Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 19th of January 1822

Robert Lewis, Mayor
William A Knox, Recorder
John T Ford, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
David Briggs, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Sam'l Phillips, Common Councilman
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Thos B Adams, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
William Gordon, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Jesse Wayt fifty dollars for balance of salary as constable due him on the 21st July last when he was discharged from the service of the Council

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Archibald Rollow $1.20 for Iron Bolts furnished for the Corporation warf pr his account (pd)

Ordered that the Harbour Master do remove the Scow sunk at or near Glassels warf, the expence whereof if not to be obtained from the owner of said scow will be paid by the Corporation (pd)

On Motion made & seconded, resolved that a Committee be appointed to meet a committee of the Hope Fire Company to consult upon the propriety of purchasing a hose for the use of said fire Company & report to the council the probable cost thereof with any other matter in relation to the subject that may seem to them proper & a Committee were appointed consisting of Wm A Knox, Robert Mackay, Wm Gordon, John Scott & John S Wellford

Robert Lewis, Mayor


R S Chew, C C

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At a Council held at the Town Hall on Thursday the 14th of March 1822

Robert Lewis, Mayor
William A Knox, Recorder
John T Ford
Robert Mackay
Robert Parrott
Anthony Buck
William Gordon
Charles Austin
Thomas Goodwin

Ordered that the Chamberlain have credit in his account with the Corpo for the am't of $37.17 amount of Corporation notes redeemed by him and this day Counted and Cancelled by the Council

Robert Mackay, William Gordon & Charles Austin are appointed a Committee any two of whom may act to settle with R S Chew Chamberlain & John M Shepherd Serj't of the Corporation their respective accounts with the Corporation and make report to the next Council

The council proceeded to examine and allow the following claims against the corporation and it is ordered that the Chamberlain pay the same, Viz;
To John M Shepherd Serg't per acc't $634.94
To Robert Lewis Mayor for expenses incurred in Mayor's office (paid himself) 15.65
To Robert Mills constable ½ years salary (paid) 75.00
To Robert Mills for killing dogs (paid) 6.50
To Arch'd Rollow pr account (paid) 9.62
To Adam Donalson pr account (paid) 2.00
To Anthony Buck pr account 4.00
To Casar Parnett for ringing Bell for Courts & at night 50.00
To C L Stevenson pr a/c for commonwealth 150.00
To R S Chew Clerk of Council (Ch'd in acc't) 100.00
To R S Chew Clerk of Corporation Court 100.00

Ordered that the Serjeant have credit in his account with the Corporation for $12.50 balance of rent remitted to Dr Carmichael

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

[Page 303] At a Council held at the Town Hall on Monday the 18th of March 1822

Robert Lewis, Mayor
William A Knox, Recorder
John T Ford, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Thos Goodwin, Common Councilman
Wm Gordon, Common Councilman

The committee appointed to settle the account of Robert S Chew Chamberlain with Corpo reported that they had examined the said account and found the charges supported by the proper vouchers and all credits given and that the balance of $1615.20 remains in the hands of the Chamberlain

The committee appointed to settle the account of Jno M Shepherd Ser'gt of this corporation his account with the Corporation reported that they had examined the said account and find it correctly stated & the charges supported by proper vouchers and that the same is balanced

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Anthony Buck $143 per his account for shingles furnished the Corporation in 1814

Rob't Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

March 18th 1822

This being the day appointed by law for the election of a Mayor, Recorder & Common Council for the Corpo of Fredericksburg for one year, The free-holders and house keepers being notified thereof met at the Town Hall and having deposited their ballots, upon examination thereof, the greatest number of votes were found to be favour of the following persons to wit.

[Page 304]

Robert Lewis 117
John T Ford 107
Thomas Goodwin 107
Wm A Knox 107
Robert Parrott 98
Charles Austin 94
David Briggs 82
Anthony Buck 82
Joseph Walker 78
Robert Mackay 74
Wm Gordon 67
Robert Ellis 67

who were accordingly duly elected

The Council then proceeded to the Election of a Mayor when Robert Lewis was duly Elected & qualified to his office before John S Wellford a Justice of the Quorum of Spotsylvania County, The Mayor then qualified the members of Council

Henry T Phillips was duly elected a common councilman to supply the vacancy occasioned by the appointment of Robert Lewis as Mayor, who qualified accordingly

William Gordon is duly elected Recorder for one year who qualified as such

Robert S Chew is duly re-elected Clerk and Chamberlain for one year & it is Ordered that he enter into bond and security in the penalty of $10,000 for the faithful discharge of his duties at the next Council

Robert Parrott was re-elected guager and inspector of Whiskey in this Corporation for one year who was duly qualified

John M Shepherd is re-elected Clerk of the Markett and Police Officer for one year who qualified accordingly

John Goolrick is re-elected Geographer in this Corporation for one year

Mathew D Anderson is re-elected measurer of coals & salt and grain sold at the warf, for one year, who qualified accordingly

Thomas Goodwin, Anthony Buck, Charles Austin, John T Ford and Robert Mackay are appointed trustees of the Markett House and Superintendents of the Streets also to rent out the Public warves, to take care of the fire hooks, ladders and Engine, & to rent out the Hay scales

Robert Parrott & Henry T Phillips and Joseph Walker are appointed a Committee to superintend the pumps for the present year & they are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for such sums as may be necessary to keep them in repair

Ordered that the Mayor do affix the assize of bread from time to time as he shall see cause

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew C F

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Wednesday the 27th day of March 1822

Robert Lewis, Mayor
John T Ford, Common Councilman
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Robert P Ellis, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman

On Motion made and seconded, Resolved that John T Ford and Robert S Chew be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to revise the by laws of this Corporation & make a report to the Council as soon as they conveniently can

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Arch'd Burden and Lindsey Pullin $20 each & to Robert Mills $10 for their past services as a night watch

On Motion made & seconded resolved that the Mayor be and he is hereby allowed a Salary of $600 for his services for the present year

On Motion made & seconded resolved that the bakers in this Corpo be and they are hereby required to stamp the initials of their name [Page 305] upon each loaf of bread under the penalty of having the same seized and sold for the benefit of the poor of this Corporation; This resolution to take effect from and after the 10th day of April next; Ord'd that this resolution be published

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Thursday the 18th day April 1822

Robert Lewis, Mayor
John T Ford, Common Councilman
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Joseph Waller, Common Councilman
Robert Ellis, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to James D Harrow $25.71 cents pr his account this day allowed for printing

John T Ford declined acting under the order of Council for the revision of the By Laws for reasons assigned by him, whereas Edmund Banks was appointed in his room

The proceedings of a meeting of the several committees on the part of the Council, the Citizens & Hope Fire Company being submitted to the Council and Considered, On motion made & seconded, Resolved that the sum of $500 be placed at the disposal of the Hope Fire Company for the purpose of procuring hose and such other apparatus as they may deem most expedient for arresting the progress of fire

Resolved that the Street Commissioners cause to be cut down or graduated the termination of the cross streets leading to the river which area now too steep for access in such a way that persons may pass up and down with facility to obtain water

Resolved that a Committee be appointed to enquire into the practicality and expence of supplying the Town water by pipes from the river or from the [?] building openings and make report to Council

A Committee was appointed consisting of John S Wellford, John Mundell, Silas Wood, John Scott, William A Knox, Robert Ellis & Thomas Goodwin

John Ames is recommended to the Court of Hustings as a fit person to be appointed a Constable in the room of Archibald Burden, dec'd

Robert Lewis, Mayor


R S Chew, C F

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Wednesday the 1st day of May 1822

Robert Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Robert Ellis, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that a sum not exceeding $100 be and the same is hereby appropriated to defray the expences incurred to prevent the spread of the Small Pox in this Corporation and that the Mayor be authorized to draw for the same or such part thereof as may be necessary

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew, C F

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Wednesday the 8th day of May 1822

Robert Lewis, Mayor
William Gordon, Recorder
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman

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On Motion made and seconded, Resolved that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to offer a reward of $200 for the discovery of the person or persons who have lately fired or attempted to fire the Town to be paid upon conviction of the Offender or offenders

Resolved that the Ordinance granting a premium for conveying the water Hogsheads to a fire be and the same is hereby repealed and that the allowance in future be one dollar each for the first twelve Hogsheads of water carried to a fire

Robert Lewis, Mayor
R S Chew C F

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Wednesday the 22nd day of May 1822

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
John T Ford, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Robert Ellis, Common Councilman

Resolved that the taxes of the present year be as follows Viz't
On $55,070 rents @ 3 percent
On all white males above 16 years of age $1 each
On all slaves above 12 years of age $1 each
On all free male mulattoes & Negroes $2 each
On all free female mulattoes & Negroes $1.50 each
On all Horses $1 each
On pleasure carriage wheels $2 each
On all Exhibitions & shows $5 pr day

On all other subjects same tax as the last year

Robert Lewis, Mayor

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Friday the 19th of July 1822

Robert Lewis, Mayor
John T Ford, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Robert Ellis, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
Thos Goodwin, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Joseph Jackson & George Williams $2, Henry $2, Edmund Fox $1, Walker Taliaferro $1.50 & John Smith $10.94 for filling water Hogsheads and carrying Hogsheads of water to the late fires in this Town

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to D Henderson & son $17.64 pt their account this day allowed

Ordered that the Serjeant have credit in his settlement with the Corpo for $2 improperly charged to Ned Taylor, a Negro slave as a free man

Ord'd that the Serjeant have credit in his settlement with the Corpo for $4 the tax on a Gig improperly charged to Philip August

R S Chew, C C

[Page 307]

At a Council held at the Mayors the 4th day of October 1822

A letter from Zachariah Vowles was read, stating certain depredations made on his lot by the Corporation, and his desire to seel the same to the Corporation on reasonable terms; On motion made and seconded Ord'd that the Street Commissioners be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to view the lot & to confer with Mr Vowles in relation to the price his is willing to take and make report to the Council

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to John Ferneyhough for a Ducking Stool the sum of thirty dollars

A petition from sundry inhabitants requesting the appointment of Inspectors of Butter, lard & Bacon was read and on consideration whereof the Council deemed it inexpedient to make any regulation on that subject for the present

Ord'd that the Chamberlain pay to Lindsay Pullin for services rendered the sum of twelve dollars & sixty cents

On Motion made and seconded, Ord'd that Chas Austin, Wm Gordon, A Buck & Robt Ellis be and they are hereby appointed a committee to enquire into the necessary expence attending the hewing, lathing & plaistering & sealing the Market House & report the same to the Council for consideration

Robert Lewis, Mayor

At a council held at the Town Hall on Friday the 1st day of November 1822

Robert Lewis, Mayor
Wm Gordon, Recorder
John T Ford, Common Councilman
David Briggs, Common Councilman
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Robert Ellis, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Henry T Phillips, Common Councilman
William A Knox, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Serjeant have credit in his settlement with the Corpo for $4 improperly charged to Thomas H Botts as a tax on a Gig

Ord'd that the Chamberlain pay to the Treasurer of the Charity School $60 for the rent of the office

On Motion made and seconded, Resolved that the revision of the laws of this Corpo prepared by Edward Banks and R S Chew be refered to a Committee of five members of the Council for the purpose of examining the same and reporting thereon to the Council and a Committee was accordingly appointed consisting of David Briggs, William Gordon, Thomas Goodwin, Anthony Buck and Charles Austin

Robert Lewis, Mayor

Transcribed by Gary Stanton
Please send comments or corrections to Gary Stanton at
Last Modified 13 February 2013