Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 10th day of Jan'y 1818


Robert Mackay, Mayor
Thos Goodwin, Common Councilman
Alexander Walker, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
John T Ford, Common Councilman
John Robinson, Common Councilman

Resolved unanimously that Robert Mackay, mayor of this Corpo be authorized to effect an assurance of the Markett House & Town Hall in this Corpo in the Mutual Assurance Society against fire on buildings in this State

At a council held at the Town Hall on the 7th day of March 1818


William A Knox, Recorder
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Alex'r Walker, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
John Ross, Common Councilman
John Robinson, Common Councilman
John T Ford, Common Councilman

Ordered that John Mundell, Joss Ross & John T Ford or any two of them do settle with Horace Marshall Chamberlain and John M Shepherd Serjeant, their several accounts

The council proceeded to examine & allow the following claims against the Corporation, and it is ordered that the Chamberlain pay the same to wit:
To Carter L Stevenson commwlth [Att'y] $150.00
To Rob't S Chew clerk 100.00
To Timo Green printer 24.00
To Jno M Shepherd Sej't for attending Council $75.00
To Jno M Shepherd for public services 25.00
To Jno M Shepherd as jailor 25.00
To Jno M Shepherd as police officer & clerk of Markett 400.00
To Charles Stewart, constable (cop'd & del'd) 100.00
To Gerard McKenny, constable (cop'd & del'd) 117.45
To Charles Martin, constable (cop'd & del'd) 75.00
To David Almond pr a/c (allowed 12 men 1819) 2.00
To Philip Terrier, pr a/c (cop'd & del'd) 28.02
[Page 265]
To John Robinson pr a/c 3.00
To Robert Parrott, for money pd by him for himself removing a tree from the edge of the river (cop'd & del'd) 3.00
To John Mundell for freight of chairs, (del'd himself) 9.60
To John Mundell pr a/c, (del'd himself) 7.00

William A Knox, Recorder
J T Ford

At a council held at the Town Hall on the 16th day of March 1818


William A Knox, Recorder
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Thos Goodwin, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Jos Walker, Common Councilman
John Ross, Common Councilman
Jno T Ford, Common Councilman

The committee appointed to settle with the chamberlain & serjeant their respective accounts made their reports, which being examined and approved and ordered to be recorded

William A Knox, Recorder
J T Ford

March 16th 1818
This being the day appointed by Law for the Election of 12 persons to serve the Corporation of Fredericksburg as Mayor, Recorder and Common Councilman for one year, the free holders & house keepers being notified thereof met at the Town Hall and having deposited their ballots upon examination thereof the greatest number of votes were found in favour of the following persons Viz't
Robert Mackay 45
John Mundell 44
William A Knox 43
Anthony Buck 43
John T Ford 42
Charles Austin 35
John Ross 30
Arch'd R Taylor 27
John Robinson 26
Garrit Minor 25
Robert Ellis 22
Alex Walker 22

The first named 12 persons were accordingly elected

William A Knox, Recorder
J T Ford

[Page 266]

At a meeting of the Council at the Town Hall on the 16th day of March 1818
John Mundell
Thomas Goodwin
William A Knox
Jno T Ford
Charles Austin
John Ross
John Robinson
Garrit Minor

They then proceeded to the election of a mayor, when Garrit Minor was duly elected, who being present, refused to undertake & execute the said office of Mayor

Adjourned till tomorrow evening, 4 o'clock
William A Knox, Recorder

March the 17, 1818

The council met pursuant to adjournment

John Mundell
Thomas Goodwin
William A Knox
John T Ford
Charles Austin
John Ross
Garrit Minor

They then proceeded to the election of a Recorder when William A Knox was duly elected & qualified and the following gentlemen to wit, John Mundell Thomas Goodwin, John T Ford, Garrit Minor, Charles Austin, & John Ross were duly qualified as Common Councilmen

Robert S Chew was unanimously re-elected Clerk of the Council for the present year

John T Ford is appointed Chamberlain of the Corporation for the present year and it is ordered that he receive the sum of $150 for his services & entered into bond in the penalty of $10,000 with approved security, Conditional for the faithful discharge of his duties

Eben P Cady is appointed guager of this Corporation, who qualified accordingly

Timo Green is appointed printer for the purpose of printing the orders of the board &c

Thomas Goodwin, Jno T Ford, John Mundell & Charles Austin are appointed trustees of the Market House & superintendents of the streets, also to rent out the public warves & to take care of the fire hooks, ladders, & engines & to rent the Hay Scales

Anthony Buck, John Ross & John Robinson are appointed to superintend the pumps the present year and they are authorized to draw upon the Chamberlain for such sums as may be necessary to keep them in repair

[Page 267]

Wm Ragan is re-appointed Measurer of Coals & salt for the present year, who qualified accordingly

Ordered that the Mayor do affix assize of Bread in this Corporation from time to time as he shall see cause

John M Shepherd is reappointed Clerk of the Market & police officer for the present year, who qualified accordingly & it is ordered that he receive $400 for his services during the year

On Motion made and seconded, Resolved that the Recorded and Chamberlain be authorized to obtain, on loan from one of the Banks in this Town $2000 for the use of the Corporation

John Goolrick is appointed Geographer in this Corporation for the present year

William A Knox, Recorder
J T Ford

At a council held at the Town Hall on Friday evening, April 10th 1818 p> Present
William A Knox, Recorder
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
John T Ford, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
John Ross, Common Councilman
Arch'd R Taylor, Common Councilman
John Robinson, Common Councilman
Garrit Minor, Common Councilman

John T Ford gave bond and security as Chamberlain of the Corpo which is ord'd to be filed

Robert S Chew qualified as Clerk of the Council ofr the present

Ordered that John T Ford be credited in his amount as chamberlain of this Corpo by the sum of $925.15 paid by him for redemption of Corpo notes this day presented to the board and counted and cancelled

On motion made and seconded Resolved that the footways in this Corpo be ten feet width instead of the present width

On motion made and second Ordered that a committee of three members of the council be authorized to confere with Mess'rs Gray & Cady & Harrison F Lucas or either of them, and to make arrangements with them or either of them to carry into operation the act of the Legislature of this state authorizing a sum of money to be raised by lottery for paving the main street of this town, & that the said Committee be authorized to make contact with the said persons or either of them in relation to such lottery, such contact however, to be subject to the appropriation of the Council and a committee were accordingly appointed consisting of Arch'd B Taylor, Garrit Minor & John T Ford

Ordered that John Mundell be authorized to occupy the new burying ground [Page 268] during the pleasure of the council, he paying the sum of $2 per month and keeping up the enclosure

Ordered that any two members of the Council be authorized to count the Corp'n notes that may from time to time be redeemed by the Chamberlain and receipt for and cancel the same

Ordered that the Recorder & Chamberlain be authorized to obtain on Loan any sum of money that may be necessary to redeem the Corpo notes not exceeding $5000 in addition to the sum already Allowed

Ordered that John Mundell, Garrit Minor & Anthony Buck & A R Taylor, be appointed a committee to ascertain whether a new situation can be procured for a burying ground and the terms and report to the next Council

William A Knox, Recorder
R S Chew C C

At a council held at the Town Hall on Friday April the 17th 1818

William A Knox, Recorder
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
John T Ford, Common Councilman
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Arch'd R Taylor, Common Councilman

Robert Mackay appeared and was duly qualified as a Common Councilman

Ord'd that the Chamberlain pay to R S Chew $50.87 cts amt of his account this day allowed

Ord'd that the Chamberlain pay to John Smith $5, Anthony Star $4, William Brown $3, Casar Jackson $2, Harry Woodfork $1 for carrying water Hhds & James Case $1 for carrying the fire hooks to Willis Hill in Dec'r last

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Thos Taylor be & he is hereby recommended to the Corpo Court as a fit and suitable person to be appointed Inspector of Fish in this Corpo under an act of assembly entitled "An act for the Inspection of Fish", and until such appointment be made the said Taylor is appointed by the Council to perform the duties required by the sd Act

Be it ordained by the Mayor & Commonalty of the Town of Fred'g in Common Hall assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same that no person or persons shall be permitted to make sale or offer for sale or shall any person purchased any fresh fish within this Corpo at any other place than at the fish markett in Hanover Street, and be it further ordained that any person or persons who shall sell or offer for sale or any person who shall purchase any fresh fish at any other place or places within this Corporation than at the fish Market aforesaid, if free shall forfeit & pay the sum of five dollars for every offence, one half to go to the informer and the moiety to the Corporation to be recovered by warrant before a Magistrate of the Corporation and if a slave shall receive a number of stripes not exceeding 15 the discretion of a Magistrate; this ordinance shall commence and be in force from and after the 23rd of this month

[Page 269]

Robert Mackay, Charles Austin, John T Ford, Anthony Buck & Thos Goodwin are app'd a committee to revise the laws respecting Drayage

Ord'd that the Chamberlain pay to Anthony Buck $2 improperly charged to him as a tax upon house rent the last year

William A Knox, Recorded
R S Chew

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Monday the 11th day of May 1818 p> Present
William A Knox, Recorder
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
John T Ford, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
John Ross, Common Councilman
John Robinson, Common Councilman

John W Green was duly qualified as a Common Councilman for this Corpo

Pres't J W Green, Anth'y Buck

Resolved that the taxes of the present year be as follows Viz't
On the am't of rents 5 pr ct
On all white males above 16 years $2 each
On all slaves above 16 years $2 each
On all free males of colour above 16 years $3 each
On all free females of colour above 16 years $2 each
On all horses $2 each
On all pleasure carriage wheels $2 each
On all dogs $2 each
On all bitches $5 each

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Robert Mackay $27.50 pr account this day allowed (cop'd)

Thomas Anslow, Thos Stewart & Jesse Wayt are recommended to the court as fit persons out of whom to choose Constables for this Corporation

Resolved that the trustees of the Market House be authorized with the consent of the tenants of the lower rooms in the Market House to rent the upper rooms in the market house to Mr Generes for his dancing school at the price of $2 pr day, but so as not to interfere with the use of them by the Council at their pleasure

Resolved that the salary of the Constable shall in future be $150 pr annum

Resolved that a sum not exceeding $1000 be appropriated towards the repairs of the Streets the present under the discretion of the Superintendents

Resolved that a Committee of three be appointed to devise and report to the Council a plan for establishing a Town Watch and [Page 270] make report to the next council and John Mundell, John W Green & Robert Mackay were accordingly appointed

William A Knox, Recorder
R S Chew, C C

At a council held at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 7th day of July 1818

Garrit Minor
Robert Mackay
John Mundell
Thomas Goodwin
Charles Austin
John Ross
John W Green
Anthony Buck
Arch R Taylor
John Robinson

Garrit Minor was duly qualified as Mayor of this Corpo by William Gordon a Magistrate of sd Corporation

The subject of an obstruction in water street being given consideration, On motion resolved that no step be for the present taken in relation to the sd obstruction and to make the council a sense correctly on the subject that a Committee be appointed to collect all the information to be had in relation to the boundaries and extent of Sophia & water street and report the same to the next meeting of the Council, and John W Green, John Mundell & Arch'd R Taylor were accordingly appointed a Committee for that purpose and to draw on the Chamberlain for any expence that they may think necessary

The Committee app'd devise & report to the Council a plan for the establishment of a watch, made report, which is on Motion Ord'd to be laid upon the table

Ord'd that the Chamberlain pay to John H Wallace $8.19cts pr a/c for window glass this day allowed

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Arch'd R Taylor $9.04 pr a/c for window glass this day allowed

Be it ordained by the mayor & Commonality of Fred'g in council assembled, that hereafter the Com'r of the Revenue be required and instructed to take a list of the Taxable property of this Corpo by districts or wards as follows; Ward No. 1 to commence at the lower line of Amelia Street and to include all that part of town lying above it;

Ward 2 to commence at the lower line of Charlotte Street & to include all that part of Town lying above it to the lower line of Amelia Street

Ward 3 to commence at the lower line of Charlotte street & to included all that part of the town lying below it;

And that in future all appropriations for the repairs of the streets be equally appropriated among the sd wards according to the amt of taxes paid in each ward

[Page 271]

Be it ordained by the Mayor and commonalty of the Town of Fred'g that no person or persons shall hereafter burn any kiln having oyster shells therein or thereon within the limits of the town of Fred'g, nor shall any person or persons hereafter use any lot within the town of Fred'g for making brick in such a way as to produce any hole where water may be and be stagnant, and any person or persons offending therein shall forfeit and pay a penalty of $100 to be recovered for the use of the Corporation of Fredericksburg, this ordinance shall be in force from and after the 10th day of December next

On Motion made and seconded be it Resolved that the superintendents of the streets be directed in the first place to make such repair and improvements to the streets as will in their opinion tend to preserve the health of the inhabitants of the Town

On Motion made and seconded, Resolved that the footway on the East side of Princess Ann street fronting the Market House Square be twelve feet wide instead of the former width

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the police officer give notice to Dr Welford that unless he shall remove his obstructions on Water Street on or before the 1st day of Nov'r next that measures will be taken to remove sd nuisance

A proposition was received from Ebenezer P Cady upon the subject of drawing a lottery authorized by the Legislature for paving the streets of this Corporation, whereupon, Resolved that a committee of three be appointed to take into Consideration the proposition of sd Cady upon the subject to confer with him thereupon & to report their opinon of sd proposition or any plan that may be made by the sd Cady or any other person, and a committee were accordingly appointed consisting of John W Green, Archibald Taylor & John Mundell

Resolved that a committee be appointed to take into consideration the expediency of petitioning the legislature praying for the amendment of the Charter of the Corporation and to report their Opinion thereupon to the Council and a committee were accordingly appointed consisting of Jno W Green, R S Chew, Garrit Minor , Arch'd R Taylor, and John T Ford

Garrit Minor, Mayor

R S Chew, C C

At a council held at the town on Friday the 24th day of July 1818

Garrit Minor
Thomas Goodwin
Robert Mackay
Jno T Ford
Arch R Taylor
Anthony Buck
Charles Austin
John Ross

Upon the application of Hugh Mercer for the suspension[?] [Page 272] of the Ordinance passed in [blank] for the removal of obstructions in the Street of the town in relation to the turnstiles erected by him & now standing before his lotts at the lower end of town, The Council taking the same into consideration are of Opinion that the sd turnstile on the street aforesaid is an obstruction within the meaning of the Ordinance aforesaid

Pres't Wm A Knox, Recorder & John Mundell

A reconsideration of the aforesaid application was moved & carried and the question being put there upon the vote stood thus; those that voted that the said Turn Stile is not an obstruction within the meaning of the sd Ordinance were John Ross, John Mundell, Robert Mackay, Wm A Knox & John T Ford 5; those who voted that it is an obstruction were Charles Austin, Anth'y Buck, Thomas Goodwin & Archi'd R Taylor 4; and Garrit Minor, Mayor voting with the minority produces an equal division of the Council and on motion of Jno T Ford it was submitted whether the Mayor can vote except in care of an equal division & the question being put it was decided that he could not, those who voted in the affirmative were the same as those who voted on the last question with the exception of the Mayor to not vote; and thereupon it is opinion of the Council that the sd Turnstiles is not an obstruction within the meaning of the sd Ordinance

A motion was made by John T Ford that the Council come to the following resolution passes at the last meeting of Council directing the removal of the obstruction placed across water street by Robt Welford be rescinded and that the police officer proceed forthwith to remove said obstruction & the question being put thereupon it was rejected; ayes Thos Goodwin, Chas Austin, John T Ford, Wm A Knox 4; Noes Arch'd R Taylor, A Buck, Robert Mackay, John Mundell & John Ross 5

A Motion was made by John T Ford the Council come to the following resolution, Resolved that the resolution passed as the last meeting of Council respecting the obstruction placed across the street by Rob't Welford be rescinded and that the attorney for the Commonwealth forthwith commence a prosecution against sd Welford for sd Obstruction and the question being put thereupon the sd resolution was passed

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew

At a council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 26th of July 1818

Garrit Minor, Mayor
William A Knox, Recorder
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Rob't Mackay, Common Councilman
John T Ford, Common Councilman
Chas Austin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
John Robinson, Common Councilman
Arch'd R Taylor, Common Councilman

[Page 273]

The mayor submitted the following resolution, Resolved that the resolution passed yesterday declaring the Mayor to have no vote except in case of an equality of votes be rescinded and the question being put there upon those who voted in favour of the resolution were Thos Goodwin, Anthony Buck, Chas Austin, Arch'd R Taylor & John Robinson 5; those who voted against the resolution were John Ross, Robt Mackay, Wm A Knox, John T Ford, John Mundell 5; and the votes being equal the Mayor voted in the affirmative, the resolution was carried

The following resolution was offered by A R Taylor, Resolved that the Council do now reconsider the question relating to the Turn Stile erected by Hugh Mercer & now standing in front of his lots at the lower end of the town & the question being put those who voted in favor of the resolution were Thos Goodwin, A Buck, Chs Austin, Arch'd R Taylor,& John Robinson 5; those who voted against it were John Mundell, John Ross, Robt Mackay, Wm A Knox & Jno T Ford 5 & the Mayor voting in the affirmative the resolution was passed

The following resolution was offered by A R Taylor, Resolved that the turn stile erected by Hugh Mercer mentioned in the proceding resolution is an obstruction within the meaning of the order of Council passed on the [blank] day of [blank] & ought to be removed immediately & that the police officer give three days notice thereof to the sd Mercer before removing the same & the question being put thereon those who voted for the resolution were Thos Goodwin, A Buck, Chs Austin, A R Taylor, & Jno Robinson 5; those who voted against it were Jno Mundell, Jno Ross, Robert Mackay, Wm A Knox & Jno T Ford 5 & the Mayor voting in favour of the resolution it was passed

Ord'd that the chamberlain pay to the Trustees of the Charity School $60 for the rent of the Corporation office

Ord'd that the Chamberlain pay to Rob't Mackay $5 improperly charged him as tax on the house lately occupied by Jas Galeagher

Thos Goodwin, Arch'd R Taylor, Jno Mundell & Wm A Knox are appt'd a Committee to report to C L Stevenson attorney for the Commonwealth the nature of the obstruction of Water Street by Robert Welford & the evidence upon that subject with a view to the prosecution directed against him yesterday

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew

At a council held at the Town Hall on Wednesday the 29th July 1818

Garrit Minor, Mayor
William A Knox, Recorder
Rob't Mackay, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
John T Ford, Common Councilman
Thos Goodwin, Common Councilman
John Ross, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman

[Page 274]

John W Green Esq'r a member of the Common Council having vacated his office by accepting the appointment of Chancellor of this district, the Council proceeded to supply the vacancy when John Goolrick was duly elected

The following resolution offered by Jno T Ford, Resolved that the execution of the order of Council made at their last meeting in relation to the railing and turn stiles erected by Colo Hugh Mercer in front of his lots at the lower end of the Town be suspended until the further order of Council and the question being put the resolution was passed

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew

At a council held at the town hall on Monday the 30th of August 1818

Garrit Minor, Mayor
A Buck, Common Councilman
Jno Mundell, Common Councilman
A R Taylor, Common Councilman
Jno T Ford, Common Councilman
Jno Robinson, Common Councilman
Jno Ross, Common Councilman
Chas Austin, Common Councilman

Jno Goolrick qualified as a Common Councilman according to law

Resolved that a Committee consisting of Charles Austin, Rob't Mackay & Anthony Buck be & they are hereby authorized to sell upon the best terms they can obtain the piece of brass ordinance belonging to the town with its appendages & mounting & that the sd Committee be authorized to ship to sd Ordinance to New York or any other place if necessary for such sale, and the sd Committee are further authorized to make enquiries of the costs & charges of a Bell for the use of the Town & if one of convenient size can be obtained on reasonable terms, they are authorized to purchase the same

Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Commonality of the town of Fred'g & it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that from and after this date no hogs shall be permitted to go at large in the town, It shall be the duty of the Constables to take up all Hogs found going at large & to sell the same at the Markett House to the highest bidder for cash one half of the amount of the sale, or sales to go to the Constable & the other half to Chamberlain for the use of the Corporation

It shall and may be lawful for the Constable to shoot any such hogs found going at large in the town, if the sd hogs cannot be conveniently caught or taken, & such hogs so shot shall belong to the Constable shooting the same

It shall and may be lawful for any citizen of the Town to shoot any Hogs which may be found in their lots or enclosures

Be it ordained that the Ordinance passed on the 10th March 1815 for preventing hogs goind at large be repealed

Garrit Minor, Mayor

[Page 275]

At a Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fred'g at the Town Hall Monday the 7th day of September 1818

William A Knox, Recorder
Rob't Mackay, Common Councilman
Thos Goodwin, Common Councilman
Chas Austin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Arch'd R Taylor, Common Councilman
John Ross, Common Councilman

Be it Ordained by the Mayor & Commonality in Council assembled that notice be given by ringing the Bell, to the Citizens of this Corporation that they do forthwith confine their dogs within their lots & that it shall be the duty of the Constables from and after the present day to shoot, kill or otherwise destroy all or any dog or dogs going at large within the jurisdiction of this Corp'n or found in the streets after this day, whether said dogs be licensed or not; This ordinance shall cease & expire on the 1st day of November next

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 24th of October 1818

Garrit Minor, Mayor
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Thos Goodwin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Jno T Ford, Common Councilman
Arch'd R Taylor, Common Councilman
John Ross, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
Jno Mundell, Common Councilman

The application of Geo W B Spooner for payment of $10 the balance said to be due to William Davis for serving as a watch in this Corpo is rejected

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Geo W B Spooner coroner $5 for an inquest held on the body of Archibald Love dec'd

A letter from James Barbour Esq of Orange County bearing date the 14th of Sept 1818 stating his appointment as agent for the County of Orange under two acts of Assembly relating to the sale of public property in certain districts & containing a proposition to which he asks the Council of Fred'g to acceed, being laid before the board upon due consideration of the said letter & the proposition embraced therein, Resolved that the Mayor be directed to inform the sd Barbour that the Council do not deem it advisable to agree thereto

A letter from John Bryce of the City of Richmond asking the Cooperation of the Council in a petition to the Legislature of Virg'a to exempt the members of fire companies from milita fines was received & read & on mature consideration thereof the Council deem it not advisable to consent thereto

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew C C

[Page 276]

Transcribed by Gary Stanton
Please send comments or corrections to Gary Stanton at
Last Modified 15 February 2013