At a Council held at the Town Hall on Monday 14th day of February 1820
Robert Mackay, Mayor
Charles Austin, Recorder
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
John Robinson, Common Councilman
Sam'l Phillips, Common Councilman
Ord'd that the Chamberlain have credit in his account with the Corpo for the sum of $114.24 cents amount of Corpo notes redeemed by him and this day counted and cancelled by the Council
John Ross
Ord'd that the Chamberlain pay to William S Stone the sum of $84.50 cents, amount expended by him in erecting a pump on the lott purchased by the Farmers Bank upon his filing with the Clerk an order of the board of Trustees of the sd Bank granting to the citizens of the Corporation the well and pump aforesaid so long as the Corporation may think proper to keep the same in repair
Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to John Wallace the sum of $2.66 cents improperly charged to him as a tax on the of his house
Ord that the Chamberlain pay to Benj'n Day $4 improperly charged to him as a tax on two slaves
Wm A Knox, John Mundell and Chas Austin are appointed a committee to ascertain the expence of buiiding an Engine House and the time which payment will be required therefor & make report to the next council
[Page 284]
Ordered that John Robinson be employed to make two ladders of 35 feet long two of 25 feet long & two of 20 feet long with hooks fixed at the ends of the two last mentioned, to be made of the best materials to be paid for out of his taxes
Ordered that the Market House Committee do procure 12 potter HHbs for the purpose of holding water for the use of the Corporation & draw upon the Chamberlain for the expence thereof & also that they procure 25 pair of fire bucketts upon the best terms one which they can be had
John Mundell, Chas Austin & Anthony Buck are appointed a Committee to confer with the Farmers Bank Committee upon the subject of graduating George Street & report to the next Council.
On motion made & seconded, Resolved that the Mayor be authorized to appoint two fit persons in each Ward in this Corporation to procure contributions for the relieft of the sufferers by the late conflagration at Wilmington and Savannah
John Mundell, Chas Austin, John Ross & Wm A Knox are appointed a Committee to purchase from Benj'n Day about 80 feet of his lot to be added to the burying ground, & that they lay off & expose to sale that part of the sd burying ground fronting on Barton street in such manner as may seem to them proper
Ord'd that the Mayor address a letter to the Hope Fire Company expressive of the of the thanks of the Council for their prompt exertions on all occasions in extinguishing fires.
Robert Mackay, Mayor
R S Chew Clk
At a Council held at the Town Hall on Thursday the 16th of March 1820
Robert Maackay, Mayor
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Garrit Minor, Common Councilman
John Robinson, Common Councilman
Ordered that the Chamberlain have credit in his account with the Corporation for the sum of $20.30 amount of Corpo notes redeemed by him and this day counted and cancelled by the Council
Ord'd that John Mundell, Chas Austin & William A Knox or any two of them do settle with Robert S Chew Chamberlain and John M Shepherd, Sergeant of the Corporation their respective accounts with Corporation and make report to the next Council
Present Sam'l Phillips
[Page 285]
The Council proceeded to examine and allow the following claims against the Corporation and it is ordered the Chamberlain pay the same Viz't
To Thomas Anslow in full for his services as constable | $37.50 |
To Jesse Wayt Constable for salary | 150.00 |
To Jesse Wayt pr account | 16.00 |
To Robert Mills Constable for salary | 113.52 |
To Robert Mills pr account | 13.00 |
To Cesar Garnett for ringing Bell | 45.00 |
To Cesar Garnett for 2 years in arrear pr | 10.00 |
To Claiborne Wiglesworth pr a/c | 1.00 |
To William James for overcharge in tax | 5.00 |
To Robert Mackay pr a/c for repairing street | 5.00 |
To Wm Hardia for overcharge in rent of Jas Mitchell's house | 3.20 |
To Carter S Stevenson, atty for salary | 150.00 |
To Robert S Chew Clerk pr salary | 100.00 |
To Robert S Chew pr a/c | 68.51 |
To William F Gray pr a/c | 10.50 |
To John M Shepherd pr a/c | 680.86 |
On motion made and seconded the Council reconsidered the claim of Thos Anslow, Constable the question being put on paying the sd account it was rejected
The Committee appointed to confer wiht a Committee of the Farmers Bank upon the subject of graduating George street made a report & on motion made & seconded Ordered that the said report be laid on the Table
A letter was received from Alexander Walker upon the subject of the pump on his lot which was on motion laid on the table
The Committee appointed by an order of Council to purchase from Benjamin Day a lot of ground in the rear of that lately purchased by him, reported that they have purchased of the sd Day, 80 fett by 363 feet, amounting to the sum of $333.33 adn to be paid on the 15th day of July next. On consideration of which the Council do confirm the said purchase & it is Ordered that the said Committee request the execution of a deed for the said lot of ground from the said Benj'n Day forthwith & that the Mayor be & he is hereby authorized to execute to the said Day, a bond for the payment of the purchase money on the 15th day of July next
Robert Mackay, Mayor
R S Chew, C C
At a Council held at the Town Hall on Monday the 20th of March 1820
[Page 286]
Robert Mackay, Mayor
Charles Austin, Recorder
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Sam'l Phillips, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman
The Committee appointed to settle the account of Jhon M Shepherd Serg't with the Corporation made their report that the said account is correctly stated & the charges supported by proper Vouchers & that the said account is balanced
The Committee appointed to settle the account of R S Chew Chamberlain with the Corporation reported that they had examined the said account & find it supported by proper Vouchers & that the balance of $795.35cts is due from the said Chamberlain to the Corporation
Robert Mackay, Mayor
R S Chew
March 20th 1820
This being day appointed by Law for the Election of twelve persons to serve the Corporation of Fredericksburg as Mayor, Recorder and Common Council for one year, The free-holders and house keepers being notified thereof met at the Town Hall and having deposited their ballots, upon examination thereof, the greatest number of votes were found to be favour of the following persons to wit.
Charles Austin | 58 |
Robert Parrott | 58 |
Rob't Mackay | 56 |
John Ross | 53 |
Sam'l Phillips | 52 |
Anth'y Buck | 49 |
Wm A Knox | 36 |
Wm Caldwell | 35 |
Thomas Goodwin | 34 |
Joseph Walker | 32 |
John Mundell | 31 |
John Carter | 29 |
David Drigg | 27 |
John Robinson | 26 |
The first named twelve were accordingly duly elected &^ adj'd until tomorrow morning 9 O'clock
Robert Mackay, Mayor
R S Chew, C C
At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 21st day of March 1820
Charles Austin
Robert Parrott
Robert Mackay
John Ross
Anth'y Buck
Wm A Knox
Sam'l Phillips
Wm Caldwell
Joseph Walker
John Carter
Who were duly sworn
[Page 287]
A memorial from John Mundell who was elected yesterday to serve the Corporation one year stating that he is ineligible, not possessing an improved lot in the Town and the question being taken thereon the Council are unanimously of opinion that the said John Mundell is ineligble and David Briggs having the next highest number of votes is declared duly elected in the place the said Mundell
The Council the proceeded to the Election of Mayor when David Briggs was duly elected
Wm A Knox was duly elected Recorder and having refused to serve it is Ord'd that his refusal be certified to the Hustings Court of Fred'g for their proceedings to be had in relation thereto
Thomas Goodwin was duly elected Recorder & the Mayor & Recorder Elect'd being absent the Council adj'd
Robert Mackay, Mayor
R S Chew C C
At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 24th day of March 1820
Robert Mackay
Charles Austin
Robert Parrott
Anthony Buck
Sam'l Phillips
Wm Caldwell
Thos Goodwin
David Briggs
Joseph Walker
David Briggs who was heretofore duly elected Mayor of this Corporation appeared and was duly qualified
Robert Mackay & Thomas Goodwin qualified as Common Councilman
On Motion made & seconded it is ordered that the order entered into on the 21st Inst appointing Thomas Goodwin Recorder and so much of the order which direct the refusal of William A Knox to serve as Recorder to be certified to Court of Hustings of Fred'g be and the same are hereby rescinded
Robert S Chew is re-elected Clerk & Chamberlain for one year, It is ordered that he enter into bond and security in the penalty of $10,000 for the faithful discharge of his duties thereupon was duly qualified
Robert Parrott elected Gauger of this Corporation & Inspector of Whiskey for one year who qualified according
John M Shepherd is unanimously elected Clerk of the Markett & Police officer for one year who qualified accordingly & it is order he be allowed the sum of $400 for his services
John Goolrick is unanimously re-elected Geographer in this Corpo for one year
Mathew D Anderson is elected Measurer of Coals & Salf for one years & it ordered that he qualify before a Justice of the peace of this Corpo
Pres't John Ross
[Page 288]
Thomas Goodwin Charles Austin Anthony Buck John Ross & William Caldwell are appointed Trustees of the Markett House & superintendants of the Streets; also to rent out the public warves & to take care of the fire hooks ladders and engines & to rent out the Hay scales
Robert Parrott Sam'l Phillips & Joseph Walker are appointed a Committee to Superintend the pumps & they are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for such sums as may be necessary to keep them in repair
Anthony Buck is added to the Committee appointed to sell a part of the burying ground in the room of John Mundell
Charles Austin, Anthony Buck, William A Knox & Joseph Walker are appointed a Committee to contract with some person for the building a fire engine house agreeable to a plan exhibited, the cost of which is not to exceed $600 and the said committee are directed to sell the present Engine House and to draw on the Chamberlain for the expence of erecting the new building
Ordered that the Markett House Committee purchase five additional water Bucketts from William Smock & draw on the Chamberlain for the expence thereof
Charles Austin, Robert Parrott John Ross & Thomas Goodwin are appointed a Committee to examine into the state of the poor & to confer with the overseers of the poor & make report to the next Council
D Briggs, Mayor
R S Chew, C C
At a Council held at the Town Hall on Thursday the 20th day of April 1820
David Briggs, Mayor
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Sam'l Phillips, Common Councilman
Wm Caldwell, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox who has been elected Recorder for the present year appeared, was qualified & took his seat
Robert Mackay, late Mayor returned an account of the collection made for the relieft of the sufferes by fire at Wilmington & Savanna amounting to the sum of $285 & the Council deeming the sum too inconsiderable to be divided between the two towns, on Motion made & Seconded It is Ord'd that the money be, by the persons who collected the same, returned to the contributors respectively
The Committee appointed at the last Council to examine into the state of the poor & to confer with the overseers of the poor made a report which was read, On Consideration whereof it is the Opinion of the Council that it is inexpedient to take any Order concerning present arrangements for providing for the poor.
Capt Claiborne Wiglesworth having suggested to the Council his Willingness to lay of his Company into sections for the purpose of patrolling the Town, On Motion made & seconded It is Ord'd that the sasid proposition be acceeded to & that a Committee be appointed to confer with Cap't Wiglesworth & make all necessary arrangements for carrying the same into effect and a Committee [Page 289] were [sic] accordingly appointed consisting of Robert Mackay, Wm A Knox & Robert Parrott who are directed to report to the next Council
Ordered that the Committee appointed to sell a part of the new burying ground be authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for the expence of removing & repairing, the enclosure.
On motion made & Seconded, it is Ord'd that the Serjeant do employ a guard upon the best terms he can, to prevent any Communication with the person said to be infected with the Small Pox now in Silas Woods Warehouse & to destroy his cloathes & that he draw upon the Chamberlain for the expence attending the same
On Motion, made & Seconded, It is Ordered that a Committee be appointed to revise the laws respecting Guaging & Inspecting of Liquor & report such alterations & additions thereto as may appear to them proper and a Committee were accordingly appointed consisting of Anthony Buck, Charles Austin, Robert Mackay Sam'l Phillips & Joseph Walker
Ordered that the sum of $100 be appropriated under the superintenance of the Street Comm'rs towards graduating George Street near the New Bank
D Briggs, Mayor
R S Chew C C
At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 6th day May 1820
David Briggs, Mayor
William A Knox, Recorder
Chas Austin, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
John Ross, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Sam'l Phillips, Common Councilman
Wm Caldwell, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Resolved that the taxes of the present year be as follows Viz't
On $63,730 amt of rents at 4 pr cent | ||
335 | On all white males above 16 years of age | $1.00 |
588 | On all slaves above 12 years | $2.00 |
58 | On all free males of Color above 12 years | $1.50 |
86 | On all free females of Color above 12 years | $1.00 each |
153 | On all horses | $1.50 each |
128 | On pleasure carriage wheels | $2.00 each |
On Theatrical exhibitions pr night | $5.00 | |
On all other exhibitions & shows pr day | $5.00 |
Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Walker Taliaferro $7, John Smith $2, Anth'y Starr $1 & Stephen Bryan $1 for hauling water to the fire at Scott & Richard's Warehouse (Smith, Byran, Starr, Taliaferro del'd)
Sm Ordinance concering the Inspection of Fish, Be it Ordained by the Mayor & Commonality of the town of Fredericksburg and it is hereby Ordained by the authority aforesaid, that from and after the date hereof it shall not be lawfull for any person or persons whatsoever to sell by wholesale or retail within this Corporation Fish of any kind by the Barrell without first having the same inspected according to Law, and any person or persons offending herein shall for every such offence forfeit & pay the sum of five dollars for every Barrell of Fish by them sold without being inspected as aforesaid to be recovered by warrant before any magistrate [Page 290] of this Corporation. One half to the informer, the other half to the use of this Corpo
The Committee appointed to revise the Laws Concerning the Inspection and Guaging of Whiskey, & other Spirituous Liquors, Molasses & oil reported the following ordinance which is adopted by the Council, Viz't "Be it ordained by the Mayor & Commonality of the Town of Fredericksburg and it is hereby Ordained by the authority aforesaid, that all Spirits distilled within the United States & hereafter brought to this Corporation in Hogsheads, Pipes, Tierces, Barrells or other casks for sale, shall be guaged & Inspected by the Guager & inspector of this Corporation, and be it further Ordained by thet authority aforesaid, that it shall be the duty of the said Guager & Inspector when required to ascertain the quality of all such Spirits by Decas's Hydrometer & to mark upon each hogshead, Pipe, Tierce, Barrell or other Cask the Capacity thereof & the quantity contained therein & the proof of the spirits & if the spirits be not the Standard proof he shall mark the degrees which the spirits shall be below or above proof and said Inspector shall receive from the owner thereof, twenty cents for Inspecting, guaging and marking each and every such Hogshead, Pipe, Tierce, Barrell Cask
And be it further Ordained that if any person of persons shall offer for sale any such spirits so brought to the said Corporation without first having the same inspected guaged and marked as herein directed he, she or they so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifteen dollars for each Hogshead, Pipe, Tierce, Barrell or other Cask, so offered for sale to the use of the Corporation & to be recovered by warrant or summons by the Chamberlain for the time being, And be it further Ordained that for every Cask of Molasses or oil that shall be guaged by the Corporation Guager, he sall be entitled to receive twenty cents pr cask; and for all spirits, twelve and a half cents pr cask
All ordinances coming within the purview hereof are hereby repealed
D Briggs, Mayor
R S Chew
At a Council held at the Town Hall on Thursday the 15th day of June 1820
David Briggs, Mayor
Wm A Knox, Recorder
Charles Austin
Anthony Buck
Robert Mackay
John Ross
Thomas Goodwin
Samuel Phillips
Joseph Walker
John Carter
A memorial was received from Sundry Citizens of this Corporation praying the repeal of the Ordinance respecting the Guaging & inspection of Whiskey which was read, and the question being put upon the repeal fo the said Law, it was unanimously decided against the prayer of the Memorialists
Be it ordained by the Mayor & Commonality of the Town of Fred'g and it is hereby ordained by the authority aforesaid that the fee of the Guager for [Page 291] Guaging and Inspection shall hereafter be 12� cents for each hogshead, pipe, Tierce, Barrell or other Cask, by him guaged and Inspected instead of the fee allowed by the Ordinance passed the 6th of May 1820
Absent Wm A Knox
Pres't Wm Caldwell
D Briggs, Mayor
R S Chew, C C
At a Council held at the Town Hall on Thursday the 7th day of September, 1820
David Briggs, Mayor
Wm A Knox, Recorder
Robert Mackay
Thomas Goodwin
Joseph Walker
Anthony Buck &
Wm Caldwell
James Ross having suggested his willingness to turn his pump out upon the street for the use of the public, on the condition that the Corporation keep the same in order, On Motion made and seconded, resolved that the proposition of Mr Ross be accepted on the terms proposed, provided he confirm to thet Corporation in proper form the use of said pump
Order that the Chamberlain pay to Wm F Phillips, Sec'y & Treasurer of the Charity School of Fredericksburg, sixty dollars for rent of the Corporation office due the 1st of June last
On motion made and seconded, Ordered that the Committee for the new burying ground the same to be laid off according to the original plan, printed provided the fence being the same do not exceed the sum of twenty dollars.
D Briggs, Mayor
Wm F Phillips
At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 3rd day of October 1820
David Briggs, Mayor
Robert Mackay
Chas Austin
Joseph Walker
Anthony Buck
Sam'l Phillips
William Caldwell
Robert Parrott
Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to A K Taylor agent for the M S Society against fire $25.00 center for quota of 1820
Thomas B Barton having appealed to the Council to release him from the payment of six months rent of the [?] on the Court House lot in consideration of which the Council refuse to exonerate him from the payment of said rent
Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to George Ellis 18.72 cts pr a/c for repairs of Well
Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Robert Ellis $38.69cents pr a/c allowed
Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Wm Beck $6.25 cents pr a/c allowed (pd)
Ord'd that the Chamberlain pay to Jane Bowen $2 improperly charged her as a Tax on a slave
D Briggs, Mayor
R S Chew, C C
At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 23rd day of November, 1820
David Briggs, Mayor
Wm A Knox, Recorder
Thomas Goodwin
Chas Austin
John Ross
Sam'l Phillips
Joseph Walker
[Page 292]
Wm Caldwell &
Anthony Buck
Wiliam F Gray is appointed an auctioneer in this Corporation; upon condition that he at the next the Court of Hustings to be holden for said Corporation, enter into Bond with good Security in the penalty of three thousand Dollars, payable to the Mayor & Commonality of said Corporation with condition to execute faithfully according to Laws the duties of the said office
Adam Cooke is appointed Deputy Guager of this Corporation & Inspector of Whiskey, who qualified according to Law
Anthony Buck, auctioneer , having made all sales for the Corporation without charge therefor, On motion made & seconded, It is ordered that the said Anthony Buck be released from all Liability to the Corporation for taxes imposed on Auctioneers
Orderd that the Chamberlain pay to Elizabeth H Hunter $2.0 improperly charged to her as a tax upon a slave
And the Council Adj'd
D Briggs, Mayor
At a Council held a the Town Hall on Tuesday the 28th day of Nov'r 1820
David Briggs, Mayor
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Sam'l Phillips, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Wm Caldwell, Common Councilman
The board deeming the order of the board of Directors of the Farmers Bank satisfactory in relation to the pump on the Bank lott, doth order that the Chamberlain pay to Wm S Stone the sum of $84.50cents the amount expence by him in erecting the said pump.
Pres't Thos Goodwin
On Motion made & seconded, Resolved that John W Green David Briggs, Carter L Stevenson, Robert S Chew Thomas Goodwin John F Ford, Charles Austin, John Scott &U John S Wellford be and the are hereby appointed a Committee to draft a new charter for this Corporation as a Petition to the Legislature & submit the same to a Town Meeting, for their Consideration at a meeting to be called for that purpose by the Mayor as soon as expedient
The Commissioners appointed to let the Building of an engine house made a report which was approved & Ordered that the Charmberlain pay to Rob't Ellis thte sum of $70 the balance due him under the said Contract.
Ord'd That the Chamberlain pay to Robert Mills & Jesse Wayt $37.50 cents each in part of their salary as Constables for the present year
D Briggs, Mayor
R S Chew C C