upon the subject as they may think necessary & Beverley R Wellford, John Goolrick & William Browne compose that Comm'ee and report &c

On motion made and seconded, it is ordered that the superintendents of the Streets cause to be erected at the corner of Dixon and Caroline Streets a sign port pointing out the road to Richmond

Ordered that the Superintendents of the Streets cause to be replaced under the direction of the Geographer of the Town the Stones designating the boundary of the Town and the line of the Streets

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

Transcribed by Gary Stanton
Please send comments or corrections to Gary Stanton at
Last Modified 17 February 2013