Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Thursday March 12th 1812

John Scott, Recorder
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Chas L Carter, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman
Wm Pearson, Common Councilman
Adam Cooke, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman

The Council proceeded to examine and allow the follow claims against the Corpo Viz't

To John W Green atto'y for Council $66.67
To Timothy Green for printing 24.00
To Dr George French Salary for physician to the poor 30.00
To Wm Jackson Serg't for public services 50.00
To Robert S Chew Clerk pr account 118.36
To Charles Stewart Constable 90.00
To Gerard McKenney Constable 90.00
To Charles Stewart & Ger'd McKenney pr a/c 3.75
To Wm Burton for making a coffin 3.00
To Wm Jackson Serj't pr a/c 13.50
To Horace Marshall this sum advanced to remove poor persons from the Corpo 10.00
[Total] $499.28

Ordered that John Mundell, Charles L Carter and William Allen or any two of them do examine the accounts of Horace Marshall Chamberlain and Wm Jackson Sergeant of the Corporation and report thereupon to the next Council

John Scott
R S Chew, C C

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At A Council held at the town hall on Saturday the 14th day of March 1812

John Scott, Recorder
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Chas L Carter, Common Councilman
Adam Cooke, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman

The Committee appointed to examine and Settle the account of Horace Marshall Chamberlain made their report that the said account is correctly stated & supported by proper vouchers and that the balance of $121.58 cents is due to the Chamberlain. Ordered that the said account be recorded and that an abstract thereof be published in the Virginia Herald

The Committee appointed to examine and settle the account of William Jackson Serj't reported that the said account is correctly stated and balanced ordered that the said account be recorded

John Scott

R S Chew, C C

Dr Corporation of Fredericksburg in a/c with the Sergeant
Apl 02 To Cash paid the Chamberlain $130.00
June 12 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 60.00
June 18 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 326.40
June 19 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 100.83
June 21 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 222.64
June 27 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 200.00
July 06 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 210.00
July 10 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 220.30
July 20 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 215.00
July 27 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 180.00
July 30 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 121.00
Aug 21 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 294.83
Dec 29 To Cash paid the Chamberlain 150.00
My Commission on $2722.56 at 5 pr cent 136.18
Balance Due 155.38

[Page 155]

Corporation of Fredericksburg in a/c with the Sergeant Cr
1811 By Amt of Land Tax $1249.11
By Amt of Property Tax $1250.00
By Amt of Dray Tax 165.34
By Amt of Dog Tax 89.00
This sum of tax of John M Green was neglected by Commissioner 9.00
This sum of tax of Jack Scloen[?] 2.00
This sum of tax of Jno Johnson .75
This sum of tax of Mrs Day land & property of G Murray 3.00
Deduct pr a/c of Book Delinquent as pr a/c 45.64
Mar 13 To cash in full paid the Chamberlain $155.38

Agreeable to an order of Council we have examined the acc't of William Jackson Serjeant of the Corporation of Fredericksburg, with the said Corporation and find them correctly stated as above


13 March 1812

John Mundell
Charles L Carter

W Allen

(Truly recorded)

R S Chew, C C

[Page 156]

March 16th 1812

This being the day appointed by Law for the election of twelve persons to serve the Corporation of Fredericksburg as mayor, recorder and common council for one year.
The freeholders and house keepers being notified thereof met at the Town Hall and having deposited their ballots in the ballot box, upon the examination thereof the greatest number of votes were found to be in favour of the following persons Viz't

Joseph Walker 89
George French 89
Philip Terrier 85
David Almond 83
John Scott 76
John Mundell 72
Charles L Carter 71
William Pearson 62
Horace Marshall 62
Alexander Walker 55
William Allen 45
John Goolrick 43
Robert Mackay 32
John S Wellford 29
Thomas S Johnston 26

The first named Twelve Gentlemen were accordingly duly elected and qualified

They then proceeded to the choice of a Mayor when Charles S Carter was duly elected and qualified

George French was duly elected recorded for the present year who qualified accordingly

Horace Marshall is elected chamberlain this Corporation the present year who qualified & is ordered that he give bond and security in the penalty of $5000 at the next Council and It is further ordered that he receive the sum of $50 for his services

Robert S Chew is unanimously re-elected clerk of the board the present year who qualified accordingly

John Goolrick is reappointed Geographer in this Corporation the present who qualifies accordingly

Anderson McWilliams is duly elected Gauger in this Corpo the present year who is qualified accordingly

Roger Cary is duly elected measurer of Coal & Salt in this Corporation the present year who qualified accordingly

Mess'rs Green & Cady are appointed printed for the purpose of printing the orders &c of this Board. Ordered that they receive the sum of $24 for their services

[Page 157]

Horace Marshall, John Mundell & John Scott are appointed Trustees of the Market House the present year and also to rent out the public wharfs and to take care of the fire hooks, ladders and engine and also to rent out the Hay Scales

William Pearson, Joseph Walker and Philip Terrier are appointed to superintendend the pumps the present years and they are authorised to draw on the Chamberlain for sums as may be necessary to keep them in order

Ordered that the Mayor affix the assize of bread in this Corporation from time to time as he shall see cause

Charles L Carter, Mayor

R S Chew, C C

Dr The Corporation of Fredericksburg In a/c Current with H Marshall Chamberlain
Mar 24 To Cash pd Charles Stewart pr ord Council No 1 $30.00
24 To Cash pd Gerard MacKenney pr ord Council 2 $20.00
24 To Cash pd John Chewning pr ord Council 3 $10.00
25 To Cash 2 coffins & carrying 2 poor persons 4 11.90
27 To Cash Order of the Overseers of the Poor 5 4.00
27 To Cash pd Lawrence Booze for work done on the Corpo Wharf 6 30.00
April 05 To Cash pd Michael Reader for repairing the pumps 7 28.57
06 To Cash pd John Coakley for Iron for the Corpo Wharf 8 6.28
07 To Cash pd Spooner for granting licences to Drays & Carts 9 11.50
08 To Cash pd Lawrence Booze for work done on the Corpo Wharf 10 28.75
19 To Cash pd Lawrence Booze for work done on the Corpo Wharf 11 32.91
20 To Cash pd R Crutchfield, County Sheriff for fee Bills 12 2.19
27 To Cash pd repairs corpo wharf 13 .50
28 To Cash pd Discount on $200 2.13
28 To Cash pd Lawrence Booze order in favour Z Lucas being work done on Corpo Wharf 14 33.34
29 To Cash pd Order of the Trustees of the Market House 15 3.08
29 To Cash pd John Gaulier superintendant of the poor house 16 100.00
May 01 To Cash pd R Taylor, Clerk of the poor house[?] 17 4.17
01 To Cash pd order of the overseers of the poor 18 4.00
02 To Cash pd Spooner pr order of Council 19 20.00
02 To Cash pd order of the overseers of the poor 20 3.50
June 24 To Cash pd Gaulier, Superintendant of the poor house 21 30.00
28 To Cash pd James Beck pr order of the Council 23 21.75
28 To Cash pd Mich'l Reader for repairs of pump 22 36.49
28 To Cash by Order of Overseers of the Poor 24 & 25 6.00
29 To cash pd R S Chew pr order of Council 26 81.00
[Page 158]
30 To cash pd Spooner pr order of Council 27 $30.00
30 To cash pd in Bank for a Discounted note 28 $200.00
July 05 To cash pd Gaulier Superintendant of Poor House 29 52.26
06 To cash pd R Johnston for Iron Corpo Wharf 30 6.00
11 To cash pd Order Overseers of the Poor 31 3.00
21 To cash pd Smiths work done on Wharf 32 13.45
22 To cash pd Gaulier Superintendant of Poor House 33 30.00
Aug 03 To cash pd Order of Overseers of the Poor 34 4.00
11 To cash pd for a padlock for market house .75
12 To cash pd repairs of Caroline Street 35 116.83
21 To cash pd repairs of Caroline Street 36 105.33
22 To cash pd repairs of Caroline Street 37 134.62½
29 To cash pd Gaulier Superintendant of Poor House 38 40.00
30 To cash pd a cart load of stone to repair Caroline St 39 1.00
Sept 06 To cash pd repairs to Caroline Street 40 145.37½
09 To cash pd repairs to Caroline Street 41 4.00
15 To cash pd Puzey for repairs to Caroline Street 42 18.00
16 To cash pd J Reader for Pooles for Caroline Street 43 29.67
18 To cash pd Repairs of Caroline Street 44 & 45 367.56
18 To cash pd for a spade use of Corpo 46 1.30
20 To cash pd Geo Welch salary as Clerk of Market 47 50.00
21 To cash pd Michael Reader repair of pumps 48 132.62
22 To cash pd Discount in Bank on $500 5.33
20 To cash pd poles to repair Caroline Street 49 9.17
26 To cash pd Puzey work done on Caroline Street 50 8.50
28 To cash pd repairs of Caroline Street 51 194.42
28 To cash pd Gaulier Superintendant of Poor House 52 50.00
30 To cash pd for a coffin Nancy Campbell 53 4.00
30 To cash pd J Reader poles to repair Caroline Street 54 5.50
Oct 03 To cash pd Order Overseers of Poor 55 10.50
03 To cash pd Puzey work done to Street 56 4.00
07 To cash pd J Reader poles to repair Street 57 14.33
09 To cash pd Opening a drain on back street 58 58.98
13 To cash pd Repairs to Market House 59 1.00
30 To cash pd Repairs to Market House 60 47.00
Novem 04 To cash pd Puzey work done on Caroline Street 61 11.00
14 To cash pd Repairs to Caroline Street 62 & 63 648.02
16 To cash pd Timothy Green printing 50 copies of the Laws of Corpo 64 25.00
22 To cash pd Discount in Bank on $400 3.98
24 To cash pd Discount in Bank on $500 65 5.33
30 To cash pd Gaulier Superintendant of Poor House 66 60.42
Dec'r 05 To cash pd Discount in Bank on $400 67 4.26
26 To cash pd Repairs of Market House 68 2.79
26 To cash pd Repairs of pumps 70 39.95
26 To cash pd Repairs of Market House 69 5.50
27 To cash pd Gaulier Superintendant of Poor House 71 100.00
28 To cash pd Discount in Bank on $500 72 5.33
Jan 26 To cash pd Repairs of Market House 73 1.25
10 To cash pd Capt Parrott repairs of Corpo Wharf 74 10.92
10 To cash pd Discount in Bank on $400 75 4.26
Feb'y 26 To cash pd my salary as Chamberlain 30.00
Mar 05 To cash pd Geo Wclch for Balance of his salary as Clerk of the Market 77 50.00
[Page 158]
05 To cash pd Rich'd Johnston for rent of Poor House 76 150.00
06 To cash pd Cap't Parrott for work done Corpo Wharf 78 12.62
06 To cash pd Wm Jackson pr order Council 16.04
To cash pd Wm Jackson pr order Council 50.00
To cash pd Timothy Green for printing 24.00
To cash pd John Taliaferro physician to the poor 30.00
To cash pd Wm Jackson his commission on the sum $2401.99 @ 5 pr cent account revenue 49.10
[total] $3922.60½
To Balance due H Marshall Chamberlain $199.80½
To balance due the Chamberlain 15.34½

Mar 24 By Cash rec'd of Thomas Johnston the former Chamberlain $48.26
28 Cash rec'd Anthony Buck for rent of stalls in the Market House wharf 38.00
May 02 Cash rec'd from Bank 197.87
July 19 Cash rec'd P Terrier for 6 poles being a part of the timber left of wharf 1.00
Aug't 10 Cash rec'd from the Constables for sale of a hog 1.50
18 Cash rec'd from the Constables for sale of a hog 1.08
30 Cash rec'd from the Constables for sale of a hog 1.50
30 Cash rec'd from the Clerk of the Market for a fine inflicted on him on Geo Fry a Butcher for bringing his dog to market 1.00
Sept 06 Cash rec'd from James Newby tax on his Cart $2.75
06 Cash rec'd from John S Wellford tax on his Cart 5.50
06 Cash rec'd from W Stewart tax on his Cart 2.75
06 Cash rec'd from C Wardwell tax on his Cart 2.75 13.75
09 Cash rec'd from R Peacock tax on his Cart 2.75
13 Cash rec'd from Adam Cooke 4 poles 1.33
19 Cash rec'd from A Walker tax on his Cart 7.50
19 Cash rec'd from P Lipscomb tax on his Cart 5.00
19 Cash rec'd from Alsop tax on his Cart 2.75 10.50
20 Cash rec'd from Constables sales 2 hogs 2.58 2.58
22 Cash rec'd from Constables sale 1 hog .94
22 Cash rec'd from Bank 500.00
26 Cash rec'd from Sam'l Alsop pr tax his cart 2.75
26 Cash rec'd from Geo Alsop pr tax his cart 2.67
26 Cash rec'd from Pilcher pr tax his cart 1.33 6.75
Oct 01 Cash rec'd from Trustees Market House 5.00
16 Cash rec'd from Samuel Alsop tax his cart 2.75
16 Cash rec'd from Geo Alsop tax his cart 2.75
16 Cash rec'd from D Starke tax his cart 2.75
16 Cash rec'd from Charles Jones 5 logs which was purchased for the repairs of the Streets 1.67 9.92
[Page 160]
By Cash received from Bank $400.00
Dec'r 05 By Cash rec'd from Charles Stewart sales hogs 1.50
Jan'y 06 By Cash rec'd from Trustees Market House 5.00
09 By Cash rec'd from W Stone for remaining on Lott No 1 8.00
Feb'y 01 By Cash rec'd of Charles Stewart for a fine rec'd Wm Barber for forestaling 4.35
By Cash rec'd for Tax on property $1119
By Cash rec'd for Tax on land $1196.01 2315.01
24 Tax on drays & Carts 1.92
24 Cash rec'd for the sale of a hog 1.92
26 Cash rec'd from J Marshall Tax on his dray 2.75
Cash rec'd fro Porter & Farish vendue masters 5 pr cent on their commissions 4.50
Balance due H Marshall Chamberlain 199.80½
By Cash pd H Marshall 184.46
Balance 15.34½

March 7th 1810

In obedience to an order of Council we have this day examined the accounts of the Chamberlain and find the several charges therein supported by proper vouchers and that there is a balance of fifteen dollars and thirty four and a half cents due him

John Scott
John Mundell
Wm Allen

The Corporation of Fredericksburg in account current wiht Horace Marshall, Chamberlain of Corpo Dr
Mar 30 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $500 1 $5.35
30 To Cash pd for a shirt to Curry a poor person & digging a grave 2 2.75
Apr 05 To Cash pd Charles Stewart his salary as constable 3 30.00
13 To Cash pd Discount in Bank of $400 4 4.27
May 14 To Cash pd Discount in Bank of $500 5 5.33
June 12 To Cash pd G McKenney pr order Council 6 20.00
To Cash pd B Bowin[?] pr order Council 7 32.50
To Cash pd James Beck balance pr order Council 8 26.00
To Cash pd R S Chew pr order Council 9 64.99
To Cash pd Geo W B Spooner for issuing licenses for Drays & Carts 10 22.50
To Cash pd Wm Jackson his salary as police officer 11 40.00
To Cash pd Horace Marshall chamberlain for Balance due him upon settlement 15.34
13 To Cash pd John F Gaulier Steward of the Poor House 12 100.00
14 To Cash pd Mich'l Reader for repairs to pumps 13 40.92
15 To Cash pd Geo W B Spooner pr order Council 14 5.60
To Cash pd J W Green his salary as attorney for Comm within Corpo 15 66.67
To Cash pd pr Discount in Bank on $400 16 4.27
18 To Cash pd Jno F Gaulier Steward of the Poor House 17 100.00
[Page 161]
19 To Cash pd M Reader for repairs of pumps 18 31.82
20 To Cash pd J M Weidermeyer for Casting Stanard weight 19 6.00
23 To Cash pd George W B Spooner Commr of Revenue 20 40.00
25 To Cash pd Thos Goodwin for stone to repair Caroline Street 21 11.37
26 To Cash pd for padlock for Engine House .50
29 To Cash pd for 3,000 shingles to cover shed for the Water Hhds 22 16.50
July 12 To Cash pd John Scott for Window Glass for repair market house 23 11.17
17 To Cash pd Geo W B Spooner pr salary as police officer 24 50.00
To Cash pd repairs of Caroline Street 25 9.67
21 To Cash pd repairs of Caroline and William Street 26 100.46
28 To Cash pd repairs of William Street 27 122.17
31 To Cash pd J Crump for building house for the water Hhds 28 56.11
To Cash pd A Walker for a coffin for Eppa Laws 29 3.00
To Cash pd Doct Carter for the amt of Wm Taylors acc't allowed by Council 30 18.04
To Cash pd Wm Smock for 25 fire bucketts 31 125.00
Aug't 03 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $500 32 5.33
To Cash pd Order of the Overseers of the Poor 33 1.00
06 To Cash pd Repairs of Wm & P Edward streets 34 122.75
16 To Cash pd Repairs of Wm & Caroline Streets 35 77.54
17 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $400 36 4.26
28 To Cash pd J F Gaulier Steward of the Poor House 37 60.00
To Cash pd for 100 (20d) Nail to fix up fire Buckets .25
31 To Cash pd for white washing the market house 38 7.50
Sept 01 To Cash pd for digging a well in Charles Street 39 81.12½
08 To Cash pd Wm Smock for fire bucket pr order 40 125.00
To Cash pd for nails to fix up fire bucketts 41 .12½
11 To Cash pd for repairs of William Street 42 74.11
12 To Cash pd for painting Market House 43 17.00
15 To Cash pd for repairs to pumps 44 43.18
Oct 5 To Cash pd for discount in Bank on $500 45 5.33
19 To Cash pd for discount in Bank on $400 46 4.27
21 To Cash pd for Making pumps 47 180.91
To Cash pd for water HHd & Police officers salary 48 51.50
To Cash pd J F Gaulier Steward of the Poor House 49 100.00
22 To Cash pd for repairs to Wm Street 50 24.00
22 To Cash pd Philip Terrier for making coffins for poor persons 51 8.77
Nov'r 10 To Cash pd repairs to William Street 52 82.12
23 To Cash pd George Ellis for Brick to repair Market House 53 2.00
Dec'r 07 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $500 54 5.33
15 To Cash pd repairs of pumps 55 28.29½
22 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $400 56 4.27
Jan'y 01 To Cash pd J F Gaulier Steward of the Poor House 57 100.00
04 To Cash pd Geo W B Spooner his 2 yrs salary as P Officer 58 100.00
12 To Cash pd Geo Welch his salary as Clerk to the Markett 59 8.00
20 To Cash pd Geo W B Spooner for issuing licences to drays & carts 9.00
Feb'y 08 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $500.00 60 5.33
22 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $400.00 61 4.26
26 To Cash pd for a shirt to bury Fisher the late stone mason 62 1.12½
[Page 162]
Mar 01 To Cash pd for one years rent of Poor House 63 $110
07 To Cash pd Curtis pr order Council 64 5.00
08 To Cash pd Wm Jackson his commission for collecting rents due from the Market House Sq 65 14.85
08 To Cash pd Philip Terrier pr order of Council 66 & 67 19.28
08 To Cash pd Ger'd McKenney Constable for Services rendered 68 60.00
08 To Cash pd R S Chew pr order of Council 69 74.46
09 To Cash pd Charles Steward constable in part of his order Pr order council 70 30.00
To Cash pd H Marshall Chamberlain his salary 50.00
To Cash pd H Marshall for logs to repair the Streets 71 40.00
Error in Land Tax 7.74
Amt Serjeants com'r 126.95
Amt Delinquents pr Serjeants account 64.37
Cash pd R Chew $40.67½
Cash pd B Fuller 3.00
Cash pd J Taliaferro 30.00
Cash pd T Green 24.00
Cash pd W Jackson 19.70
Cash pd W Jackson 50.00 $167.37½
[Total] $3398.31½
Balance due H Marshall $38.52

Mar 24 By Cash received for the sale of a hog $1.10
Apr 05 By Cash received from the Trustees of the Market House 34.20
12 By Cash received for the sale of a hog 1.04
24 By Cash rec'd from the Clerk of the Market for the sale of light butter .75
May 14 By Cash received fr the Clerk of the Market for the sale of light butter .75
By Cash received from the Yankey Butcher for 1yr rent of stall 3.00
June 12 By Cash received from Wm Jackson for the rent of the Hay Scales 47.50
25 By Cash received from Wm Jackson for the rent of Geo Welch's house for one year 19.00
26 Amt of Land Tax $1212.67
Amt of Property Tax $1188.00 2400.67
By Cash rec'd from constable for a fine inflicted on Geo Fry for stuffing meat for markett 1.67
July 04 By Cash rec'd from Rope Dancers for 2 nights rent of Hall 10.00
07 By Cash rec'd from the Clerk of the Market for sale of Light butter 1.75
12 By Cash rec'd from the Clerk of the Market for sale of Light butter 1.46
21 By Cash rec'd from the singing master for rent of Hall 2.00
Aug 15 By Cash rec'd from constable for the sale of a hog 3.85
July 30 By Cash rec'd for rent of Hall 12.00
Aug't 21 By Cash rec'd from constable for the sale of 3 hogs 3.85
By Cash rec'd from the Clerk of the Market for sale of Light butter .83
Sep't 12 By Cash rec'd from the Clerk of the Market for sale of Light butter 1.27
Oct 5 By Cash rec'd from constable for a fine inflicted on a waggoner for improper conduct in the street 1.00
[Page 163]
13 By Cash rec'd from the Clerk of the Market for sale of Light butter $1.00
15 By Cash rec'd from constable for a fine inflicted on a waggoner for improper conduct in the street 1.00
17 By Cash rec'd from constable for a fines inflicted on a draymanr for improper conduct in the street 3.00
23 By Cash rec'd from Jas Newby for fines inflicted on a waggoner 3.00
Nov'r 7&9 By Cash rec'd from Jas Newby for fines inflicted on a waggoner 2.00
10 By Cash rec'd for 3 Nights rent of Hall 25.00
Jan'y 12 Amount of dray tax 190.51½
13&14 By Cash rec'd of Constable for sale of Hogs 2.91½
Feb'y 22 By Cash rec'd from Constable for sale of 7 Hogs 5.00
27 By Cash rec'd from Constable for sale of Hog .62½
Mar 01 By Cash rec'd from Clerk of the Market for sale of light Butter .83
07 By Cash rec'd from Wm Jackson for rent due from the Mark't Sq 270.00
08 By Cash rec'd from Wm Jackson for rent due from the Market Square 12.15
08 By Cash rec'd from Geo W B Spooner for a fine inflicted on a Waggoner 1.00
08 By Cash rec'd from Hay Battaile 280.00
Error in Land Tax 11.00
Balance 38.52
[Total] $3398.51½

Agreeable to an order of Council we have this day examined the above account and find it correctly stated. We find the sum of thirty eight dollars and fifty two cents due the Chamberlain

Adam Cooke
Wm Allen

Dr Corporation of Fredericksburg In account with Horace Marshall, Chamberlain
Mar 22 To Cash pd M Reader for repairs of pumps 1 $29.87
Feb'y 02 To Cash pd Order Council 2 5.00
02 To Cash pd C Stewart a Bal of his years salary as Constable 3 30.00
12 To Cash pd Discount on $500 4 5.33
12 To Cash pd Geo W B Spooner for issuing licenses to drays and carts pr Comm'rs return 13.50
To Cash pd Clerk of Caroline County for his fee in the case of Battaile .58
Apl 19 To Cash pd Wm Jackson his Comm'n for collecting Rent of Corpo wharf 5 pr ct 3.75
25 To Cash pd W Lipscomb for painting Mark't Hs door 5 3.00
25 To Cash pd P Terrier for making Mark't Hs door 6 12.00
26 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $400 7 4.27
May 17 To Cash pd for Wine Pipes for water Hhds 8 4.12½
June 08 To Cash pd for Wine Pipes for water Hhds 9 4.00
[Page 164]
June 12 To Cash pd J W Green his salary for the year 1810 as Comm'th Attorney 10 66.67
14 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $500 11 5.33
19 To Cash pd J F Gaulier for the use of Poor House 12 100.00
19 To Cash pd J Robinson pr order of Council 13 3.42
19 To Cash pd B Fletcher pr order of Council 14 5.83
20 To Cash pd Drayage of Water Hhds 15 .62
20 To Cash pd Geo W B Spooner Commissioner of the Revenue 16 40.00
21 To Cash pd R S Chew for a lot of ground for a gravel pit 17 127.20
21 To Cash pd B Bowen pr order of Council 18 63.50
22 To Cash pd Wm Smock for making Fire Bucketts 19 150.00
22 To Cash pd Hands for work done at pumps 20 5.75
22 To Cash pd for Nails to Hang fire Buckets 21 .34
24 To Cash pd W Wells for painting water Hhds & Market House Door 22 9.50
26 To Cash pd T Goore for repairs to pumps 23 39.41½
28 To Cash pd Discount in Bank for $400 24 4.27
28 To Cash pd for filling water Hhds and drayage of the same 25 1.75
July 01 To Cash pd for repairs of pumps 26 3.25
01 To Cash pd for repairs of pumps 27 1.75
01 To Cash pd for 2 Water Hhds 28 4.00
01 To Cash pd Sheriff of Caroline County for his fee on Execution ags't Battaile 29 2.07
05 To Cash pd J Brook for stone to repair Caroline Street 30 12.62½
06 To Cash pd P Terrier for Building House over Hay Scales 31 69.59
10 To Cash pd Geo W B Spooner 1 yrs salary as Police officer 32 30.00
10 To Cash pd D Almond for making water Hhds 33 43.50
To Cash pd R Parrott pr order of Council 34 4.50
To Cash pd G Rothrock for 8 feet gutter for the Market House 35 2.67
13 To Cash pd Repairs to pumps 36 2.30
13 To Cash pd repairs to pumps 37 .75
15 To Cash pd W Wells for painting M House 38 49.80
15 To Cash pd for white washing the plaister 38 2.50
15 To Cash pd for water Hhds 39 2.00
15 To Cash pd J Goore for repairs of pumps 40 27.95
20 To Cash pd J F Gaulier for use of the Poor 41 100.00
To Cash pd Executor of Charles Yates for costs in Spot'a Superior Court pr order of Council $21.04; pd Benj'n Day coroner for Inq't on Mrs Fisher $5 42 26.04
22 To Cash pd for repairs of Caroline Street 43 222.12½
27 To Cash pd for repairs of Caroline Street 44 178.10
Aug 01 To Cash pd Clerks fee Bills 45 1.52
03 To Cash pd J Gore for repairs of pumps 46 29.77
03 To Cash pd for repairs of Caroline Street 47 179.61
10 To Cash pd for repairs of Caroline Street 48 103.00
21 To Cash pd for repairs of pumps 49 .67
21 To Cash pd for repairs of Caroline Street 50 119.17
23 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on Note of $500 for 5 days 51 .07
26 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $500 52 5.33
26 To Cash pd repairs of Caroline Street 53 169.50
27 To Cash pd Constables for killing dogs pr order Council 54 21.00
30 To Cash pd for logs and poles for the repairs of Caroline and Amelia Streets 55 86.76
[Page 165]
30 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $400 56 4.27
30 To Cash pd Discount on a new note discounted this day $400 4.27
Sept 03 To Cash pd repairs of Caroline and Amelia Sts 57 47.58
10 To Cash pd lettering fire Bucketts 58 20.00
10 To Cash pd for painting the cornishes of the Market House 59 25.00
11 To Cash pd repairs of Caroline Street 60 145.04
13 To Cash pd Corpo fee bill 51 2.85
24 To Cash pd for posts for burying ground 62 5.00
25 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $500 63 5.33
Oct 25 To Cash pd G W B Spooner police officer pr order 64 25.00
28 To Cash pd for rales for the Burying Ground 65 5.00
Nov'r 01 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $800 66 8.54
02 To Cash pd J Goore for repairs of pumps 67 29.50
05 To Cash pd G W B Spooner police officer 68 25.00
Dec'r 27 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $500 (x) 5.33
29 To Cash pd J F Gaulier for the use of poor house 70 100.00
31 To Cash pd G W B Spooner for issuing licenses to drays and carts 71 9.00
Jan'y 03 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $800 72 8.54
16 To Cash pd G W B Spooner 1 yrs salary as police officer 73 50.00
28 To Cash pd Discount in Bank on $1300 74 13.84
Mar 06 To Cash pd Draymen for carrying water & hose to the fireat Terriers house 75 33.00
06 To Cash pd John Minor pr order of Council 76 37.90
06 To Cash pd for one pad lock 77 .62½
06 To Cash pd 2 blank books .75
06 To Cash pd Balance of my account due pr settlement in 1810 38.52
06 To Cash pd Wm Jackson his comm'n on $294 rec'd for rents of the Market Square 14.70
06 To Cash pd Mrs Mason to remove herself & children to the County of Westmoreland 10.00
06 To Cash pd J Goor for repairs of pumps 78 28.50
06 To Cash pd for support of poor 79 200.00
06 To Cash pd Chamberlains Salary 50.00
12 To Cash pd John Mundell for paling in Burying Ground 80 95.39
To Cash pd Water Hhds 81 2.00
13 To Cash pd Charles Stewart constable 82 93.75
Delinquents 45.64
W Jackson's comm'n 136.18
Sundry claims 146.45
Due H Marshall $121.58

Mar 22 By cash rec'd for a fine inflicted on a Drayman for improper conduct in the Street $1.00
Apr 19 By cash rec'd pr Wm Jackson from Rob't Parrott for Rent of Corpo Wharf 70.00
[Page 166]
June 18 By amount of Land Tax $1249.00
By amount of property tax 1250.00
By amount dray tax 138.00 $2637.00
Sept 03 By cash rec'd from Bank on a note discounted for $400 395.73
Dec 29 Balance of Dray Tax 27.34
Amount of Dog Tax 89.00
Cash received for Dog Tax 36.00
Cash received for Dray Tax 33.99 192.33
Mar 06 Cash rec'd from Police officer for fines inflicted by him on sundry persons for attending unlawful assembly 9.00
06 Cash received from Wm Jackson for rents of the Market Square 294.00
13 Cash rec'd from Constable sale of Hogs 9.60
Cash rec'd from Draymen for driving too fast in the Streets 4.00
Cash rec'd of Thos Keys for the sale of old lumber of the Hay Scales 2.50
Omissions John W Green 9.00
Omissions J Selden 2.00
Omissions Mrs Johnston .75
Omissions G Murray 3.00 14.75

Agreeable to an order of Council we have examined the accounts of the Chamberlain of the Corporation of Fredericksburg and found them correctly stated and that the Balance bill by the Corporation aforesaid to Horace Marshall the Chamberlain is one hundred and twenty one dollars and fifty eight cents


14 March 1812
John Mundell
Charles L Carter
W Allen

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 21st day of March 1812


Charles L Carter Mayor
George French, Recorder
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
William Allen, Common Councilman
John Scott, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
William Pearson, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Alex'r Walker, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman

Horace Marshall entered into and acknowledged Bond with Security as Chamberlain in this Corporation for the present year

[Page 167]

William Allen is appointed Commissioner of the Revenue of this Corporation the present year & it is ordered that he receive $40 for his Services

Richard Johnson is appointed Clerk of the Market & Superintendant of the fire Engine & Water Hogsheads the present year and it is ordered that he receive the sum of $120 for his services

Ordered that Horace Marshall, William Allen, John Scott and John Mundell or any three of them do define the duties to be performed by the Clerk of the Market and Superintendant of the Engine and report the same to the Council for their consideration

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to George W B Spooner $5 per account rendered for repairs to the engine

The Committee appointed to define the duties of the Clerk of the Markett are also requested to submit to the Council some regulation respecting the waggoners feeding their horses on the Markett House Square & also to suggest such additional duties to be discharged by the Constables as may seem to them proper

Charles L Carter, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 28th day of March 1812


Charles L Carter Mayor
George French, Recorder
William Allen, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
John Scott, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman

The Committee appointed by and order of this board of the 21st inst for sundry purposes therein named, this day made their report with these words "Agreeable to an order of Council of the 21st inst the committee appointed to define the duties of the Clerk of the Markett and Superintendant of the Engine and Constables beg leave to suggest the following

That it be the Duty of the Clerk of the Markett to attend at the Market House every morning, during Markett hours and have the scales and weights prepared for weighing meats &c brought from the country. To cause the pavement under and in front of the Markett house

[Page 168]

to be well scaped and swept clean once every day; To cause the Markett House square within the inclosure about to be made to be scraped, as often as any filth maybe collected on it, and the scrapings thereof to be immediately removed

To attend the fish marketts daily and to direct all wheel barrows and basketts of Fish and all fish and melon carts to be ranged on the upper side of a line of posts at the distance of sixty feet from the Markett house about to be made thro the Markett Square

To visit the different Bake houses and examine the bread that it be not too light, once in every month

To attend to the safe keeping of the standard weights & measures of the Corporation, that in case of disputes, or reference to them may be readily made

To adjust the weights and measures of the merchants and Shop keepers twice a year Viz't in the months of May & October

To carry into effect all the Bye Laws at present in force concerning the Markett. That the Clerk of the Markett shall have the Town Hall windows adjoining the Markett house cleaned out and put in order after being used on public occasions & attend to its being done when they are rented out

That it be the duty of the Superintendants of the Engines to Examine the Engines and case them to be worked once in every month and see that they are in good order to cause them to be taken to pieces well cleaned and oiled with the hose at least once in every six months in the months of May and October, To examine the water hogsheads and keep them constantly filled. To Examine the fire bucketts and take an account of the number keep them in repair and when used to have them again collected and replaced. To have the fire hooks and Ropes attached to them and the public ladders at all times in good order and piled up in such situations as may readily accessible and report their situation to the Council at their several meetings

That it be the duty of the Constables to patrole the streets as heretofore especially on Sundays and other Holy days during the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September they shall continue their rounds until 8 o'clock P.M. during the other months in the year until 6 o'clock P.M. to suppress meetings of Negroes ni the Streets or elsewhere; To use their their endeavors to prevent the selling of meal by measure, to prevent the throwing of filth of every description into any of the streets; to prevent the infraction of the Laws respecting the driving of waggons, carts and Drays; the accidental burning of Chimnies at improper times and to see that the Laws generally are not violated

It is respectfully suggested to the Council [Page 169] that the additional sum of thirty dollars be allowed the Clerk of the Markett and keeper of the Engines for scarping the pavement of the Markett Square and filling the water Hogsheads and for having the Town Hall and rooms adjoining cleaned and kept in order, it being understood that they shall be done at his expence, Except the oil for the Engines & Hose.
Horace Marshall
W Allen
John Scott
John Mundell

On consideration whereof the Council do unanimously agree with the said Committee in their report and it is ordered that the same be adopted as a part of the Bye Laws of this Corporation

Ordered that the sum of $30 be allowed to the Clerk of the Markett for the additional duties to be performed by him agreeable to the report of the Committee this day presented to the Council

Richard Johnson qualified as Clerk of the Markett & Superintendant of the fire Engine for the present year

On Motion made, Resolve that the Trustees of the Markett House be requested to cause a post and railing to be run on the Markett House lott beginning on Caroline Street about 16 feet from the House now occupied by Wm Barker as a Hatters Shop and running from thence at right angles to the said street to the distance of 60 feet above the Markett House from thence at right angles to the last mentioned line to the Houses on William Street and that the said Trustees do draw upon the Chamberlain for the Expence attending to same, The said Trustees are also authorized to draw the gravel from the upper part to the lower part of the Markett Square

William Jackson having proposed to this board to relinquish all right which he has to the Buildings & enclosures erected by him on the Court house lott for the sum of $300 payable at nine & eighteen months, This Board hereby agrees to purchase the said buildings upon the terms proposed. It is ordered that the Trustees of the Markett House do proceed to rent out the said houses as soon as possession can be had from the sd Jackson

On Motion made and Seconded, It is ordered that the Trustees of the Markett house do dispose of the manure on the Markett House Square upon such terms and conditions as may seem to them proper

Chas L Carter, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

[Page 170]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 11th day of April 1812


Charles L Carter Mayor
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
William Pearson, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
William Allen, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
John Scott, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman

It appearing to the Council that the Bye Laws of this Corpo provide that the Commissioner of Revenue appointed by Court of Hustings for the State shall be the Commissioner of the Revenue for the Corporation. It is Ordered that the Order appointing William Allen commissioner of the Revenue be rescinded

Charles L Carter, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 16th day of May 1812


Charles L Carter, Mayor
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Alexander Walker, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
William Allen, Common Councilman

The Commissioner of the revenue returned an abstract of property subject to taxation in this Corporation the present year as follows, Viz't

405 free males above 16 years
473 Slaves above sixteen
147 horses &c
100 pleasure carriage wheels

And on vote made and seconded, Resolved that the same species of property and persons subjected to taxation the last year be again taxed at the same rates which was imposed on the 22d of April 1811

On Motion made and seconded, Resolved that John Mundell, Philip Terrier and Horace Marshall or any two of them do treat with Carter L Stevenson upon the subject of leasing to him a part of the Court house Lott for the purpose of building an office and make report to the next Council

On Motion made and seconded, Ordered that the Serjeant of the Corporation do remove the powder now in the Jail out of the Corporation giving the owners thereof reasonable notice of such removal

Charles L Carter, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

[Page 171]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Monday the 22d day of June 1812


Charles L Carter, Mayor
John Scott, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
William Pearson, Common Councilman
Alexander Walker, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman

John Metcalf, Commissioner of the Revenue for this Corporation having returned his books of taxable property under the ordinance respecting the revenue. It is ordered that the Chamberlain pay to the said Commissioner the sum of forty dollars

It appearing to the Council that James Newby is improperly charged with $5.50cents the tax on a stud horse, it is ordered that the Serjeant credit him for the said sum

Pres't Geo French, recorder

On Motion made and seconded, Jos Walker, John Scott, Alexander Walker, William Pearson, Horace Marshall and William Allen are appointed a committee to examine into the situation of all the streets in this corporation and report to the Council the probable expence of repairing such of the streets as may seem to them to require repair so as to prevent the stagnation of water

A Memorial from a number of the Citizens of this Corporation was rec'd, requesting the erection of pumps at the lower end of the town, whereupon It is ordered that William Pearson, Joseph Walker and Philip Terrier be appointed a committee to contract for the erection of two pumps, one to be placed at Shuletices corner, the other at the corner between Thomas R Rootes Jr and John Mortimers and there authorised to draw upon the Chamberlain for the Expence attending to the same

John Goolrick, John Scott and Robert S Chew are appointed a Committee to contract for the repairs of the Court House and they are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for the expence of repairing the same

Charles L Carter, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 27th June 1812


George French, Recorder
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
John Scott, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
William Allen, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman

The Committee appointed to examine into the situation of [Page 172] the Streets and report the probably expence of repairing them made their report which is confirmed by the Council and ordered to be filed and It is further ordered that Horace Marshall, Philip Terrier and Alexander Walker be appointed a committee to carry the said report into effect and that they appropriate $500 towards the Repairs of the Back Streets and $250 for the Main Street

George Baggott is appointed Police officer in this Corporation for the remainder of the year and the Council do allow him the sum of $50 dollars for his services

Ordered that Philip Terrier do repair the roof of the Court House and exhibit his account to the Council for payment

Geo French
R S Chew, C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday November 7th 1812 Pres't

Charles L Carter, Mayor
George French, Recorder
John Mundell, Common Councilman
John Scott, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Wm Pearson, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
William Allen, Common Councilman

On Motion made & Seconded, Resolved that the Trustees of the Market House advertize & lease out to the highest bidder for twenty one years the corner of the Market House lot at the intersection of Wm Street & Princess Ann Street, dividing the same into three lots containing twenty three and one third feet each, front on William Street, extending back forty four feet, upon condition that the person leasing the same shall build a fire proof house on each Lot of the dimensions to be agreed upon at the time of Leasing

Ordered that the chamberlain pay to Sam'l Jones four dollars it being the half of eight dollars to which the Corporation is entitled for the sale of hogs the property of the said Sam'l Jones taken up by the constables and sold under an ordinance [Page 173] of the Corporation it appearing to the Council that the Hogs were accidently at large

Resolved that that part of George Street adjoining the Church yard to be improved so as to be rendered passable for waggons provided that the graves be not interferred with

And the Corporation not being in funds at this time, It is further Resolved that any individuals may be at liberty to improve the said street the expenses of which to be deducted out of their taxes of the next years the said street to be repaired under the Superintendance of the Overseers of the Streets

Be it ordained by, the mayor Recorder & Common Council of the Town of Fredericksburg that if any person or persons shall hereafter beat a drum within this Corporation during the time between an hour after sundown and an hour before sunrise, they, shall if a slave receive thirty nine lashes if a free person be subject to a fine of ten dollars to be recovered before a magistrate upon warrant one half the fine to the use of the informers & the other half to be appropriated to the use of the Corporation
This Ordinance is ordered to be published in Virginia Herald

Ordered that the Serjeant credit Mrs James by one dollar being the tax improperly on her deceased husband

Charles L Carter, Mayor

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Monday Dec 14th 1812


Charles L Carter, Mayor
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
John Goolrick, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
Wm Pearson, Common Councilman
John Scott, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman

[Page 174]

The mayor having stated to the board that Johnston and Young have obtained against him as the mayor of the Corporation of Fredericksburg for three hundred dollars and costs, It is ordered that a record of the said Judgment be obtained and forwarded to Robert Stanard with a request that he will endeavor to get a Supersedias from Judge Brockenbrough as soon as possible and he is hereby employed to prosecute the same

In conformity to an order of the Hustings Court of Fredericksburg that a Clerks office be provided, calculated to afford security to the records and papers of the said Court against fire dated the 12th Nov'r 1812 the Council doth hereby appropriate the house on the Court House lott purchased of Wm Jackson to the purpose aforesaid, at the expiration of the term of the present tenant and it is further Ordered that the said house by tyled so soon as the Corporation are in funds

It being represented to the board that Thomas Cary, wishes to rent the vacant ground on the Court House Lott as a garden upon condition that he keeps the said Lott well enclosed. Horace Marshall is hereby applied to enter into an agreement with the said Cary upon the subject and return the same to the Council and it is understood that the said Cary may have the priviledge of using the fence remaining on the said Lott

On motion made and seconded It is ordered that the law authorizing the Waggoners to feed their horses on the Markett house square Corporation be and the same is hereby rescinded, and it is further ordered that if any waggoner shall after the 21st next feed his horses on the Market House Square being directed not to do so he shall for so [Page 175] doing if a white man be subject to a fine of $1 to be recovered by warrant before a single magistrate and to be appropriated to the use of the Corporation. If a slave receive 15 lashes or pay the said fine ordered that the same be published in Virginia Herald

Charles L Carter, Mayor
R S Chew, C C

Transcribed by Gary Stanton
Please send comments or corrections to Gary Stanton at
Last Modified 5 February 2013