Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 19th of February 1814

Charles L Carter, Recorder
John Scott, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman
Wm Pearson, Common Councilman

Resolved that the Court House be repaired thoroughly with an additional Bar and suitable enclosure made the superintendence of

John Goolrick, John Scott, R S Chew and Joseph Walker who are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for the expence attending the said repairs and enclosure
Charles L Carter, Recorder

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 19th of March 1814

George French, Mayor
John Scott, Common Councilman
Robert Parrott, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
Alex'r Walker, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
Jos Walker, Common Councilman

The Council proceeding to examine and allow the following claims against the Corporation and it is ordered that the Chamberlain pay the same

To Carter L Stevenson, Att'y (Sallary) $66.67
To Robert S Chew, Clerk 66.67
To Timothy Green for printing 24.00
To James French, Physician to the Poor 30.00
To Geo Baggott, Serg't for public services (deliv'd G Baggott) 50.00
To Joseph Walker pr a/c (himself) 3.25
To Alex'r Walker pr a/c 7.00
Amount brought up $247.59
To A R Thornton pr a/c(deliv'd G Baggott) 5.00
To R S Chew pr acc't (Corpo pd) 36.79
To Polly Jennings pr a/c (deliv'd G Baggott) 3.00
To Benj'n Day for an inquest on B Whitake 5.00
To Charles Steward constable salary (himself) 100.00
To Ger'd McKenney constable salary 100.00
To Ger'd McKenney for waiting in patrol and ringing Bell 4 months (himself) 30.00
To Steward & McKenney pr a/c for shooting dogs (themselves) 26.97
To Philip Terrier for making two coffins 6.00
To Roger Cary for salary as Clk of Markett 120.00
To Roger Cary for extra services 30.00
To Roger Cary for 2 locks & moving Engines 2.33
To Charles Baggott Dy Serg't pr a/c 18.69

Robert Mackay, Alex'r Walker and John Goolrick or any two of them are appointed to settle with Horace Marshall Chamberlain and George Baggott, Serg't of the Corporation their respective accounts and make report thereupon to the Council

Geo French

R S Chew C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Monday the 21st day of March 1814

George French, Mayor
John Scott, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
Alex'r Walker, Common Councilman

[Page 194]

The Committee appointed to settle with Horace Marshall his accounts as Chamberlain made report that the account is supported by proper vouchers and that the balance of $905.63½ cents remains in the hands of the Chamberlain. Ordered that the said Account be recorded and an abstract thereof be published

The Committee appointed to examine the Sergeants account reported that they had examined the same and find it properly stated and that the balance of 20 dollars is due to the Corpo

Ordered that said account be recorded

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Gerard McKenney $5.50 cents pr acc't this day approved

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Philip Mayer $5.50 cents pr acc't this day allowed

Geo French
R S Chew

[Page 195 blank]
[Page 196]

Dr The Corporation of Fredericksburg in a/c with Horace Marshall Chamber'n
Mar'h 12 To Cash paid the Chamb'n for balance due him 1yr settlement of a/c in 1812 $68.73½
12 To Cash paid Order of Council for use of the Poor 1 5.00
12 To Cash paid Disc't in Note in Bank for $1300 2 13.87
Ap'l 29 To Cash paid repairs of Pumps 3 3.75
29 To Cash paid John Goolrick pr order of Council 4 9.00
29 To Cash paid Philip Terrier pr order of Council 5 10.75
May 14 To Cash paid Stamp for negotiable note .50
15 To Cash paid Disc't in Bank on note for $1300 6 13.87
18 To Cash paid Repairing Sale lock 7 1.50
July 16 To Cash paid repairs of pumps 8 164.41
16 To Cash paid Discount on note in Bank $1300 9
16 To Cash paid Stamps for negotiable note 3/ 9 142.32½
17 To Cash paid repairs of pumps 10 75.00
21 To Cash paid R S Chew pr order of Council 11 106.15
21 To Cash paid C Steward his salary 11 100.00
24 To Cash paid Carter L Stevenson his salary as Commonwealth Attorney 12 66.67
29 To Cash paid repairing Cannon 13 22.88
Aug't 14 To Cash paid adjusting Public weights 14 .37½
19 To Cash paid dog stamps 15 4.00
24 To Cash paid 4 Bottles sweet oil 16 5.00
24 To Cash paid digging grave for a poor woman 17 1.00
Sept'r 06 To Cash paid John F Gaulier for use of poor 18 250.00
06 To Cash paid John Metcalfe 19 76.00
10 To Cash paid Rent of Poor House 20 110.00
11 To Cash paid Bricks to wall pump wells 21 117.80
17 To Cash paid Discount in Bankd on $1200 stamp 3/ 22 44.37
17 To Cash paid repairs to pumps 23 45.00
Oct'r 12 To Cash paid digging grave for poor 24 1.00
18 Constables for shooting dogs pr order of council 25 25.87
21 To Cash paid Wm Jackson pr Order Council 26 150.00
To Cash paid Fee Bill 27 .18
23 To Cash paid Drayman for carrying water Hhbs to Wm Brookes house 28 5.00
Nov'r 07 To Cash paid R Stanard his fee in the case of Johnston & Young 29 20.00
[Page 197]
18 To Cash paid Order of Council 30 13.67
18 To Cash paid Repairs of Pumps 31 2.50
19 To Cash paid John T Gaulier for use of poor house 32 200.00
19 To Cash paid Disc't in Bank on $1300 Stamp 3/ 33 14.37
27 To Cash paid Repairs of pumps 34 25.88
27 To Cash paid Sergeant to the poor his salary 35 30.00
Nov'r 27 To amount brought forward $1803.11½
Dec'r 09 To Cash paid Benj'n Day coroner for Judgm't on the body of Thornton Peters 36 5.00
09 To Cash paid Two tin horns for Town Watch 37 1.00
09 To Cash paid work done at Pumps 38 .75
09 To Cash paid Proctors Bill 39 3.50
09 To Cash paid Discount in Bank of $1300 Stamp 3/ 40 15.12
Feb'y 17 To Cash paid Drayage on Shingles to repair the Court House 41 2.00
17 To Cash paid John Metcalf Comm'r of Revenues 42 32.50
25 To Cash paid C L Stevenson his salary as Comm'th Attorney 43 66.67
Mar 3 03 To Cash paid R S Chew his salary as Clerk 44 17.00
03 To Cash paid Samuel Jones pr order of Council 45 11.00
03 To Cash paid Plank for Court House 46 11.82
03 To Cash paid Hawling Timber for Court House 47 3.00
16 To Cash paid R S Chew to apply to the repairs of Court House 48 50.00
17 To Cash paid Plank to repair Court House 49 12.75
17 To Cash paid for 2 coffins 50 6.00
17 To Cash paid my salary as Chamberlain 50.00
19 To Cash paid J Walker pr order Council 52 111.44
19 To Cash paid P Terrier 53 6.00
21 To Cash paid Amount of Geo Baggott a/c allowed by the Committee Vizt
To Cash paid this sum paid Drayman $12.50
To Cash paid this sum paid G McKenney 100.00
To Cash paid this sum paid A Walker 3.00
To Cash paid This sum paid P Terrier 7.30
To Cash paid this sum paid T Green 13.50
To Cash paid this sum paid C Baggott 18.69
To Cash paid this sum paid A R Thornton 5.00
To Cash paid this sum paid P Jennings 3.00
To Cash paid This salary for attending the Chamberlain 50.00
To Cash paid his salary as police officer 50.00
To Cash paid his salary as stamp master 10.00
Error in tax on Hughes .50
Amount Delinquents 88.10
Commission $3482.89 @ 5 pr ct is 174.10 535.69
Paid A Walker for two coffins 7.00
Balance pr contra $3653.63

The Corporation of Fredericksburg in a/c with Horace Marshall Chamber'n Cr
Feb'y 17 By amount of Property tax 1400.00
17 By amount of Land tax 1379.45
17 By amount of Dray tax 166.00
17 By amount of Dog tax 102
17 By amount of Execution against Marston 91.54
Mar 07 By amount of Rents for Market Square 325.48
07 By amount of rents for Market Stalls, Hay Scales 145.00
17 By amount of tax on Exhibitions 15.00
Cash Received from Constables for sale of hogs 23.11½
17 By amount of for fines inflicted by Clerk of Markett and fines on Negroes 7.04½

[Page 199]

In Obedience to an order of the Council we the undersigned have examined the Chamberlains acc't and find it properly supported by vouchers and a balance due the Corporation of $905.63
Alexander Walker
Robert Mackay
Fred'g March 21, 1814

[Page 200]

Dr The Corporation of Fredericksburg in account with the Sergeants Thereof
To cash paid Chamberlain pr receipts $2681.00
To cash paid Chamberlain pr receipts 115.00
To cash paid hired dray for Brooks & C for Pumps pr Order Mess'rs Terrier and Pearson 12.50
To cash paid Gerard McKenney 100.00
To cash paid Alexander Walker 3.00
To cash paid Philip Terrier 7.30
To cash paid Timothy Green 13.50
To cash paid Anthony R Thornton 5.00
To cash paid Polly Jennings 3.00
To cash paid sundry accounts passed by Council 18.69
To cash paid my salary attending Council 50.00
To cash paid my salary as police officer 50.00
To cash paid my salary as Stamp Master 10.00
To cash paid Exor in Tax on Hughs .50
To cash paid Amount deliquents 88.10
To cash paid comm'n on $3570.99 at 5 pr ct 178.55
Bal'ce due Corporation 244.28
Total $3570.99

The Corporation of Fredericksburg in account with the Sergeants Thereof Cr
By amount Taxes pr Com'rs Books $2779.45
By amount dray taxes 130.00
By amount dog taxes 102.00
By amount Market Property 315.50
By amount Execution on Corpon vs Marston 91.54
By amount this sundries of Pearson not taxed 7.50
By amount Rents of Stalls in the Market House and Hay scales 145.00
By amount Bal pr Contra 234.85
By order in Commission 4.40
Bal due Corporation 239.25
Bal due Corporation 5.03
By credit as police officer 50.00

In obedience to an order of the Council we the undersigned have examined the account of the Sergeant and find the same to be properly stated and a balance due the Corpo of Fifty dollars
Alex'r Walker
Robert Mackay
Fred'g 21st March 1814

[Page 202]

March 21st 1814 This being the day appointed by Law for the Election of 12 Persons to serve the Corporation of Fredericksburg as Mayor, Recorder and Common Councilman for one year, the free holders and house keepers being notified thereof met at the Town Hall and having deposited their ballots upon examination thereof the greatest number of votes were found to be in favour of the following persons Viz't

Charles Austin 54
John Scott 53
Horace Marshall 52
Robert Mackay 49
Joseph Walker 48
John Mundell 46
William Allen 46
John Crump 42
Alex'r Walker 41
John W Green 40
Garrit Minor 39
John Smith 36
Robert Parrott 29
Philip Terrier 23

The first named twelve were accordingly duly Elected

Adj'd until tomorrow evening at 4 O'Clock

Geo French

Tuesday March 22nd 1814. The Council met according to adjournment

Charles Austin
John Scott
H Marshall
Robert Mackay
John Mundell
Wm Allen
John Crump
Alex'r Walker
Garrit Minor
John Smith

They proceeded to the choice of Mayor when Garrit Minor was duly elected and qualified

R S Chew was duly elected Clerk of the Board and Qualified

John Scott was duly Elected Recorder and qualified

[Page 203]

Horace Marshall is re-elected Chamberlain for the present year who qualified and it is ordered that he give Bond and Security in the penalty of $5000 at the next Council and it is further ordered that he receive $50 for his services

John Goolrick is re-appointed Geographer for the present year

Anderson McWilliams is reappointed Guager in this Corpo for the Pres't year who qualified accordingly

Roger Cary is reappointed measurer of Coals and Salt for the pres't yr who quali'd accordingly

Mess'rs Green & Cady are reappointed printers for the purpose of printing the orders of the board & it is ordered that they receive the sum of $24 for their services

Roger Cary is elected Clerk of the Markett and superintendant of the Fire Engine and water hogsheads for the present year who qualified accordingly

Horace Marshall, Robert Mackay and John Mundell are appointed Trustees of the Markett House the present year also to rent out the publick wharfs and to take care of the fire hooks, ladders and Engine and also to rent out the Hay Scales

Alex'r Walker, Joseph Walker, Chas Austin & Wm Allen are appointed to Superintend the pumps the present year and they are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for such sums as may be necessary to keep them in order

Ordered that Mayor do affix the assize of Bread in this Corpo from time to time as he shall see cause

John Scott, Horace Marshall and John Crump are appointed a Committee to revise and ascertain the duties of the Clerk of the Markett and the Constables so far as they are police officers and make report to the board

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

[Page 204]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Thursday the 24th of March 1814

Garrit Minor, Mayor
John Scott, Recorder
Robert Mackay
Wm Allen
John Crump
Alex'r Walker
John Smith

Joseph Walker who was elected a member of the Common Council appeared was qualified and took his seat

Present, Horace Marshall

The mayor stated to the board that the Council was called for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of contributing a sum of money to be applied towards the opening the street on which the house of John Benson now stands, the said Benson agreeing to open a Street 55 feet wide extending in this to Water Street and to Convey the fee simple of the ground to the Mayor and the Commonalty of the Town and their Successors forever to be used as a St

The Council on consideration of the matter do hereby agree to appropriate the sum for which the stone on the public wharf sold to wit: the sum of $350 to be applied to the said purpose

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 9th day of April 1814

Garrit Minor, Mayor
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
William Allen, Common Councilman
John Crump, Common Councilman
John Smith Jr, Common Councilman

John W Green who was elected a member of the Common Council appeared and qualified and took his seat

The question being submitted whether it be expedient now to build a new markett house, On Motion made and Seconded, it is ordered that the [Page 205] subject be refered to a Committee with instructions to report at the next setting of the Hall a plan for a new Markett House, the probable cost of erecting and finishing it. The Annual revenue of the Corporation and the ordinary charges thereupon and the ways and means of defraying the cost of building such new Markett House, and Garrit Minor, John Mundell, Horace Marshall & Chas Austin are appointed a Committee for that purpose

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall Saturday the 16th day of April 1814

Garrit Minor, Mayor
John Scott, Recorder
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman
Jno Crump, Common Councilman
John Smith Jr, Common Councilman

On Motion made and Seconded, Resolved that the keys of the Markett house be deposited with the Chamberlain of the Corporation

Pres't, Jos Walker

Resolved that John Mundell and Chas Austin be a Committee to contract with some person to hang the Church Bell for temporary use and that the same be done as speedily as possible

Ordered that Wm Allen, John Crump & John Smith Jr do examine the state of the poor house and do ascertain whether the insitution cannot admit of some retrenchments of expences what the former expences were, and what the number of paupers were formerly and also at the present tmie and make report to Council

Resolved that John Scott, John W Green, John Mundell and Jos Walker and Garrit Minor be appointed a Committee to inquire into and report to the Council their opinion of the way in which the streets and boundaries of the Town can best be ascertained

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

[Page 206]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 23 day of April 1814

Garrit Minor, Mayor
John Scott, Recorder
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Chas Austin, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman
John Crump, Common Councilman
Alex'r Walker, Common Councilman
Jhon W Green, Common Councilman
John Smith Jr, Common Councilman

The Committee appointed under an order of Council of the 9th of Apr 1814 to inquire into the expediency of building a new Markett house made their report in these words "The Committee to who was refered the subject of building a new Markett House and Town Hall with instructions to report a plan, the probable cost of the building &c, Respectfully report that on a fair estimation of the subject refered to them and from the information obtained from intelligent Mechanicks the[y] are of opinions that the proposed buildings may be completed for the sum of $6250

From this sum deduct the amount of what is believed may be obtained for the old building, say $1250.00 [leaving] $5000.00

It is proposed that the new building be erected on the west side of the Markett Square, on Princess Ann Street to be 97 feet by 33 feet, it is proposed that 10 feet of each end shall be appropriated to the two fire engines leaving 77 feet for the use of the Market; over the center of said Markett is proposed to be erected a two storey building 49 feet by 33 for a Town Hall and Council Chamber with two wings each 24 feet by 33 of one storey, the whole to be supported by strong stone arches

The Committee have taken some pains to ascertain whence the means may be obtained for accomplishing this desirable object and have good reasons for believing that the branches of Virginia and Farmers Banks in this place will loan for this purpose the sum of $2500 each as it may be wanted, it being understood that the same shall be repaid by the Corporation in yearly payments of $1200 each

It is believed that this annual payment may be made from the rents of the property on the Markett Square that of the Hay Scales and the Corpo Wharf without touching the Corpo funds thus
The present rents of this property amounted to $565
To which will be added the rents of 94 fee of ground on Caroline Street supposed worth $5 pr foot but say $400
Rents of the two wings adjoining the Town Hall at each $100 200
Rents of Wharf was formerly $75 say 35

[Page 207]

This sum of $1200 annually applied to the Liquid ad[?] of the debt as above stated will in about five ½ years extinguish the whole, and leave the Corporation a valuable and ornamental property of from $1200 to $1300 pr annum

We therefore recommend the plan herewith handed in for the Consideration of the Council

We further report that the funds arising from the Taxes is fully sufficient to meet the ordinary expences of the Corpo

Garrit Minor
Jno Mundell
Horace Marshall
Chas Austin

On Consideration whereof resolved unanimously that the said report be adopted, and that John W Green, Garrit Minor, John Scott and John Mundell be a Committee to draft and report an ordinance to the Council upon the subject on Friday next

The Committee who were pointed at the last meeting of the Council to examine into the state of the poor house this day returned their report and on Motion, Resolved that the Consideration of said report be defered until the next Council, The report is in the following words "The Committee appointed by the Council to examine the Poor House &c having performed that duty Report

That the whole expenses of the establishment for the year ending in
March 1809 amounted to $716.10
1810 amounted to 724.11
1811 amounted to 671.21
1812 amounted to 561.18
1813 amounted to 559.76
1814 amounted to 667.31

Making an average of $649.94½ dollars for the six years last past

From the reports of the visiting committee entered in the Books from time to time, now in the possession of the Superintendant it appears there were in
1809 Four paupers only
1810 Four (a)
1811 Four
1812 Three grown & two children
1813 Four grown & one child
1814 Two grown, one child

one of [page 208] which, Louis Baudene, it is believed is very capable under the direction of some decent person to earn a support

The Committee forbear to express an opinion whether the expences can be retrenched or not they merely state facts

John Crump
Wm Allen
Jno Smith Jr

(a) This number is entirely conjecture, there being no report that year

(b) One of this number appears to have continued there for a short time only, and it is believed her master is liable for her maintenance during the time she did stay. Quire ought not some person attend to it

On Motion made and seconded resolved that the time allowed to Wm Allen to erect a house on the Lott leased of the Corporation be expended one year, in addition, to the time now allowed

Garrit Minor, Mayor

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 26th day of April 1814

Garrit Minor, Mayor
John Scott, Recorder
John W Green, Common Councilman
John Crump, Common Councilman
Chas Austin, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
John Smith Jr, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman

The Committee who were directed by the order of the 23rd Inst to report an ordinance providing for the erection of a new Markett house respectfully submit to the Consideration of the Council an ordinance in the words following;

"An Ordinance providing for the building of a new Markett house, and for other purposes"

Be it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder and Common Councilmen of the Town of Fredericksburg and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that a new Markett House be built on the Markett house Square fronting on Princess Ann Street according to the plan recommended in the report of the Committee upon that subject made to the Common Hall on the 23 Inst [Page 209] providing Five thousand Dollars for defraying the expence thereof can be obtained in manner herein after directed either from the Bank of Virginia or the Farmers Bank of Virginia or from both of the said Banks

And for the purpose of building funds for the building of the said Markett House, Be it further ordained and it hereby further ordained that the Mayor and Recorder do forthwith apply to one, or from both of the sd Banks for the said loan of five thousand dollars to be advanced by either of the said Banks or by both of them jointly, as the same may be required for the purpose of erecteing and finishing the said building upon the note or notes of the Mayor endorsed by the Recorder and Chamberlain, on behalf of the Mayor and Commonalty of the Town of Fredericksburg and to be continued and renewed from time to time by the Mayor Recorder and Chamberlain for the time being; and so soon as it shall be ascertained as such loan can be had, it shall be the duty of the Commissioners herein after named to cause to be erected on the Market Square a temporary shed upon the cheapest plan, for the use of the Markett until the new Market house can be ready, and shall forthwith sell to the highest bidder upon a note untill the first day of January next (taking) a negotiable note well endorsed for purchase money the old Markett House

And the purchaser or purchasers of the old Market House shall Stipulated to take down and remove the materials thereof within thirty days after the day of sale and the proceeds of such sale together with the sum of Five Thousand Dollars to be borrowed from the Banks shall constitute the funds for the erection of the new Markett House and shall be subject to control of the said Commissioners to be by them applied and appropriated from time to time as occasion may require

And be it further ordained and it is hereby ordained that so soon as the amount of the said fund shall be ascertained the said Commissioners shall proceed to contract with a proper mechanic or mechanics and for the necessary materials for the building of the new Markett house upon the best terms that may be practicable. And shall superintend the execution of such contracts and see that they are properly executed

And be it further ordained and it is hereby ordained that the said Commissioners shall so soon as it shall be ascertained that the said loan of Five Thousand Dollars can be obtained lay off an alley from [Page 210] from twenty four to thirty feet wide to run from Caroline Street at right angles with the street up to the site of the new Markett house, and shall divide the residue of the vacant ground of the Markett house lott fronting on Caroline Street into convenient lots, which lotts are to be one hundred twenty feet in depth so far as the same may not be restrained by any prior lease or leases and shall lett such lotts to the highest biddgers upon the best annual ground rent that can be had, payable annually for three lives or twenty one years, at the option of the tenant, the tenants stipulating under the penalty of forfeiting their leases respectfully; and giving bonds in the penalty of $1000 respectively that they will on or before the first day of January eighteen hundred & sixteen erect and finish one such lotts two story fire proof Brick houses occupying the whole front of the lotts on Caroline Street, and at least thirty six feet deep with cellars under the whole with such other stipulations to prevent nuisances to the Markett and to produce uniformity in the said Buildings as to the said Commissioners may appear proper and necessary

And it be further ordained and it is hereby ordained that all the rents and profits ensuring or to arise from the new Markett house and from the Markett square and from the Corporation wharf and the Hay scales, to the amount of twelve hundred dollars annually if such rents and profits should amount to so much be and they are hereby appropriated and pledged for the payment of the discounts to be due on the siad lease of Five thousand dollars and tor the gradual extinguishment of the principal thereof until the same shall be discharged; And John Scott, Garrit Minor, Horace Marshall, Chas Austin and Alex'r Walker are appointed commissioners to carry this ordinance into full effect, any three of whom may act in the premises

The Committee who were directed by the Order of the 23 Inst to report an ordinance providing for the building of a new Markett House respectfully submit the foregoing ordinance to the consideration of the Council Apr 26, 1814

John W Green
Garrit Minor
John Scott
John Marshall

Which was read section by section and unanimously adopted and Jno Scott, Garrit Minor, Horace Marshall, Chas Austin and Alex'r Walker are appointed commissioners to carry the same into effect

[Page 211]

Ordered that the Chamberlain do pay to Lemuel Thompson $3 for repairing the lock to the outside door of the goal

John W Green, John Mundell and John Crump are appointed a Committee to report a revisal of all such ordinances as exist in their Corporation in the subject of the taxes on dogs, waggons & carts

Garrit Minor, Mayor

W Morton

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 7th of May 1814

Garrit Minor, Mayor
John Scott, Recorder
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Robert MacKay, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
William Allen, Common Councilman
John Crump, Common Councilman
Alex'r Walker, Common Councilman
John Smith Jr, Common Councilman
John W Green, Common Councilman

Ordered the Chamberlain pay unto John Goolrick $15 pr his account for surveying & platting the Marketting house lott provided the sd Goolrick draw a new platt of the said lott agreeable to the directions of an order of this date (delivered himself)

The Commissioners appointed to let out certain portions of the Markett house lott returned a platt of the proposed divisions. It is thereupon ordered that lott No. 13 designated upon that platt shall be laid out 23 feet four inches front running from the Corner of Markett Street designated on the said platt and Caroline Street instead of 24½ feet, and that No. 14 shall begin at the lower corner of No. 13 and run down Caroline Street 24 feet and that an alley below the lower corner of No. 14 being the residence of the front of the Market house lott be designated as ground not leased and that a new Platt be made out accordingly, to be recorded

Garrit Minor, Mayor

R S Chew, C C

[Page 212]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 21st of May 1814

Garrit Minor, Mayor
John Scott, Recorder
Robert MacKay, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman
Alex'r Walker, Common Councilman
Charles Austin, Common Councilman
John W Green, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Chamberlayne pay to John Goolrick five dollars for a new Platt of the Markett house lott, Ordered that the said platt with the remarks annexed by recorded (Platt &c recorded folios 220-221)

The Commissioner of the Revenue received an abstract of the property subject to taxation in this Corporation the present year as follows, Viz't
Free white males above 16 years old 353
Free male mulattoes & Negroes 16 44
Free female mulattoes & Negroes 16 100
Slaves above 12 and 16 617
Horses 198
Carriage wheels 96

Resolved, that the same species of property and persons subjected to taxation the last year be again taxes at the same rates which were imposed on the first day of May 1813

On motion made and seconded, Ordered, that John Mundell, Robert Parrott, Robert Patton, John Scott, Henry Phillips, Garrit Minor, John W Green, Carter L Stevenson, Alexander F Rose, Thomas Goodwin, [blank] Pritchard, John Howard, or any three or more of them who are appointed a committee for that purpose, do examined and ascertain whether the navigation of the Rappahannock river be likely to be injured by the turning of the course of the Massaponax River, by means of the Canal dug by John Taylor and that the said Committee do report the result of their examination to this board

Horace Marshall entered into and acknowledged bond with security as Chamberlain in this Corporation for the present year

John W Green, John Smith, and Robert Mackay are appointed a committee to confer with William Allen upon the subject of the disputed line between the market house lott and the property of Bela Badger, and make report to this board

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Robert Stanard five dollars for his fee in the suit of the Corporation against Marstin

Garrit Minor, Mayor

[Page 213]

At a council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg the 4th day of June 1814

Garrit Minor, Mayor
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Robert MacKay, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman
John W Green, Common Councilman
John Smith, Common Councilman

The Committee appointed to revise the Ordinances in this Corporation upon the subject of the taxes &c on drays, carts and waggons, this day reported the following ordinance &c

An ordinance for taxing and regulating drays, carts and waggons within the Corporation of Fredericksburg

For the assessment of a tax upon all drays, carts and waggons owned and used by persons residing within the Town of Fredericksburg or used for hire within the said Town although owned by any person not residing in the actual limits of the said Town for and towards defraying the charges of repairing the streets of the said Town and for the better regulation and good government of such drays, carts and waggons and the owners thereof

Be it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder and common councilmen of the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg, to and in behalf of the Mayor and Commonalty of the Town of Fredericksburg, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that all and every person or persons whatsoever residing within the Town of Fredericksburg now owning and using and that may hereafter own and use within the Town of Fredericksburg any dray, cart or waggon whether the same be used for hire or not, and all and every person or persons whatsoever not residing within the town of Fredericksburg now owning or that may hereafter own any cart, dray, or waggon customarily used in carrying for him any produce or merchandize from any store or warehouse in the sd Town to any other store or warehouse in the said Town or to any Wharf in said town near & thence unto or from any such Wharf to any such store or warehouse shall annually obtain from the Commissioner of the Corp'n a certificate that he, she or they have paid the taxes by this ordinance assessed on such cart, dray or waggon, and it shall be the duty of the said Commissioner to give to any person or persons applying therefor such certificate upon such person or persons producing to him the receipt of the sergeant of the Corp'n of Fred'g for such taxes as hereby assessed on such drays, carts and Waggons

And it is further ordained that the following taxes for the purposes aforesaid be assessed on every such drays, carts or waggons, That is to say five Dollars per annum on every such dray or cart and Eight Dollars per annum upon any such waggon which taxes shall be paid and such certificate obtained from the Commissioner annually on the first day of April hereafter; and the owners of all such drays, carts and waggons which shall be owned and used on the 1st day of July next or at any time hereafter and which shall not be already licensed under the former ordinance relating to drays, carts & waggons or the owners thereof shall not on the first day of April annually have paid such taxes and obtained such certificate shall pay [Page 214] pay a tax on such drays, carts or waggons at the rate of five dollars per annum on cart or dray and Eight dollars per annum on each waggon from the time such cart, dray or waggon shall be used as aforesaid until the first day of April there next; and shall in like manner procure the certificate of the sd Commissioner certifying such payment to have be made

And moreover the owner or owners of any such dray, cart or waggon used or intended to be used in the Town of Fredericksburg for hire shall at the time they shall apply to the said Commissioner for such certificate execute before said Commissioner a bond with sufficient security in the penalty of $300 payable to the Mayor of the said Corporation for the time being with consideration to pay to any person or persons respectively who shall employ such dray, cart or waggon for hire any damages which any person or persons respectively who may so employ such dray, cart or waggon shall sustain by reason of any misconduct or negligence of the owner or driver of such dray, cart or waggon

And be it further ordained and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the aforesaid that if any person or persons residing in the Town of Fred'g and owning any such dray, cart or waggon shall use the same within the Town of Fredericksburg, or any person or persons whatsoever not residing in the Town of Fredericksburg and owning any such dray, cart or waggon shall customarily use the same for hire in carrying any produced or merchandize from any store or warehouse in the said Town to any other store or warehouse in the said Town or to any wharf in said town or near thereunto or from any such wharf to any such store or warehouse without first obtaining such certificate and in the cases in which the same is hereby required giving Bond and security as is herein before ordained he, she, or they so offending shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of $20 to the use of the Mayor and Commonalty of the Town of Fredericksburg; to be recovered by bill plaint or information in any proper event of Record or by warrant to be by any Magistrate and to be applied towards the repairing of the streets of the Town of Fredericksburg. And it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of the Corporation of Fredericksburg to prosecute for the recovery of all such penalties which may accrue in the name of the Mayor and Commonalty of the Town of Fredericksburg

And in all cases where the owner or owners of any dray, cart, or waggon and hereby required to give Bond and Security such owner or owners shall make or cause such drays, carts, or waggons to be numbered under the directions of the said Commissioner, and the number marked on some conspicuous part of such dray, cart, or waggon; and if such owner or owners shall fail to have such dray, cart or waggon numbered and marked as aforesaid when thereto required by the said Commissioner, he, she, or they so offending, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, to be recovered and appropriated in the same manner as is directed in case of the fines imposed by the section next proceeding this.

Every Drayman, or cartman may demand [Page 215] and shall be entitled to receive twenty five cents for each load, he or they may carry to or from the lower wharf, Twenty cents for each load to or from Somerville's wharf or any of the wharves between that, and the lower wharf, and 17 cents for each load to or from the County wharf

And every waggoner carrying a load from any of the said wharves shall be intitled to double the said rates. And if the driver or drivers of any such dray, cart, or waggon shall demand and receive more than the rates herein specified and allowed; the owner of such dray, cart or waggon shall, for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar, to be recovered and applied in the same manner as other penalties inflicted by this ordinance are directed to be recovered and applied. And if the owner or driver of any such dray, cart or waggon so directed to give bond and security and to be marked and numbered shall refuse to work his, her, their drays, carts and waggons (when unemployed) for any person or persons desiring to employ the same at the rates herein before specified the owner of such dray, cart or waggon shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar to be recovered & appropriated as the other penalties inflicted by this ordinance directed to be recovered and appropriated.

If any owner of any dray, cart, or waggon shall drive his dray, cart or waggon in the streets of Fredericksburg faster than a walk or shall absent himself from his dray, cart or waggon whilst driving in any of the streets, the owner of such dray, cart or waggon shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of one dollar to be recovered and appropriated in the same manner in which the other penalties inflicted by this ordinance and directed to be recovered & appropriated

The Commissioner of the Corpn' shall annually after the first day of March and on or before the 10th day of April return to the Chamberlain for the time being a list of all such drays, carts, and waggons as have issued his certificate for subsequent to the 31st day of March preceding and in like manner shall from time to time return a list of all drays, carts and waggons for which he shall issue his certificate after the 10th day of April and before the 31st day of March succeeding designating in such lists the names of the owner or owners thereof, the sums pd for the taxes thereon for which Bond and Security have been given as required by this ordinance and which are marked and numbered as required

The Commissioner as a compensation for discharging his duties imposed by this ordinance shall be entitled to receive annually the sum of $20

This ordinance shall commence and be in full force from and after the 1st day of July next and from that time any other ordinances coming within the perview hereof are hereby repealed.

Reported by the committee Jun 4, 1814

John Mundell
John W Green

On consideration whereof the council do unanimously agree to this an report and adopt the same as a part of the Bye Laws of the Corporation and the same ordered to be published

[Page 216]

The Committee appointed to carry into effect the ordinance for erecting a new Markett and leasing out that part of the Markett house lott on Caroline Street this day made their report in these words "The Committee &c as follows

The Committee who were appointed to lease out the ground on which the old Markett house stands and to dispose the the same under the ordinance passed and enacted by the Common Hall, have executed the duties devolved on them by the said ordaince and now report the results:

The Markett house bricks, timbers and materials of all kind sold to Joshua Long and Anthony Thornton on a credit till the first day of Jan'ry 1815 for the sum, $1000, In payment for the sd sum of the said Long and Thornton have passed to us Wm Allens negociable note payable on that day for $333.33 1/3; William Gordon's negotiable note payable on the same day for $333.33 1/3; and their own note negotiable and payable on the same day for $333.33 1/3; which thus notes amount to the purchase sum $1000

The ground on which the old Markett house stands has been surveyed under perview of the Committee by Mr Goolrick and said office ordering to the directions of the above mentioned ordinance; The platt of which has been received by the Common Hall and directed to be recorded, The leases which the Committee have sold and laid off are

23 feet 4 inches on Caroline Street from William Allens corner up to the corners of Markett Alley as laid down on the above mentioned platt sold to Nicholas Voss at the price of $4.75 per foot $110.83 per annum;
20 feet 6 inches on Caroline Street from the upper corner of the said Market Alley to Richard Johnston at the price of $4.30½ per foot $88.13 per annum;
24 feet on Caroline Street beginning at the upper corner of Rich'd Johnston lease to William Gordon at the price of $3.33 1/3 pr foot $80. pr annum;
23 feet on Caroline street beginning at the upper corner of William Gordons lease to Peter Smock at the price of $3.95 per foot $90.80 per annum;
making an aggregate amount of $373 1/8 per annum

The leases are all on three lives; the leasors preferring that an argument the leases are preparing and will when finished by presented for the signatures of the members of the Common Hall
Garrit Minor
Horace Marshall
Charles Austin

On consideration whereof it is ordered that the said report be confirmed

Absent: Allen

The committee appointed to confer with Wm Allen upon the subject of the disputed line between the Market House lott and the property of Bela Badger this day returned their report in these words "The committeee who were appointed to confer with Wm Allen upon the subject of the disputed line between the Market House lot and the property of Bela Badger respectfully report

That William Allen who contributed to lease from the Mayor Recorder and Common Council of the Town of Fredericksburg twenty four feet front of the Market House lott beginning at the upper corner of the House occupied by Wm Barker and who is the agent and attorney in fact of Bela Badger who owns the lott adjoining the markett house lott the buildings on which are supposed to encroach upon the Market house lott has submitted to your committee the following propositions

1st That he will now accept a lease upon the terms already agreed upon for all the ground from the corner of Voss's lott to within seven inches of the foundation of the house occupied by William Barker and will build on the whole front thereof be it more or less as formerly agreed and will pay rent therefor at the rate of 21 feet 6 per foot) be the same more or less per annum

[Page 217]

2nd That he will take a lease for the same period and ay rent at the same rate per foot for any ground which the Mayor, Recorder and Common Council may hereafter shew themselves intitled to and recover in possession below the lower corner of the house which he is to build and adjoining thereto which lease is to continue from the time the said Mayor &c shall so recover in possession ground below the said corner untill an alley as hereinafter mentioned shall [be] established between the said house and the lott of said Badger and after such alley shall be established he will pay the same rent deducting the rent of twenty one inches of the Mayor &c shall recover so much or more;

3rd In the event of the Mayor &c so recovering any land below the house so to be built by said Allen, the said Allen on behalf of said Badger agrees that the said Badger shall add so much ground to the ground so received as will make an alley of four feet in width and extending one hundred and twenty feet back, which alley shall forever remain in common between the tenement rented by the said Allen and the said lott of the said Badger, and the said Badger and those claiming under him shall be at liberty in that event to build a house on his lotts adjoining to the wall of the house to be built by said Allen turning an arch over said alley to build on that arch. But said Badger is not to be bound to open such alley untill the house occupied by Wm Barker as a hatters shop is pulled down or removed or shall fall to decay so as to become untenantable; And the said Badger and his heirs and assigns shall after the [blank] in of the lease of the ground so received which the said Allen shall have shall from time to time & forever take a lease for their lives and so after the expiration of the first lease of the first lease a new one for their lives and so forever for all the ground so received accept twenty one inches at the annual rent of twenty one shillings & 6 pence per foot; but in any suit or such that may be prosecuted by the Mayor, Recorder and Common Council or their successors of for their benefit or that of their successors or by any person or persons claiming by [blank] or under the said body to any ground below the lower corner of the house mentioned in the first stipulation a foregoing and between that corner and the lott belonging to said Badger, these propositions shall not nor shall any of them nor the constraint that may arise out of them nor any act or thing done by it has party to carry a contract into effect be in any manner to any purpose or with any effect whatsoever offered in evidence to effect either the said Corporation or their successors &c & others claiming them the said Badger or Allen or either of them on those claiming under them or either of them but such suit or suits shall be in all respects and purposes whatsoever as of these propositions and every thing @ one in consequences of them had never had existence.

The committee recommended the foregoing agreement to be adopted by the Mayor, Recorder and common council
J W Green
Robert Mackay
John Smith
June 1814

If the foregoing propositions are agreed by the Mayor Recorder and common council of the Town of Fredericksburg I hereby bind myself and my exor's adminst & assigns to carry the same into effect and as attorney in fact for Bela Badger I hereby agree that he his heirs and assigns shall carry the same into effect so far as it is Stipulated in the foregoing propositions that he is to be bound; Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of June 1814
Wm Allen

On Consideration whereof it is ordered that the sd report be adopted & confirmed

[Page 218]

John Mundell, Robert Mackay and Joseph Walker are appointed a committee to examine the situation of such ponds of water in this Corporation as may deemed nuisances and report the best mode in which these nuisances may be removed and the probable expences thereof

Signed, Garrit Minor, Mayor

At a Council held for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg on Saturday the 18th day of June 1814

Garrit Minor, Mayor
John Scott, Recorder
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Robert MacKay, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Alex'r Walker, Common Councilman
John W Green, Common Councilman
Chas Austin, Common Councilman

The Committee appointed by an order of Council of the 11th June 1814 upon the subject of nuisances this day returned their report which is ordered to be filed and on motion made and seconded ordered that John Mundell, Robert Mackay, Joseph Walker, Horace Marshall & Alex'r Walker be a committee to remove such nuisances reported by said Committee as they may deem proper, that they be authorized to draw on the funds in the hands of the Chamberlain for any sum not exceeding $200 that they proceed in the business as soon as possible and in cutting drains or canals they are required to connect them as much as possible with the permanent improvement of the streets

Garrit Minor, Mayor
R S Chew C T

[Page 219 is Blank]

[Page 220]

In making a beginning at the point at B, I was governed by a survey made by my predecessor Mr B Fuller; but as some doubt existed whether the intersection of William and Caroline Streets was actually at the point B, under the superintendance of Mess'rs H. Marshall, G Minor, J Mundell and Wm Allen all members of the Council I recommended my measurement from the southeast corner of Alexander Walkers Work Shop on Caroline Street (and which is generally believed to be upon the original line established in this Town) and with a four pole chain previously adjusted proceeded to measure the distance to the point on corner B upon this map, as is here distinguished; This measurement place the corner B one foot 8 inches too high up. This then of course woud fix the true intersection of Caroline and William street at s. 1 foot 8 inches below B and 165 feet from s down Caroline Street would fall another corner of Market Square at w. which is 2 feet 10 inches below the point m. hence then according to this latter measurement Mr Badger's encroachment on the Market Square woud be two feet 10 inches.
J Goolrick
Geographer for the Corpo of Fredericksburg

N.B. The end of the inside dotted line represents A. and of the outside on the letter w.

[framed platt points]

A Map of Market Square in Fredericksburg surveyed under the superintendance of the Council and Mayor, April 27th 1814 by John Goolrick

Nos 2 and 3 on this map formerly were Nos 1, 2, 3, each 24 feet on William Street

Beginning at B. the intersection of Caroline and William Streets, running thence down Caroline st 165 feet to A a dotted line thence with said dotted line Ao at right angles to Caroline Street 132 feet the end of Badgers line; from thence with line oD the Church yard and Continuation of the line Ao 132 feet; thence from D with Princess An Street 165 feet to C. Thence with William Street 264 feet to B. The beginning;

On Mr Badgers lot there is a house erected the end of which extends to m 14 inches beyond his line at A and consequently 14 inches on the Market Square

The small space A.m n.o represents Mr Badger's encroachment on the Market square

Explication No. 9 42 feet

A.m 1.2 Pump 14.
m.o 24.0 No 8 40
a.b 23.4 No 7 24
b.c 24.0 No 6 24
c.d 20.6 No 5 24
d.e 24.0 No 4 24
e.f 24.0 No 3 36
f.B 24.0 No 2 36
165 264

Scale 20 feet to the inch

[Page 121]

(platt image)

[Page 122]

At a Council held on the 1st of November 1814

Garrit Minor, Mayor
John Scott, Recorder
John Smith, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
A Walker, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Chas Austin, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman

Upon the application of the leasors of the Market house lott stating that the materials of a fire proof roof cannot at this present time be procured, It is agreed that they may cover the buildings by them to be erected with such roof as they may deem proper but that the said roofs are within two years after the conclusion of the war in which we are present engaged to be made of fire proof materials according to the stipulation of the original lease

It is ordered the commissioners of the temporary Market house do make such alterations for the winter as they deem proper to render it more comfortable & spacious if they think it is required to be larger

Garrit Minor, Mayor

R S Chew, C F

At a council held at the Mayors office on Saturday the 17th day of December 1814

Garrit Minor, Mayor
Chas Austin, Common Councilman
Wm Gordon, Common Councilman
John Smith, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman
Robert Mackay, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
John W Green, Common Councilman
John Scott, Common Councilman

John Mundell, John W Green & Wm Allen are appointed to draft an ordinance upon the subject of an inspection of whiskey and report the same to the Council for their consideration

[Page 223]

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to John Mercer & Robert Stanard Esq'rs $15.75cents each for their expences to Richmond at the request of Council

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Anthony R Thornton $6 for hack hire in carrying Mess'rs Stanard & Mercer to the Bowling Green (del'd Jno M Shepard)

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Jno W Green $63 pr his account this day allowed (del'd himself)

John Scott, John W Green, Charles Austin & Wm Gordon are appointed to draft an ordinance upon the subject of emitting small notes by the Corpo for the convenience of change and inquire into the probable expence thereof and submit the same to the Council

Horace Marshall agrees to surrender his claim to the lott leased him adjoining the lott leased by Chas Austin upon the Corpo refunding to him the rent which has been paid by him. It is ordered that the said rent be refunded to him and that the said lott be here after used as a public passway

G Minor, Mayor

R S Chew, C F

Transcribed by Gary Stanton
Please send comments or corrections to Gary Stanton at
Last Modified 11 February 2013