Council Minutes
City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

At a council held at the Town Hall on Thursday the 17th day of January 1805

Benj'n Day, Mayor
Thomas Goodwin, Recorder
Wm Taylor, Alderman
Elisha Thatcher, Alderman
James Brown, Councilman
Wm Pearson, Councilman
John Lewis, Councilman
Richard Peacock, Councilman
James Newby, Councilman

A proposal was laid before the Board by the Mayor for the establishment of a permanent & efficient watch to consist of ten watchmen, five of whom to be on duty one half of the night & to be relieved by five others to supply their places during the remainder of the night. That they be placed on the main Street in convenient Divisions of the town & furnished with centry boxes on their stand & a trumpet to communicate with each other in case of necessity A motion was made & seconded that the following plan be adopted which was carried in the affirmative. It is also recommended to the Court to lay a sufficient tax to carry the same into effect

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Resolved that the Town be laid off into the following wards to wit: from the lower end of the Town to Newbys corner, the first ward, from Newbys corner to Estes's the second ward, from Estes's to Duncans the third ward, from Duncans to Stones the fourth ward, and from Stones to the upper end of the town the fifth ward

Resolved, that James Newby be appointed a committee to superintend the watch of the 1st ward, Rich'd Johnston of the 2nd ward, Thomas Goodwin of the 3rd ward, Stephen Winchester of the 4th ward and Field,g Lucas of the 5th ward

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to John Mundell £2.16.06 pr his acc't this day allowed

Ordered that the Chamberlain pay to Philip Tenier $3 pr his a/c this day allowed

Benj'n Day

March 18th 1806

This being the day appointed by law for the annual election of 12 persons to serve the Corporation the present year as Mayor, Recorder, Alderman & Common Councilmen the free holders & housekeepers being notified thereof met at the Town Hall and having deposited their ballots in the Ballot Box upon examination thereof the greatest number were found to be in favour in the following persons viz't

George French 117
Elisha Thatcher 101
James Brown 98
G Heiskell 86
John Lewis 83
Jos Walker 83
George Baggott 75
Geo W B Spooner 67
Jos Christy 66
Wm Taylor 55
Benj'n Day 50
Thos Goodwin 47

Who were duly elected and they all being present proceeded to the choice of Mayor when George French esq was duly elected who qualified to that office and took the oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth the oath of a justice of the peace and justice of the Court of Hustings in Chancery & to support the Constitution of the United States

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They then proceeded to the choice of Recorder when Benj'n Day esq'r was duly elected and Qualified to that office and took the other oaths above mentioned

They then proceeded to the choice of 4 aldermen when Elisha Thatcher, Wm Taylor, Thos Goodwin, & Geo W B Spooner were duly elected & qualified according to law (Except Thos Goodwin) and the remaining six to wit: Jos Brown G Heiskell Jno Lewis Jos Walker Geo Baggott Jos Christy are of the common council and qualified accordingly

John Chew is unanimously elected clerk of this board John Lewis balloted for and elected Chamberlain the present year

Anth'y Buck unanimously elected Vendue Master and o'r'd that he give bond at the next court

Adam Darby is appointed Guager in this Corp'n for the present year

Bath'o Fuller is appointed Geographer in this Corp'n the present year

John Rogers Ballotted for & Elected Clerk of the Markett the present year

Godlove Heiskell Jos Christy & Geo Baggott are appointed Trustees of the Markett House the present year

Godlove Heiskell, Jos Christy & Geo Baggott are appointed to rent the County Warf the present year

Geo French

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At A Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 30th day of March, 1805

Geo French, Mayor
Benj'n Day, Recorder
Elisha Thatcher, Alderman
Wm Taylor, Alderman
John Lewis, Alderman
Jos Walker, Councilman
James Brown, Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Councilman
Geo Baggott, Councilman
Jos Christy, Councilman

Thos Goodwin Gent Elected an Alderman to serve the Corporation the present year and he refusing to undertake and execute the duties of that office It is ordered to be certified to the Court of Hustings for their order and judgement concerning the same

The Council proceeded to examine and allow the following accounts against the corporation viz't:

To Benj Parke for services rendered attending a vessel having the small pox on board 18 days @ $1.50 per day $27.00
Doct Geo French pr acc't 58.17
Adam Darby for his services in attend'g one person in the smallpox 38 days @ $1.50 57.00
Adam Darby by acc't for summoning council $30.00
Adam Darby Salary by law 25.00
Adam Darby for an inquest on drowned negro 1.50
Timo Green by acc't 56.83
To Isham & E Burch pr acc't 56.33
To William Davis Constable for his services for one year 30.00
To William Davis by acc't 2.570
To Arch Burden const by acc't 51.85
To Daniel Mathews const pr acc't 27.16
To Thos Newton const pr acc't 36.63
To Jas Beck pr acc't for repair to engine 15.00
To Chas Brown by acc't for a press for the Cl'ks Office 8.00
To John Chew Clerk pr acc't 108.33
[To carry over] $614.05
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Amount brought over $614.05
To John Minor atto'y for Corporation 66.67
[Total] $680.72

It is ordered that the sum of $750 be levied upon the Inhabitants of the town of Fredericksburg in such way as the Council may hereafter direct to be paid into the hands of the Chamberlain for the use of the Poor Establishment and that the same shall be subject to the order of the Inspector of the Poor Establishment from time to time to be drawn in favour of the Steward of Poor Persons

Benj'n Day, Wm Taylor and Jos Walker Gent are appointed to settle with the Chamberlain his acc't with the Corporation the last year also the Sergeant's acc't & Trustees of the Markett House & make return thereof to the next council

Geo French, James Brown, James Smock, Steph'n Winchester & William Taylor Gent are appointed to superintend the overseers of the streets

The following persons are appointed to take the list of Taxable property within this corporation to wit all Free male tithables slaves above 12 years Horses Mares Colts & Mules Riding carriages Carts & Drays

George French & Jas Brown from the lower end of the town to Wolf Street

Godlove Heiskell & Geo Baggott from Wolf Street to Hanover Street

Geo W B Spooner & Jos Christy from Hanover Street to William Street

Benj'n Day & Elisha Thatcher from William Street to Lewis Street

William Taylor & Jos Walker from Lewis Street to the upper end of the town, and make report thereof to the next council

Geo French

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At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 20th day of April 1805

Geo French, Mayor
Benj'n Day, Recorder
Wm Taylor, Alderman
Elisha Thatcher, Alderman
Geo W B Spooner, Councilman
John Lewis, Councilman
James Brown, Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Councilman
Joseph Walker, Councilman
Joseph Christy, Councilman

Thomas Goodwin elected at the last election to serve as an alderman for the present year having refused to undertake the duties of that officer, Joseph Christy who had the highest number of votes took the oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth, the oath of a justice of the Corporation Court in Chy & Oath to suppoer the Constitution of the United States

Richard Peacock is elected a Common councilmen in the room of the sd Joseph Christy

Ordered that each free male tithable person owners of slaves above 12 years one dollar pr poll for each horse, mare, cold & mule one dollar on each riding carriage wheel one Dollar on each dray & cart $4 two pr cent on the amounts of rents agreeable to the return made by the Com'r of the revenue and that the sergeant collect the said tax and pay the same to the Chamberlain within three months from this date

The committee appointed to settle with the Chamberlain his acc't with the Corporation for the last year this day made their report which is ordered to be published

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Dr The Mayor and Commonalty in Account with John Legg, Chamberlain
Mar 25 To cash paid the poor from the 26th March to this date $750.75
To cash paid constables, former arreages and sundry other claims pr order of Council 244.27
To cash paid this sum for the pumps 547.19
To cash paid repaving the streets 17.79
Hay scales 79.00
Balance due the Corporation 196.16

In obedience to an order of the Council we three undersigned have examined this accounts of which the above is an abstract and find that the respective charges are supported by vouchers and that the balance of two hundred and seventy nine dollars and ninety cents was due to the Corporation as above stated Certified this nineteenth of April 1805
Benj'n Day
Joseph Walker
William Taylor

Timothy Green is appointed Printer for the purpose of printing the orders &c of this board for which he is receive the sum of $12 pr annum,

Geo W B Spooner Jos Christy, Godlove Heiskell Jos Walker & Richard Peacock are appointed to superintend and have kept in order the pumps in this Corporation and to the working of the fire engine and to inquire into the state of the Water Bucketts

Ordered that the Clerk of the Markett do attend the Markett by daylight every morning from this day till the last day of October next and that the Trustees of the Market house see that this Order be carried into Effect

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John Lewis Chamberlain Cr
March 26 By Cash in hands of the Chamberlain $474.32½
By Cash rec'd of the Sergeant at different times 1,324.31
Of Maj'r Day seized at a gambling table 26.52½
Error in charge of Mitchell Reader the 7th July 1804 10.00
By Ballance due the Corporation $196.16
By Ballance of the Sergeant's account after allowed of his Disbursements on Account of the Small Pox and other incidental Charges 83.79
[Total] $279.90

Ordered that the Mayor cause to be published a Summary of the Laws of this Corp'n
Geo French

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Monday the 24th day of June 1805

Geo French, Mayor
Benj'n Day, Recorder
William Taylor, Alderman
Elisha Thatcher, Alderman
Jos Christy, Alderman
Jas Brown, Councilman
John Lewis, Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Councilman
Jos Walker, Councilman

Richard Peacock elected a councilman in the room of Joseph Christy who is elected Alderman, this day took the oath of a Councilman according to Law

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Benjamin Day William Taylor, Robert Patton, Stephen Winchester Gent or any three of them are appointed to inquire into the state of the navigation of the river and report the most practicable mode in deepening the same to the next Council
Geo W B Spooner, G't

John Lewis John Minor, Benj'n Botts & Thos Goodwin Gent or any three of them are appointed to Examine the acts of Assembly Establishing the Town of Fredericksburg, and also the several acts of Assembly making additions thereto, and report to the next Council what part of the said addition ought to be considered as the town of Fred'sburg and subject to the by laws and ordinances of the Corporation
Geo French

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Friday the 16th day of August 1805

Geo French, Mayor
Benj'n Day, Recorder
Wm Taylor, Alderman
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
Elisha Thatcher, Alderman
Jos Christy, Alderman
James Brown, Councilman
Joseph Walker, Councilman
John Lewis, Councilman
Richard Peacock, Councilman

Mordecai Mastin is appointed Clerk of the Markett in the room of John Rogers, and It is Ordered that he attend the Markett every morning from daylight during the continuance of the Markett & receive the tax on the different kind of Provisions sold in sd Markett, and that the said Mastin do one in every week Pay to the Trustees of the Markett House the money so received, deducting 5 pr ct commission on such money received.

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The Committee appointed to Examine the several acts of assembly concerning the Town of Fredericksburg are hereby authorized to employ a Surveyor to ascertain the boundarys of said town
Geo French

At a Council held at the Town Hall on Saturday the 30th day of November 1805

Geo French, Mayor
Benj'n Day, Recorder
Wm Taylor, Alderman
Geo W B Spooner, Alderman
Joseph Walker, Alderman
Elisha Thatcher, Alderman
Jos Christy, Alderman
John Lewis, Councilman
Geo Baggott, Councilman
Godlove Heiskell, Councilman

The Gentlemen appointed by an order of this board to examine the acts of assembly establishing the town of Fredericksburg & also the several acts of assembly making addition thereto & report to the Council what part of the said addition ought to be considered as the town of Fredericksburg & subject to the by-laws & ordinances of the same this day made their report & the board not being satisfactorily advised in premises, take time to consider thereupon

Wm Taylor, Geo W B Spooner & Geo Baggott or any three of them are appointed to wait on Col Jos Brock and obtain all the information the sd Brock can give them relative to the boundaries of the town of Fred'g and also to obtain every possible information from other sources & lay the same before this board

On a motion made & seconded It is ordered that the price of weighing Hay in this corporation be reduced to 3 cents for every 100lbs
Geo French

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Transcribed by Kaitlin O'Shea and Gary Stanton
Please send comments or corrections to Gary Stanton at
Last Modified 26 January 2013