Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

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At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 2nd day of February 1824

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm Gordon, Recorder
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Reuben T Thom, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
George Ellis, Common Councilman
Richard Johnston, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman

On Motion made & Seconded, Resolved that the Ordinance now in force allowing a reward to Draymen for carrying hogsheads of water to a fire is rescinded & that in the future the sum of $4 shall be paid to the draymen who shall carry the first hogshead of water to a fire, the sum of $3 for the 2nd, the sum of $2 for the third; One dollar for each hogshead afterwards and that the Mayor be authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for the sums hereby allowed in favor of the Drayman entitled thereto

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to John Peck pd & be the sum of $20.74 cents for necessaries furnished the poor under an order of Council

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Matthew D Anderson $3.87 cents pr his account this day allowed (paid)

Resolved that the further sum $25 be & is hereby appropriated towards defraying the expence of digging the canal at the lower end of the Town, when the same is completed

The Committee appointed to Superintend the filling up of the pond near Robinsons Shop & to erect bridges across the canals lately cut are authorized to have the work compleated the expence whereof to be paid by the Council

Resolved that the mayor be & he is hereby authorized to reward any Slave or free Negroe that may be made appear to him to have rendered extraordinary services at a fire with such sum of money as he may think they deserve not exceeding $5 & that he draw upon the Chamberlain for the same

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that a comm'ee be appointed to draft an advertisement offering a reward of $300 for the discovery of the Incindiary or incindiaries who have or may attempt to set fire to the Town; the reward to be paid upon conviction of the offender and Robert Lewis, Silas Wood, Wm A Knox and R S Chew were appointed that Comm'ee


Robert Lewis, Mayor


R S Chew

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At a Council held at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 2 day of March 1824

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm Gordon, Recorder
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Reuben T Thom, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Claiborne Wigglesworth, Common Councilman
Rd Johnston, Common Councilman

Resolved that a Fire proof Clerks office be erected on the Court House lot at the corner of the alley below the Engine House, and that a committee be appointed thereof to let the building to the lowest bidder, premised the cost of said Office shall not exceed $1000 and a comm'ee was accordingly app'd consisting of Wm Gordon, Wm A Knox, Anthony Buck, Henry T Phillips, & Robert Parrott and it is ordered that the Mayor & Recorder be authorized to borrow of either of the Banks the sum that may be necessary to erect said Office

Ordered that Wm Jones a free man of colour who is aged and infirm be exempt from payment of taxes

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Henry T Phillips $34.50 am't the expences in filling up pond by Robinsons Shop & that he pay to Robert Lewis $22.00 for erecting bridges over canals

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Friday the f12th day of March 1824

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm Gordon, Recorder
Claiborne Wigglesworth, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Richard Johnston, Common Councilman

On Motion made & Seconded, Resolved that James Williams be exempt from the payment of the tax imposed on Sales of his goods at auction on the 25 Sept 1823

The Council proceed to examine and allow the following claims against the Corpo and it is ordered that the Chamberlain pay the same

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To Robert Lewis, Mayor pr a/c $14.51¾
To Wm F Gray pr a/c 9.00
To Wm F Gray pr a/c 10.97½
To James & Harrow pr a/c 18.75
To John Scott pr a/c 19.74
To Carter L Stevenson Att'y for Salary 150.00
To Claiborne Wigglesworth pr acc't 15.00
To Claiborne Wigglesworth pr acc't 4.30
To Anthony Stan pr a/c 1.50
To John W Chew pr a/c 5.00
To John Robinson p/c 1.50
To John Ames, Constable for killing dogs 12.40
To Lindsay Pullen, Constable pr a/c for killing dogs 19.35
To John M Shepherd, Serj't pr a/c 642.30
To Hope Fire Comp'y pr a/c 32.35
To Ceasar Garnett for ringing Bell 50.00

Ordered that John M Shepherd Serj't be allowed $3 in the settlement of his account for the tax of 1822 on Jas Browns property & one dollar improperly paid by him as a tax on T Pitchers Son

Claiborne Wigglesworth, Reuben T Thom & John Roy or any two of them are appointed to settle with Robert S Chew Chamberlain & John M Shepherd, Sergeant their accounts with the Corpo and make report to council and the sd Comm'ee are authorized to count & cancel the Corpo notes redeemed by the Chamberlain & credit him for the same

At a council held at the Mayors Office on Monday the 15th day of March 1824

Robert Lewis, Mayor
John T Ford
John Roy
Claib'e Wigglesworth
Robert Parrott
Henry T Phillips
Reuben T Thom
Richard Johnston

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The committee appointed to settle the accounts of Rob't S Chew Chamberlain with the Corpo reported that they had examined the said account and find the Charges supported by proper Vouchers and all credits given and that the balance of $756.12½ remains in the hands of the Chamberlain which report is confirmed

The committee appointed to settle the account of John M Shepherd Sergeant of the Corpo, his account with the Corpo reported that they had examined the said account and find it correctly stated & the charges supported by proper Vouchers and that the same is balanced which report is confirmed

On motion made & Seconded, Resolved that the site of the Clerks officer about to be built be changed & that the same be built between the Court House & the Chancery Office

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

March 10th 1824

This being the day appointed by law for the election of a Mayor, Recorder & Common Council for the Corpo of Fredericksburg for one year, The free-holders and house keepers being notified thereof met at the Mayors Office and having deposited their ballots, upon examination thereof, the greatest number of votes were found to be favour of the following persons to wit
Robert Lewis 69
John Roy 63
John T Ford 62
Anthony Buck 60
Robert Parrott 58
Wm Gordon 57
Reuben T Thom 56
Henry T Philips 54
William A Knox 53
Clai. Wigglesworth 52
George Ellis 46
John Hart 43

Who were accordingly duly elected

Adj'd til tomorrow Evening 4 O'Clock

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

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March 16th 1824

The Council met according to adjournment

Robert Lewis
John Roy
Robert Parrott
William Gordon
Reubin T Thom
Henry T Phillips
Wm A Knox
Chai Wigglesworth
George Ellis
John Hart

Robert Lewis was then unanimously re-elected Mayor of this Corpo for one year who was qualified by Archibald Hart a justice of the Quorum for Spotsylvania County; The mayor then qualified the members of the Council present

Richard Johnston was unanimously elected a common councilman to supply the vacancy occasioned by the appointment of Robert Lewis a member of the board to the office of Mayor

Claiborne Wiglesworth is duly elected Recorder of this Corpo for one year who was qualified

Robert S Chew was re-elected Clerk & Chamberlain for one year & It is ordered that he enter into bond & security in the penalty of $10,000 for the faithful discharge of his duties

Robert Parrott is duly re-elected guager & inspector of Whiskey in this Corpo for one year who was qualified accordingly

John M Shepherd was re-elected Clerk of the Markett & Police Officer for one year who was duly qualified

John Goolrick was re-elected Geographer for one year

Samuel Philips was elected measurer of coals, salt & grain sold at the wharf for one year & was duly qualified

John Terrier is elected measurer & inspector of Lumber in the Corpo for one year who was qualified accordingly

John T Ford, Claiborne Wigglesworth, Henry T Philips, Anthony Buck & Reuben T Thom are appointed Trustees of the Markett House and Superintendents of the Streets, & also to rent out the Hay Scales, and public Wharfs

Robert Parrott, George Ellis, John Hart, & Henry T Philips are appointed a committee to superintend the pumps the present year, and they are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for such sums as may be necessary to keep them in repair

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Ordered that the salaries of the Officers of the Corpo be the same the present year as they were the last year

Ordered that Mayor do affix the assize of bread in this Corporation as he shall see cause

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a council held at the Town Hall on the 27th of April 1824

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
William Gordon, Common Councilman
Reuben T Thom, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
George Ellis, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman

John T Ford who is elected a common councilman appeared was qualified & took his seat

Robert S Chew gave bond and security as Chamberlain of this Corpo which was deposited with the Mayor

Present John Roy

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to George Ellis $8.25 cents pr his account allowed for laying bricks around a well

Anthony Buck who is elected a common councilman appeared was qualified & took his seat

Anthony Buck gave bond & security as an auctioneer in the Corpo a license is therefor granted him for that purpose under the Ordinance passed the 29th of June 1821

Ordered that the Street Commissioners do examine the cross street of Wm & Georges and report to the Council the best mode of removing the nuisances complained of and the probable expence thereof

John B Hall is exempt from the payment of taxes on his slave Polly & Robert Lewis is exempt from the payment of his taxes on his slave Sally being aged and infirm

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On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the sum of $20 be appropriated for the purpose of procuring a new pipe for Engine No 3 & that A Buck, Reuben T Thom & William Gordon be appointed a committee for that purpose, who are authorized to draw upon the Chamberlain for the sum hereby appropriated

On motion made & Seconded, Resolved that the sum of $130 be allowed to Jacob Gore for keeping the Pumps in order one year as proposed by his note

Anthony Buck, John T Ford & Henry T Phillips are appointed a committee to examine the lotts of James Ferguson, & Wm Jones & Amini Dab, and ascertain and report to the Council damage sustained by each in digging the canal thru their lotts

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a council held at the Town Hall on the 5th of May 1824

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
John T Ford, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
William Gordon, Common Councilman
R T Thom, Common Councilman
George Ellis, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman

Richard Johnston who was elected a Common Council man, appeared and was duly qualified and took his seat

John Hart, John Roy, Henry T Phillips, and Wm Gordon on the part of hte Council and Wm Jackson on the part of the citizens were appointed a committee to examine the work done on the Canal at the Back of the Town, and report to the Council what further work may be necessary for the completion of the same and the probable amount of money to appropriate for that purpose

On motion made and seconded the street comm'ee are authorized to open the drain at the intersection of George and Caroline Streets and to have the same in a proper manner on the best terms they can effect.

Robert Lewis, Mayor

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At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 22nd day of May 1824

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm A Knox
Robert Parrott
William Gordon
R T Thom
Henry T Phillips
Wm A Knox
Anthony Buck
John Hart
Richard Johnston

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to James Robinson $1.58 cents for repairs to Corpo Tools

Present George Ellis

The Committee appointed to view the lotts through which the canal is cut and to ascertain the damages the proprietors have sustained by digging the said canal reported verbally that the sum of $100 will be sufficient to compensate proprietors of said lotts & that the same be apportioned as follows, viz; to Aminidab $50, to James Furguson $30, to Billy Jones $20; Ordered that the Chamberlain pay the same when the said proprietors shall have removed the gravel at least 3 feet from each side of the canal

The committee appointed to examine the work done on the canal at the Back of the town & report to the Council what further work may be necessary for the completion of the same and the probable sum that may be necessary to appropriate for that purpose, reported that the sum of $75 would complete the same which sum the Chamberlain is ordered to pay

Resolved that the taxes of the present year be as follows viz;
On the amount of rents of real estate 3 percent
On all white males above 16 years of age $1 each
On all slaves above 12 years $1 each
On all free male mulattoes & Negroes $2 each
On all free females mulattoes & Negroes $1.50 each
On all Horses $1 each
On all Exhibitions & shows $5 pr day
On all four wheel riding carriage wheels (except Pack Phaetons, Carryalls & Jersey Waggons of $200 value & under $2 each
On all four wheel riding carriage wheels above $200 value One pr cent on the value thereof
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On all giggs & chairs, Pack Pahetons, Carryalls and Jersey Waggons of $100 value & under $1
On all giggs & chairs, Pack Pahetons, Carryalls and Jersey Waggons over $100 value One pr cent on the value thereof

On all other subjects taxed the last year the same tax rate of taxation as imposed for the present year

Richard Johnston, Wm A Knox, George Ellis, John Hart, & Clai Wigglesworth are appointed a comm'ee to ascertain and report to the council the expence of enclosing the new burying ground with brick and also of repairing the present inclosure around the burying ground in Liberty Town; the sd comm'ee are also directed to enquire into the expediency of laying off the burying grounds in Liberty Town into lotts and disposing thereof at Public auction to individuals as places of private burial

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fredericksburg and the Corpo; and it is hereby Ordained by the authority aforesaid that from and after the 1st day July next no article shall be exposed in the Markett House or elsewhere within the Jurisdiction of this Corporation by Butchers or other persons bound or free on the Sabbath day, nor shall any store or shop be opened for the purpose of Selling any article within the Jurisdiction aforesaid at any period during the Sabbath day under the penalty of Ten dollars for every offence if committed by a white person to be recovered by warrant before a magistrate, one half to the use of the informer and the other half to the use of the Corpo; if committed by a person of colour he, she or they shall be punished by stripes at the discretion of a Magistrate not exceeding thirty nine

Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that no Negroe slaves shall come within the Jurisdiction of this Corpo on the Sabbath day except those having wives in Town unless in the service of their Master or Mistress or with permission from either or their Overseer in writing to come to some religious meeting under the punishment of corporal punishment to be directed by a Magistrate not exceeding thirty nine lashes; and it shall be the duty of the Constable to arrest all country slaves found in the Town on the Sabbath day with the exceptions aforesaid, and carry them before some Magistrate to be dealt with according to this ordinance

It earnestly recommended by the Council to the owners of slaves living within this Jurisdiction of the Corporation to permit their slave who have articles for Markett to bring the same to Town on Saturdays, where they may remain unmolested until sun set

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

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At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 6th day of July 1824

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Clai Wigglesworth, Recorder
William A Knox, Common Councilman
William Gordon, Common Councilman
Reuben T Thom, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman
Rich'd Johnston, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
George Ellis, Common Councilman

Robert Ellis is elected a Common Councilman in the room of John T Ford deceased who qualified accordingly

Wm Gordon & Robert Ellis are appointed Trustees of hte Markett House and Superintendants of the Streets in the room of John T Ford & Clai Wigglesworth who is elected a Recorder

On motion made & Seconded, Resolved unanimously that the new Burying ground be enclosed with Brick and that Richard Johnston, Wm A Knox, Anthony Buck, John Hart, Wm Gordon & Wm Jackson be and they are hereby appointed a committee to decide upon the manner in which the said inclosure shall be erected and let the same to the lowest bidder, and the Mayor and Recorder are hereby authorized to borrow from either of the Banks the sum that may be necessary for the above purpose

On motion made & seconded, Resolved that John S Wellford be permitted to enclose a part of the Court house lot & use the same during the pleasure of the Council and he is authorized to retain the materials when he shall be required to remove the said enclosure

Be it ordained by the Mayor & Commonalty of the Corpo of Fredericksburg and it is hereby Ordained by the authority aforesaid, that no person shall receive or retain in his or her store, warehouse, cellar, yard or any other place fish, beef, pork, or other animal or vegetable substance after the same shall have become putrid or damaged, so as to emit an offensive smell dangerous to the health of the inhabitants under the penalty of five dollars for every day the same shall continue after reasonable notice in writing given by the Superintendent of police for its removal; nor shall any auctioneer vendue master, or other person sell or offer or expose for sale any putrid or damaged articles knowing [Page 327] them to be so damaged under the penalty of ten dollars for every such offence or exposure for sale. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Police to examine any Vessel in the harbour or any house, cellar, yard or other place where he shall suspect any putrid or damaged articles to be kept, and if any such be discovered to order the owner or other person in whose care or possession they shall be or on whose premises they may be found, to remove the same without delay; and it shall be the same moreover to sue any satisfactory means for ascertaining whether there be on board any Vessel in the harbour, or in any cellar, or under any house, or other place stagnant water, putrid earth, damaged articles, morbid matter, or unwholesome substance which in his opinion may be productive of disease and whenever such substances be found to take effectual measures for the removal thereof. And if any owning or occupying the premises where such damaged articles, stagnant water, putrid earth, morbid matter, unwholesome substance or other nuisance are suspected to be, shall refuse to let the Superintendent inspect the same, he shall make application to the Mayor stating the grounds of his suspicion who if the reasons alleged are in the Judgment of the Mayor sufficient to justify a search shall issue his warrant to the superintendent directing him to make such search and any person refusing to suffer the Superintendent by virtue of such warrant to make search as directed shall for every refusal forfeit & pay ten dollars for every 24 hours he so continues to refuse

This ordinance shall commence and be in force from and after the passing thereof

Rob't Lewis, Mayor

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 2nd day of October 1824

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm A Knox
John Roy
Henry T Phillips
George Ellis
Richard Johnston
Robert Ellis, Common Councilman
John Hart, Common Councilman

On motion made & Seconded, Resolved that Ebenezer Murray have credit for $1 it being the tax imposed on one of his journeymen Saylors which is remitted

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Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to the Mutual Assurance Society the quota due from the Corporation the present year

On motion made & Seconded, It is ordered that a Comm'ee be appointed to contract for the painting of the Markett House & that the Comm'ee consist of Richard Johnston, Robert Parrott & John Roy

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to John Goolrick $4.66 pr account for surveying the burying ground

Ordered that the Street Comm'ee examine James Walkers lot and report to the Council as to the nuisance, said to be committed thereon by digging the Canal and the same Comm'ee are requested to examined the street near Mr Goodwins property any report to the Council the expence of draining the water from sd street

John Hart, William A Knox, Robert Ellis, Henry T Phillips, & George Ellis are appointed a comm'ee to act with the Committee appointed by the Citizens to make arrangements for the reception of General LaFayette, and it is ordered that all expences incurred by sd comm'ee except the expenses attending upon a public dinner be paid by the Corpo

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 10thday of October 1824

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Cla Wigglesworth, Recorder
Anthony Buck
Wm Gordon
John Roy
George Ellis
Robert Parrott

Ordered that the Mayor & Recorder be and they are hereby authorized to borrow from the Farmers Bank the sum of $700 to defray the expences of erecting the Brick wall around the burying ground

Ordered that the comm'ee appointed to let the painting of the Markett House be directed to have the door of the Town Hall removed to the front of the steps

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

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Transcribed by Gary Stanton
Please send comments or corrections to Gary Stanton at
Last Modified 13 February 2013