Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

At a Council held at the Town Hall on the 10th day of February 1810

George French, Mayor
Adam Cooke, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
John Scott, Common Councilman
Alex'r Walker, Common Councilman
William Pearson, Common Councilman
William Allen, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Alex'r Walker $3 for making a coffin for Eppalaus

Oreder that the Chamberlain pay to Philip Terrier $3 for making a coffin for Billy Bundy

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Philip Terrier 16/8 pr his account this day allowed

It is ordered that the Town be laid off into six wards to wit from the upper end of the Town to the cross street by D Wellfords shall be the 1st Ward from thence to the cross street by by Chs Jones shall be the 2d, from thence to the cross street by Lovells stone house shall be the 3d, from thence to the cross street by Shoultices shal be the 4th, for thence to the cross street by Thos R Rootes shall be the 5th & from thence to the lower end of Town shall be the 6th, and it is further ordered that David Almond and Joseph Walker do superintend Ward No 1, Charles L Carter & William Allen ward No 2, John Mundell and John Scott ward No 3, Horace Marshall and Adam Cooke Ward No 4, Alexander Walker & William Pearson Ward No 5 & George French & Philip Terrier Ward No 6. The duties of these Superintendants shall be to prevent the intrusions of poor persons into this corporation and to give information to the overseers of the poor, of the persons of that description (within these respective wards who have not obtained a legal [Page 138] residence in order that the overseers of the poor may take the proper measures to remove them from the Town

Geo French

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 3d day of March 1810

George French, Mayor
Charles L Carter, Recorder
Adam Cooke, Common Councilman
William Allen, Common Councilman
John Scott, Common Councilman
Alex'r Walker, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman
Wm Pearson, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman

Horace Marshall returned an account of sales of 1 cord of rope belonging to the Corporation amounting to $25.67 cents, ordered that he credit the Corporation by that sum

The Council proceeded to examine and allow the following claims against the Corpo and It is order that the Chamberlain do pay the same

To William Jackson Sergt pr acct $16.04
To James Beck pr a/c 41.00
To R S Chew, clerk pr a/c 64.99
To Thomas Goodwin pr a/c 11.37
To John W Green r salary 66.67
To Timothy Green for printing 24.00
To Wm Jackson for public services 50.00
To Jno Taliaferro as salary physician to the poor 30.00
To Geo Welch clerk of the markett 100.00
To Ger'd McKenney Constable for public services 30.00
To Chas Steward Constable for public services 30.00
To Birkett Bowen a/c for Bm'th services 32.00
To Rich'd Johnston for rent of poor House 150.00
To Geo W B Spooner pr a/c as coroner 5.60
[Total] $652.17

It appearing to the council that the ground rent paid by Mrs Berry is to high It is ordered that the same be reduced to the sum of $10 pr annum payable quarterly

[Page 139]

Philip Terrier & Mich'l Reader are appointed to settle the account of William Taylor dec'd with the Corpo and report the balance to the Council & if they disagree they are authorised to chose an umpire

Ordered that John Mundell John Scott William Allen and Ro S Chew or any three of them do examine the accounts of Horace Marshall Chamberlain & Wm Jackson Seg't of the Corp'd and make report to the next Council

Geo French

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 10th day of March 1810

George French, Mayor
Charles L Carter, Recorder
Adam Cooke, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman
William Allen, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Charles L Carter admr of William Taylor $5.83 pr his account allowed

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Philip Terrier 18/ for making a coffin for [?]

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to James Beck 75 cents pr account allowed

The Committee app'o to examine the account of Wm Jackson Serg't of this Corporation this day returned the same appeared to balance & is ordered to be filed

The Commitee appointed to settle account of Horace Marshall Chamberlain made their report that the said accountis correctly stated and supported by proper vouchers and that the balance of $15.34½ cents is due to the Chamberlain, ordered that the said account and report be printed in the Virginia Herald

The Committee app'd to examine and settle the account of Jno Minor former attorney for the Corporation made a report & the Council allowing interest one the said account, It is ordered that the Chamberlain pay to the said John Minor $33.93 cents which sum will remain due to him after deducting $93 supposed to be paid to him by Thos Hieskell for fine and Interest thereon and with regard to the last mentioned sum the Council suspend and opinion until the receive further information on the subject

Geo French

[Page 140]

March 19th 1810

This being the day appointed by Law for the Election of 12 persons to serve the Corporation of Fredericksburg as Mayor, Recorder and Common Council, The free-holders and house keepers being notified thereof met at the Town Hall and having deposited their ballots in the ballot box, upon examination thereof, the greatest number of votes were found to be favour of the following persons viz't.

Joseph Walker 54
George French 54
Charles L Carter 54
John Mundell 54
John Scott 54
Adam Cooke 53
Horace Marshall 52
David Almond 52
Alexander Walker 50
William Allen 41
Philip Terrier 38
John Smith 29

Who were duly Elected

Adjourned until tomorrow 10 O'clock

Geo French

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 24th day of March 1810

George French
Joseph Walker
John Mundell
John Scott
Adam Cooke
Horace Marshall
Alexander Walker
David Almond
Wm Allen
Philip Terrier
Jno Smith

The Council proceeded to the choice of mayor when Joseph Walker was duly elected and qualified accordingly

They then proceeded to the choice of Recorder when George French was duly elected and Qualified

Horace Marshall is elected Chamberlain in this Corpo the present year who qualified accordingly and it is ord'd that he give bond and security in the penalty of five thousand dollars at the next Council & it is further Order that he receive the sum of $50 for his Services

Robert S Chew is unanimously elected Clerk of the Council the present year

Bartholomew Fuller is reappointed Geographer in this Corpo the present Year

[Page 141]

Adam Darby is reappointed guager in this Corpo the present year

Birkett Bowen is reappointed measurer of coal and salt the present year who qualified accordingly

Horace Marshall, John Smith and David Almond are appointed Trustees of the Market House the present year and also to rent out the public wharf & to take care of the fire hooks, ladders & Engine & also to rent out the Hay Scales

William Allen, John Mundell and Philip Terrier are appointed to Superintend the pumps the present year and they are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for what money may be necessary for that purpose

Timothy Green is reappointed printer for the purpose of printing the orders &c of this board for which he is to receive the sum of $24

Ordered that the Mayor do affix the assise of bread from time to time as he shall see cause

George W B Spooner is reappointed Commissioner of the Revenue for this Corpo the present year

Joseph Walker
Attest R S Chew C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Friday the 6th April 1810


Joseph Walker, Mayor
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Alex'r Walker, Common Councilman
John Scott, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman
Jno Smith, Common Councilman

Horace Marshall entered into and acknowledged bond with Security as Chamberlain for the present year which is ordered to be filed

Adam Darby qualified as gauger in this Corpo the present year

On motion made and seconded It is ordered that a Committee be appointed to define the Duties of a police officer together with the amount necessary to be paid to that officer for the performance of his duties and submit the same to the next Council for their consideration & John Mundell, Jno Scott Wm Allen & Robert S Chew are appointed a committee for that purpose and 3 of whom may act

Bartholomew Fuller qualified as geographer in this Corpo the present year

[Page 142]

On Motion made and seconded, Resolved that the same species of property and persons subjected to taxation the last year be again taxed at the same rate whch were imposed on the 22d of April last

Joseph Walker
R S Chew C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 17th of April 1710


Joseph Walker, Mayor
George French, Recorder
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Wm Allen, Common Councilman
John Scott, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
John Smith, Common Councilman
Alex'r Walker, Common Councilman

The Committee appointed to define the duties of a Police officer this day made a report which unanimously agreed to by the Council & is ordered to be recorded, And It being the opinion of the Council that the offices of Police officer and Clerk of the Martet shall be combined. It is ordered that the said Officer be allowed the sum of $200 per annum subject to any deductions that the Council may think proper to make in consequence of any neglect of duty by the officer and it is understood that the Police officer may employ a Deputy to act as Clerk of the Market provided however that the said Police Office is responsible for the misconduct of the said Deputy. The foregoing order is ordered to be published in the Virginia Herald

George W B Spooner is elected police officer in this Corporation the present year, who qualified accordingly

On motion made and seconded, It is ordered that if any person be found cleaning fish or making any improper use of the water of any of the pumps in this Corporation at the pumps, they shall be find 3/ each for the first offence & 6/ for the second offence if a white person, or receive 5 lashes for the first offence & 10 lashes for the second if a negro or mulatto Bo[u]nd or free unless the fine be paid by the free negro or master of such slave. The foregoing order is ordered to be published in the Virginia Herald

On motion made and seconded, John Mundell and Joseph Walker are appointed to provide a set of weights for the use of the Clerk of the Market to be kept as standards and they are authorized to draw on the Chamberlain for the expence of procuring them.

(Duty of Police Officer)

"The Committee appointed by an order of Council of the 6th instant to define the duties of a police officer, respectfully submit the following report to the Council for their consideration" It appears to the committee to be the duty of a Police Officer to see that the bye laws and ordinances of the Corporation generally are carried [Page 143] into effect but more particularly that the following duties be required of that officer,

1st To see that the constable do their duty on the Sabbath day by keeping order in the streets &c

2d To superintend the repairing or improving the streets, subject to the direction of Council or the Committee appointed by them, to see that the streets are not injured by the injudicious or unauthorised removal of earth or gravel thereupon; and that the Laws respecting nuisances and obstructions are strictly enforced.

3rd To inspect the Different wards & see that the ordinances respecting the prevention of accidental fire are judiciously attended to

4th To report to the overseers of the poor every three months a list of such poor persons as are like to become chargeable to the Corporation who may have settled within its limits during that period

5th To attend to the fire engine in having it worked at least once in every month, and taken to pieces and examined and oiled at least twice in one year; also to attend to keeping the water hogsheads in good order and filled with water and report to Council and repairs that may be necessary for either the engine or water hogsheads

6th Whenever any difficulty presents itself in the execution of the office the said officer is directed to report the same to the Council as often as it may occur

John Mundell
John Scott
Wm Allen
Robert S Chew

Joseph Walker, Mayor
R S Chew C C

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Tuesday 15th day of May 1810

Joseph Walker, Mayor
John Mundell
John Scott
Philip Terrier
Horace Marshall
Adam Cooke
David Almond
Alexander Walker

Charles L Carter qualified as a common councilman and thereupon took his seat

Joseph Walker

[Page 144]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Friday the 22d day of June 1810

Joseph Walker, Mayor
George French, Recorder
Alexander Walker, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
John Scott, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
William Allen, Common Councilman
John Mundell, Common Councilman

George W B Spooner Com'r of the revenue for this Corpo having returned his books of Taxable property under the ordinance respecting the revenue, It is ordered that the Chamberlain pay to the said Commissioner the sum of Forty dollars for his services

The Committee appointed to superintend the pumps this day made a report which is approved of by the Council and Ordered to be filed

The Committee appointed to superintend the pumps are instructed to employ some person to sink a well & place a pump in the cross steet between Mrs Mc Williams's and Wm Herndons & draw upon the Chamberlain for thet expence thereof

The Police Officer is directed to remove all nuisances from the Markett House square in the same manner they are directed to be removed from the streets, and the same fines are hereby imposed upon person committing nuisances on the Markett Square as are imposed upon persons committing nuisances on the Public Streets

David Almond and Alexander Walker are appointed a committee to have fifty pair of fire Bucketts made upon the best terms they can & draw upon the Chamberlain for the expence thereof

John Mundell and Philip Terrier are appointed a committee to agree with some person to erect sheds for securing the water Hhds & ladders provided the expence does not exceed one hundred dollars

On Motion made it is ord'd that the Chamberlain do pay the Police Officer quarters salary at the end of each quarter

On Motion made It is ordered that a sum not exceeding $500 be appropriated towards the repairs of the streets and that the same be subject to the orders of Horace Marshall and Adam Cooke Philip Terrier and David Almond Com'rs to Superintend the repairs

Joseph Walker

[Page 145]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 7th day of July 1810

Joseph Walker, Mayor
George French, Recorder
John Mundell, Common Councilman
Alexander Walker, Common Councilman
John Smith, Common Councilman
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman

It being represented to the Council that Robert Wellford has obstructed the upper end of Sophia Street by enclosing it and cultivating it as a garden. The Council upon mature consideration thereof are unanimously of opinion that the said Robert Wellford had enclosed a piece of ground which they consider a part of Sophia Street

On Motion made and seconded It is ordered that notice be given to all persons who have obstructions on the streets to remove them on or before the first day of December next otherwise the proper officer will be directed to remove them

On Motion made and seconded, It is ord'd with the assent of Peter Smock that he have the use of the ground which he as enclosed at the back of his Lott on the Markett Square upon his paying the sum of $2 per annum during the pleasure of the Council

On motion made and seconded, It is ord'd that the Atto for the Commonwealth discontinue the prosecution against Joseph Christy for a nuisance in obstructing the streets at his costs, he having removed the obstructions and it is further ordered that the said attorney discontinue the suit against the said Christy for the amount of money expended by him in the purchase of ladders not ordered by the Council at the costs of said Christy

On motion made and seconded, It is ordered that the street Com'r do examine the Lott No 216 and contract for the purchase of the same, if there should be a sufficiency of gravel thereon, for the sum of $120 payable 12 months hence with Interest from this day till paid

Joseph Walker

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Friday the 11th day of August 1810

Joseph Walker, Mayor
George French, Recorder
Horace Marshall, Common Councilman
Charles L Carter, Common Councilman
Philip Terrier, Common Councilman
David Almond, Common Councilman
John Smith, Common Councilman

On motion made and seconded, It is ordered that the further sum of six hundred dollars be appropriated towards completing William and Prince Edward Streets that are now under repair and a part of George Street also for opening of drains and the balance to be appropriated [Page 146] towards repairing Carolnie Street

On Motion made and seconded, It is ordererd that the former ordinance prohibiting waggons feeding on the Market House Square be recinded and that they are prohibited from feeding on William Street under the penalty of one dollar to be appropriated to the use of the Corporation, and to be recovered by warrant before any magistrate in this corporation upon information lodged or upon their own view, Ordered that the same be published in the Virginia Herald

Joseph Walker

Transcribed by Gary Stanton
Please send comments or corrections to Gary Stanton at
Last Modified 28 January 2013