Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

At a Council held for the Town & Corpo of Fred'g 15th day of March 1816

John Scott, Mayor
Garrit Minor, Recorder
Wm Gordon, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Rob't Mackay, Common Councilman
John W Green, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman

The Council proceeded to examine & allow the following claims against the Corpo and it is ordered that the Chamberlain pay the same

To Carter L Stevenson Atty for Commwlth Salary $66.67
To Robert S Chew Clerk salary 66.87
To Jno M Shepherd for attending Council &c 75.00
[Page 238]
To the Printer $24.00
To Salary allowed Jno M Shepherd for public services (himself) 25.00
To Salary allowed Jno M Shepherd as Jailor (himself) 25.00
To allowed Jno M Shepherd sundries pr acc't for extra services (himself) 30.00
[?] 30.54
To Charles Stewart constable (himself) 100.00
To Gerard McKenney constable (himself) 100.00
To Stewart & McKenney pr acc't (themselves) 20.00
To Gerard McKenney for ringing bell & summoning guard (himself) 4.00
To R S Chew pr acc't (cop'd) 71.67
To Wm Ragan Clerk of the Market (himself) 75.00
To Robert Mackay for paving stone 37.50

Ordered that Garrit Minor, Wm Gordon & Robert Mackay or any two of them do settle with Horace Marshall chamberlain & John M Shepherd Serjeant their several accounts and make report to the next council

John Scott, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held for the Town & Corpo of Fred'g March 18th 1816

John Scott, Mayor
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Wm Gordon, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Rob't Mackay, Common Councilman
Chas Austin, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman

[Page 239]

The Committee appointed by an order of the board of the 18th of Nov'r 1815 to enter into agreements for the purchase of a burying ground returned memorandum of agreements with the same persons mentioned in the said order which are ordered to be filed

The Mayor returned the receipt of the Chamberlain for notes delivered him for circulation

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Benj'n Day, coroner $5 for an inquest on the body of a child of Betsy Brokenborough

The Committee appointed to examine the Chamberlains account made report that they had examined the same & find it supported by proper vouchers and that the sum of $608.19 is due to the Corporation; ordered that said amount be recorded

The Committee appointed to settle John M Shepherds account as serjeant reported that they had examined the same and find a balance due the Serjeant of $31.18 cents

John Scott, Mayor

[Page 240]

Mary 18th 1816
This being the day appointed by Law for the Election of 12 persons to serve the Corpo of Fred'g as Mayor, Recorder and Common Councilman for one year, the free holders and house keepers being notified thereof met at the Clerks office & having deposited their ballots upon examination thereof the greatest number of votes were found to be in favour of the following persons Viz't

Rob't Mackay 36
Charles Austin 35
Horace Marshall 34
John Mundell 33
Alex'r Walker 32
John W Green 28
Robert Parrott 27
Garrit Minor 26
Thos Goodwin 23
Wm A Knox 23
Anthony Buck 21
Joseph Walker 17
Wm Allen 14

The first names 12 persons were accordingly duly elected; adjourned till tomorrow 4 O'clock P M

John Scott, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

Tuesday March 19th 1816
The Council met according to adjournment

Robert Mackay
Charles Austin
Horace Marshall
John Mundell
Alex'r Walker
Thos Goodwin
Anthony Buck
Robert Parrott

[Page 241]

They proceeded to the election of Mayor when Garrit Minor was duly elected & not being present the Council adjourned

At a meeting of the Council of Fred'g on the 21st March 1916

Robert Mackay
Charles Austin
Horace Marshall
John Mundell
Alex'r Walker
Thos Goodwin
Anthony Buck
Rob't Parrott
Garrit Minor
Joseph Walker

Garrit Minor who was elected Mayor at the last meeting of the Council appeared and was duly qualified

They then proceeded to the election of a Recorder when Alex'r Walker was duly elected and qualified

And the following gentlemen to wit, Rob't Mackay, Charles Austin, Horace Marshall, John Mundell, Thos Goodwin, Anthony Buck, Rob't Parrott & Joseph Walker were duly qualified as common councilmen

Robert S Chew was re-appointed Clerk of the Council & qualified

Horace Marshall was re-appointed Chamberlain for the present year who qualified and it is ordered that he give bond and security in the penalty of $5000 at the next Council

Anderson McWilliams is re-appointed Guager & George Cox is appointed assistant Guager for the present year who severally qualified

Wm F Gray is appointed printer for the purpose of printing the orders of this board & It is ordered that he receive $24 for his services

Horace Marshall, Thomas Goodwin, John Mundell & Charles Austin are appointed Trustees of the Market House the present year also to rent out the public Wharfs and to take care of the fire hooks, ladders & Engine; also to rent out the Hay Scales

[Page 242]

Anthony Buck, Joseph Walker & Rob't Parrott are appointed to supervise the Pumps the present year & they are authorized to draw upon the Chamberlain for such sums as may be necessary to keep them in order

Thomas Goodwin, Horace Marshall, and Rob't Mackay are appointed a Committee to confer with the Committee of the Trustees of the male charity school upon the subject of renting a room in the new building on the Court House lott for a Clerks office and agree for the same & also to rent out the house now occupied as a Clerk's office

Ordered that the Mayor do affix the assize of bread in the Corporation from time to time as he shall see cause

William Ragan is re-appointed Measurer of coals & salt for the present year who qualified accordingly

John M Shepherd is appointed Clerk of the Markett & Police Officer for the present year who qualified accordingly; it is ordered that he receive $400 for his services

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fred'g April 5th 1816

Garrit Minor, Mayor
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Rob't Parrott, Common Councilman
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman

[Page 243]

For reasons appearing to the Council it is ordered that Charles Austin, Horace Marshall and Robert Mackay do assist the Commissioner of the Revenue in assessing the rents of Houses in this Town occupied by the owners

John W Green, Wm A Knox, who are elected Common Councilmen appeared and were duly qualified

On Motion made & seconded, Resolved that fifty copies of the Ordinances defining the duties of the Police officer & constables be printed for the use of the Council and Officers of the Corporation

G Minor, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

Dr The Corporation of Fredericksburg in account current with the Chamberlain
Mar 23 To this sum paid Charles Stewart his salary as Constable $100
Paid Gerard McKenney his salary as Constable 2 100
Paid Gerard McKenney for Ringing Bell 3 30.
Paid Charles Stewart for shooting Dogs 3 2.62½
Paid Philip Myers for going express to Colo Walker 4 5.50
Paid MacKenney for going express to Colo Walker 5 5.50
Paid Bank of Virginia Discount on $1300 6 14.37
Paid John F Gaulier for the use of the poor 7 50.00
30 Paid Repairs to the C House 8 1.17
Paid Repairs to the C House 9 20.00
April 05 Paid Repairs to the C House 10 6.28
06 Paid Repairs to the C House 11 10.46
06 Paid Repairs to the C House 12 30.00
08 Paid Repairs to the C House 13 30.00
09 Halling Cannon shott to the Jail 14 1.00
10 Paid Repairs of Court House 16 160.00
16 Paid for Glazing Markett House windows 17 2.67
16 Paid Repairs of Court House 15 3.75
20 Paid Repairs of Pumps 18 5.00
23 Paid Repairs of Court House 19 30.00
27 Paid Repairs of Pumps 20 58.00
[Page 244]
May 08 Paid Repairs of Court House 21 10.00
09 Paid Repairs of the Jail Lock 22 3.00
11 Paid an order of council for burying a poor person 23 2.00
12 Paid Repairs of Pumps 24 3.50
12 Paid Repairs of Pumps 25 2.62½
12 Paid for a well rope 26 5.10
14 Paid John F Gaulier for the support of the poor 27 50.00
14 Paid Repairs of Court House 28 2.25
19 Paid Benj'n Parke for drawing 5 bonds with covenants for building houses on the Markett Square 29 15.00
20 Paid Repairs of Court House 30 42.80
21 Paid John Goolrick for surveying M Square 32 20.00
21 Paid Repairs of Court House 31 4.50
21 Paid Bank of Virginia Discount on $1300 33 13.87
22 Paid for moving fire buckett &c &c .50
24 Paid Repairs of Court House 34 1.04
25 Paid Repairs of Court House 35 5.08
June 27 Paid Repairs of Court House 36 2.38
30 Paid Repairs of Hanover & Charles Streets 37 42.32
July 04 Paid J Ferneyhough for sending the cannon from his Shop to this place 38 2.50
06 Paid Repairs of Court House 39 163.76
06 Paid Repairs of Court House 40 278.73
08 Paid Repairs of George Street 41 137.64
08 Paid Repairs of Charles Street 42 [nv]
Amount brot forward 1338.38
12 Paid Green & Cady for printing 43 14.50
14 Paid Repairs of Pumps 44 27.87
16 Paid Repairs of Hanover and Frederick Streets 45 78.00
19 Paid John Metcalf his salary as Com'r Revenue 46 60.00
21 Paid Repairs of Pumps 47 15.62½
27 Paid Repair of Streets 48 27.84
Aug't 02 Paid John F Gaulier for the support of the poor 49 34.27
02 Paid John F Gaulier for the support of the poor 50 19.00
03 Paid Bank of Virginia Discount on $1300 51 13.87
04 Paid Repair of Streets 52 2.50
11 Paid Alex'r Walker his a/c pr order of Council 53 7.00
16 Paid Repair of Streets 54 33.66
18 Paid Repairs of Pumps 55 32.10
[Page 245]
20 Paid Repairs of Hay Scales 56 8.50
Sept'r 11 Paid John Metcalf for licences given to drays 57 23.50
15 Paid John F Gaulier for the support of the poor 58 19.63
26 Paid John F Gaulier for the support of the poor 59 24.54
30 Paid Bank of Virginia Discount on $1300 stamp 60 15.04
Oct'r 01 Paid Repair of Streets 61 35.01
05 Paid Repair of Streets 62 11.18
06 Paid Repair of Streets 63 21.18
07 Paid Benj'n Day coroner per order of Council 64 5.00
20 Paid Repairs of Pumps 65 39.27
22 Paid John F Gaulier for the support of the poor 66 37.31
23 Paid James Ross for repairs to Wharf 67 9.52
Nov'r 02 Paid Repairs of Pumps 68 25.00
15 Paid John F Gaulier for the support of the poor 69 72.77
Dec'r 02 Paid Bank of Virginia Discount on $1300 stamp $1.37½ 70 15.24½
03 Paid P Thoms expences Vidett to Tappahannock .79
04 Paid James Somerville rent of the poor house 71 110.00
09 Paid Repairs to Markett House 72 .50
16 Paid Reubin Stevens as Vidett to Tappahannock 73 8.00
17 Paid John W Green pr order of Council 74 63.00
17 Paid this summer returned Horace Marshall being the rent on Lott No 2½ M Square 20.00
18 Paid Repairs to Markett House 75 2.45
19 Paid John Minors Expences to Richmond 76 15.75
19 Paid Hack hire to convey Mess'rs Stanard & Minor to the B Green pr order of Council 77 6.00
22 Paid Repairs to Markett House 78 9.00
22 Paid Repairs of Pumps 79 7.80
Jan'y 04 Paid W F Gray for Bank Paper 80 21.75
06 Paid for plank for the M House 81 4.00
07 Paid Repairs of Court House 82 3.38
07 Paid John F Gaulier for the support of the poor 83 48.73
16 Paid R Cary on a/c of an order of Council 84 120.00
20 Paid Carter L Stevenson his salary as attorney of the Commnw'th 85 66.67
20 Paid James Beck pr order of Council for repairs of cannon 86 5.25
21 Paid R S Chew in part of his Salary 87 44.85
22 Paid John F Gaulier for the support of the poor 88 34.96
23 Paid for press for the use of the Clks office 89 15.00
Feb'y 01 Paid Repairs of Pumps 90 25.00
02 Paid Green & Cady for printing Corpo Notes 91 20.00
02 Paid Bank of Virginia Discount on $1300 stamp $1.37½ 92 15.24½
09 Paid Clerks fees 93 3.44
[Page 246]
23 Paid John F Gaulier for the support of the poor 94 52.64
24 Paid Repairs of Markett & Street 95 14.95
March 06 Paid for 2 Stamps the 21st May & the 8th Aug'st each for a note of $1300 2.75
07 Paid Gerard McKenney a/c of his salary as Constable 96 83.98
08 Paid John M Shepherd his Com'r for collecting Markets Rents 5 pr ct on $442 97 22.10
12 Paid for $2 paper to make cartidges for cannon 98 1.87
12 Paid Chamberlains Sallary 50.00
12 Paid John Metcalf issuing licences to drays 17.50
12 Paid Hollinger & King for this sum improperly charged to the Commissioner of the Revenue 100 2.00
12 Paid R S Chew balance of an order of Council 101 75.00
16 Paid John M Shepherd Serg't his a/c allowed by the Council 102 146.55
16 Paid Garrit Minor for 5 deeds of conveyance for building and improving on the M Square 103 30.00
16 Paid Amount of Delinquents as pr Serj't a/c allowed 70.70
16 Paid an overcharge by the Comm'r of the Revenue on the property of Benj'n Botts, dec'd 1.44
16 Paid John M Shepherd his Com'r on $3140 @ 5 pr ct is 157.03
16 Paid Repairs of Court House 54.31
16 Paid Balance in the hands of the Chamberlain 1139.66
[total] $4880.08

March 15 By Amount of Land Tax $1453.18
March 15 By Amount of Property Tax $1451.00
March 15 By Amount of Dog Tax 83.00
March 15 By Amount of Dray Tax rec'd by John M Shepherd 320.00
March 15 By Amount of Dray Tax rec'd by Charles Baggott 128.25
March 15 By Amount of Markett House rents 442.02
March 15 By Amount of this sum received from the constables for sales of Hogs, Fines on negroes taken by the patrols for licences to exhibit wax figures 55.50
March 15 To Amount this sum rec'd from Anthony Buck for the sales of the fraim of Patent Balances 15.00
[Page 247]
March 15 Balance due on the settlement of the former chamberlain account $905.63
March 17 By Amount this sum rec'd John M Shepherd collected by him from sundry persons not named in the Commissioners returns 26.50

Horace Marshall, Chamberlain

We the undersigned Committee appointed to examine the accounts of Horace Marshall chamberlain of the Corpo of Fredericksburg do certify that we have examined the said account and find the same properly stated and the charged supported by vouchers and that a balance remains in the hands of the Chamberlain of Eleven hundred and thirty nine dollars and sixty six cents belonging to the Corporation this 17th March 1815
Charles Austin
John Mundell

[Page 248]

Dr The Corporation of Fredericksburg in account with Horace Marshall
March 17 To Cash paid Green & Cady per Voucher No 1 $33.50
17 To Cash paid 2 22.00
24 To Cash paid Geo Rothrock 3 11.25
29 To Cash paid John F Gaulier 4 56.40
April 06 To Cash paid Overseers of the poor 5 4.50
07 To Cash paid Discount on $1300, 13.87 Stamp 1.22 6 15.09
15 To Cash paid John F Gaulier pr voucher 7 32.58
18 To Cash paid Clerk of Markett 8 20.00
22 To Cash paid L Thomson 9 20.29
May 01 To Cash paid repairs of pumps 10 25.00
06 To Cash paid Charles Stewart 11 50.00
06 To Cash paid G McKenney 12 56.02
06 To Cash paid Silas Wood 13 132.33
22 To Cash paid John T Gaulier 14 41.84
22 To Cash paid Benj'n Day 15 15.00
June 03 To Cash paid P Terrier 16 24.80
09 To Cash paid Discount on $1300 13.87, Stamps 80¢ 17 14.67
10 To Cash paid putting up hay scales 18 21.00
16 To Cash paid John T Gaulier 19 40.77
24 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 20 14.25
24 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 21 43.12½
24 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 22 47.84
July 01 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 23 165.65
08 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 24 143.73
14 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 25 3.00
14 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 26 126.25
14 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 27 18.00
22 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 28 37.27
22 To Cash paid John Metcalfe 29 60.00
22 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 30 85.98
27 To Cash paid for coffins 31 15.50
29 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 32 134.12½
Aug'st 02 To Cash paid Tax 33 10.01
03 To Cash paid J Gore for repairs to pumps 34 82.49
03 To Cash paid J Metcalfe 35 30.50
05 To Cash paid Repairs of Streets 36 158.67
[Page 249]
09 To Cash paid House 37 2.42
09 To Cash paid rent of Poor House 38 110.00
11 To Cash paid Disc't on $1300 13.878 stamp 80¢ 39 14.67
12 To Cash paid for Whiskey 40 96.27½
12 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 41 152.73
12 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 42 19.00
19 To Cash paid Repairs of the Streets 43 189.86
19 To Cash paid John T Gaulier 44 34.44
19 To Cash paid Smiths work 45 46.85
19 To Cash paid coffin for W Barbour 46 5.00
19 To Cash paid repairs of Streets 47 163.63
19 To Cash paid Smiths work 48 6.00
30 To Cash paid G McKenney 49 55.62½
Sept'r 02 To Cash paid Repairs of Streets 50 132.78
09 To Cash paid Repairs of Streets 51 92.67
09 To Cash paid Mr Wright 52 18.00
13 To Cash paid Wm Hardia 53 11.48
16 To Cash paid for Whiskey 54 12.09
16 To Cash paid Repairs of tools 55 8.50
16 To Cash paid repairs of streets 56 106.05
21 To Cash paid for 3 shovels 4.50
22 To Cash paid John T Gaulier pr voucher 57 50.00
Oct'r 09 To Cash paid digging drain 58 12.00
20 To Cash paid John T Gaulier 59 67.25
20 To Cash paid John M Shepherd 60 18.24
23 To Cash paid digging grave 61 1.00
23 To Cash paid Disc't on $1300, 13.87 Stamp 1.17 62 15.04
Nov'r 02 To Cash paid repairs of Street 63 10.00
09 To Cash paid for coffin 64 3.00
09 To Cash paid Corporation on notes paper & printing 65 285.00
14 To Cash paid John F Gaulier 66 53.70
24 To Cash paid Drayage of water 67 9.00
28 To Cash paid Repair of Streets 68 4.50
28 To Cash paid John Metcalfe 69 14.00
Dec'r 22 To Cash paid John F Gaulier 70 71.50
22 To Cash paid L L Stevenson 71 66.67
Jan'y 05 Disct on $1300 $13.87, Stamp 1.17 72 15.04
22 To Cash paid John T Gaulier 73 84.04
22 To Cash paid Discount on $1500 74 17.22
24 To Cash paid Repairs of Pumps 75 63.33
Feb'y 08 To Cash paid Paving Stones 76 30.00
[Page 250]
08 To Cash paid Dis't on $1000 77 12.22
16 To Cash paid Dis't on $1300 78 15.04
19 To Cash paid John F Gaulier 79 74.56
19 To Cash paid J Layton tax on waggon rec'd 80 8.00
24 To Cash paid a coroners Inquest 81 5.00
Mar 01 To Cash paid Disc't on $1000 82 13.01
12 To Cash paid Charles Stewart Constable 83 42.46
12 To Cash paid for planks for the hay scales 84 3.00
12 To Cash paid John M Shepherd 85 31.19
12 To Cash paid Gerrard McKenny 86 47.00
14 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 87 50.00
16 To Cash paid R S Chew part of his salary as clerk 88 55.75
16 To Cash paid John M Shepherd 88 155.54
16 To Cash paid William French 89 60.00
16 To Cash paid R S Chew 90 82.59
16 To Cash paid Gerrard McKenny 91 77.00
16 To Cash paid Charles Stewart his commission on $3409.49 @ 5pr ct 92 57.54
16 To Cash paid on Amount of Delinquents 61.10
16 To Cash paid on repairs of Streets as voucher No 87 18.00
16 To Cash paid on Balance in the hands of Chamberlain 608.39
[Total] $5636.61

Cr The Corporation of Fredericksburg in account with Horace Marshall
Mar 16 By Balance due by the Chamberlain $1139.66
Mar 16 By Sundry fines on Negroes &c &c 103.40
16 By Market House rents 364.98
16 By Amount of Land Tax 1521.88
16 By Amount of property tax 1521.00
16 By amount of Dray Tax 44.00
16 By amount Rents receive for stalls and Markett Square 400.69
16 By this sum received for sundry fines and tax on Rope Dancers, Commedians &c 18.00
[Page 251]
16 This sum received from John M Shepherd Serjeant as pr account 12.00
[Total] $5636.61

We the Undersigned Committee appointed to examine the accounts of Horace Marshall chamberlain of the Corporation of Fredericksburg do certify that we have examined the said account and find the same properly stated and the charges supported by Vouchers and that a balance remains in the hands of the Chamberlain of six hundred & eight dollars and nineteen cents belonging to the Corporation this 18th March 1816
Wm Gordon
Rob't Mackay

At a Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fredericksburg on Saturday the 18th of May 1816

Garrit Minor, Mayor
Alex'r Walker, Recorder
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman

John Mundell, Horace Marshall, and Robert S Chew are appointed a committee to superintend the improvement of the Court house lott, and to call on the proprietors of the lotts adjacent to erect a fence on the lower side of the Court house lott agreeable to a former order, and the said committee are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for the sums expenced by them upon the said lot

Thomas Goodwin, Charles Austin, and Alexander Walker are appointed committee to confer with Philip Terrier upon the subject of enclosing and improving the County wharf lot and make report to the Council

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

[Page 252]

At a Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Saturday the 25th of May 1816

Garrit Minor, Mayor
Alex'r Walker, Recorder
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman

The Commissioner of the Revenue returned an abstract of the rents and property subject to taxation in this Corporation for the present year, Viz't

Amount of rents $61,307.66 2/3
382 white males above 16 years
680 slaves above 12 years
61 free males mulattoes above 16 years
110 Female Mulattoes & Negroes above 16 years
191 Horses
182 Carriage wheels

Resolved that the same species of property and persons subjected to taxation the last year be again taxed at the same rates that were imposed on the 7th of June 1815

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Charles Steward $2.34 cents for removing Thornton Alexander from this Corporation

Application having been made by William Gordon, Richard Johnston & George & Robert Ellis for an addition of 12 feet in the rear of their lots leased of the Corporation which will make their back line correspond with the back line of the lot leased by Wm Allen. On consideration of which the Council doth agree to yield to the said applicants to the said 12 feet of ground upon the following conditions to wit;
That they shall build a brick wall seven & a half feet high; one & a half bricks thick & neatly capped, without any gate or entry into the Market House lott & also upon condition that the steps and cellar way now on the alley leading to the markett house shall be removed & no such obstructions or any other obstruction shall be placed in said alley

Horace Marshall entered into and acknowledged bond with security as Chamberlain of this Corporation for the present year, which is ordered to be filed

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Thursday the 13th of Jun 1816

Garrit Minor, Mayor
John W Green, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman

Horace Marshall, John Mundell and Charles Austin are appointed a committee to superintend the opening and cutting down of that part of George Street lately used as a burying ground around the new Episcopal Church and between [Page 253] Caroline and Princess Ann Streets and that they secure the sides of said street in any manner they deem best

The Council having determined to cut down and open that part of George Street which is adjacent to the new Episcopal Church, and lately used as a burying ground; It is respectfully suggested to those who have friends or relations interred there that every assistance will be given by the superintendant in taking up and collecting their remains, and that the bones of such as are not previously removed are to be collected and decently interred in some other part of the Church yard

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held for the Town of Fredericksburg on the 29th day of June 1816

Garrit Minor, Mayor
Alex'r Walker, Recorder
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
William A Knox, Common Councilman

Robert S Chew is authorized to have the paper press in the Hustings Court office repaired and altered & present the account to the Council for payment

It appearing to the Council from the representation of Robert Parrott that the channel of the Rappahannock will probably be obstructed by the fall of a tree in Mortimer's meadow, It is ordered that the said Robert Parrott be authorized to attend to the removal of the same the expence of which to be defrayed by the Corporation

It is ordered that the Police Officer give notice to all persons that have encroached upon the streets of this Corporation by extending their palings into or across the streets, and depositing plaster of paris, plank or any other article therein, to remove the same on or before the first day of August next & that if the said nuisances are not removed by that time, the said police officer is ordered to remove the same immediately thereafter at the expence of the party failing to comply with this order

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a council held for the Town of Fred'g on the 22nd day of July 1816

Alex'r Walker, Recorder
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
William A Knox, Common Councilman
John W Green, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman

Whereas there is great reason to believe that many dogs in the town and neighborhood are infected with madness and it is considered as important to the [Page 254] safety of the citizens to guard against the consequences, be it therefore ordained as it is hereby ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, & Common Council of the Town of Fred'g that all dogs taxed within the Corpo shall be confined by the owners thereof so that they shall not be permitted to go at large in the streets or elsewhere, other than upon the premises of the owners of such dogs respectively until the 10th day of October next. And that the Police Officer do give immediate notice hereof to the owners of such dogs and if after such notice any such dog shall be found going at large in the streets or elsewhere other than on the premises of the owner of such dog, It shall be lawful for the police officer or constables of the Town or for any other person upon whose premises such dog may be found to shott or otherwise kill such dog

Pres't Rob't Mackay

John W Gree & John Mundell are appointed to confer with Robert Patton[?] admr of James Hunter dec'd & Robert Lewis atty in fact for Hunter upon the subject of purchasing from them their right to so much of water street as passes thro lot No 304 in Fred'g & make report to the Council

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to David Almond $10 p his account this day allowed for half bush'l measures &c

A Walker, Recorder
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held for the Town & Corporation of Fred'g the 21st day of August 1816

Garrit Minor, Mayor
Alex'r Walker, Rec'r
Thomas Goodwin, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman

Ordered that the police officer do proceed immediately to have all the fire buckets (out of order) repaired without delay & the council earnestly requests all the citizens who have not fire bucketts of their own to provide themselves with Bucketts immediately & hand them up in some convenient part of their houses

Anthony Buck & Alexander Walker are appointed a committee to agree with some person to graduate the cross streets from water street to the river provided that the same can be done for the use of stone in the streets

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Philip Terrier $15.50 cents p his account rendered for making coffins

Be it ordained by the Mayor & Commonalty of the town of Fred'g that a further sum of $5000 in small notes be issued by the Mayor for the same purpose & in the manner & upon the same conditions provided by the ordinance of this board upon the subject of furnishing convenient change passed the 30th of August 1815

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew

[Page 255]

At a Council held for the Town of Fredericksburg on Saturday the 23rd of November 1816

Garrit Minor, Mayor
Garrit Minor, Mayor
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Anthony Buck, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Wm A Knox, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Mayor be authorized to sign a petition to the legislature of Virg'a on behalf of the Council, jointly with the Trustees of the Charity School of Fred'g praying that a law may pass granting to the said Charity School a part of the Court House square adjoining that heretofore granted containing 38 feet on Hanover Street and 50 feet deep; It being understood by the Council that no other than a two story Brick house shall be built on the said ground

For reasons appearing to the Council, it is ordered that the draymen be hereafter allowed 35 cents a load from Glassells wharf and those below and 25 cents pr load from all other wharfs

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew C F

Transcribed by Gary Stanton
Please send comments or corrections to Gary Stanton at
Last Modified 7 February 2013