Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

At a Council held at the Town Hall the 14th day of January 1806

George French, Mayor
Benj'n Day, Recorder
Elisha Thatcher, Alderman
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
Jos Christy, Alderman
John Lewis, Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Councilman
Jos Walker, Councilman
Rich'd Peacock, Councilman

Upon the application of James Young & Co for leave to remove the earth from Water Street and the cross street between Col John Mercers and the estate of John Hardia dec'd Ordered that leave be given the said James Young & Co for that purpose that Geo French, Jos Christy, Godlove Heiskell, & Rich'd Peacock, Gent or any three of them do superintend the same and for this privilege the said James Young & Co do oblige themselves to put the said streets in good repair

Ordered that leave be given to Geo French Mayor and Benj'n Day Recorder, to put in the Bank a note for discount for $150 p'ble to John Lewis Chamberlain to be by him applied to the use of the poor of this Corporation and that the Chamberlain take up the said note with the first money that may come into his hands belonging to sd Corporation
Geo French

[Page 55]

At a council held at the Town Hall on Monday the 17th of March 1806

Geo French, Mayor
Benj'n Day, Recorder
Elisha Thatcher, Alderman
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
Wm Taylor, Alderman
John Lewis, Councilman
Geo Baggott, Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Councilman
Jos Walker, Councilman

Robert S Chew is unanimously elected Clerk of this board in the room of John Chew, decd who qualified accordingly
Geo French

March 17th, 1806

This being the day appointed by law for the annual election of 12 persons to serve the Corporation for the present year as Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, & Common council, the free holders & house keepers being notified thereof met at the Town Hall and having deposited their ballots in the ballot box, upon examination thereof the greatest number were found to be in favour of the following persons viz't
Elisha Thatcher 60
Geo W B Spooner 58
James Brown 55
Geo Baggott 54
John Lewis 53
Godlove Heiskell 46
Thomas Green 45
Geo French 44
James Young 43
Thomas Cochran 40
Chas L Carter 40
Jos Walker 40

Who were duly elected and all being present they proceeded to the choice of Mayor when Charles L Carter Esq was duly elected, who Qualified to that office and took the oath of Fidelity to the Commwlth the oath of a Justice of a Peace and Justice of the Court of Hustings in Chancery & to support the Constitution of the United States

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They then proceeded to the choice of Recorder when Elisha Thatcher Esq was duly Elected & Qualified to that office & took the oath above mentioned

They then proceeded to the Choice of four aldermen when Thomas Green, James Young, Geo W B Spooner & Thos Cochran were duly elected and took the usual oaths of that office, and the remaining six to wit James Brown, Geo Baggott, John Lewis, Godlove Heiskell Geo French & Jos Walker are of the Common council & Qualified accordingly (except Geo French)

Robert S Chew is unanimously elected Clerk of this board and Qualified accordingly

John Lewis balloted for and elected Chamberlain for the present year

Anthony Buck balloted for and elected Vendue Master & it is ordered that he give bond at the next court

Adam Darby is appointed Guager in this Corporation for the present year

Mordecai Mastin is Elected Clerk of the Markett the present year

Geo Baggott, James Young, & Godlove Heiskell are appointed trustees of the Markett House the present year and who are also appointed to rent out the County Warf
Charles L Carter

[Page 57]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 29th day of March 1806

Charles L Carter, Mayor
Elisha Thatcher, Recorder
Thomas Green, Alderman
James Young, Alderman
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
Thomas Cochran, Alderman
James Brown, Councilman
George Baggott, Councilman
John Lewis, Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Councilman
Joseph Walker, Councilman

James Young George W B Spooner & Thomas Green are appointed a Committee to examine the accounts of Adam Darby former sergeant the Chamberlain & the Trustees of the Markett House and make report thereof to the next Council

Timothy Green is reappointed printer for the purpose of printing the orders &c of this board, for which he is to receive the sum of $12 & ordered that the Chamberlain pay the same

The Council proceeded to examine & allow the following accounts against the Corporation viz't
To Timothy pr a/c for extra services $1.50
To James Beck pr a/c for repairs to engine &c 20.00
To Arch'd Burden Constable pr a/c 10.00
To Peter Hord Constable pr a/c 47.41
To Thomas Newton Constable pr a/c 31.75
To William Davis Constable pr a/c 47.86
To Gerard McKenny ditto (to be paid by Geo W B Spooner) 39.35
To Dan'l Matthews former constable to be pd Jno Ferneyhough 22.75
To William Jackson pr a/c 25.13
To John Chew pr a/c 108.33
To Spotsylvania Clerk per fee bill 2.84
To John Minor attorney for Com'wlth 66.67
To Adam Darby former serg't for his salary by law 25.00
To Adam Darby for summ'g council 30.00
To Adam Darby serg't pr a/c extra services 54.25
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To Henry Ensoe per a/c for repairs for pumps 60.00
To This sum due the office of discount & deposit Fred'sburg 150.00
To Mordecai Mastin for his services as Clk of Markett for 7 months &o of this day 20.00
[Total] $762.84

Geo W B Spooner, Commissioner of the Revenue is appointed to take a list of taxable property in this Corporation the present year Ordered that he receive the sum of $20 for his trouble in taking the same

Thomas Green George Baggott, James Young & Thomas Cochran are appointed a committee to examine the accounts of the inspectors of the poor establishment and make report thereof to the next council

John Lewis Elisha Thatcher, Thomas Cochran, Thomas Green & Godlove Heiskell are appointed a committee, any 3 of whom may act, to revise the bylaws & ordinances of this Corp'o and report the same to the Council

Ordered that Modecai Mastin the Clerk of the Markett receive the sum of $50 for his services the ensuing year & 10% commission on the money rec'd by virtue of his office provided he receive that sum & be subject to the orders of the trustees of the Markett House

Godlove Heiskell, Joseph Walker & Jas Brown are appointed to examine the pumps in this Corp'o & contract with some person to keep them in repairs

Ordered that Adam Darby, former serg't receive the sum of 25 cents from each person depositing a barrel of powder in the magazine

Ordered that the Clerk deliver to the sergeant copies of the orders for the appointment of the different committees to be by him del'd to any member of a committee

Charles L Carter

[Page 59]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 5th day of April, 1806

Charles L Carter, Mayor
Elisha Thatcher, Recorder
Thomas Green, Alderman
James Young, Alderman
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
Thomas Cochran, Alderman
James Brown, Councilman
John Lewis, Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Councilman
George Baggott, Councilman

George French G't who was elected a Common Councilman to serve the Corp'o the present year and he having refused to undertake & execute the duties of that office, It is ordered to be certified to the Court of Hustings for their order & judgment concerning the same

George French who was elected at the last election to serve the corp'o the present year as a Common Councilman & he refusing to undertake & execute the duties of that office, the council proceeded to ballot for a Common Councilman to fill the vacancy when Wm Pearson was duly elected

The committee appointed by an order of Council of the 30th Nov 1805 for the purpose of obtaining from Col'o Joseph Brock such information as it was in his power to give relative to the boundaries & of the town of Fredericksburg, this day made report which is Ordered to be filed, And it appearing on the Council Book that Charles Yates applied to the Council on the 8th July 1783 to know whether he resided within the limits of this corporation & the said Council then required time to consider the same & ordered their sergeant to abstain from collecting taxes within the space of ground called Allen Town until the Council came to a determination on the subject, This board now taking into mature [Page 60] consideration the report of the said committee and the said order of Council of the 8th of July 1783, are unanimously of opinion that the whole of that space of ground called Allen Town is within the limits of the town of Fredericksburg and therefore order that the Sergeant of the Corporation collect the taxes which may be hereafter levied by this board, on all inhabitants & property within the boundaries of the said Town as established by the Act of Assembly of 1759 any order of this board heretofore made to the contrary nowithstanding

It is ordered that the sum of $1,455 37 cents can be levied upon the Inhabitants of this Corporation in such way as the Council may hereafter direct the be paid into the hands of the Chamberlain for the use of the poor establishment, & that the same shall be subject to the orders of the inspectors of the poor establishment from time to time to be drawn in favour of the Steward of poor persons

On motion made seconded, it is ordered that the Trustees of the Markett House do collect immediately the money due to the Markett House and pay the name into the hands of the Chamberlain, to be applied by him, first for the purpose of taking up a note due at Bank & the surplus if any to be applied toward the immediate relief and support of the poor in this Corp'o

The Council proceeded to further to allow the following accounts ag't the Corp'o
To Doct George French pr a/c $31.08
To John Lewis pr a/c 20.00
To Bartho Fuller pr a/c 16.50
[Total] $67.58

Ordered that the account of Wm Taylor be referred to the Trustees of the Markett House & that they be requested to have the house in which the hay scales are erected to be valued by a workman and to certify the value thereof to the Council

Charles L Carter

[Page 61] At a Council held at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 15th day of April 1806

Chas L Carter, Mayor
Elisha Thatcher, Recorder
Thomas Green, Alderman
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
Thos Cochran, Alderman
John Lewis, Common Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Common Councilman
Geo Baggott, Common Councilman
James Brown, Common Councilman
Jos Walker, Common Councilman

William Pearson who was elected a councilman in the room of Geo French, this day took the Oath of a Councilman according to Law

Present William Pearson

Upon a motion made & seconded, ordered that the council do proceed to mark boundary lines of this corporation, & erect corner stone at each corner, They accordingly proceeded to procession the same accomplished by Barth'o Fuller, late Geographer & erected a hewn free stone, at the beginning (which beginning was ascertained by a survey and platt, made by sd Fuller in obedience to an order of this board made the [nv] day of Aug, 1805) under direction of a committee then appointed to ascertain the boundaries of the town agreeable to Law which stone was marked A, and fixed at the lower end of Adam Donaldsons Garden, at high water mark about twenty one feet of Ground, short of the distance in Col'o Brock's survey made in 1783, owing to the influx of the water as coming within the knowledge of many of the inhabitants of the town then present, Thence south 62° West 100 poles & twelve feet along the lower line, to a corner stone, which they erected in Jos Christy's meadow adjoining his tan yard & marked B. Thence along the back line of the town North 28° West [Page 62] 357 1/3 poles to a corner stone, which they erected in Seth Bartons field, near the old brick yard & marked C. Thence along the upper line of the Town North 62° North East 96 poles to the river, near the wharf of the late John DeBaptist where they erected a stone marked D. Thence down the meanders of the river to be beginning at A.

Resolved that the corner stones this day erected by this board shall be considered as the out corners of the actual limits of the town of Fredericksburg

On motion made & seconded, The Clerk of this Board is ordered to copy the survey and explanatory notes made by Barth'o Fuller in the Council Book.

(Memo survey copied folio 80) Signed
Charles L Carter

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 26th day of April 1806

Charles L Carter, Mayor
Elisha Thatcher, Recorder
Thomas Green, Alderman
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
Thomas Cochran, Alderman
James Brown, Common Councilman
Geo Baggott, Common Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Common Councilman
Joseph Walker, Common Councilman

On motion made & seconded, it was ordered that the charge of £14.9.3 for ladders & bridge exhibited by Jos Christy ag't the Markett house & refered to this board by the trustees of the Markett House to determine on the propriety of allowing the said account, be not allowed and the trustees of the Markett House are hereby directed to demand and receive of said Christy the said sum of £14.9.3 & also the sum of 7/11 which appears from the account of sd Christy to be a balance due the Markett house & pay the same to the Chamberlain

Present James Young

[Page 63]

Ord'd that the Chamberlain pay to Henry Ensor the sum of $46.50 for making a new pump pr his acc't this day allowed

On motion made & seconded, it is ordered that the taxes within this Corpo be the same as last year excepting the land tax, that is to say, on each free male above 16 years of age within the limits of this Corpo one dollar, on all slaves above 12 years of age one Dollar, upon all horses, mares, colts, or mules $1 upon every pleasure carriage $1 pr wheel, upon every dray or cart worked within the Corpo $4 and 2½ pr cent upon every hundred dollars rent actually received by owners of houses where rented out, or according to the Commissioners valuation where any property is not occupied and that the sd tax be collected by the Sergeant of this Corpo and paid by him into the hands of the Chamberlain on or before the 1st of August Ensuing

The committee appointed in 1805 to inquire into the practicability of deepening the navigation of the river Rappahannock having failed to report thereon Ordered that Robert Hening, Wm Richards, Bazil Gordon, John Strode, Richard Winchester, Wm S Stone and Geo W B Spooner be appointed a committee any 5 of whom may act to enquire into the expediency & possibility of deepening the said river so that the vessels of burthen may navigate as far as Hollingsworth Mill or head of tide water, and if practical they are hereby directed to ascertain the probable expenses thereof if opened to Winchesters Rock, from thence to Hollingsworth Mill & from thence to the head of tide water (or any place thereabouts which they may deem the most proper for the interests of the inhabitants of Fredericksburg & Falmouth) and lay the same before this board on or before the first Saturday in July [Page 64] accompanied with their opinions respecting the most proper plan for this board to adopt for carrying the same into effect

Ordered that Robert Hening, Geo W B Spooner, Wm Pearson, Godlove Heiskell, & George Baggott or any 3 of them be nominated and appointed by this board, and they are hereby appointed by the authority of the same to inquire into the property of calling on the surveyor of the county of Spotsylvania Co, a Geographer of the town to survey and lay off the streets of Fredericksburg within the boundaries agreeable to law, and if they deem it proper, they or any 3 of them are hereby authorized and directed to attend the said survey and affix stones at the lower end of every street on the boundary line, at the lower and the upper end, and back of the said Town, and have the name of each street inscribed thereon, and make report to this board of their proceedings

Ordered that they Chamberlain pay to Robert S Chew, Clerk of this board, the sum of $10 to purchase a book for the purpose of recording the minutes of this board

On motion made & seconded it is ordered that Wm S Stone be exempt from the payment of the tax on his wagon for the year 1805 and that the sum of $8 be refunded to Ned Taylor, being the tax on his wagon for the year 1805 improperly paid by him to the sergeant,

On motion made & seconded, It is ordered that the committee appointed to affix stones at the end of every street are directed to have a complete plott of the town of Fredericksburg made out by actual survey on the parchment and that the streets running parallel with the river bear the same name through the town that they do at the northern part of the town

Charles L Carter

[Page 65]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Friday the 27th day of June 1806

Charles L Carter, Mayor
Elisha Thatcher, Recorder
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
Thomas Green, Alderman
Thomas Cochran, Alderman
James Young, Councilman
James Brown, Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Councilman
Joseph Walker, Councilman
John Lewis, Councilman

On motion made & seconded It is ordered that notice be given in the Virginia Herald that all hoggs found going at large in the streets of this Corpo after the 1st day of July next must be shot agreeable to the existing ordinance

On motion made & seconded It is ordered that Wm C Williams esq be added to the committee formerly appointed to survey the town of Fredericksburg

Zachariah Lucas, Godlove Heiskell & Richard Johnston are appointed to superintend the overseers of the streets in this Corpo the present year

On motion made & seconded It is ordered that Geo W B Spooner, Godlove Heiskell & Adam Darby be appointed to take a list of the inhabitants in this town between the age of 18 and 45 and report to this board such a plan for the establishment of a patrole, as will in their opinion be the most proper and convenient to adopt

Charles L Carter

[Page 66]

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 1st of July, 1806

Charles L Carter, Mayor
Elisha Thatcher, Recorder
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
Thomas Cochran, Alderman
James Brown, Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Councilman
Joseph Walker, Councilman
John Lewis, Councilman
William Pearson, Councilman

Bartho Fuller is unanimously appointed geographer in this corporation who qualified according to law

Charles L Carter

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 12th of August, 1806

Charles L Carter, Mayor
Elisha Thatcher, Recorder
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
Thomas Cochran, Alderman
Thomas Green, Alderman
James Brown, Common Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Common Councilman
Jos Walker, Common Councilman
John Lewis, Common Councilman
William Pearson, Common Councilman

The committee appointed to make a complete survey & plott of the Town of Fredericksburg on the 26th of April last this day made their report in these words "In obedience &c The Council on consideration thereof do receive the sd report & approve of the said Plott

Absent John Lewis

[Page 67]

On motion made & seconded, Ordered that the overseers of the streets under the direction of the superintendents remove the following obstacles within 3 months from the date thereof or as soon after as convenient, 1st Charles Yates's & Byrd C Willis's fences on Prince Edward Street, which totally obstruct sd street from George Street to Princess Elizabeth Street, 2nd Charles Yates's palings and out houses, & Gen'l John Minor's & Wm Morton's fences which in some places totally obstruct Charles from George Street to the lower end of the Town, 3rd Joseph Christy's (which is now tenable) house, and his fences which obstruct Ferdinand Street from Dunmore Street to the lower end of the the town, 4th Byrd C Willis's fences which obstruct Princess Elizabeth Street from Prince Edward Street to the back line of the town 5th Byrd C Willis' fences which obstructs Frederick Street from Charles Street to the back line of the town, 6th Wm Mortons & Byrd C Willis's fences which obstruct Prussia Street from Princess Anne Street to the back line of the town, 7th William Morton's & Byrd C Willis's fences which obstruct Wolf Street from Princess Anne Street to the back line of the town, 8th Charles Yates's fences which obstruct Charlotte Street from Princess Anne Street to the back line of the town, 9th Charles Yates's outhouses & his & Thomas R Rootes inclosures which totally obstruct Hanover Street from near Princess Anne Street to the back line of the town, 10th James Brown's palings which obstructs the lower end of George Street

The new wing of the church, the church yard & palings and all other existing encroachments, which do not totally obstruct the streets to remain as they now are subject however to the future consideration of Council

Ordered that the foregoing resolution be published in the Virginia Herald

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Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Barth'o Fuller £24 pr his acc't this day rendered, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in his hands

The committee appointed to take a list of the inhabitants in this Corpo & report to this board a plan for the establishment of a watch or patrole this day made their report in these words: "In obedience" which report was received & agreed to by the council & ordered to be filed

Ordered that the foregoing report with the list of the classes be published in the Virginia Herald

Charles L Carter

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 16th day of Sept 1806

Charles L Carter, Mayor
Elisha Thatcher, Recorder
Thomas Cochran, Alderman
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
Thomas Green, Alderman
James Brown, Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Councilman
John Lewis, Councilman
Joseph Walker, Councilman

James Newby is elected a member of this board in the room of Geo Baggott removed

On motion made and seconded It is ordered that Godlove Heiskell, one of the trustees of the Markett House do wait on Mrs Berry, relict of the late John Berry and give her notice to remove her house from the Markett house lott on or before the 1st day of March next & the said Godlove Heiskell is a requested to desire Mrs Berry if she is disposed to sell the said house that she may give the refusal thereof to this board

On motion made & seconded, it is ordered that the ordinances prohibiting the selling of meats as the Markett House on Sundays be repealed

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On motion made & seconded, it is ordered that all Indian meal sold in the town from & after the first day of October next be sold by weight allowing 50lbs to the bushel any person who shall violate this order shall forfeit double the value of the meal sold, one half to the use of the informer & the other half for the benefit of the poor of this Corporation to be recovered by warrant or otherwise as the case may require
Ordered that the foregoing order be published in the Virginia Herald for the space of two weeks

James Newby qualified as a member of this board
Present James Newby

James Newby is Elected a Trustee of the Markett house in the room of George Baggott removed

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to George Richardson the sum of $48 for setting up the corner stones in this Corporation pr his account this day allowed

On Motion made and seconded, It is Ordered that the attorney for the Commonwealth in this Corporation be directed to draw up a Petition to the next General Assembly, for leave to send a Representative from this Corporation and that notice thereof be immediately given in the Virginia Herald

On Motion made & seconded, It is ordered that Benj'n Hazlegrove be appointed to measure all pitt coals brought to this Town and that he receive ½ cent pr bushel, for all coal so measured the seller to pay one half & the buyer the other half, any person who shall violate this order shall forfeit & pay $3 on every hundred bushels, one half to the use of the informer & the other half to the use of this Corporation, to be recovered by warrant or otherwise as the case may require, Signed
Charles L Carter

[Page 70]

At a council held at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 2nd day of December 1806

Charles L Carter, Mayor
Elisha Thatcher, Recorder
Thomas Cochran, Alderman
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
James Brown, Common Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Common Councilman
John Lewis, Common Councilman
James Newby, Common Councilman

The Committee to who was refered the subject relative to the improvement of the navigation of the river Rappahannock, this day made their report which is approved of by the board and it is ord'd that a petition be presented to the General Assembly of this State, praying that an Act may pass authorizing the Mayor &c to raise the sum of ten thousand Dollars by Lottery or Lotteries to be appropriated towards effective the purposes of the sd petition.

The Trustees of the Markett house having reported to this board that they have been unable to obtain the money due from Joseph Christy on motion made and seconded It is ord'd that the attorney for the Commonwealth commence suit immediately on behalf of the Corpo ag'st the sd Christy for the sum of £14.17.2 which appears to be due this Corporation

On motion made & Seconded It is ord'd that unless the several persons who have obstructed the passage of certain streets on this Corpo do remove the same before the 4th Monday in this month that Indictments will be pressed against them at the next Quarterly term to be held for this Corpo for the sd offence.
Ord that the same be published in the Virginia Herald

[Page 71]

This Board considering itself the fair & legal representatives of the Inhabitants of Fred'g with regard to all matters of a public nature, excepting they transfer this power by voluntarily authorizing a town meeting Consider the petition signed by a part of the Inhabitants of this Corporation & intended to be presented to the legislature too undefined, to enable them to mark its object if it contemplates the appointment of Magistrates during good behavior with like legislative powers with thos now exercised by the magistracy of this Corporation, it would be subversive of the liberties of the good citizens of this corporation and inimical to the principles of the just free & equitable representative government under which they have the happiness to live.

Resolved 1st that they deem it a duty they owe the good citizens of this Corporation whom they are present have the honor to represent as well as a duty they owe to themselves as citizens of an Enlightened Republican Representative Government to express their abhorrence of the principles of blending in one person the Judicial & Legislative powers for life, True it is, the county magistrates, agreeable to the state Constitution, are eligible to seats in the State Legislature but without intering into an examination foreign to their subject, it must occur to every unprejudiced and informed mind, that the exercise of the legislative power with magistrates in an Incorporated Town is more extensive and various, than the exercise of the same power in a County, and Consequently more dangerous.

2nd They view with regret the necessity of compelling a citizen to act for life in an office which in larger Towns is excessively troublesome or be subjected to a fine of $166.66 2/3 cents, neither is it in their opinions reduced to a Certainty that the persons so appointed for life will be more capable than those appointed annually, at all events it would be the utmost wantoness in the Inhabitants of this at present free Corporation, to give up the inestimable privilege of an annual check upon their Representatives for so ideal an experiment.

[Page 72]

3rdly This board fully relies upon the united wisdom of the Assembly of Virginia when prossessed of the wishes of the Inhabitants fairly taken, and flatter themselves that if their magistrates are elected for life or during good behavior that the judiciary will be Seperated from the legislative part of our body and a Sufficient number of Councilmen added thereto together with a mayor, to answer the ordinary occasions of legislating for the town

4thly It is rendered necessary & expedient by a late act of Assembly requiring that five Magistrates should set in certain criminal courts cases that the number of Magistrates in this Corporation should be increased to eight it being almost impossible & always difficult to obtain the number required by this law, the Inhabitants being allowed only six magistrates by the act of Incorporation and in case the assembly should think proper to make this necessary addition to the number of magistrates and those magistrates continued a part of the legislative body then & in that case, it is deemed, important for the interest of the inhabitants that two councilmen be also added to serve as a counterpoise to the interest & influence of the increased number of Aldermen

RESOLVED that two members of this board be appointed to draw up a petition to the general assembly to the following affect; the magistracy to consist of eight persons to be chosen by the inhabitants of this corporation and to continue in office during good behavior but have no power to act in a legislative capacity and twelve or more persons to be annually elected by the people as heretofore, with power to legislate in all materials the present corporate body have power to legislate in, and that the law authorizing the court to levy a watch tax shall be so far repealed as to place the power in the council and wait on all the Inhabitants (who have a right to vote) for their signatures and when the subscription is completed they are hereby required to obtain [Page 73] an attested copy of the foregoing resolves signed by the clerk of this board annex the same to the said petition and transmit it to our representatives for the purpose of being presented to the general assembly

RESOLVED that Charles L Carter & Godlove Heiskell Esqrs be appointed to carry the foregoing resolve into effect

Elisha Thatcher, the present Recorder wishing to resign the office The board for satisfactory reasons accept his resignation and Thomas Green, being the oldest Alderman, hath succeeded to the said office of recorder agreeable to the act of Incorporation, and James Brown one of the common council who hath the greatest number of vote, hath succeeded the said Thomas Green as an Alderman, whereupon the said James Brown took that different oath as required by the acts of the Assembly
Charles L Carter

Transcribed by Kaitlin O'Shea and Gary Stanton
Please send comments or corrections to Gary Stanton at
Last Modified 26 January 2013