Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

At A Council held at the Town Hall on Wednesday the 12th day of March 1823

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
John T Ford, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
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Robert Ellis, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Chamberlain have credit in his account with the Corpo for the sum of $11.25 the amount of Corpo notes redeemed by him and this Day Counted and Cancelled by the Council

The Council proceeded to examine and allow the following claims against the Corpo and it is ordered that the Chamberlain pay the same Viz,
To Robert Lewis Mayor balance due pr expences incurred in his office a/c $15.46
To John M Shepherd Serj't pr a/c 645.83
To Arch'd Hart for the Hope Fire Comp'y pr a/c 86.54
To Horace Marshall pr a/c for Blankets 10.00
To John Mills for ringing Bell 14.10
To Ceasar Garnett for ringing Bell 35.90
To Carter L Stevenson pr a/c 14.00
To George Ellis pr a/c 1.00
To James A Waddle pr resales a/c 2.50
To Robert Ellis pr a/c 9.47
To George Rothrock and Son pr a/c 13.50
To Adam Donalson pr a/c 1.00
To Linsday Puller, Constable for killing Dogs 20.00
To John Ames, Constable for killing Dogs 13.17
To Edward M Buckner for patroling .75
To Walter H Medleson for patroling .75
To John Sedwidge for patroling .75
To Andrew Wills for patroling .75
To Saunders for patroling .75
To E D Withers for patroling .75
To C L Stevenson Att'y 100.00

Robert Mackay, Charles Austin & Robert Parrott are appointed a committee to settle with Robert S Chew Chamberlain & John M Shepherd Serj't their accounts with the Corporation and make report to the Council

Robert Lewis, Mayor


R S Chew, C C

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At a council held at the Town Hall on Monday the 17th day of March 1823

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm Gordon, Recorder
Jno T Ford, Common Councilman
Anth'y Buck, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
David Briggs, Common Councilman
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman

The Committee appointed to Settle the account of R S Chew, Chamberlain with the Corpo reported that they had examined the said accounts & find the charges supported by proper Vouchers & all the credits given & that the balance of $1245.35 remains in the hands of the Chamberlain

The Committee appointed to settle the account of Jno M Shepherd, Serj't of the Corpo his account with the Corpo reported that they had examined the sd account & find it correctly stated & the charges supported by proper vouchers and that the same is balanced

A licence is granted to Anthony Buck as an auctioneer in this Corporation who gave bond with James Ross as security which was approved by the Council & ord to be filed

A licence is granted to James A Waddle as an auctioneer in this Corpo who gave John Peck & Wm A Knox as security which was approved by the Council and ordered to be filed

Rob't Lewis, Mayor

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March 17th 1823

This being the day appointed by law for the election of a Mayor, Recorder & Common Council for the Corporation of Fredericksburg for one year, The free-holders and house keepers being notified thereof met at the Town Hall and having deposited their ballots, upon examination thereof, the greatest number of votes were found to be favour of the following persons to wit
Robert Lewis 99
John F Ford 97
Anthony Buck 88
John Roy 87
Robert Parrott 87
Wm A Knox 86
Joseph Walker 85
Henry T Phillips 77
Reuben T Thom 74
Wm Gordon 55
George Ellis 55
Claiborne Wigglesworth 52

Who were accordingly duly elected

Adj'd til tomorrow evening 3 O'clock
Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

March 18th 1823 the Council met accordingly to adjournment Present
Robert Lewis
John T Ford
John Roy
Henry T Phillips
Reubin T Thom
Wm Gordon
Claiborne Wigglesworth
Robert Parrott
Joseph Walker

Robert Lewis was then unanimously elected Mayor of this Corporation for one year who was qualified to his officer by Archibald Hart a Justice of the Quorum of Spotsylvania County. The Mayor then qualified the members of the Council

Richard Johnston was duly elected a common councilman to supply the vacancy occasioned by the appointment of Robert Lewis as Mayor who qualified accordingly

George Ellis who is elected a common Councilman appeared & was qualified

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Wm Gordon is duly elected Recorder in this Corporation for one year who was duly qualified

Robert S Chew is duly re-elected Clerk & Chamberlain for one year & It is ordered that he enter into bond & Sec'y in the penalty of $10,0000 for the faithful discharge of his duties at the next Council

Robert Parrott was dully re-elected Guager & inspector of whiskey in this Corpo for one year who qualified accordingly

John M Shepherd was re-elected Clerk of the Markett & Police Officer for one year

John Goolrick was re-elected Geographer in the Corporation for one year

Matthew D Anderson was re-elected Measurer of Coals & Salt & Grain sold at the Wharf for one year and was duly qualified

John T Ford, Claiborne Wigglesworth, Henry T Phillips, Anthony Buck & Reuben T Thom are appointed Trustees of the Markett House & Superintendents of the Streets also to rent out the Public Wharf, to take care of the fire hooks, ladders and Engine & to rent out the Hay Scales

Joseph Walker, Robert Parrott & George Ellis are appointed a Committee to Superintend the pumps the present year and they are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for such sums as may be necessary to keep them in repair

Resolved that the Salaries of the Several Officers of this Corporation for the ensuing year be the [same] that they were the last year

Ordered that the Mayor do affix the assize of bread in this Corpo from time to time as he shall see cause

Resolved that the revision of the by Laws of this Corpo prepared by Edm'd Banks & Robert S Chew be refered to a committee of five members of the Council for the purpose of examining the same & reporting thereon to the Council & a Committee was appointed consisting of John T Ford, Claib Wigglesworth, Wm Gordon, Antho'y Buck & Reuben T Thom

Resolved that the Markett House Comm'ee or any two of them do enquire into the cost of paving the Markett House & plastering the ceiling & fixing turn styles between the Pillars and report to the next Council

Robert Lewis, Mayor


R S Chew, C C

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At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 20th day of May 1823


Wm Gordon, Recorder
Anth'y Buck, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Reuben T Thom, Common Councilman
George Ellis, Common Councilman
Claib Wigglesworth, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Richard Johnston, Common Councilman

Resolved that the taxes for the present year be as follows Viz

On $56,340 rents @ 3 percent
On all white males above 16 years of age $1 each
On all slaves above 12 years of age $1 each
On all free male mulattoes & Negroes $2 each
On all free females mulattoes & Negroes $1.50 each
On all Horses $1 each
On pleasure carriage wheels $2 each
On all Exhibitions & shows $5 pr day

On all other subjects same tax as the last year

On Motion made and Seconded, Resolved that the floor of the Markett House to [be] paved with Brick & the ceiling lathed & plastered under the Superintendence of the Trustees of the Markett House, providing the expence thereof does not exceed the sum of $323 and, that the sd Trustees be & they are hereby directed to let the work to the lowest bidder

Resolved that a committee be app'd to enquire into the propriety of converting the Engine House into a clerks office with the probable expence thereof & also to enquire into the most eligible place of keeping the Engines & a Comm'ee was accordingly appointed consisting of Claib'n Wigglesworth, Reubin T Thom, George Ellis & John T Ford, who are requested to report to the next Council

Wm Gordon, Recorder
R S Chew, C C

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At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 12th day of August 1823

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm Gordon, Recorder
John T Ford Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
George Ellis, Common Councilman
R'd Johnston, Common Councilman
Reuben T Thom, Common Councilman
Anth'y Buck, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to the treasurer of the Charity School of Fred'g $60 for rent of Clerks Office

On Motion made & Seconded, Be it Ordained that the price of Drayage of flour shall in future be 20 cents pr load of five barrels to the wharves instead of the present price

A petition from the Butchers was read praying the Council to prohibit all other persons from selling meat in any small quantities than by the quarter and the question being taken thereon the sd petition was reject'd &c

John T Ford, George Ellis, John Roy, & Henry T Phillips are appointed a comm'ee to enquire into the best manner and probable expence of removing the nuisance opposite to Capt Fitchells and make report to the Council at 4 O'clock on Friday evening next

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 15th day of August 1823

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm Gordon, Recorder
John T Ford Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Richard Johnston, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
Reuben T Thom, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to the Mutual Assurance Society agst fire $45.28 cents for additional premium & annual quota of 1823

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The Comm'ee app'd to enquire into the best manner of removing the nuisance opposite to Capt Fitchells made a report, on consideration of which It is ordered that a sum not exceeding $75 be appropriated towards the removal of the sd nuisance to be drawn for & expended under the direction of the Street Commissioners

Wm A Knox having proposed to the board to receive his well & pump near his ware house in Liberty Town and keep the same in order for the use of the Corpo and the question being taken thereon the said proposition was acceded to

Resolved that the Academy Spring in future be kept in order at the expence of the Corpo under the direction of the pump Comm'rs

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Robert S Chew, C C

At a council held at the Town Hall on Friday the 29th of August 1823

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm Gordon, Recorder
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
John T Ford Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
Richard Johnston, Common Councilman

Resolved that the sum of $50 be appropriated to purchase medicines for the use of the poor & $50 for furnishing them with nourishment, the the town be laid off in the following wards viz from the lower end of town to Shultices, from Shultices to Commerce Street & from Commerce Street to the upper end of the Town & that John T Ford, Hugh Mercer & Hy T Philips be app'd a comm'ee to enquire into the situation of the poor in the lower ward & furnish them with nourishment, medicine & attendance when necessary; that Wm A Knox, John Roy, John Peck & George Co be a comm'ee for the second Ward & Wm Gordon, Joseph Walker & John Hart the upper Ward & Dr James Cooke is app'd Apothecary to furnish the medicines that may be necessary

[Page 315] Resolved that Wm Gordon & John T Ford be app'd a Comm'ee to wait on Dr Cooke & request him to furnish medicines for the use of the poor upon the application of any of the physicians upon the most reasonable terms & charge the same to the Corpo

Resolved that the Police Officer do proceed after the 10th of September next to pull down all the Hog pens in the Corpo & if the Hogs are not removed the constables are ord'd to take possession & sell them; Ordered that this order be published in the next paper

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew,

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Thursday the 30th day of October 1823

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm Gordon, Recorder
John T Ford Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
George Ellis, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Hy T Philips $14.20, to Wm Gordon $6.69; to John Robinson $1; to John Hart $7.07 for necessaries furnished the poor

Ordered the sum of $110 be appropriated to pay George Ellis for the whole expense of paving the Markett House & six feet in front thereof exclusive of the curb stone & that the Comm'ee heretofore app'd be authorized to contract for the curb stone that may be necessary

Resolved that a Committee be appointed to confer with the owners of property lying on the Marsh at the back of the Town, and to ascertain the best manner & the expence of draining the Marsh, & a comm'ee was appointed consisting of Robert Lewis, John Roy, George Ellis, Robert Parrott & Henry T Philips any three of whom may act

The Comm'ee last mentioned are also requested to enquire into the expence of draining and filling up the pond near to John Robinsons shop and make report to Council

Robert Lewis, Mayor

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At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 24th of November 1823

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm Gordon, Recorder
John T Ford Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
John Roy, Common Councilman
George Ellis, Common Councilman
Richard Johnston, Common Councilman
Reuben T Thom, Common Councilman

On Motion made and seconded Resolved that Sam Philips be appointed measurer of Coals & during the absence of Matthew D Anderson the present Measurer & that he qualify before a Magistrate

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to George Cox $16.765 for necessaries furnished the poor

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Dr James Cooke $46.48 for medicines furnished the poor (paid)

Resolved that the sum of $300 be & is hereby appropriated towards draining the meadow at the back of the Town

Resolved that the sum of $50 be appropriated for the purpose of filling up the pond of water near to John Robinsons Shop

Resolved that the Mayor & Recorder be & they are hereby authorised to borrow from the Banks whatever sum may be necessary to meet the expences of the Corpo

The Mayor with George Ellis, Henry T Philips, John Roy, & Wm A Knox are appointed a Comm'ee to superintend the draining the swamp at the back of the town & also the filling up of the pond near John Robinsons Shop

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

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Transcribed by Gary Stanton
Please send comments or corrections to Gary Stanton at
Last Modified 13 February 2013