16th U. S. Census, Virginia, Fredericksburg (Upper Ward), S.D. 1, ED No. 107-5. Enumerated beginning 2 April 1940, by Chester A. Carmichael.

Enumeration Boundaries: ED 107-5: Fredericksburg City Upper Ward bounded by (N) Old City Limits; (E) City Limits; (S) George; (W) Charles, Unnamed Canal, Princess Anne, Old City Limits; also Mary Washington Hospital, Nurses Home.

1 2 3 4 5 7 7a 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 George 305 1 O 10000 Abbey Constantine A (x) Head M W 60 M No C-2 Greece Na Same House Yes 70 Proprietor Hotel E 52 5000+ Yes 1
2 Abbey Constance E Wife F W 54 M No H-4 England Al Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 2
3 Cline Bernard W Son-in-law M W 25 M No H-4 Virginia Alexandria Virginia Yes 44 Draftsman Cellophane Mfg Plant PW 52 1700 No 3
4 Cline Elizabeth A Daughter F W 25 M No C-4 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 4
5 William 316 2 R 6 Stevens Lionel (x) Head M W 56 W No 0 Virginia Same House No No No No U On relief $10 per mo 0 0 No 5
6 William 316 3 R 5 Howard James F (x) Head M W 59 W No 0 Virginia Same House No No Yes Laborer General 33 396 No 6
7 Howard George Slavis Son M W 20 S No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 54 Apprentice Sign Painter PW 0 0 No 7
8 William 316 4 R 6 Paytes Ennis E Head M W 45 W No 0 Virginia Same House Yes Laborer Construction Co PW 26 400 No 8
9 Paytes William H (x) Son M W 22 S No 4 Virginia Same House Yes 25 Laborer Wood (fuel) PW 26 240 No 9
10 Paytes Barney B Son M W 15 S No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 24 Helper Retail Grocery PW 36 104 No 10
11 William 316 5 R 6 Kelley Robert F (x) Head M W 26 M No 6 Virginia Same House Yes 8 Laborer PW 35 700 No 11
12 Kelley Sidney Wife F W 23 M No 2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 12
13 Kelley Jenie L Daughter F W 5 S No 0 Virginia Same House 13
14 Kelley Ernest H Son M W 2 S No 0 Virginia Same House 14
15 William 314 6 R 6 Howard Clyde F (x) Head M W 27 M No 6 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes No No Yes No 40 600 No 15
16 Howard Genivieve Wife F W 23 M No 4 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes No Yes No Sewing Machine Operator Shirt Factory PW 18 180 No 16
17 Howard Jene A Son M W 3 S No 0 Virginia 17
18 Howard Margarite A Daughter F W 1 S No 0 Virginia 18
19 William 314 7 R 5 Toombs Wilson B Head M W 21 M No 7 Virginia R Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 32 Laborer Contractor PW 32 512 No 19
20 Toombs Ruth (x) Wife F W 20 M No 7 Virginia R King George Virginia Yes No No No No H 0 0 No 20
21 Garrett Kenneth N Step-son M W 1 S No 0 Virginia 21
22 William 314 8 R 6 Habrow Wilber W Head M W 33 M No 5 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes No Yes 22
23 Habrow Mary E (x) Wife F W 35 M No 0 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes No No No Yes 24 Laborer General Work 360 No 23
24 Habrow Helen L Daughter F W 12 S Yes 5 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes Laundress At Home 65 No 24
25 Habrow Wilbur W Son M W 10 S Yes 4 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes 25
26 Habrow Dorothy M Daughter F W 8 S Yes 2 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes 26
27 Habrow William H Son M W 5 S No 0 Virginia Alexandria Virginia 27
28 William 314 9 R 25 Perry Clarence W Head M W 23 M No 8 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Painter Decorator PW 40 750 No 28
29 Perry Pauline E(x) Wife F W 22 M No 6 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 29
30 Perry Shirley A Daughter F W 4 S No 0 Virginia 30
31 Paytes Eunice J Mother-in-law F W 44 W No 0 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes No No No No H 0 0 No 31
32 Paytes Harry H Brother-in-law M W 24 S No 3 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes No No Yes Laborer 0 No 32
33 Paytes Earl M Brother-in-law M W 18 S No 7 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes Yes 32 Helper Bottling Works PW 24 96 No 33
34 Fugett Maisy Boarder F W 30 S No 8 Virginia R Caroline Virginia Yes Yes 28 Helper Clothing Manufacturer 43 365 No 34
35 Limbrick Wilbur S Boarder M W 31 W No 2 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes Yes Operator Washing Mch 52 1040 No 35
36 Princess Anne 10? Stephans Embrey Lodger M W 34 W No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 44 Manager Retail Dept Store PW 52 1200 No 36
37 Charles 1013 11 O 6000 Cunningham Annie S (x) Head F W 71 W No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No H Yes 37
38 Cunningham Hugh D Son M W 45 D No C-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Shipping Clerk Paper Mill 52 1800 No 38
39 Cunningham Anne L Daughter F W 38 S No C-4 Virginia Same House Yes School Teacher Private School 36 900 Yes 39
40 Edwards Kathleen H Adopted Daughter F W 12 S Yes 7 Virginia Same House 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Line #
41 Charles 1015 12 O 7500 Willis Jere M H Head M W 41 M No C-5 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Attorney Private Practice AO 52 0 Yes 41
42 Willis Mary Phoebe (x) Wife F W 33 M No C-4 Maryland Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 42
43 Willis J M H Jr Son M W 7 S No 0 Maryland Same House 43
44 Willis John C Son M W 5 S No 0 Virginia Same House 44
45 Willis William W Son M W 2 S No 0 Virginia 45
46 Amelia 320 13 R 50 Brown Guy H (x) Head M W 51 M No C-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 50 Superintendant City Schools GW 52 4200 No 46
47 Brown Elizabeth C Wife F W 49 M No C-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 47
48 Amelia 316 14 O 7500 Gibson Mennis L Head M W 40 M No 0 Virginia Same Place Yes Proprietor Coal & Wood E 0 0 Yes 48
49 Gibson Virginia D (x) Wife F W 39 M No 0 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 49
50 Gibson Courtney H Daughter F W 2 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 50
51 Gibson Anne Branch (x) Sister F W 38 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 44 Secretary Bldg and Loan Asso PW 52 2100 Yes 51
52 Princess Anne 15 R 35 Evans Owen (x) Head M W 41 M No 8 Pennsylvania Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania Yes 72 Proprietor Restaurant E 49 1108 No 52
53 Evans Henrietta B Wife F W 39 M No H-4 Pennsylvania Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania Yes 50 Ass Proprietor Restaurant PW 50 827 No 53
54 Evans John A Son M W 18 S No H-2 Pennsylvania Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania Yes 60 Counter Man Restaurant PW 0 0 No 54
55 Evans Richard Son M W 17 S No H-1 Pennsylvania Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania Yes 60 Counter Man Restaurant PW 8 80 No 55
56 16 R Angel Edna Lodger F W 30 S No C-2 Oklahoma Richmond Virginia Yes 40 Demonstrator Electrical Equipment PW 52 1440 No 56
57 17 Elements Margaret Lodger F W 25 S No H-4 Florida St Petersburg Florida Yes 40 Stenographer Paper Plant PW 52 960 No 57
58 18 Smith Lillian Lodger F W 25 S No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Operator Beauty Parlor PW 52 520 Yes 58
59 19 R 25 Hancock Dabney W Head M W 39 W No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes Carpenter Construction Co PW 52 1300 No 59
60 20 Tucker Moris V (x) Head M W 19 S Yes H-4 Virginia Clifton Forge Virginia Is a college student 60
61 Charles 1107 21 O 8000 Scott Hugh M (x) Head M W 66 W No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 48 President Bank PW 52 5000+ Yes 61
62 Scott Norman C Son M W 25 M No C-5 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Teller Bank PW 52 1200 No 62
63 Scott Elizabeth A Daughter-in-law F W 25 M No C-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 63
64 Scott Elizabeth Granddaughter F W 2m S No 0 Virginia 64
65 Charles 1109 22 O 8000 Scott Nellie B (x) Head F W 50 W No C-4 Virginia Same House No No No No H 65
66 Scott Walter C Son M W 17 S No H-3 Virginia Same House 66
67 Jones Benjamin C (x) Lodger M W 56 W No C-4 North Carolina Columbus Ohio No No Yes 12 Minister Baptist Church OA 52 67
68 Charles 1111 23 O 15000 Butzner William W Head M W 57 M No C-5 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Lawyer Private Practice OA 52 68
69 Butzner Anna M Wife F W 54 M No C-5 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 69
70 Butzner William Jr Son M W 29 S No C-5 Virginia Same House Yes Medical Doctor Private Practice OA 52 70
71 Butzner Elizabeth M Daughter F W 16 S Yes H-2 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 71
72 Extra Line 72
73 Coleman Edmonia Servant F N 44 S No 4 Virginia Same House Yes Maid Private Family 52 360 No 73
74 Princess Anne 1108 24 O 25000 Rowe Alvin T (x) Head M W 70 M No C-1 Virginia Same House No No No No No OT Retail Business Man Yes 74
75 Rowe Macon S Wife F W 63 M No C-4 Virginia Same House No No No No No H 0 0 No 75
76 Rowe Carter R Son M W 33 S No C-5 Virginia Same House No Yes 52 0 Yes 76
77 Baker Elizabeth W Lodger F W 61 S No C-5 Tennessee Same House Yes 36 English Teacher College 36 2800 Yes 77
78 Princess Anne 1106 25 O 35000 Willis Carrie H Head F W 51 W No C-4 Virginia Same House No No No No No H 78
79 Willis Marion G (x) Son M W 26 M No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No Yes 8 Actor Stage 14 700 Yes 79
80 Willis Anne H Daughter-in-law F W 23 M No C-3 Massachusetts Richmond Virginia No No No No No H 0 0 Yes 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Willis Caroline H Daughter-in-law F W 20 S Yes C-4 Virginia Same House No No 0 0 Yes 1
2 Ross Nannie L Servant F N 47 S No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 70 Servant Private Home PW 52 468 No 2
3 Rechenback Herman R Lodger M W 55 W No C-5 Germany Yes 48 Music Teacher College GW 3
4 McKinney James A Lodger M W 35 S No H-4 Pennsylvania Pittsburg Pennsylvania Yes 48 Clerical Creamery PW 4
5 Sloan Stilman S Lodger M W 23 S No H-4 Virginia Richmond Virginia Yes 48 Salesman Tobacco Co PW 52 1800 no 5
6 Amelia 301 26 R 10 Visser Edwin (x) Head M W 31 S No C-2 Germany Pa Palma Spain No Yes 20 Language Teacher School System PW 36 600 Yes 6
7 Amelia 303 27 O 30000 Boggs Kate Doggett Head F W 58 W No C-2 Virginia Baltimore Maryland Yes Owner Antique Shop E 52 0 Yes 7
8 Genther Elsie C Lodger F W 33 S No H-4 Virginia Same House No Yes 48 Asst to Manager Antique Shop PW 52 1800 No 8
9 Read Charles L Lodger M W 27 S No H-4 Virginia Richmond Virginia Yes 40 Salesman Tobacco Co PW 52 2000 No 9
10 Charles 1205 28 O 4000 Ford Nellie O (x) Head F W 72 S No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No No H 0 0 Yes 10
11 Campbell Henry A (x) Lodger M W 62 W No 8 North Carolina Hopewell Virginia No Yes 40 Machinist Cellophane Paper Plant PW 52 1560 No 11
12 Moncure Richard C L Lodger M W 60 S No 7 Virginia Same Place 12
13 Block Fauquier vacant 13
14 Princess Anne 1208 29 O 20000 Ninde Eugene C Head M W 76 W No 8 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Proprietor Furniture Store PW 52 0 Yes 14
15 Ninde Anne M Daughter F W 40 S No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 15
16 Ninde T Sanford (x) Son M W 36 S No C-4 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Salesman Furniture Store PW 52 1000 No 16
17 Burke John S Lodger M W 55 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Salesman Furniture Store PW 52 1000 No 17
18 Princess Anne 1206 30 O 6000 Wallace Samuel G (x) Head M W 79 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No Retired OA 0 0 Yes 18
19 Wallace Julia H Wife F W 63 M No C-3 Virginia Same House No No No No 0 0 Yes 19
20 Parker Mary E Lodger F W 21 S No C-1 Virginia Essex Virginia Yes Yes 50 Companion to invalid OA 52 300 No 20
21 Washington Emma Servant F N 20 S No 0 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 50 Cook Tourist home OA 52 260 No 21
22 Charles 1303 31 O 3000 Harris Charles F (x) Head M N 43 M No H-4 Virginia Same House No Yes 50 Proprietor Garage PW 52 0 Yes 22
23 Harris Mary Irene Wife F N 35 M No C-2 Virginia Same House No No No No No H 0 0 No 23
24 Harris Irma May Daughter F N 9 S Yes 4 Virginia Same House 24
25 Harris Charlene E Daughter F N 7 S Yes 1 Virginia Same House 25
26 Harris Irene R Daughter F N 7 S Yes 1 Virginia Same House 26
27 Charles 1305 32 R 20 Mason Mary Q (x) Head F N 33 W No H-2 Virginia Same House No No No No No H 0 0 Yes 27
28 Mason Franklin P Son M N 14 S Yes 4 Virginia Same House 28
29 Mason John H Son M N 13 S Yes 5 Virginia Same House 29
30 Mason Dillard M Son M N 11 S Yes 5 Virginia Same House 30
31 Mason James M Son M N 7 S Yes 0 Virginia Same House 31
32 Morton Josephine A Mother F N 54 W No 4 Virginia Same House Yes 50 Cook Private Home OA 52 364 No 32
33 Charles 1307 33 R 20 Wormley Lindsay S (x) Head M N 60 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No No H 33
34 Wormley Elisie D Wife F N 57 M No 7 Virginia Same House No Yes 35 Chamber Maid Hotel Laundry PW 52 208 No 34
35 Coleman Willie Mae Daughter F N 37 W No H-4 Virginia Same House No Yes 66 Maid Hospital PW 52 364 No 35
36 Coleman Samuel H Grandson M N 15 S Yes H-1 Pennsylvania Same House 36
37 Diamond Oswald J Adopted son M N 22 S No H-4 Virginia Same House No Yes 36 Roller Operator Paper Plant PW 36 648 No 37
38 Hudley Bernard H Grandson M N 16 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same House 38
39 Hudley Randolph N Great Nephew M N 13 S Yes 7 Virginia Same House 39
40 Hudley William L Great Nephew M N 8 S Yes 3 Virginia Same House 40
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1 2 3 4 5 7 7a 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Charles 1309 34 O 2000 Noel Phillip (x) Head M N 65 M No 7 Virginia Same House No Yes 40 Laborer WPA GW 52 600 Yes 41
42 Noel Annie E Wife F N 36 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H H 0 0 No 42
43 Noel Lucy M Daughter F N 17 S Yes C-1 Virginia Same House No No No No S S 0 0 No 43
44 Noel Katherine Daughter F N 14 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same House No No No No S S 0 0 No 44
45 Noel Edward Son M N 12 S Yes 5 Virginia Same House 45
46 Noel Isaac N Son M N 10 S Yes 3 Virginia Same House 46
47 Noel Alvin Son M N 8 S Yes 1 Virginia Same House 47
48 Noel William H Son M N 7 S No 0 Virginia Same House 48
49 Noel Anna Belle Daughter F N 4 S No 0 Virginia Same House 49
50 Noel Ellen R Daughter F N 1 S No 0 Virginia Same House 50
51 Charles 1311 35 R 0 Courtney John S (x) Head M N 63 S No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 20 Mortar Man Brick Contractor PW 39 713 No 51
52 Charles 1315 36 O 2000 Young Julian W Head M N 58 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 80 Operator Steam Boiler Hotel PW 42 735 No 52
53 Young Lottie T (x) Wife F N 53 M No H-3 Virginia Same House Yes 32 Part Time Maid Hotel PW 50 350 No 53
54 Young Bertha O Daughter F N 28 S No C-3 Virginia Same House Yes 25 Teacher School System GW 36 792 No 54
55 Young LeRoy A Son M N 17 S Yes c-1 Virginia Same House 55
56 Young Julian C Grandson M N 12 S Yes 7 Virginia Same House 56
57 Charles 1317 37 O 3000 Kay Gussie M (x) Head F N 50 W No C-4 Virginia Same House Yes Teaching School At Home OA 36 405 Yes 57
58 Kay Dallas M Son M N 31 S No C-3 Virginia Same House Yes Barber Own Shop OA 52 780 Yes 58
59 Hawke 308 38 R 10 Walker Frank Head M N 60 M No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes Laborer Railroad GW 40 840 No 59
60 Walker Lucy (x) Wife F N 55 M No 2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 60
61 Hawke 306 39 R 15 Wieds Ora O Head M W 39 M No 6 Virginia Same House Odd jobs 61
62 Wieds Annie R (x) Wife F W 35 M No 6 Texas Same House No No No No H H 0 0 No 62
63 Wieds Virginia M Daughter F W 14 S Yes 6 Virginia Same House No No No No S S 0 0 No 63
64 Wieds Lloyd O Son M W 13 S Yes 3 Virginia Same House 64
65 Wieds Jack E Son M W 11 S Yes 4 Virginia Same House 65
66 Wieds Barbara J Daughter F W 8 S Yes 1 Virginia Same House 66
67 Wieds Peggy A Daughter F W 5 S No 0 Virginia Same House 67
68 Wieds Cordelia R Daughter F W 3 S No 0 Virginia Same House 68
69 Perry Laura E Mother-in-law F W 67 W No 4 Maryland Same Place No No No No U Old Age Pension $20/mo 69
70 Fauquier 305 40 R 15 Brown William S (x) Head M W 34 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Spinning Machine Operator Paper Mill PW 49 1150 No 70
71 Brown Silence P Wife F W 33 M No H-2 North Carolina Same Place No No No No H H 0 0 No 71
72 Brown Jean E Daughter F W 11 S Yes 4 Virginia Same Place 72
73 Brown David L Son M W 8 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 73
74 Brown William S Jr Son M W 6 S No Virginia Same Place 74
75 Fauquier 309 41 O 3000 Hilldrup Emmett G Head M W 33 M No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 50 Auto Mechanic State Highway GW 52 1200 No 75
76 Hilldrup Dorothy E (x) Wife F W 35 M No H-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H H 0 0 No 76
77 Hilldrup Jean Daughter F W 10 S No 5 Virginia Same House 77
78 Daffan Mary A Sister-in-law F W 34 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 45 Clerk Retail Store PW 36 425 No 78
79 Fauquier 311 42 O 8000 Love Bell (x) Head F W 66 S No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H H 0 0 Yes 79
80 Bowering Laura Lodger F W 70 W No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H H 0 0 Yes 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Anderson William B (x) Lodger M W 38 M No H-1 South Carolina Same House Yes 20 Brick Layer For self OA 44 2414 Yes 1
2 Anderson Doris B Lodger F W 34 M No H-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 2
3 Anderson Patsy R Lodger F W 10 S Yes 3 Virginia Same House 3
4 Charles 1403 43 O 3000 Sprow Richard B (x) Head M N 49 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No U 4
5 Sprow Susie B Wife F N 44 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 5
6 Sprow Arnold Son M N 29 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 60 Waiter Hotel 0 0 No 6
7 Sprow Frances Daughter F N 26 S No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 20 Waiter School Cafeteria 0 0 No 7
8 Sprow Richard Son M N 24 S No H-2 Virginia Same House Yes 60 Waiter Club 52 260 No 8
9 Sprow Walden Son M N 22 S No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 60 Waiter Club 44 110 No 9
10 Sprow Charles Son M N 20 S No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 60 Mechanic Garage 52 360 No 10
11 Sprow Lilly Daughter F N 14 S Yes 7 Virginia Same House 52 360 No 11
12 Sprow Herbert Son M N 13 S Yes 6 Virginia Same House 52 650 No 12
13 Charles 1405 44 O 2000 Thompson Alfred (x) Head M N 61 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No Yes 39 Laborer 165 No 13
14 Thompson Nettie Wife F N 42 M No 3 Virginia Same House Yes 56 Maid School Dormitory 42 441 No 14
15 Thompson Roosevelt Son M N 29 S No 3 Virginia Same House Yes 56 Cook School 42 336 No 15
16 Johnson Willie E Step-son M N 24 S No H-1 Virginia Same House Yes 32 Helper Coating Room Cellophane Paper 48 800 No 16
17 Johnson Charles Step-son M N 23 S No 7 Pennsylvania Same House Yes 32 Helper Coating Room Cellophane Paper 10 170 No 17
18 Charles 1407 45 R 15 Robinson Lewis (x) Head M N 70 W No 0 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 18
19 Lewis Nettie Daughter F N 24 W No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 42 House Cleaning General Work 52 260 No 19
20 Lewis Theodore Grandson M N 12 S Yes 4 Virginia Same Place 20
21 Lewis Richard Grandson M N 9 S Yes 2 Virginia Same Place 21
22 Lewis Donald Grandson M N 5 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 22
23 Lewis Elizabeth Granddaughter F N 3 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 23
24 Robinson John Son M N 28 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes Presser Pressing Shop 52 624 No 24
25 Charles 1409 Apt 5 46 R 10 Smith John M Head M N 40 M No 7 Washington DC Same Place No Yes Pipe Layer Construction 48 480 No 25
26 Smith Nancy P (x) Wife F N 29 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 26
27 Smith Mary Daughter F N 11 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 27
28 Smith Willie Son M N 8 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 28
29 Smith Nellie Daughter F N 7 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 29
30 Smith Richard Son M N 5 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 30
31 Smith Charles Son M N 3 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 31
32 Smith Clarence Son M N 9m S No 0 Virginia Same Place 32
33 Charles 1409 Apt 4 47 R 10 Minor Lottie B (x) Head F N 34 W No 7 Virginia Baltimore Maryland No No No No H 0 0 Yes 33
34 Weedon Ethel (x) Lodger F N 25 W No 7 Virginia Westmoreland Virginia Yes Yes 72 Maid Private Home 13 65 No 34
35 Weedon Irma Lodger F N 10 S No 2 Virginia Westmoreland Virginia Yes 35
36 Weedon William Lodger M N 5 S No 0 Virginia Westmoreland Virginia Yes 36
37 Owens Clara Lodger F N 30 W No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 65 Maid Private Home 45 270 Yes 37
38 Charles 1409 Apt 3 48 R 11 Brown Gertrude E (x) Head F N 35 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 36 Laundress Home 52 260 No 38
39 Walker John M Nephew M N 23 M No H-4 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Yes 77 Cook Restaurant 50 416 No 39
40 Walker Geneva H Niece F N 19 M No 6 Virginia Same Place Maid Private Home 52 150 No 40
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1 2 3 4 5 7 7a 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Charles 1409 Apt 2 49 R 11 Minor Thomas (x) Head M N 35 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 58 Tub Man Laundry 52 728 No 41
42 Minor Frances T Wife F N 25 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 42
43 Minor Beatrice B Daughter F N 9 S Yes 2 Virginia Same Place 43
44 Minor Frances Q Daughter F N 1 S No 0 Virginia 44
45 Charles 1409 Apt 1 50 R 12 Stewart James A (x) Head M N 29 M No 4 Virginia Same Place Yes 64 37 555 No 45
46 Stewart Viola E Wife F N 22 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 46
47 Stewart Vissie A Daughter F N 8 S No 3 Virginia Same Place 47
48 Stewart James A Jr Son M N 5 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 48
49 Stewart Viola E Daughter F N 2 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 49
50 Charles 1411 51 O 2000 Browne Fannie A Head F N 59 W No 5 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 50
51 Browne Margarette (x) Daughter F N 31 S No C-5 Virginia Same Place Yes 25 36 768 No 51
52 Pitt 310 52 R 10 Lewis Archie (x) Head M N 46 M No 0 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 40 Laborer 24 336 No 52
53 Lewis Mary Wife F N 35 M No 0 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 53
54 Lewis Archie Jr (x) Son M N 22 S No 7 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 46 Laborer 24 324 No 54
55 Lewis William (x) Son M N 21 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 32 45 588 No 55
56 Pitt 308 53 R 10 Mudd Addie M Head F N 44 W No 4 Virginia Same Place Yes 65 Maid Private Home 52 260 No 56
57 Mudd William (x) Son M N 23 M No 3 Virginia R Orange Virginia Yes 78 Orderly Hospital 52 548 No 57
58 Mudd Katie (x) Daughter F N 23 M No H-2 Virginia R Madison Virginia Yes 44 Maid Private Home 52 370 No 58
59 Mudd Sarah (x) Daughter F N 17 S No 2 Virginia R Culpeper Virginia Yes 65 Maid Private Home 52 52 No 59
60 Mudd Cleveland Son M N 4 S No 60
61 Pitt 306 54 R 12 Washington William B Head M N 24 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 78 Cook College 46 368 No 61
62 Washington Iva J (x) Wife F N 23 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 62
63 Washington Barbara Daughter F N 4 S No 0 Virginia 63
64 Washington Robby Son M N 3 S No 0 Virginia 64
65 Washington Charlotte Daughter F N 1 S No 0 Virginia 65
66 Washington Constance Daughter F N 1m S No 0 Virginia 66
67 Pitt 304 55 R 11 Lewis Josephine (x) Head F N 31 W No 3 Virginia Same Place Yes 28 Maid Private Home 47 318 Yes 67
68 Lewis Rena B Daughter F N 16 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same Place 68
69 Lewis Ennis O Son M N 14 S Yes 6 Virginia Same Place 69
70 Carrington Ernest Lodger M N 28 S No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Laborer Paper Plant 52 900 No 70
71 Carrington Leslie Lodger M N 30 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Laborer Paper Plant 52 900 No 71
72 Princess Anne 1424 56 R 30 Fines William R (x) Head M W 31 M No 8 Virginia Same House Yes 24 Sole Fitter Shoe Factory 35 455 No 72
73 Fines Iva G Wife F W 25 M No 5 Virginia Same House Yes 35 Heel Padder Shoe Factory 30 360 No 73
74 Fines Audrey May Daughter F W 6 S No 0 Virginia Same House 74
75 Fines Joyce Lee Daughter F W 6 S No 0 Virginia Same House 75
76 Cooper Flossie M Lodger F W 48 W No 7 Virginia R Stafford Virginia No Yes 40 Lining Machine Operator Pants Factory PW 52 350 Yes 76
77 Cooper Flossie J Lodger F W 13 S Yes 6 Virginia R Stafford Virginia No 77
78 Princess Anne 1420 57 R 16 Kesleman Robert C Head M N 52 M No C-4 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Janitor Church 52 600 Yes 78
79 Kesleman Elizabeth Wife F N 46 M No 7 Virginia Same House 0 0 No 79
80 Kesleman Ralph Son M N 21 S No 7 Virginia Same House 80
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1 2 3 4 5 7 7a 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Extra Line 1
2 Princess Anne 1418 57 R 18 Cooper Alvin B Head M W 39 M No 3 Virgniia R Stafford Virginia No Yes 30 Finishing Room Paper Plant PW 52 640 Yes 2
3 Cooper Annie R (x) Wife F W 36 M No 7 Virgniia R Stafford Virginia No No No No No H 0 0 No 3
4 Cooper Dorothy M Daughter F W 18 S No H-2 Virgniia R Stafford Virginia No Yes 23 Examiner Hosiery Mill PW 52 624 No 4
5 Cooper Hazel L Daughter F W 16 S No H-1 Virgniia R Stafford Virginia No Yes 40 Waitress Restaurant PW 52 416 No 5
6 Cooper Marian V Daughter F W 14 S Yes 6 Virgniia R Stafford Virginia No No No No No S 0 0 No 6
7 Cooper Charlotte R Daughter F W 10 S Yes 3 Virgniia R Stafford Virginia No No No No No S 7
8 Cooper Alvin B Jr [Son] M W 7 S Yes 1 Virgniia R Stafford Virginia No No No No No S 8
9 Cooper Mary Anne Daughter F W 4 S No Virgniia R Stafford Virginia No 9
10 Cooper Theron W Son M W 3 S No Virgniia 10
11 Cooper James E Son M W 1 S No Virgniia 11
12 Princess Anne 1416 58 R 10 Jackson Mary Head F N 38 W No Virgniia Yes Maid Private Home PW 52 860 Yes 12
13 Jackson Margaret Daughter F N 8 S Yes 2 Virgniia 13
14 Dugan Josh Lodger M N 37 M No Virgniia Yes Car Washer Motor Co PW 14
15 Dugan Viola Lodger F N 31 M No Yes Maid Private Home PW 15
16 Princess Anne 1414 59 R 15 Lee Warren W Jr (x) Head M N 36 M No C-4 Virgniia Same House Yes 30 Teacher CCC Camp GW 44 650 No 16
17 Lee Minnie B Wife F N 32 M No H-4 Virgniia Same House Yes 13 Maid Private Home PW 26 180 No 17
18 Lee Warren W III Son M N 14 S Yes H-1 Virgniia Same House 0 0 No 18
19 Lee Reginald A Son M N 11 S Yes 5 Virgniia Same House 19
20 Lee Geraldine M Daughter F N 10 S Yes 4 Virgniia Same House 20
21 Lee Gregory R Son M N 9 S Yes 3 Virgniia Same House 21
22 Lee Joan Daughter F N 7 S Yes 1 Virgniia Same House 22
23 Princess Anne 1410? 60 R 15 Wheeler Clarence Head M N 37 M No 7 Virgniia Yes Proprietor Wood Yard PW 52 0 Yes 23
24 Wheeler Helen Wife F N 37 M No 7 Virgniia Yes Teacher Public School PW 36 540 No 24
25 Wheeler Coleman M Son M N 12 S Yes H-4 Virgniia 25
26 Princess Anne 1410 61 R 15 Smith Willie A Head M W 44 M No 2 Virgniia Same House Street Dept City of Fbg GW 52 988 Yes 26
27 Smith Hordenia E (x) Wife F W 29 M No 5 Virgniia Same House 0 0 No 27
28 Smith Nora M Daughter F W 15 S Yes 7 Virgniia Same House 0 0 No 28
29 Smith Margaret A Daughter F W 12 S Yes 4 Virgniia Same House 29
30 Smith William E Son M W 10 S Yes 2 Virgniia Same House 30
31 Smith Denelda E Daughter F W 7 S Yes 1 Virgniia Same House 31
32 Thacker Ernest A Brother-in-law M W 26 S No 6 Virgniia Same House Yes 54 Mechanic Neon Signs PW 52 728 No 32
33 Princess Anne 1408 62 R 25 Franklin Willie W Head M W 61 M No 8 Virgniia Same House Yes 44 Letter Carrier Post Office GW 52 2000 No 33
34 Franklin Mary V Wife F W 59 M No 5 Virgniia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 34
35 Rose Virginia Daughter F W 33 W No H-2 Virgniia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 35
36 Rose Mary Ann Granddaughter F W 9 S Yes 2 Virgniia Same House 36
37 Rose Jean E Granddaughter F W 7 S Yes 1 Virgniia Same House 37
38 Franklin Ralph M Son M W 19 S Yes H-4 Virgniia Same House S 0 0 No 38
39 Hawke 305 63 R 20 Way Robert L (x) Head M W 64 M No 5 Virgniia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 Yes 39
40 Way Florence V Wife F W 61 M No 5 Virgniia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Way Earl W Son M W 33 S No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes Cement Worker Construction 26 425 No 41
42 Hawke 307 64 Own/Rent 1400 Johnson Fannie B Head F W 67 W No 6 Virginia Same House Yes 28 Cook Private Family PW 34 340 No 42
43 Dandridge David L (x) Son-in-law M W 43 M No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 69 Barber PW 52 43
44 Dandridge Fannie J Daughter F W 46 M No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 42 Maid Hotel PW 52 365 No 44
45 Hawke 309 65 R 20 Perry Menard A (x) Head M W 33 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 50 Laborer City of Fbg GW 52 1142 No 45
46 Perry Annie B Wife F W 33 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 46
47 Perry Robert A Son M W 14 S Yes 6 Virginia Same House 0 0 No 47
48 Perry Annie Rosa Daughter F W 11 S Yes 4 Virginia Same House 48
49 Perry Mitchell A Son M W 7 S Yes 1 Virginia Same House 49
50 Perry Raymond L Son M W 5 S No Virginia Same House 50
51 Perry Patricia A Daughter F W 1 S No Virginia Same House 51
52 Extra Line 52
53 Charles 1505 66 O 4000 Brown Arthur Head M N 60 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 84 Proprietor Undertaking E 52 0 Yes 53
54 Brown Hattie H (x) Wife F N 56 M No C-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 54
55 Morton Ora A Daughter F N 31 D No C-3 Virginia Same Place No No Yes Substitute Teacher GW 39 273 No 55
56 Morton Anita E Granddaughter F N 11 S Yes 5 New York Same Place 56
57 Brown Marie A Daughter F N 18 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 57
58 Brown Celestine N Daughter F N 13 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same Place 58
59 Charles 1507 67 O 2800 Norbrey Maurice Head M N 40 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 58 Proprietor Trucking Co E 52 0 Yes 59
60 Norbrey Nannie L (x) Wife F N 37 M No Virginia Same House Yes 28 Teacher Elementary GW 36 800 No 60
61 Norbrey Manuel D Son M N 18 S Yes Virginia Same House 0 0 Yes 61
62 Norbrey Muriel M Daughter F N 12 S Yes Virginia Same House 62
63 Charles 1509 68 O 2500 Thomas Wiley E (x) Head M N 43 M No 8 Virginia Same Place Yes 44 Station Hand Railroad 52 840 No 63
64 Thomas Bessie B Wife F N 37 M No 6 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 64
65 Thomas Thelma M Daughter F N 14 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same Place No 65
66 Thomas Floyd E Son M N 11 S Yes 5 Virginia Same Place 66
67 Charles 1511 69 O 1200 Robinson Joanie (x) Head F N 85 W No 5 Virginia Same House No No No No U 0 0 No 67
68 Canal 312 70 O 1200 Alexander Rose L Head F N 47 W No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 72 Cook Private Home PW 52 364 No 68
69 Johnson Mary E (x) Sister F N 59 S No 0 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 69
70 Brown Joseph Nephew M N 22 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Coating Room Paper Plant PW 40 586 No 70
71 Brown Josephine M Niece F N 21 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 71
72 Brown Cleo L Great Niece F N 5 S No Virginia Same Place 72
73 Brown Ethel Great Niece F N 4 S No Virginia Same Place 73
74 Brown Beverly A Great Nephew M N 2 S No Virginia Same Place 74
75 Brown Rebecca M Great Niece F N 11m S No Virginia Same Place 75
76 Canal 308 71 O 4000 Stewart Josh (x) Head M N 33 D No 4 Virginia Same Place Yes 65 Mechanic Garage PW 52 1092 No 76
77 Canal 306 72 O 2200 Baylor Urbane F Head M N 29 M No H-1 Virginia Same Place Yes 72 Proprietor Car Washing E 52 0 No 77
78 Baylor Jean W Wife F N 26 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 78
79 Baylor Michael F Son M N 4 S No 0 Virginia 79
80 Bankett Carrie Foster Mother M N 48 W No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 25 Maid Private Home PW 50 350 No 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Princess Anne 1518 73 R 18 Robinson Angelo Head M N 36 W No H-1 Virginia Same Place Yes 60 Mechanics Helper Auto Garage PW 52 780 No 1
2 Childs Ruth Lodger F N 23 S No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes Maid Hospital PW 52 325 No 2
3 Gordon Eva Lodger F N 33 W No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes Cook Private Family PW 52 260 No 3
4 Princess Anne 1516 74 R 20 Kesleman Alvin M Head M N 51 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 60 Proprietor Retail Grocery E 52 0 No 4
5 Kesleman Pearl C Wife F N 46 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 5
6 Kesleman Reginald Son M N 25 M No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 48 General Cleaner Private Homes OA 52 780 No 6
7 Kesleman Maxine Daughter-in-law F N 24 M No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No 7
8 Kesleman Gilbert Son M N 2 S No 0 Virginia Same House 8
9 Princess Anne 1514 75 R 15 Stiars Mary Agnes Head F W 67 M No 1 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 9
10 Stiars William Thomas Husband M W 63 M No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 54 Presser Hosiery Shop PW 52 1040 No 10
11 Stiars Randolph E Son M W 15 S Yes 3 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 11
12 Princess Anne 1512 76 O 2000 Dunnington Thomas R (x) Head M W 65 M No 6 Virginia Same Place Yes 18 Carpenter Independent OA 26 429 No 12
13 Dunnington Hattie J Wife F W 60 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 13
14 Princess Anne 1510 77 O 4500 Cox Vanburen B (x) Head M W 56 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 50 Salesman Retail Furniture PW 52 1560 No 14
15 Cox Addie J (x) Wife F W 55 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 15
16 Cox Leonard B Son M W 26 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Clerical, Office Power Co PW 52 No 16
17 Cox Gordon R Son M W 22 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 40 45 1080 No 17
18 Princess Anne 1508 78 O 4500 Burton Charles Head M W 45 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Asst foreman Viscose Paper Plant PW 52 1300 No 18
19 Lillian A Wife F W 42 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 19
20 Cox John D Lodger M W 53 S No 7 North Carolina Same House Yes 74 Proprietor Barber Shop E 52 1300 No 20
21 Princess Anne 1502 79 O 2000 Carneal John A Head M W 54 M No 0 Virginia Same Place Yes 24 Cement Worker OA 18 175 No 21
22 Carneal Martha H (x) Wife F W 53 M No 2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 22
23 Satterwhite William Lodger M W 23 M No 3 Virginia Same Place Yes 56 Furniture Store PW 33 350 No 23
24 Satterwhite Florence Lodger F W 24 M No 4 Virginia Same Place Yes 42 Sewing Machine Operator Pants Factory PW 47 600 No 24
25 Princess Anne 1500 80 R 16 Patterson John E Head M W 37 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 34 25
26 Patterson Alice E Wife F W 34 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 26 26
27 Patterson John E Jr Son M W 2 S No 0 Virginia 27
28 Hudson Julia A Lodger F W 61 W No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H NP 0 0 Yes 28
29 Pitt 303 81 O 3000 Williams Edward (x) Head M N 73 M No 2 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 29
30 Williams Carrie Wife F N 65 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H Home Laundress OA 0 0 Yes 30
31 Bundy Susie Step-daughter F N 45 S No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H Home Laundress OA 0 0 Yes 31
32 Bundy Willie Grandson M N 23 S No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 52 Porter Store 0 0 No 32
33 Pitt 305 82 O 3000 Boone John W (x) Head M N 67 M No 0 Maryland Same Place No No No No OT Retired GW 0 0 Yes 33
34 Boone Julia C Wife F N 60 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 34
35 Pitt 307 83 O 5000 Tate Stella H (x) Head F N 42 W No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 30 Proprietor Drug Store E 52 0 Yes 35
36 Tate Coleman M Son M N 17 S Yes C-3 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 36
37 Tate Bessie L Daughter F N 16 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 37
38 Lowe Florence M Lodger F N 32 S No C-4 Virginia Same Place Yes Yes Yes Teacher Elementary GW 36 540 No 38
39 Pitt 309 84 O 4000 Walker J Thomas (x) Head M N 65 M No 3 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Carman Helper Railroad PW 52 1300 No 39
40 Walker Annie M Wife F N 59 M No 8 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Charles 1601 85 R 35 Hughlett Edward T Head M W 42 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Inspector Building Material PW 52 2080 No 41
42 Hughlett Ida A (x) Wife F W 41 M No 5 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 42
43 Hughlett Mary C Daughter F W 19 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Switch Board Telephone Co PW 25 300 No 43
44 Hart Charles V Son-in-law M W 24 M No 6 Virginia Same Place Yes 50 Salesman Creamery PW 52 1768 No 44
45 Hart Virginia A Daughter F W 22 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 45
46 Charles 1603 86 R 25 Satterwhite Hugh R Head M W 34 M No H-1 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Asst Foreman Coating Celophane Paper Plant PW 52 1300 No 46
47 Satterwhite Thelma T (x) Wife F W 31 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 47
48 Satterwhite Jean G Daughter F W 11 S Yes 5 Virginia Same Place 48
49 Charles 1605A 87 R 15 Williams Joseph T Head M W 23 M No H-2 Virginia Richmond Virginia Yes 60 Salesman Bakery 52 1560 No 49
50 Williams Julia (x) Wife F W 23 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 50
51 Williams Robert L (x) Son M W 2 S No 0 Virginia 51
52 Charles 1605B 88 R 15 Walton Herbert L Head M W 35 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 60 Salesman Bakery 52 2340 No 52
53 Walton Nellie L (x) Wife F W 30 M No H-2 Virginia Richmond Virginia No No No No H 0 0 No 53
54 Charles 1607 89 R 30 Shelton William E (x) Head M W 53 M No 4 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 3yrs 0 0 No 54
55 Shelton Dora Wife F W 53 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No Seamstress Home 500 No 55
56 Shelton Everett L Son M W 27 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 54 Truck Driver Dry Cleaning Co 52 780 No 56
57 Shelton Thelma Daughter-in-law F W 24 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Sale at Soda Fountain Retail Drug 52 624 No 57
58 Charles 1609 90 R 30 Ingalls James M Head M W 65 M No H-4 Arkansas Same Place Yes 50 Foreman Dispensing Laundry PW 52 1820 No 58
59 Ingalls Dora A (x) Wife F W 50 M No 8 Maryland Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 59
60 Ingalls Lester J Son M W 26 S No H-3 Maryland Same Place Yes 64 Retail Clothing PW 52 1144 No 60
61 Ingalls James H Son M W 20 S No C-1 Maryland Same Place No No Yes In College Beginner 0 0 No 61
62 Ingalls Franklin J Son M W 17 S Yes 7 Maryland Same Place 0 0 No 62
63 Charles 1611 91 R 40 Carter William D (x) Head M W 48 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Operator Spinning Room Paper Plant PW 50 1125 No 63
64 Carter Margaret L Wife F W 42 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 64
65 Carter Robert G Son M W 22 S No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Operator Viscose Dept Paper Plant PW 52 1125 No 65
66 Carter Carl F Son M W 15 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same Place 0 0 No 66
67 Carter Fitzhugh K Son M W 6 S Yes 0 Virginia Same Place 67
68 Charles 1615B 92 R 22 Reynolds Morton A Head M W 26 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Chemical Laboratory Paper Plant PW 52 1248 No 68
69 Reynolds Eleanor B (x) Wife F W 24 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 69
70 Charles 1615A 93 R 35 Powell Clyde M Head M W 26 M No H-1 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Chemical Laboratory Paper Plant PW 52 1352 No 70
71 Powell Iva B Wife F W 24 M No H-4 Virginia Richmond Virginia No No No No No H 0 0 No 71
72 Powell Clyde M Jr Son M W 1 S No 0 Virginia 72
73 Herndon 306 94 R 36 Bullock Charles T Head M W 24 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 44 Stock Room Clerk State Highway GW 52 1200 No 73
74 Bullock Elizabeth T (x) Wife F W 30 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 74
75 Bullock Barbara A Daughter F W 6 S Yes Virginia Same Place 75
76 Bullock William D Son M W 5 S No Virginia Same Place 76
77 Thomas Caroline W Sister-in-law F W 33 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 72 Trained Nurse Private Clinic 45 1890 No 77
78 Princess Anne 1616 95 O 8000 Fines John B Head M W 57 M No 6 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Postal Clerk Post Office GW 52 2100 No 78
79 Fines Lula B Wife F W 57 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 79
80 Fines Hazel A Daughter F W 23 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Fines Shirley R Daughter F W 20 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 46 Book Keeper Chain Dept Store PW 52 700 No 1
2 Lee Buck R Lodger M W 48 W No 7 North Carolina Same Place Yes 63 Chief Clerk Hotel PW 52 1620 No 2
3 Wheat Mary B Lodger F W 31 S No H-4 West Virginia Martinsburg West Virginia Yes 46 Cashier Chain Dept Store PW 52 728 No 3
4 Princess Anne 1612 96 O 5000 Jones Wilbert U Head M W 53 W No 3 Virginia Same Place Yes 75 Proprietor Retail Grocery E 52 0 Yes 4
5 Jones Wilbert U Jr Son M W 23 S No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 30 Asst Trainer Riding Stable PW 52 520 No 5
6 Jones Paul H Son M W 20 S No H-3 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 6
7 Jones Mary V (x) Daughter F W 17 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 7
8 Princess Anne 1610 97 O 4000 Berry James A (x) Head M W 56 W No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Operater Thread Dept Paper Plant PW 52 1300 Yes 8
9 Berry Charles H Son M W 27 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 58 Mgr Gas Station Garage PW 52 1144 No 9
10 Berry Ethel Daughter-in-law F W 23 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 10
11 Berry M Elizabeth Daughter F W 24 S No H-3 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 11
12 Berry Allen H Son M W 22 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 42 Clerical Hotel Office 52 1355 No 12
13 Berry George W Son M W 20 S No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Electrician Helper Paper Plant 52 1352 No 13
14 Berry Dorothy Va Daughter F W 16 S No H-2 Virginia Same Place 14
15 Barton Lucy V Lodger F W 50 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Inspector Finishing Dept Paper Plant 15
16 Princess Anne 1609 98 R 25 Dickinson James K Jr Head M W 27 M No H-4 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 56 Salesman Filling Station PW 52 1260 No 16
17 Dickinson Doris H Wife F W 19 M No H-3 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 50 Student Operator Beauty Shop PW 0 0 No 17
18 Princess Anne 1606 99 R 25 Morris Ossie S (x) Head M W 52 M No 4 Virginia Same Place Yes 66 Proprietor Retail Grocery E 52 0 No 18
19 Morris Nora R Wife F W 53 M No 4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 19
20 Morris G Bernard Son M W 24 S No 2 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 20
21 Princess Anne 1604 100 R 20 Svalina Norma B (x) Head F W 17 W No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 21
22 Pollard Ann M Mother F W 39 D No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes Cutter Clothing Manufacturer PW 47 845 No 22
23 Princess Anne 1602 101 R 22 Abernathy Olen L Head M W 29 M No H-2 North Carolina Marine Corps Yes 40 Furniture Pasker US Gov GW 52 1040 No 23
24 Abernathy Cora D Wife F W 27 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 24
25 Princess Anne 1600 102 O 3000 Berry Howard H Head M W 50 S No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 44 Proprietor Plumbing Shop 48 0 No 25
26 Berry Susan C Mother F W 93 W No 5 Virginia Same House No No No No U 0 0 No 26
27 Berry Maggie M Sister F W 68 S No 5 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 27
28 Canal 303 103 R 25 Fleming Harry F Head M W 40 M No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 84 Policeman City Police Force 52 1500 No 28
29 Fleming Irene R Wife F W 20 M No H-1 Virginia Same Place Yes 46 Saleslady Retail Store Chain 52 500 No 29
30 Fleming Margaret T Daughter F W 10 S Yes 3 Virginia Same Place 30
31 Fleming Harry F Jr Son M W 9 S Yes 2 Virginia Same Place 31
32 Fleming Kathryn G Daughter F W 7 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 32
33 Fleming Oscar E Father M W 81 W No 5 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 33
34 Charles 1701 104 R 30 Hatch John E Head M W 48 M No H-4 Maryland Same Place Yes 47 Foreman Coating Room Paper Plant PW 52 2500 Yes 34
35 Hatch Mary G (x) Wife F W 43 M No H-4 Maryland Hopewell Virginia No No No No H 0 0 No 35
36 Hatch Marjorie J Daughter F W 14 S Yes H-1 Virginia Hopewell Virginia 0 0 No 36
37 Williams Virginia Lodger F W 24 S No 8 Virginia King George Virginia Yes Yes 52 Inspector Finihsing Shop Paper Plant PW 48 768 No 37
38 Charles 1703 105 O 1600 Cooper J Herbert Head M W 45 M No 8 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Ice Cream Maker Creamery PW 52 1560 No 38
39 Cooper Cora A (x) Wife F W 42 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 39
40 Cooper Edward B Son M W 21 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Bottling Machine Operator Bottling Plant PW 52 1200 No 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Cooper E Randolph Son M W 18 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 41
42 Charles 1705 106 O 1000 Burton Joseph L Head M W 54 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No OT 0 0 No 42
43 Burton Mae C (x) Wife F W 54 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No U 0 0 No 43
44 Cooper Garland E Step-son M W 30 S No 6 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Ice Cream Maker Creamery PW 52 884 No 44
45 Shelton Annie W Lodger F W 36 S No Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Goods Matcher Clothing Mfg Co PW 45 684 No 45
46 Charles 1707 107 R 20 Robinson William H Head M W 67 W No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Clothing Mfg Co PW 39 673 No 46
47 Attenburg Ernest R Son-in-law M W 43 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 53 Laborer Retail Fertilizer PW 52 825 No 47
48 Attenburg Ora M Daughter F W 35 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 20 Wrapper Creamery PW 18 108 No 48
49 Mavis William Brother-in-law M W 57 W No 2 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania No No No No U 0 0 No 49
50 Charles 1711 108 R 20 Thaxton Jacob E Jr (x) Head M W 28 S No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Asst Chemist Laboratory PW 52 1352 No 50
51 Thaxton Jacob E Father M W 63 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 48 Pipe Fitter 0 0 No 51
52 Thaxton Addie C Mother F W 59 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 52
53 Thaxton Doris Sister F W 23 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Telephone Operator PW 52 624 No 53
54 Charles 1715 109 O 2500 Shelton Bernard (x) Head M W 47 M No 8 Virginia Wise Virginia Yes 40 Machine Loader Viscose PW 52 1300 No 54
55 Shelton Flossie Bailey Wife F W 51 M No 7 Virginia Wise Virginia Yes 36 Supervisor lining Dept Clothing Mfg PW 36 684 No 55
56 Extra Line No house on Ford St 56
57 Charles 1710 110 R No Bowler Reuben Head M W 58 M No 4 Virginia Maryland No Yes 30 Spinner Wollen Mills GW 44 260 No 57
58 Bowler Carrie B (x) Wife F W 44 M No H-4 Maryland Maryland No No No No H 0 0 No 58
59 Bowler Harold E Son M W 22 S No 7 Maryland Maryland No No Yes 12 Helper Bakery 52 312 No 59
60 Bowler Eugene E Son M W 18 S No H-1 Maryland Maryland Yes 60 Wrapper Bakery 52 624 No 60
61 Bowler Pauline N Daughter F W 16 S No 7 Pennsylvania Maryland No No No No H 0 0 No 61
62 Charles 1710 111 R 6 Craig Harold T Head M W 21 M No H-1 Virginia Spotsylvania Yes Yes 48 Asst Baker Bakery 52 728 No 62
63 Craig Catherine H (x) Wife F W 21 M No H-2 Virginia Spotsylvania Yes No No No No H 0 0 No 63
64 Craig Harold T Jr Son M W 3 S No Virginia 64
65 Craig Helen Lee Daughter F W 4 S No Virginia 65
66 Charles 1708 112 R 25 Ellington Cora Lee (x) Head F W 45 W No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes H 36 Home Laundress OA 260 No 66
67 Killman Ruby Daughter F W 25 W No 6 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 67
68 Ellington Clyde Son M W 20 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place 0 0 No 68
69 Ellington Earl Son M W 19 S Yes 6 Virginia Same Place Paper Plant PW 41 686 No 69
70 Ellington Harvey Son M W 18 S Yes 6 Virginia Same Place 70
71 Ellington James Son M W 7 S Yes 0 Virginia Same Place 71
72 Ellington John Son M W 7 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 72
73 Smith Page Lodger F W 29 D No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes Spreader Clothing Mfg PW 39 390 No 73
74 Killman Marvin J Son-in-law M W 34 W No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 GW 46 1150 No 74
75 Herndon 307 113 R 30 Dick J Allen Head M W 43 M No H-4 Illinois Same Place Yes 40 Machinist Celophane Paper PW 52 1560 No 75
76 Dick Vivian B (x) Wife F W 42 M No C-2 Illinois Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 76
77 Dick Robert A Son M W 23 S No H-4 Michigan Same Place Yes 40 Chemical Stripping Dept Celophane Paper 50 1250 No 77
78 Dick Alice P Daughter F W 20 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 78
79 Sullivan Hilda Lodger F W 25 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Paper Inspector Celophane Paper 52 728 No 79
80 Princess Anne 1803 114 R 15 Johnson Emma M (x) Head F W 65 M No 4 Virginia Same Place No 0 0 No 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Cox William Cephas Grandson M W 24 M No 7 Virginia Wise Virginia Yes 40 Legging Hosiery Mill PW 50 No 1
2 Cox Emma Jane Granddaughter F W 20 M No H-2 Virginia Wise Virginia Yes 40 Topping Hosiery Mill PW 50 No 2
3 Cox Colworth L Son M W 32 S No 5 Virginia Wise Virginia Yes 42 Laborer Wood Yard PW 26 170 No 3
4 Princess Anne 1801 115 O 4900 Yanow David Head M W 39 M No 8 New York Brooklyn New York Yes 62 Manager Tourist Camp PW 52 1200 No 4
5 Yanow Sidna Wife F W 31 M No H-4 Chicago Brooklyn New York No No No No H 0 0 No 5
6 Yanow Ruth Daughter F W 6 S No 0 New York Brooklyn New York 6
7 Kay Lawrence L Lodger M N 24 M No 7 Virginia Caroline Virginia Yes Yes 48 Porter Tourist Camp PW 26 455 No 7
8 Kay Gladys P Lodger F N 17 M No 7 Virginia Caroline Virginia Yes Yes 48 Maid Tourist Camp PW 0 0 No 8
9 Ford 207 116 R 12 Jones Robert C Head M W 53 M No 5 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Mechanics Helper Paper Plant PW 52 1040 No 9
10 Jones Clara F Wife F W 29 M No H-3 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 10
11 Jones Granville C Son M W 22 S No 6 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 40 Pipe Fitter Helper Paper Plant PW 42 672 No 11
12 Jones Betty Lou Daughter F W 3 S No 0 Virginia 12
13 Aydlotte May E Sister-in-law F W 26 S No H-2 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes Yes 48 Saleslady Chain Retail Store PW 52 520 No 13
14 Ford 205 117 R 12 Shelton William W Head M W 33 M No H-3 Virginia Alexandria Virginia Yes 43 Milk Salesman Creamery PW 52 1300 No 14
15 Shelton Ann E Wife F W 37 M No 5 Virginia Alexandria Virginia No No No No H 0 0 No 15
16 Shelton William W Jr Son M W 6 S Yes 0 Virginia Alexandria Virginia 16
17 Ford 205 118 R 12 Ennis Elwood H Head M W 23 M No 6 Virginia Same Place Yes 70 Attendant Filling Station PW 52 900 No 17
18 Ennis Alice M Wife F W 19 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Latcher Hosiery Mill PW 52 447 No 18
19 Davenport Floyd R Head M W 21 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Operator Finishing Dept Paper Plant PW 52 508 No 19
20 Davenport Myrtle Va Wife F W 19 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 42 Topper Hosiery Mill PW 26 234 No 20
21 Ford 203 119 R 12.50 Saunders Robert M Head M W 34 M No 5 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Carpenter Construction PW 52 1300 No 21
22 Saunders Belona L Wife F W 28 M No H-2 Virginia Same House Yes 20 Vamper Shoe Factory PW 250 No 22
23 120 R 12.50 Timberlake Joseph E Head M W 35 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Carpenter Construction PW 52 2200 No 23
24 Timberlake Gladys H Wife F W 32 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 24
25 Timberlake Marion Son M W 13 S Yes 7 Virginia Same House S 25
26 Ford 201 121 R 25 Smith William S Head M W 59 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Gardner Private Home PW 52 936 No 26
27 Smith Lola C (x) Wife F W 56 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 27
28 Entire block Pr Anne, Ford, Main & Herndon vacant, except Peck's Tavern, reported on separate sheet 28
29 Princess Anne 1601 122 O 4500 Jackson William M (x) Head M W 43 M No H-2 Virginia Same House Yes 54 Book Keeper Retail Feed Store PW 52 1600 No 29
30 Jackson Flossie Wife F W 43 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 30
31 Jackson William J Son M W 20 S No C-2 Virginia Same House No No Yes 13 Shipping Dept Paper Plant PW 201 No 31
32 Jackson Rebecca Mother F W 74 W No 4 Virginia Same House No No No No U 0 0 No 32
33 Princess Anne 1603 123 R 30 Spoon Robert R (x) Head M W 24 M No C-2 Virginia Wise Virginia Yes 42 Petrolman Automobile Mfg PW 40 1800 Yes 33
34 Spoon Lucille S Wife F W 25 M No H-2 Virginia Wise Virginia No No No No H Waitress Restaurant PW 20 180 No 34
35 Spoon Dorothy L Daughter F W 5 S No Virginia Wise Virginia 35
36 124 R 40 Armstrong Grace M Head F W 45 W No 7 Virginia ?field Maryland No No No No No H 0 0 Yes 36
37 Princess Anne 1605 125 R 40 Pulliam Robert L Head M W 34 M No 7 Virginia Wise Virginia Yes 54 Salesman Oil Wd PW 52 1352 No 37
38 Pulliam Virginia E Wife F W 29 M No H-2 Virginia Wise Virginia No No No No H 0 0 No 38
39 Pulliam Mean? E Daughter F W 9 S Yes 3 Virginia Wise Virginia 39
40 Pulliam Barbara A Daughter F W 5 S No 0 Virginia Wise Virginia 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Pulliam Herbert Lee Son M W 5m S No Virginia Same Place 41
42 Weaver Mattie Lodger F W 26 W No 6 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 42
43 Weaver Margaret L Lodger F W 7m S No Ohio Same Place 43
44 Painter Annie Lodger F W 35 Sep No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes Post Machine Operator Shoe Co PW 40 520 No 44
45 Green Daisy Lodger F W 35 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 30 Cutter Clothing Mfg PW 40 1130 No 45
46 Green Fannie Lodger F W 19 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 42 Topper Hosiery Mill PW 45 540 No 46
47 Jones Charles Lodger M W 19 S Yes H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 54 Apprentice Salesman Farmer's Implements PW 0 0 No 47
48 Princess Anne 1607 126 R 30 Moore John F (x) Head M W 30 M No H-3 South Carolina Quantico Prince William Virginia No Yes 99 Proprietor Restaurant E 52 0 No 48
49 Moore Anne Lee Wife F W 23 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes Waitress Restaurant NP 52 0 No 49
50 Moore Anne Cleo Daughter F W 3 S No Virginia Same Place 50
51 Moore Beverly Nell Daughter F W 9m S No Virginia Same Place 51
52 Larkin John B Lodger M W 52 Sep No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Salesman Automobile Co 52 1200 No 52
53 Carrington Everett D Lodger M W 23 S No H-1 West Virginia Same Place Yes 60 Truck Driver Beer Agency 52 736 No 53
54 Princess Anne 1609 127 O 2000 Pitts Juan (x) Head M W 56 M No 4 Virginia Same Place Yes 84 Proprietor Restaurant NP 52 0 No 54
55 Pitts Hattie M Wife F W 44 M No 4 Virginia Same Place 0 0 No 55
56 Princess Anne 1611 128 R 14 Barnett Ashby J Head M N 46 M No 6 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Laborer Paper Plant 56
57 Barnett Virginia A Wife F N 39 M No 8 Maryland Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 57
58 Barnett James A Son M N 17 S No H-1 Virginia Same Place No No Yes New Worker 0 0 No 58
59 Princess Anne 1613 129 R 12 Minor William H Head M N 70 W No Virginia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 59
60 Princess Anne 1615 130 R 15 Ulean Janie (x) Head F N 37 Sep No 4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 60
61 Sprow James L Nephew M N 20 S No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 52 Helper Filling Station 52 520 No 61
62 Miller Jineta Lodger F N 20 S Yes H-2 Virginia Caroline Virginia Yes Yes 66 Maid (New Worker) Private Home 0 0 No 62
63 Brown Julia Lodger F N 19 S Yes H-4 Virginia Caroline Virginia Yes Yes 66 Maid (New Worker) Private Home 0 0 No 63
64 Princess Anne 1617 131 R 18 Perry John F Head M W 38 M No 2 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Proprietor Motion Picture Theatre 52 1170 No 64
65 Perry Estell Wife F W 27 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 65
66 Perry Mary Anne Daughter F W 9 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 66
67 Perry Jeanette L Daughter F W 8 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 67
68 Perry Amelia M Daughter F W 6 S Yes Virginia Same Place 68
69 Perry Patricia J Daughter F W 5 S No Virginia Same Place 69
70 Perry John F Jr Son M W 2 S No Virginia Same Place 70
71 Perry William N Brother M W 21 Sep No 6 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 14 Counter Man Restaurant PW 30 420 No 71
72 Princess Anne 1623 132 R 45 Lewis P Blake Head M W 52 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 72 Game Warden GW 52 1848 No 72
73 Lewis Mary E Wife F W 51 M No C-2 Pennsylvania Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 73
74 Lewis P Blake Jr Son M W 27 S No H-2 Pennsylvania Same House No No Yes 13 Beer Salesman Brewery PW 50 900 No 74
75 Lewis E Joyce Daughter F W 14 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same House No No No No S 0 0 No 75
76 Extra Line 76
77 Herndon 306 133 R 8 Gardner William W (x) Head M W 40 M No 5 Virginia Same Place No No Yes PW 26 546 No 77
78 Gardner Mildfred J Wife F W 39 M No 4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 78
79 Gardner Virginia E Daughter F W 14 S Yes 4 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 79
80 Gardner William A Jr Son M W 17 S Yes 3 Virginia Same Place S 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Gardner Robert B Son M W 9 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 1
2 Gardner Doris A Daughter F W 7 S Yes 0 Virginia Same Place 2
3 Herndon 204 134 O 1000 Hicks Anna (x) Head F W 61 D No 1 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 3
4 Baker Clifton Son M W 34 S No 2 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Package Room Paper Plant PW 52 788 No 4
5 Alsop Ethel Daughter F W 24 Sep No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 60 Maid Private Family PW 52 208 No 5
6 Alsop Wallace Grandson M W 5 S No 0 Virginia Same House 6
7 Herndon 202 135 O 1500 Boutchyard Harry Head M W 47 Sep No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 56 Asst Funeral Director PW 52 Yes 7
8 Caroline 1620 136 R 22 Chaplin Malcolm T (x) Head M W 44 M No H-3 Virginia Staunton Virginia No Yes 70 Manager Restaurant PW 37 830 No 8
9 Chaplin Blanche E Wife F W 47 M No H-2 Virginia Staunton Virginia No No No No No H 0 0 No 9
10 Chaplin Eugene H Son M W 17 S Yes 7 Virginia Staunton Virginia No S 0 0 No 10
11 Chaplin William T Son M W 16 S Yes H-1 Virginia Staunton Virginia No S 0 0 No 11
12 Chaplin Ernestine Daughter F W 15 S Yes H-1 Virginia Staunton Virginia No S 0 0 No 12
13 Caroline 1620 137 R 12 Puckett Mary C (x) Head F W 35 D No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 20 Stitcher Shoe Factory 26 446 Yes 13
14 Caroline 1618 138 R 30 Bullock Edward L Head M W 70 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 14
15 Bullock Lucy K (x) Wife F W 59 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 15
16 Bullock Mary C Daughter F W 30 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 30 Sewing Machine Clothing Mfg PW 52 1033 No 16
17 Bullock David V Son M W 23 S No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Office Boy Retail ? PW 52 416 No 17
18 Bullock Phillip T Son M W 20 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same Place S S 0 0 No 18
19 Bullock Dorothy Niece F W 23 S No H-4 Virginia Caroline Virginia Yes Yes General Clothing Mfg PW 720 No 19
20 Caroline 1616 139 O 4500 Mills Ennis T Head M W 62 M No 6 Virginia Same House No No Yes 42 Meat Cutter Retail Grocery 0 0 Yes 20
21 Mills Annie N Wife F W 63 M No 6 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 21
22 Caroline 1614 140 R 20 Shelton Monroe Head M W 21 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 65 Truck Driver Retail Grocery PW 52 736 No 22
23 Shelton Lottie R Wife F W 22 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 52 Waitress Restaurant PW 52 468 No 23
24 Shelton Monroe Jr Son M W 2 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 24
25 Wigginton Daisy G Mother-in-law F W 47 M No 5 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes No No No No H 0 0 No 25
26 Wigginton Harvey L Father-in-law M W 43 M No 5 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes Yes 54 General Helper Junk Yard PW 50 750 No 26
27 Wigginton Joseph L Brother-in-law M W 18 S No 5 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes Yes 48 Laborer Farm & Restaurant PW 26 156 No 27
28 Wigginton Embrey J Brother-in-law M W 12 S Yes 3 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes 28
29 Wigginton Arnold Brother-in-law M W 10 S Yes 2 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes 29
30 Wigginton Benny Q Brother-in-law M W 6 S No 0 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes 30
31 Caroline 1612 141 O 2800 Pitts Warren F Head M W 33 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 44 Asst Foreman Leasing Cellophane Paper PW 52 1560 No 31
32 Pitts Jurena F Wife F W 28 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 32
33 Pitts Peggy E Daughter F W 5 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 33
34 Pitts John H Son M W 2 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 34
35 Pitts Carolinus Uncle M W 43 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Manager Theatre PW 52 35
36 Caroline 1604 142 R 35 Schoonover Wallace C Head M W 54 M No H-4 Pennsylvania Same Place Yes 44 Clerical Purchasing Agt Paper Plant PW 52 1596 No 36
37 Schoonover Hazel B Wife F W 48 M No H-4 Pennsylvania Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 37
38 Schoonover Beryl H Daughter F W 22 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 0 0 No 38
39 Hill Benjamin L Brother-in-law M W 61 W No C-2 Pennsylvania Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 39
40 Martin Lillian Lodger F W 25 S No H-4 Virginia R Caroline Virginia Yes Yes Operator Beauty Parlor 40 600 No 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Spicer Marion Lodger F W 18 S No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes Saleslady Retail Drug Store PW 41
42 Canal 205 143 O 3500 Truslow George C Head M W 43 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Partner Dry Cleaning Co E 52 0 Yes 42
43 Truslow Marie V Wife F W 44 M No 7 New York Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 43
44 Truslow Raymond W Son M W 17 S Yes 7 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 44
45 Princess Anne 1505 144 R 16 White Bernie E (x) Head M W 32 M No 7 Tennessee Same Place Yes 40 Operator Spinning Paper Plant PW 48 1152 No 45
46 White Florine C Wife F W 24 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 46
47 White William R Son M W 2 S No 0 Virginia 47
48 White George W Father M W 71 W No 1 Tennessee Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 48
49 Princess Anne 1505 145 O 3000 Littrell Cora L Head F W 68 S No 5 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 49
50 Princess Anne 1507 146 O 1200 Snelling Lester E Head M W 53 M No 5 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Fireman-Labor Post Office GW 52 1200 Yes 50
51 Snelling Bertha E (x) Wife F W 49 M No 6 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 51
52 Boutchyard Katherine E Daughter F W 24 D No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes Kitchen-Fountain Retail 5 & 10 52 650 No 52
53 Snelling John L Son M W 16 S Yes H-2 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 53
54 Snelling Kenneth G Son M W 7 S Yes 1 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 54
55 Snelling Betty A Daughter F W 5 S No 0 Virginia Same House 55
56 Princess Anne 1509 147 O 3500 Pendleton Dudley U Head M N 31 M No C-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 63 Bell Hop Hotel PW 52 1040 Yes 56
57 Pendleton Edith C (x) Wife F N 20 M No H-3 New Jersey Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 57
58 Princess Anne 1511 148 O 3000 Coleman Benjamin M (x) Head M N 38 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Decorator OA 26 0 No 58
59 Coleman Lilly M Wife F N 38 M No 6 Virginia Same House Yes 56 Cook Restaurant PW 52 884 No 59
60 Extra Line 60
61 Coleman Mary M Daughter F N 15 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same House No No No No S S 0 0 No 61
62 Edwards Roy Lodger M N 26 M No Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Truck Driver Wholesale Grocery PW 62
63 Edwards Millie Lodger F N 24 M No Virginia Same Place Yes 35 Cook Private Home PW 63
64 Princess Anne 1513 149 O 17 Mullen Julia A (x) Head M W 55 W No 4 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 64
65 Mullen Archie A Son M W 33 Sep No 5 Virginia Same House Yes 63 Operator Filling Station PW 38 800 No 65
66 Sullivan Howard M Son-in-law M W 32 M No 5 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Clerk-Shipping Paper Mfg PW 52 1300 No 66
67 Sullivan Callie Daughter F W 28 M No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 67
68 Sullivan Howard M Jr Grandson M W 9 S Yes 2 Virginia Same House 68
69 Sullivan Edward N Grandson M W 2 S No Virginia 69
70 Princess Anne 1515 150 R 27 Willard Henry M Head M W 49 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 15 Laborer 16 240 No 70
71 Willard Annie P (x) Wife F W 39 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Stitcher Shoe Factory 35 385 No 71
72 Willard Howard M Son M W 19 S No 6 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 54 Mechanics Helper Body Works 20 100 No 72
73 Pritchett Roena E Mother-in-law F W 70 W No 5 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 73
74 Hicks Clarence Lodger M W 22 S No Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes Helper Farming Implement PW 0 0 No 74
75 Hicks Clifton Lodger M W 20 S No Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes Helper Wholesale Grocery PW 0 0 No 75
76 Stevens Page Lodger F W 22 S No Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Mechanic Junk Yard PW 26 390 No 76
77 Lancaster Nellie Servant F W 65 S No 1 Virginia Same Place Yes NP 0 0 Yes 77
78 Alford Willard (x) Lodger M W 28 M No 6 Virginia Same Place Yes 30 Laborer Construction PW 32 384 No 78
79 Alford Ada E Lodger F W 33 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 79
80 Alford Priscilla A Lodger F W 2 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Alford Ada (x) Lodger's Daughter F W 1 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 1
2 Princess Anne 1517 151 O 1500 Southerland Anna Head F N 63 W No 4 Virginia Hoboken New Jersey No No No No H 0 0 Yes 2
3 Sorrell Donald (x) Son M N 36 Sep No 5 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 24 Laborer PW 26 390 No 3
4 Sorrell Dorothy Daughter F N 32 Sep No 6 Virginia Same Place Yes 65 Maid Hospital PW 52 780 No 4
5 Sorrell Florence Daughter F N 14 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same Place 0 0 No 5
6 Caroline 1518 152 O 10000 Dew T Welch Head M W 69 M No C-5 Virginia Same House Yes 84 Medical Doctor Private Practice OA 52 0 Yes 6
7 Dew Alice A (x) Wife F W 58 M No C-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 7
8 Dew Juliett E Daughter F W 21 S No C-2 Virginia Same House Yes 38 Secretary to Treasurer College 20 250 No 8
9 Dew T Welch Jr Son M W 18 S No H-3 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 9
10 Pollock Ada V Lodger F W 22 S No C-2 Virginia King George Virginia Yes Yes 28 Teacher Elementary School 36 765 No 10
11 Davis Elliott Lodger M W 33 S No C-4 Massachusetts Yes 48 Ranger Battlefield Park aGW 1800 No 11
12 Caroline 1516 153 O 10000 Gray Alma Head F W 63 S No C-4 Virginia Same House 0 0 Yes 12
13 Caroline 1512 154 R 25 Baker John H Head M W 45 M No 8 Virginia Same Place Yes 56 Meat Cutter Retail Grocery PW 52 1560 No 13
14 Baker Katherine D (x) Wife F W 37 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 14
15 Baker Grace E Daughter F W 19 S Yes H-4 Virginia Same Place 0 0 No 15
16 Baker John H Jr Son M W 17 S Yes H-2 Virginia Same Place 0 0 No 16
17 Caroline 1512 155 R 20 Chesley James R Head M W 29 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes Machine Operator Cellophane Plant PW 52 1248 No 17
18 Chesley Frances Wife F W 25 M No H04 Virginia Same Place Yes Operator Beauty Shop PW 52 1040 No 18
19 Caroline 1510 156 O 6000 Bryant Dorsey W (x) Head M W 61 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Time Checker Paper Plant PW 52 1748 Yes 19
20 Bryant Blanche B Wife F W 49 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 20
21 McGhee A Carlton Son-in-law M W 23 M No H-3 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes Salesman Wholesale Grocery PW 52 832 No 21
22 McGhee Lucille R Daughter F W 21 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 22
23 McGhee Patricia A Granddaughter F W 1 S No Virginia 23
24 Cannaday Vera C Lodger F W 21 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 32 Student Operator Beauty Shop 0 Yes 24
25 Caroline 1508 157 O 2100 Smith Rebecca Head F W 74 w No 0 Virginia Same House No No No No H 25
26 Smith John W Son M W 54 S No 3 Virginia Same House Yes 42 Watchman Clothing Mfg 52 1144 No 26
27 Smith Lewis F Son M W 52 D No 3 Virginia Same House No No Yes Job Carpenter 100 No 27
28 Smith C Edward Son M W 44 D No 3 Virginia Same House No No Yes Laborer 12 150 No 28
29 Maddox Maude Daughter F W 41 Sep No 5 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Counter Paper Plant 52 676 No 29
30 Smith William R Son M W 36 Sep No 0 Virginia Same House No No Yes Laborer 30
31 Maddox Emmerson Grandson M W 17 S No 7 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 31
32 Smith Freemont Grandson M W 26 S No 5 Virginia Same House Yes 20 52 480 32
33 Caroline 1506 158 O 25 Stephens S Kyser (x) Head M W 40 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 90 Manager Auto Agency 52 985 No 33
34 Stephens Edith M Wife F W 38 M No 5 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 34
35 Davenport Edward J Brother-in-law M W 313 S No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Painter Contractor 30 600 No 35
36 Caroline 1504 159 R 35 Pitts Harry R Head M W 34 M No H2 Virginia Same Place Yes 70 Proprietor Auto Garage 52 0 No 36
37 Pitts Isabell R Wife F W 27 M No H-1 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 37
38 Monteirs Moses A Step-son M W 11 S Yes 2 Virginia Same Place 38
39 Pitts Margaret M Daughter F W 8 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 39
40 Allen Marion H Lodger M W 23 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 75 Salesman Oil Co 52 1040 Yes 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Allen Kathryn R Lodger F W 23 M No H-1 Virginia R Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 40 Finishing Dept Paper Plant PW 52 765 No 41
42 Pitts Robert W Brother M W 25 S No H-2 Virginia R Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 56 Operator Filling Station PW 52 1200 No 42
43 Caroline 1500 160 R 35 Sullivan Edwin C (x) Head M W 31 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 44 Salesman Meat Packer 13 375 No 43
44 Sullivan Lucille S Wife F W 32 M No C-4 Arkansas Holdenville Oklahoma No No No No H 0 0 No 44
45 Caroline 1500 161 R 16 Wilmer William J (x) Head M W 42 d No H-4 Pennsylvania Same Place Yes 24 Piano Tuner OA 0 Yes 45
46 Wilmer Thelma D Wife F W 40 d No H-1 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 46
47 Caroline 1500 162 R 16 Armenella Alfred Head M W 32 d No H-4 West Virginia R Stafford Virginia No Yes 52 Musician 47
48 Armenella Renae Simon Wife F W 34 d No H-4 New York New York Yes 72 Trained Nurse Hospital 48
49 Smith Mabel Lodger F W 32 Sep No Virginia Yes Waitress Restaurant 49
50 Pitt 203 163 O 2000 Barney Esther N Head F W 77 S No North Carolina Wise Virginia No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 50
51 Barney Caroline H Sister F W 69 S No Virginia Wise Virginia No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 51
52 Barney Helen W Sister F W 66 S No Virginia Wise Virginia No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 52
53 Pitt 207 164 R 16 Weedon George M Head M W 52 S No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Salesman Wholesale Grocery PW 52 53
54 Weedon Lottie M (x) Sister F W 48 S No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 54
55 Duvall Bessie V Sister F W 60 W No C-2 Virginia Washington D C No No No No U 0 0 No 55
56 Pitt 209 165 O 3500 Williams Elizabeth Head F W 70 W No Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 56
57 Lowrey Alma Lodger F W 20 S No Virginia Yes 57
58 Pitt 211 166 R 25 James Frank L (x) Head M W 26 M No 5 Virginia Wise Virginia Yes 45 Cement Operator Sand & Gravel Co PW 52 1250 No 58
59 James Adele S Wife F W 21 M No H-4 Virginia Wise Virginia No No No No H 0 0 No 59
60 Princess Anne 1405 167 R 15 Wharton Thomas W Head M W 60 M No 3 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 34 Laborer 36 180 No 60
61 Wharton Edna Wife F W 67 M No 0 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 61
62 Wharton Leonard Son M W 31 D No 0 Virginia Same Place Yes Laborer 36 180 No 62
63 Wharton Marsella Daughter F W 28 S No 1 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 63
64 Skinner Benny Grandson M W 8 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 64
65 Princess Anne 1407 168 R 16 Bland Alice Head F W 74 W No 0 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 65
66 Mulford Ruth L Daughter F W 37 S No 4 Virginia Same House Yes 30 Marker Shoe Factory 40 576 No 66
67 Toombs Bryant H Lodger M W 31 S No 6 Virginia Same Place Yes 63 Gas Operator City Gas Plant 52 1196 No 67
68 Jenkins Edith Great Granddaughter F W 16 S No 4 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 68
69 Bland Thomas Grandson M W 35 S No 2 Virginia Same House Yes 20 Laster Shoe Factory 20 200 No 69
70 Caroline 1410 169 R 35 Dodd Lother E (x) Head M W 32 M No C-4 Virginia Baltimore Maryland Yes 42 Clerk-Order Dept Paper Plant 32 1671 No 70
71 Dodd Nettie F Wife F W 30 M No H-4 Virginia Baltimore Maryland No No No No H 0 0 Yes 71
72 Dodd Wayne E Son M W 3 S No Virginia 72
73 170 R 25 Kaloe Walter H Head M W 40 M No 7 Virginia Alexandria Virginia 73
74 Kaloe Mattie Mae Wife F W 39 M No 7 South Carolina Alexandria Virginia Yes Ticket Agent Railroad 52 2400 74
75 Kaloe Walter H III Son M W 8 S Yes 1 Washington DC Alexandria Virginia No No No No H 0 0 No 75
76 Kaloe Richard E Son M W 5 S No 0 Washington DC Alexandria Virginia 76
77 Kaloe Patricia J Daughter F W 3 S No 0 Washington DC Alexandria Virginia 77
78 Caroline 1410 171 R 30 Marable Lynwood L Head M W 32 M No H-3 Virginia Baltimore Maryland Yes 44 Salesman Soap Manufacturer PW 52 1820 Yes 78
79 Marable Alma G Wife F W 32 M No H-3 Virginia Baltimore Maryland No No No No H 0 0 No 79
80 Marable Gladys M Daughter F W 6 S No 0 Virginia Baltimore Maryland 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Caroline 1408 172 R 30 Rhoady John W (x) Head M W 54 M No 1 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Spinning Paper Plant 52 1248 Yes 1
2 Rhoady Harriette J Wife F W 52 M No 0 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 2
3 Rhoady Annie Daughter F W 15 S Yes 7 Virginia Same House 0 0 No 3
4 Caroline 1408 173 R 15 Rhoady Joseph F Son M W 28 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Spinning Paper Plant 32 768 Yes 4
5 Rhoady Virginia L Daughter-in-law F W 25 M No C-1 Virginia Petersburg Virginia Yes 40 Stenographer Wholesale Lumber 52 600 No 5
6 Sacrey Frances Niece F W 14 S Yes 7 Virginia Same Place 0 0 No 6
7 Rhoady Calvin Brother M W 63 S No 5 Virginia Same Place U 0 0 No 7
8 Bristow Elizabeth Lodger F W 28 S No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Manager Retail Ice Cream Shop 52 1040 No 8
9 Caroline 1406 174 R 45 Grady Eula L Head F W 42 W No 8 Virginia Orange Virginia No Yes 84 Keeps Boarders OA 52 0 No 9
10 Grady Rosalie Daughter F W 1 S No H-4 Virginia Orange Virginia No No No No No H 10
11 Grady Robert C Son M W 20 S No C-1 Virginia Orange Virginia No Yes 70 Meat Cutter Chain Grocery PW 11
12 Grady John E Son M W 18 S No 8 Virginia Orange Virginia No Yes 40 Spinning Dept Paper Plant PW 12
13 Jones Thomas P Lodger M W 39 D No 8 Virginia Cleveland Tennessee No Yes 42 Tailor Pants Factory PW 13
14 MacHugh Thomas B Lodger M W 28 S No H-4 Virginia Gordonsville Orange Virginia No Yes 40 Spinning Dept Paper Plant PW 14
15 Barns Lawrence Lodger M W 22 S No H-2 Virginia Orange Virginia No Yes 30 Truck Driver Creamery PW 52 15
16 Fencemaker William Lodger M W 19 S No H-2 Pennsylvania Orange Virginia No Yes 44 Truck Driver Creamery PW 52 16
17 Holloway Richard Lodger M W 28 S No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Spinning Dept Paper Plant PW 52 17
18 Inscoe Maurice Lodger M W 19 S No H-4 Virginia King George Virginia Yes Yes 40 Moping Room Paper Plant PW 18
19 Caroline 1402 175 R 30 Jones Annie M (x) Head F W 54 S No 0 Virginia Same Place Yes Laundress US Marine Corps GW 19
20 Jones Susie Sister F W 56 Sep No 0 Virginia Same Place Yes Laundress US Marine Corps GW 20
21 Jones Fannie Sister F W 51 S No 0 Virginia Same Place Yes Laundress US Marine Corps GW 21
22 James Lillie M Niece F W 24 S No 5 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 22
23 James Jack Nephew M W 30 S No 2 Virginia Same Place Yes Mechanic PW 23
24 Caroline 1400 176 R 28 Sebastian Robert E (x) Head M W 38 M No 7 North Carolina Same Place Yes Pipe fitter Paper Plant PW 52 1664 No 24
25 Sebastian Olivia V Wife F W 37 M No H-2 South Carolina Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 25
26 Sebastian Mildred B Daughter F W 15 S Yes H-1 Georgia Same Place S 0 0 No 26
27 Sebastian Robert E Jr Son M W 12 S Yes 5 Georgia 27
28 Sebastian William M Son M W 8 S Yes 7 Virginia 28
29 Hawke 203 177 R 20 Perry Edna (x) Head F W 67 W No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 29
30 Perry David A Son M W 29 M No 6 Virginia Same Place Yes 44 Painter 36 1000 No 30
31 Perry Daisy A Daughter-in-law F W 30 M No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 10 Pump tamper Shoe Factory 475 No 31
32 Perry Charles W Grandson M W 4 S No Virginia Same Place 32
33 Perry Charlotte A Granddaughter F W 1 S No Virginia Same Place 26 390 No 33
34 Perry Herman W Son M W 26 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 42 Truck Driver Pants Factory 26 441 No 34
35 Perry Mildred F Daughter-in-law F W 21 M No 3 Virginia Same Place Yes 10 Heel Padder Shoe Factory 38 297 No 35
36 Perry Richard Lee Grandson M W 3 S No Virginia Same Place 36
37 Caroline 1322 178 R 10 Weedon Frank M Head M W 52 M No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 35 Paper Hanger Contractor E 0 0 No 37
38 Weedon Mildred T (x) Wife F W 37 M No 7 Pennsylvania Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 38
39 Martin Everett H Son-in-law M W 23 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 30 Operator Shoe Mfg 35 780 No 39
40 Martin Francis M Daughter F W 19 M No 7 North Carolina Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Caroline 1318 179 R 17 Bryant T Floyd Head M W 51 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes Salesman Retail Electric Warehouse PW 52 1200 Yes 41
42 Bryant Edith E Wife F W 50 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 42
43 Bryant Clayton L Son M W 24 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes Postal Clerk Post Office GW 52 1800 No 43
44 Bryant Margaret W Daughter F W 16 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 44
45 Caroline 1318 180 R 30 Jordan Vincent Head M W 23 M No H-4 Virginia R Caroline Virginia Yes Yes 40 Operator Cellophane Plant PW 52 1248 No 45
46 Jordan Calle (x) Wife F W 27 M No H-4 Mississippi Meridian Mississippi No Yes 84 Registered Nurse Private Duty OA 52 0 Yes 46
47 Caroline 1316 181 O 5000 Marston William A (x) Head M W 67 M No H-1 Virginia Same House Yes Proprietor Retail Dry Goods E 52 0 0 47
48 Marston G Estelle (x) Wife F W 66 M No 7 Maryland Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 48
49 Jenkins Frank A Foster son M W 21 S No C-3 Virginia Same House Yes Salesman Retail Dry Good 16 family work 49
50 Caroline 1314 182 R 40 Lindstrom Carl T (x) Head M W 43 M No H-4 Michigan Baltimore Maryland Yes 44 Investigator US Dept Agriculture 52 3200 No 50
51 Lindstrom Marian A Wife F W 37 M No H-4 Ohio Baltimore Maryland No No No No H 0 0 No 51
52 Lindstrom Betty Lou Daughter F W 16 S Yes H-3 Michigan Baltimore Maryland S 0 0 No 52
53 Lindstrom Nancy A Daughter F W 13 S Yes 7 Michigan Baltimore Maryland 53
54 Lindstrom John T Son M W 10 S Yes 3 Michigan Baltimore Maryland 54
55 Caroline 1312 183 R 35 Snellings Walter Head M W 59 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 44 Building Contractor E 52 0 No 55
56 Snellings Thel (x) Wife F W 37 M No 6 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 56
57 Snellings Doris Daughter F W 15 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same Place 57
58 Snellings Christine E Daughter F W 12 S Yes 6 Virginia Same Place 58
59 Snellings Walter Jr Son M W 11 S Yes 4 Virginia Same Place 59
60 Snellings Betty R Daughter F W 10 S Yes 4 Virginia Same Place 60
61 Caroline 1310 184 O 7000 Smith W Mayo Head M W 55 M No C-3 Virginia Same House Yes Cashier State Bank PW 52 3600 Yes 61
62 Smith Grace B Wife F W 51 M No C-4 Brazil Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 62
63 Smith W Mayo Jr Son M W 22 S No C-4 Virginia Same House Yes Laboratory Paper Plant PW 52 1200 No 63
64 Smith Janett Daughter F W 20 S Yes C-2 Virginia Same House No S 0 0 No 64
65 Latham Lodger M W 28 S No C-4 Tennessee Yes Music Teacher School System GW 65
66 Caroline 1308 185 O 4500 Honey Maggie Head F W 78 S No C-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 66
67 Limbrick Mercer Nephew M W 45 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Postal Clerk Post Office GW 52 2100 Yes 67
68 Caroline 1306 186 R 0 Coghill Alice R Head F W 78 W No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 Yes 68
69 Coghill Elizabeth A Daughter F W 50 S No C-1 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 Yes 69
70 Caroline 1300 187 O 3500 Harris Ella (x) Head F W 84 W No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 70
71 Alrich J Elton Brother M W 68 W No C-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Book Keeper Automobile Agency PW 52 780 Yes 71
72 Alrich Gladys M Niece F W 28 S No C-1 Virginia Same Place 33 Teacher High School GW 36 1300 No 72
73 Alrich Samuel G Nephew M W 22 S No C-4 Virginia Same Place 73
74 Jones Hazel Lodger F W 40 S No 4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 74
75 Fauquier 209 188 R 8 Pappas George H Head M W 45 M No 6 Greece AL Fredericksburg Virginia No No Yes 4 40 320 No 75
76 Pappas Louise S (x) Wife F W 36 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 76
77 Pappas James R Son M W 9 S Yes 2 Virginia Same Place 77
78 Fauquier 211 189 R 30 Berry James H Head M W 63 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes Presser Cleaning Shop 52 1200 Yes 78
79 Berry Lydia M Wife F W 55 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 79
80 Berry Mozelle M Daughter F W 31 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes Saleslady Retail Store 30 650 No 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Forbush Xariffa B Daughter F W 25 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes PW 858 No 1
2 Forbush Hugh Cornelius Son-in-law M W 29 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes PW 1300 No 2
3 Forbush Barbara Lee Granddaughter F W 8 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 3
4 Princess Anne 1305 190 O 2500 Abel Rose H (x) Head F W 54 W No 6 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 4
5 Princess Anne 1305 191 R 15 Johnson Robert L Head M W 22 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 70 Operator Filling Station PW 52 910 No 5
6 Johnson Grace B Wife F W 21 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 20 120 No 6
7 Johnson Andrew L Son M W 4m S No Virginia Same Place 7
8 Princess Anne 1307 192 O 2500 Taylor Bernard C Head M W 57 M No 4 Virginia Same Place Yes Painter Contractor E 0 No 8
9 Taylor Annie P Wife F W 57 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 9
10 Taylor Clarence W Son M W 30 S No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Viscose Paper Plant PW 52 10
11 Taylor Margaret F Daughter F W 18 S No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No Yes 11
12 Balderson Edison H Son-in-law M W 45 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Mechanic School System 52 780 No 12
13 Balderson Mary B Daughter F W 27 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 13
14 Balderson Thomas E Grandson M W 3 S No Virginia 14
15 Princess Anne 1309 193 R 12.50 Pipkin William C Head M W 34 M No H-2 North Carolina Same Place Yes 65 Operator Filling Station PW 52 884 No 15
16 Pipkin Lucile M Wife F W 30 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 16
17 Pipkin Ruby L Daughter F W 7 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 17
18 Pipkin William T Son M W 3 S No Virginia Same Place 18
19 Clarke Bulah Lodger F W 21 S No H-4 Virginia Essex Virginia Yes Yes 40 Button Holer Shirt Factory PW 29 377 No 19
20 Extra Line 20
21 Extra Line 21
22 Princess Anne 1309 194 R 12.50 Dundes Robert R Head M W 31 M No 5 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes 54 Mechanic Automobile Agency PW 52 780 No 22
23 Dundes Katie L (x) Wife F W 26 M No 6 Virginia R Stafford Virginia No No No No H 0 0 No 23
24 Dundes James Son M W 8 S Yes 1 Virginia R Stafford Virginia 24
25 Dundes John Mason Son M W 5 S No 0 Virginia R Stafford Virginia 25
26 Princess Anne 1311 195 O 3800 Hayden Annie E Head F W 55 S No H-1 Virginia Same Place Yes 20 Ticket Server Clothing Mfg PW 26 520 No 26
27 Hayden Georgia A Mother F W 80 W No 5 Virginia R Caroline Virginia Yes No No No No H 0 0 No 27
28 Prince Ceaon Lodger M W 21 M No 7 Virginia R Caroline Virginia Yes Yes Taxi Driver PW 28
29 Prince Lucill Lodger F W 19 M No 7 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes Yes Knitter Hosiery PW 29
30 Hawke 204 196 R 14 Samuel Clem Head M W 36 M No 2 Virginia Same Place Yes 72 Laborer Farm PW 52 520 No 30
31 Samuel Rosa B Wife F W 35 M No 0 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 31
32 Samuel Emma Sister F W 31 S No 3 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 42 Pants Factory PW 0 0 No 32
33 Samuel Aubrey R Son M W 22 S No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Truck Driver Beer Distributor PW 52 520 No 33
34 Caroline 1200 197 O 5000 Sauvee Lena T Head F W 75 W No C-2 Wisconsin Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 34
35 Pitzer Esther S Daughter F W 49 W No C-2 Illinois Same Place Yes 70 Secretary Physicians Office PW 52 1144 Yes 35
36 Pitzer Keith T Grandson M W 19 S Yes C-3 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 36
37 Princess Anne 1201 198 O 27000 Stern Phillip N Head M W 61 M No C-4 Maine Same House Yes 40 Architect Private Practice OA 52 0 Yes 37
38 Stern Mary S Wife F W 61 M No C-1 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 38
39 Shepherd Judith B Sister-in-law F W 63 S No C-1 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 39
40 Shepherd Thomas S Brother-in-law M W 60 D No C-4 Virginia Same House Yes 52 Salesman Retail Clothing PW 52 900 Yes 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Washington Mary L Servant F N 28 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 56 Maid Private Family PW 52 312 No 41
42 Fauquier 204 199 O 3500 Holmes William J Head M W 61 W No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 44 Custodian Cemetery PW 52 884 No 42
43 Fauquier 202 200 R 12 Gallahan James J Head M W 25 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 32 Slitter Paper Plant PW 26 468 Yes 43
44 Gallahan Velva A (x) Wife F W 24 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 44
45 Gallahan Celia Anne Daughter F W 5 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 45
46 Gallahan Amelia Daughter F W 3 S No 0 Virginia 46
47 Bonnecase Ida Lodger F W 59 Sep No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No 0 0 No 47
48 Fauquier 200 201 R 18 James Julia M Head F W 43 Sep No West Virginia Same Place No Yes 30 Serving Room WPA GW 0 0 No 48
49 James Harrison L Son M W 15 S No 5 Virginia Same Place 0 0 No 49
50 James Robert L Son M W 13 S Yes 4 Virginia Same Place 50
51 James Virginia D Daughter F W 11 S Yes 4 Virginia Same Place 51
52 Caroline 1218 202 R 12 Mitchell Thomas R Head M W 28 M No 7 Virginia Charlottesville Virginia No Yes 40 Shipping Dept Paper Plant PW 52 988 No 52
53 Mitchell Evelyn E (x) Wife F W 25 M No 7 Virginia Charlottesville Virginia No No No No No H 0 0 No 53
54 Mitchell Clarence M Son M W 7 S Yes 1 Virginia Charlottesville Virginia No 54
55 Jones Jessie Brother-in-law M W 23 S No 7 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 53 General Helper College GW 52 650 No 55
56 Jones Raymond Brother-in-law M W 21 S No 7 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 53 General Helper College GW 52 650 No 56
57 Caroline 1218 203 R 8 Loving James Head M W 53 M No 4 Virginia Same Place No Yes 40 Laborer PWA GW 57
58 Loving Cassie Wife F W 45 M No 0 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 58
59 Loving Alice Daughter F W 18 S No 6 Virginia Same Place No No Yes Janitress PWA 0 0 No 59
60 Caroline 1214 204 O 4500 Sullivan Stansburg Head M W 45 M No 4 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Electrician US Marines GW 52 60
61 Sullivan Elizabeth A Wife F W 45 M No 4 Virginia Same House 61
62 Sullivan Richard B Son M W 26 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 44 Book Keeper State Highway GW 52 62
63 Sullivan Alvin Son M W 23 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 44 63
64 Princess Anne 1103 205 R 75 Hughes H Lorraine Head M W 42 M No C-1 Virginia Blackstone Virginia Yes 84 64
65 Hughes Nancy E Wife F W 41 M No C-1 Virginia Blackstone Virginia Yes 84 65
66 Hughes Nancy E Daughter F W 16 S Yes H-2 Virginia Blackstone Virginia 66
67 Hughes Artha L Daughter F W 13 S Yes 7 Virginia Blackstone Virginia 67
68 Hughes Henry L Son M W 11 S Yes 4 Virginia Blackstone Virginia 68
69 Princess Anne 1101 206 R 10 Burgess Bessie W Head F W 75 W No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 69
70 Princess Anne 1105 207 O Willis Benjamin P Head M W 74 M No C-4 Virginia Same House Yes 42 Lawyer Private Practice OA 52 0 Yes 70
71 Willis Edna E (x) Wife F W 65 M No C-4 South Carolina Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 71
72 Willis Catesby W Daughter F W 44 S No C-5 Virginia Same House Yes Latin Instructor College GW 36 Yes 72
73 Harris Sallie H Sister-in-law F W 67 S No C-4 South Carolina Greenville South Carolina No No No No U 0 0 Yes 73
74 Princess Anne 1107 208 O 2500 Gibson Edwin A Head M W 40 M No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes Officer Retail Building Supplies PW 52 2100 Yes 74
75 Gibson Ada M (x) Wife F W 34 M No C-1 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 75
76 Gibson John M Son M W 12 S Yes 5 Virginia Same House 76
77 Gibson Ellen Moss Daughter F W 7 S Yes 1 Virginia Same House 77
78 Princess Anne 1111 209 o 10000 Caverlee Robert F Head M W 45 M No C-5 West Virginia Same House Yes 84 Minister Baptist Church 52 4080 Yes 78
79 Caverlee Lillian W Wife F W 42 M No C-1 West Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 79
80 Caverlee Eloise Daughter F W 20 S No C-3 Virginia Same House S 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Caverlee Carolyn E Daughter F W 15 S Yes H-3 Kentucky Same House S S 0 0 No 1
2 Caverlee Barbara J Daughter F W 8 S Yes 2 West Virginia Same House 2
3 Lewis 216 210 R 40 Truslow John W Head M W 38 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 22 Laborer US Marine Barracks GW 30 540 No 3
4 Truslow Elizabeth S (x) Wife F W 25 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place Waitress Restaurant PW 52 780 No 4
5 Caroline 1118 211 O 10000 Cassiday Faris T Head M W 61 M No C-5 Georgia Same House Yes 54 Medical Doctor Private Practice OA 52 0 Yes 5
6 Cassiday Gabrielle G (x) Wife F W 52 M No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No H 52 0 No 6
7 Cassiday Virginia V Daughter F W 30 S No H-3 Virginia Same House Yes stenographer Lawyers Office PW 52 650 No 7
8 Cassiday Charles C Son M W 25 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Asst in Laboratory Paper Plant PW 8
9 Caroline 1116 212 O 8000 Scott Sidney L Head M W 60 D No C-5 Virginia Same House Yes 99 Medical Doctor Private Practice OA 52 0 Yes 9
10 Caroline 1114 213 R 20 Ritter Joseph J Head M W 24 M No H-3 West Virginia R Barbour West Virginia Yes Yes 40 Carpenter Paper Plant PW 32 2175 No 10
11 Ritter Bernice F Wife F W 22 M No H-3 Maryland Boone West Virginia No No No No No H 0 0 No 11
12 Ritter James D Son M W 3 S No 0 West Virginia 12
13 Ritter Frederick E Son M W 1 S No 0 West Virginia 13
14 Caroline 1114A R 18 Messenier John (x) Head M W 34 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Salesman Vending Machine OA 52 0 Yes 14
15 Messenier Charles Brother M W 29 S No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Salesman Vending Machine OA 52 0 Yes 15
16 Caroline 1100 214 O 10000 Hunter George L Head M W 36 M No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Advertising Manager Newspaper PW 52 2500 Yes 16
17 Hunter Jeanett S Wife F W 41 M No C-1 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 17
18 Caroline 1100 215 O 45 Stewart Maud A (x) Head F W 60 W No H-4 North Carolina Portsmouth Virginia No No No No H 0 0 Yes 18
19 Stewart Mildred P Daughter F W 28 S No C-5 Virginia Portsmouth Virginia Yes 43 Head Physical Education College GW 12 2800 No 19
20 Amelia 203 216 R 8 Musselman Annie L (x) Head F W 65 S No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 20
21 Princess Anne 1005 217 O 5000 Rangos Gus G Head M W 39 M No Greece Na Same House Yes 84 Proprietor Restaurant E 52 0 Yes 21
22 Rangos Ida May Wife F W 29 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes Ass Proprietor Restaurant 0 0 No 22
23 Princess Anne 1011 218 R 30 Chesley Mary L (x) Head F W 62 S No C-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 23
24 Princess Anne 1015 219 R 50 Heflin Sadie B Head F W 47 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes Proprietor Boarding House E 52 0 No 24
25 Heflin Addison H Husband M W 55 M No 6 Virginia Same Place Yes 52 0 No 25
26 Heflin Addison H Jr Son M W 28 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 36 Board Dept Paper Plant 26 624 No 26
27 Heflin Thelma M Daughter-in-law F W 32 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 26 Stitcher Shoe Factory 14 158 No 27
28 Smith Irene Lodger F W 22 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 45 Waitress Restaurant 36 432 No 28
29 Rhoney Nicholas Lodger M W 31 S No moved to Smithfield 29
30 Princess Anne 1020 220 R 30 Carmichael Charles A Head M W 44 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 34 Proprietor Retail Stationary E 40 0 Yes 30
31 Carmichael Louise W Wife F W 34 M No C-3 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 31
32 Princess Anne 1002 221 R 18 Knight James J Head M W 33 M No H-4 Tennessee Same Place Yes 44 Pipe Foreman Paper Plant PW 52 2520 No 32
33 Knight Mabel J (x) Wife F W 30 M No 5 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 33
34 Knight James A Son M W 11 S Yes 5 Virginia Same Place 34
35 Knight Alivin C Son M W 9 S Yes 2 Virginia Same Place 35
36 222 R 10 Foote Hal W Head M W 32 M No H-4 Michigan Iron Mountain Michigan Yes 54 Appliance Salesman Retail Electric 52 1040 No 36
37 Foote Lefa A Wife F W 27 M No H-1 Wisconsin Iron Mountain Michigan Yes 53 Waitress Restaurant 52 676 No 37
38 223 R 25 Atkins Clarence G Head M W 34 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 44 Millwright Paper Plant 36 1242 No 38
39 Atkins Lillian M Wife F W 36 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 39
40 Atkins Shirley M Daughter F W 16 S No 6 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Atkins Geover C Son M W 10 S No 4 Virginia Same Place 41
42 Atkins Garland L Son M W 7 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 42
43 Cain Edmund J M W 65 W No Virginia Same Place OT 0 0 Yes 43
44 Princess Anne 923 224 R 40 Doumas Chesley A Head M W 38 M No H-4 Greece PA Same Place Yes 84 Proprietor Restaurant E 52 0 Yes 44
45 Doumas Helen C Wife F W 27 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 84 Proprietor Restaurant E 52 0 Yes 45
46 Doumas Christine Daughter F W 10 S Yes 4 Virginia Same Place 46
47 Doumas Arthur C Son M W 8 S Yes 2 Virginia Same Place 47
48 Doumas Basil Son M W 6 S Yes 0 Virginia Same Place 48
49 Hodges Harry Lodger M W 33 S No C-4 Cypress NA Same Place No No No No S 0 0 Yes 49
50 Fairfax Lois Sister-in-law F W 22 Sep No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Waitress Restaurant 0 0 No 50
51 William 206 225 R 25 Hemeres George S (x) Head M W 27 S No H-4 Greece Same Place Yes 84 Proprietor Restaurant E 0 0 Yes 51
52 Hemeres Vasiliki Mother F W 50 W No 7 Greece Same Place Yes 84 Restaurant 0 0 No 52
53 William 202½ 226 R 18 Cooper Mary E Head F W 31 Sep No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 10 Perfector Shoe Factory PW 30 375 No Yes 53
54 Cooper Barbara J Daughter F W 13 S Yes 5 Virginia Same Place 54
55 Cooper Reginald H Son M W 10 S Yes 3 Virginia Same Place 55
56 Cooper Donald L Son M W 6 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 56
57 Dillard Flossie M Mother F W 49 D No 5 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 57
58 Caroline 906 227 R 12.50 English Adron D Head M W 54 M No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Viscose Dept Paper Plant PW 52 1144 No 58
59 English Mazie E (x) Wife F W 47 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Saleslady Retail Clothing PW 52 624 No 59
60 Caroline 906 228 R 12 Harst Mabel (x) Head F W 35 W No 0 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 60
61 Jett John T Father M W 68 W No 0 Virginia Same House No No Yes 52 0 0 No 61
62 Davenport Blanch D Sister F W 37 Sep No 0 Virginia Same House No No No No U 0 0 No 62
63 George 109 229 R 20 Hash Kermit R Head M W 32 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 20 Cutter Shoe Factory 52 1560 No 63
64 Hash Anice G Wife F W 32 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 46 Saleslady Retail Clothing 52 390 No 64
65 Hash Ella K Sister F W 25 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 35 Clerical Office Clothing Mfg 52 988 No 65
66 Inscoe Genevieve E Sister F W 24 S No H-4 Virginia Yes 46 Operator Beauty Parlor 52 674 No 66
67 Caroline 913 230 R 17.50 Butler Roy V (x) Head M W 47 M No 7 England Na Same Place Yes 72 Manager Real Estate 52 2400 No 67
68 Butler Grace D Wife F W 30 M No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Manager Confectionery Retail 52 520 No 68
69 Caroline 913-#3 231 R 17.50 King Gibbons A Head M W 25 M No H-1 Virginia King George Virginia Yes Yes 40 Machinist Helper Paper Plant 50 1200 No 69
70 King Virginia M Wife F W 24 M No H-3 Virginia King George Virginia Yes No No No No H 0 0 No 70
71 Caroline 913-#4 232 R 17.50 Acors Mary D (x) Head F W 30 S No 7 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 18 Cutter Clothing Mfg Co 35 630 No 71
72 Acors George W Brother M W 27 S No 7 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 40 Pipe Fitters helper Paper Plant 28 616 No 72
73 Bradley Myrtle H Sister F W 24 Sep No 6 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 40 Hemmer Shirt Factory 40 474 No 73
74 Caroline 913-#2 233 R 17.50 Butler Doris M (x) Head F W 44 W No C-2 England Na Same House Yes 32 Teacher WPA Nursery School GW 52 576 No 74
75 Butler Roy G Son M W 19 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same House S 75
76 Butler Jack C Son M W 17 S Yes H-2 Virginia Same House S 76
77 Butler Doris E Daughter F W 15 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same House S 77
78 Butler E Patrick Son M W 13 S Yes 6 Virginia Same House 78
79 Extra Line 79
80 Extra Line 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Caroline 923 234 O 7000 Blackley Nellie C (x) Head F W 55 W No C-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 1
2 Blackley Eustace H Son M W 18 S Yes C-1 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 2
3 Caroline 923 235 R 24 Childress William T Head M W 67 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 54 Fireman Laundry 52 988 No 3
4 Childress Susie C Wife F W 65 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 4
5 Caroline 923 236 R 17.50 Gardner Grace N Head F W 32 D No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 25 Special Cutter Clothing Mfg PW 1286 No 5
6 Caroline 923 237 R 25 Barker Horace F Head M W 33 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Sign Painter For Self OA 0 0 No 6
7 Barker Mabel E Wife F W 33 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 73 Waitress Restaurant PW 28 234 No 7
8 Barker Reginald F Son M W 14 S Yes 5 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 8
9 Sophia 914 238 R 7.50 Davis Ira L Head M W 50 M No 6 Virginia Tazewell Virginia No Yes 84 Proprietor Restaurant 52 0 No 9
10 Davis Lizzie T Wife F W 51 M No 6 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 84 10
11 Surles Burnett Step-son M W 16 S No H-1 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 48 11
12 Mills Virginia Step-daughter F W 13 S Yes 6 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes 12
13 Sophia 912 239 R 5 Boxley Emma H (x) Head F N 53 W No 0 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes No No No No H 0 0 No 13
14 Boxley Fannie Daughter F N 30 S No 2 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes Yes Maid Private Family 52 260 No 14
15 Boxley Fred Son M N 23 S No 3 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes Yes Laborer Florist 52 312 No 15
16 Boxley Burta Daughter F N 19 S No 5 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes Yes Maid Private Family 52 208 No 16
17 Boxley Pearl Anna Granddaughter F N 17 S No 7 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes Yes Maid Private Family 52 260 No 17
18 Boxley David Grandson M N 13 S Yes 4 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes 18
19 Boxley Bertha Granddaughter F N 13 S Yes 4 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes 19
20 Boxley Junius Grandson M N 7 S Yes 1 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes 20
21 Boxley Joseph Lee Grandson M N 5m S No 0 Virginia 21
22 Boxley Julia May Granddaughter F N 6 S No 0 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes 22
23 Sophia 910 240 R 15 Boxley William Henry Head M N 38 M No 0 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 63 Laborer Florist PW 52 377 No 23
24 Boxley Lilly Lelia Wife F N 35 M No 0 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes Maid Private Family PW 52 234 No 24
25 241 (trailer) Brent Nannie G Head F W 38 W No H-2 Mississippi Hattiesburg Mississippi Yes 30 Sewing Room PWA 52 403 No 25
26 Brent W Bertha Daughter F W 11 S Yes 3 Mississippi Hattiesburg Mississippi 26
27 Brent Henry O Son M W 8 S Yes 1 Mississippi Hattiesburg Mississippi 27
28 George 101 242 R 10 Brown Thelma E Head F W 27 M No H-3 Virginia Hopewell Virginia Yes 0 Waitress Restaurant 52 858 No 28
29 Brown J Frank Husband M W 34 M No H-2 Virginia Hopewell Virginia No No Yes 0 0 Yes 29
30 Brown Betty Lou Daughter F W 10 S Yes 4 Virginia Hopewell Virginia 30
31 Atkins Eunice V Mother F W 52 W No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 31
32 George 101-#4 243 R 20 Hales George N (x) Head M W 23 M No H-2 Virginia Washington D C Yes Waiter Restaurant 37 720 No 32
33 Hales Marguerite E Wife F W 18 M No H-3 North Carolina Elizabeth City North Carolina No No No No H 52 364 No 33
34 George 101-#3 244 R 20 Carter Marvin F Head M W 22 M No H-4 Virginia Washington D C No Yes Salesman Life Insurance Co PW 52 1040 No 34
35 Carter Charlotte M Wife F W 20 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes Operator Telephone Co PW 52 728 No 35
36 George 101-#5 245 R 20 Weaver Silas B Head M W 21 M No H-2 Virginia Culpeper Virginia Yes Yes Truck Driver Owner OA 52 0 No 36
37 Weaver Nora A Wife F W 20 M No H-3 Virginia Culpeper Virginia Yes Yes Operator Telephone Co PW 37 518 No 37
38 Crane Fanny L Lodger F W 24 S No H-4 Virginia Culpeper Virginia Yes No No No No Taking Business Course 8 50 38
39 George 101 246 R 20 Meyer Ida Q Head F W 34 S No 7 Illinois Chicago Illinois Yes Saleslady Retail Clothing PW 52 936 No 39
40 Bronson Helen (x) Partner F W 32 S No H-2 Virginia Annrundel Maryland No Yes Registered Nurse Private Duty OA 52 0 No 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Caroline 1005 247 R 25 Payne Eustace R Head M W 61 M No 1 Virginia Same House Yes 84 Janitor Apartment 52 600 Yes 41
42 Payne Geneva (x) Wife F W 58 M No 5 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 42
43 Caroline 1005 248 R 45 McKenzie Mary E Head F W 39 S No C-5 North Carolina Same Place Yes 48 English Teacher 26 43
44 McKenzie Amelia F (x) Mother F W 76 W No 8 Ohio Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 44
45 Caroline 1005 249 R 30 Shibley Nolan Head M W 25 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Machinist Paper Plant 52 1200 No 45
46 Shibley Elizabeth M (x) Wife F W 18 M No 7 North Carolina Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 46
47 Caroline 1005 250 R 30 Moore Ida F Head F W 60 W No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 47
48 Johnson Nell Lodger F W 42 S No Virginia Same Place Yes 50 Bundle Drapper Laundry 52 546 No 48
49 Caroline 1005 251 R 45 Clare Ruth E Head F W 29 S No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 20 Cutter Clothing Mfg Co 35 1050 No 49
50 Shannon Clarence Lodger M W 62 W No 7 0 0 No 50
51 Caroline 1005 252 R 45 Lgon James G Head M W 49 M No 7 Georgia Detroit Michigan Yes Superintendant Plumbing & Heating Co 3225 No 51
52 Lgon Charlotte R Wife F W 47 M No 7 Louisiana Detroit Michigan No No No No H 0 0 No 52
53 Caroline 1005 253 R 45 Marcom Jay D Head M W 57 M No H-4 Kentucky Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 53
54 Marcom Ruth M (x) Wife F W 39 M No C-1 Mississippi Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 54
55 Marcom Jack A Son M W 20 S No H-4 Texas Same Place Yes Sheet Metal Work Paper Plant ? 55
56 Marcom Bobye J Daughter F W 18 S No H-4 Texas Same Place Yes Switch Board Operator Telephone Co ? 56
57 Marcom Mary R Daughter F W 16 S Yes H-2 New York Same Place 57
58 Caroline 1005 254 R 35 Deere Byron C Head M W 33 M No H-4 Oklahoma Same Place Yes 54 Salesman Grain Elevator 52 1144 No 58
59 Deere Marie E Wife F W 26 M No C-1 Virginia King & Queen Virginia Yes No No No No H 0 0 No 59
60 Deere Mary J Daughter F W 3m S No 0 Virginia 60
61 Caroline 1005 255 R 40 McGinness Naomi V (x) Head F W 27 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 46 Book Keeper Chain Dept Store PW 52 884 No 61
62 McGinness Frances G Sister F W 25 S No H-4 Virginia Caroline Virginia Yes Yes 46 Floor Lady Chain Dept Store PW 52 572 62
63 Caroline 1005 256 R 30 Garnett Thomas F Head M W 27 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes Mechanic PW 21 315 No 63
64 Garnett Edna W (x) Wife F W 24 M No H-4 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes Book Keeper Chain Dept Store PW 52 780 No 64
65 Caroline 1005 257 R 35 Smith Howard (x) Head M W 40 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 43 Chief Clerk Railroad PW 52 2065 Yes 65
66 Smith Julia E Wife F W 20 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 66
67 Caroline 1005 258 R 35 Moore Harold E (x) Head M W 32 M No C-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 42 In charge Pasteurizing Dept Creamery PW 52 1649 No 67
68 Moore Elizabeth L Wife F W 27 M No C-1 Virginia Same Place Yes 44 Stenographer State Highway Dept GW 52 1200 No 68
69 Caroline 1005 259 R 40 Kemp O R Head M W 35 M No C-1 Virginia Same Place Yes ? GW 52 1580 No 69
70 Kemp Mary L Wife F W 28 M No H-4 North Carolina Same Place Yes Saleslady Retail Clothing 52 750 No 70
71 Caroline 1005 260 R 35 Barrett L Randolph Head M W 36 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes Salesman Insurance OA 52 71
72 Barrett Mirriam Wife F W 36 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes Private Duty Nurse OA 72
73 Thomas Helen T Sister-in-law F W 42 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes Private Duty Nurse OA 73
74 Caroline 1005 261 R 25 Johnson James B (x) Head M W 34 M No H-4 Tennessee Same Place Yes Postal Clerk US Post Office GW 52 2000 No 74
75 Johnson Rubye C Wife F W 34 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes Saleslady Dept Store PW 52 728 No 75
76 Kelley George Lorenzo Step-son M W 15 S Yes H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No S S 0 0 No 76
77 Extra Line 77
78 Caroline 1011 262 R 40 Dillon Harry S Head M W 37 M No H-4 West Virginia Same Place Yes 74 Proprietor Garage E 52 0 No 78
79 Dillon Nancy M (x) Wife F W 28 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 79
80 Daskas Ray Lodger M W 51 S No 7 Greece NA York Pennsylvania No Yes 84 Waiter Lunchroom PW 39 600 Yes 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Caroline 1011 Apt 2 263 R 35 Happell Ralph Head M W 29 M No C-5 Virginia Wise Virginia Yes 42 Historian/technician National Park Service 52 2050 No 1
2 Happell Louise W Wife F W 24 M No H-4 Alabama Wise Virginia Yes 44 Asst Clerk-Stenographer National Park Service 52 1620 No 2
3 Caroline 1017 Apt 7 264 R 22 Way Edward W Head M W 23 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Spinning Dept Paper Plant PW 52 1352 No 3
4 Way Elvira Q (x) Wife F W 21 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 4
5 Caroline 1017 Apt 6 265 R 25 Benchoff Robert F (x) Head M W 27 M No H-4 South Carolina Greenville South Carolina Yes 69 Cook Restaurant 52 1300 No 5
6 Benchoff Gertrude A Wife F W 23 M No H-4 South Carolina Greenville South Carolina No No No No H 0 0 No 6
7 Benchoff Laura J Daughter F W 7m S No Virginia 7
8 Caroline 1017 Apt 2 266 R 25 Cox Camilla C (x) Head F W 42 Sep No H-1 Georgia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 8
9 Caroline 1017 Apt 4 267 R 27.50 Cox Jack W Head M W 23 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 60 Proprietor Barber Shop PW 52 0 No 9
10 Cox Virginia Wife F W 23 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 35 Book Keeper NYA GW 52 585 No 10
11 Caroline 1017 Apt 5 268 R 27 Souther Dorothy J Head F W 40 Sep No C-2 Virginia Saranac Lake New York No No No No H 0 0 Yes 11
12 Souther Arthur F Son M W 21 S No H-4 Virginia Saranac Lake New York No No No No studying for Civil Service 0 0 No 12
13 Souther Richard S Son M W 19 S Yes H-3 Ohio Saranac Lake New York Yes 0 0 No 13
14 Souther Carolyn F Daughter F W 18 S Yes H-2 Virginia Saranac Lake New York 0 0 No 14
15 Caroline 1017 Apt 8 269 R 25 Fisher James C Head M W 62 S No 5 North Carolina Same Place Yes 56 Night Clerk Hotel PW 52 720 Yes 15
16 Caroline 1017 Apt 1 270 R 25 Bland Erma R Head F W 37 W No H-1 Virginia Winston-Salem North Carolina Yes 48 Proprietor Beauty Parlor E 52 0 No 16
17 Bland Harold B Son M W 17 S Yes H-4 Virginia Winston-Salem North Carolina 0 0 No 17
18 Bland Wynston E Son M W 15 S Yes H-2 Tennessee Winston-Salem North Carolina 0 0 No 18
19 Caroline 1011 Apt 3 271 R 30 Douglas Ora (x) Head F W 38 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 30 Cutter Clothing Factory PW 39 1500 No 19
20 Atkins Lucy Partner F W 34 S No H-1 Virginia Same Place Yes 30 Cutter Clothing Factory PW 39 1500 No 20
21 Caroline 1019 272 R 30 Courtney William R Head M W 23 M No H-4 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes Yes 40 Clerk, Spinning Dept Paper Plant PW 52 1300 No 21
22 Courtney Esther J (x) Wife F W 19 M No H-4 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes Yes 46 Saleslady Retail Clothing PW 52 600 No 22
23 Caroline 1019 273 R 25 Hickerson Battaile S Head M W 31 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No Yes Salesman Wholesale Co PW 52 1560 No 23
24 Hickerson Frances W (x) Wife F W 28 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Saleslady Retail Clothing PW 52 600 No 24
25 Caroline 1019 274 R 25 Briggs Keith F Head M W 25 M No H-4 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes Yes 60 Distributor Bottled Drinks PW 52 1300 No 25
26 Briggs Prince M (x) Wife F W 24 M No C-4 Virginia Richmond Virginia No Yes 33 English Teacher High School GW 26 126 No 26
27 Caroline 1021 275 R 5 Beckham Chas M Lodger M W 45 S No C-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 27
28 Hollingsworth T Coleman Lodger M W 50 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Salesman Insurance Co PW 52 1200 No 28
29 Caroline 1023 276 R 45 McGinness Mildred (x) Head F W 28 Sep No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H H 0 0 Yes 29
30 McGinness Betty Joan Daughter F W 5 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 30
31 Hodges Luther Lodger M W 45 D No 7 North Carolina Same Place Yes 48 Salesman Retail Store 52 1040 No 31
32 Caroline 1025 279 R 30 Busch Lloyd A Head M W 42 M No C-5 Pennsylvania Same Place Yes 99 Medical Doctor Private Practice 52 0 Yes 32
33 Busch Grace K Wife F W 41 M No C-2 Pennsylvania Same Place No No No No H 33
34 Busch Lloyd A Jr Son M W 20 S Yes C-2 Pennsylvania Same Place 34
35 Busch Roberta E Daughter F W 1 S No 0 Virginia 35
36 Caroline 1025 278 R 25 Turner Susie A Head F W 64 W No 5 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes No No No No H 0 0 No 36
37 Turner E Pearl Daughter F W 34 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes Repair Dept Cleaning Pressing PW 52 676 No 37
38 Turner Mary B Daughter F W 37 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes Secretary Dental Office PW 52 780 No 38
39 Caroline 1025 279 R 25 Anis Julia W Head F W 42 S No 2 Virginia Same Place Yes 20 Cutter Clothing Mfg PW 26 1177 No 39
40 Extra Line 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Sophia 1008 280 R 40 James Rush A Head M W 66 M No 7 Kentucky R Spotsylvania Virginia Yes No No No No U U 0 0 Yes 41
42 James Nora M Wife F W 58 M No C-4 Illinois R Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes Proprietor Boarding House E 0 0 Yes 42
43 Daniels Kendall Lodger M W 33 S No Virginia 43
44 Jones James Son M W 24 S No 44
45 Carder Archie S Lodger M W 23 S No Virginia 40 Operator Coating Dept Paper Plant PW 36 524 45
46 Sophia 1006 281 R 25 Buckner Matt Head M N 72 Sep No 5 Virginia Yes 75 Owner Fish & Oyster E 52 10 Yes 46
47 Sophia 1006 282 R 20 Ritter Glenn V Head M W 50 M No 6 Indiana Same Place Yes 40 Machinist Paper Plant PW 52 1768 No 47
48 Ritter Helen R (x) Wife F W 41 M No 7 Indiana Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 48
49 Ritter Glenn V Jr Son M W 14 S Yes 7 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 49
50 Ritter Charles C Son M W 12 S Yes 5 Virginia Same Place 50
51 Hinton Ella M Lodger F W 69 W No 3 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 51
52 Sophia 1004 283 R 15 Shelton Barney L Head M W 52 M No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 56 Watchman Shoe Factory PW 52 972 52
53 Shelton Lucy A (x) Wife F W 50 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 53
54 Sullivan Alice T Daughter F W 22 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 54
55 Sullivan Henry S Son-in-law M W 26 M No 7 Virginia Stafford Virginia Yes Yes Rounding Machine Shoe Factory 52 No 55
56 Caroline 1101 284 O 15000 Tinder William J Head M W 61 W No 8 Virginia Same House Yes 99 52 1920 No 56
57 Massey James S Head M W 31 M No C-4 Virginia Same House Yes 42 Civil Engineer Paper Plant 52 1920 No 57
58 Massey Katharine T Wife F W 28 M No C-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 58
59 Massey Theo H Daughter F W 3 S No Virginia 59
60 Massey Elizabeth S Daughter F W 2m S No Virginia 60
61 Lathram Mac Lodger M W 77 S No 5 Virginia Same Place U 0 0 Yes 61
62 Janney John R Lodger M W 26 S No Virginia Same Place Yes Salesman Wholesale Grocery PW 52 62
63 Tinder Carrie E Sister F W 48 S No 8 Virginia Same Place No No No No 0 0 Yes 63
64 Powell Helen Lodger F W 24 S No Virginia Saleslady 5 & 10 PW 64
65 Haney Anne Lodger F W 25 S No Virginia Operator Beauty Shop PW 65
66 Nichols Anne Lodger F W 24 S No Virginia Waitress Restaurant PW 66
67 Woodward Marie Lodger F N 25 S No Virginia Same House Yes 46 Maid PW 52 260 No 67
68 Badgh Charles F Lodger M W 24 S No C-3 Virginia Cason Dinwiddie Virginia Yes 45 Salesman Insurance Agency PW 48 950 No 68
69 Caroline 1105 285 R 35 Clarke Julian C Head M W 47 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 60 Accountant PW 52 69
70 Clarke Miriam C Wife F W 47 M No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 70
71 Clarke Anne B Daughter F W 17 S Yes H-4 Virginia Same House 0 0 No 71
72 Clarke Patricia N Daughter F W 12 S Yes 4 Virginia Same House 72
73 Caroline 1107 286 R 27.50 Stevens Charles B Head M W 42 M No 7 North Carolina Same Place Yes Painter Contractor E 20 0 No 73
74 Stevens Anne E Wife F W 34 M No 4 Pennsylvania Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 74
75 Stevens Myrtle E Daughter F W 15 S Yes 6 Pennsylvania Same Place 75
76 Stevens June E Daughter F W 14 S Yes Virginia Same Place 76
77 Stevens Charlotte L Daughter F W 2 S No Virginia 77
78 Stevens Allen R Son M W 3m S No Virginia 78
79 Caroline 1109 287 R 20 Bazzanella Fortune (x) Head F W 49 M No 8 Austria AL Same Place Yes Proprietor Fur Shop 52 0 No 79
80 Bazzanella Gueseppi Husband M W 59 M No 8 Austria NA Same Place Yes Stone worker Road Contractor 13 425 No 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Calhoun Esther Daughter F W 74 W No H-4 Pennsylvania Same Place No No No No H H 0 0 No 1
2 Calhoun Joseph Grandson M W 6m S No 0 Virginia 2
3 Bazzanella Paulina Daughter F W 16 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same Place No No No No S S 3
4 Caroline 1111 288 O 6000 Trussell Joseph L (x) Head M W 39 M No H-4 Mississippi Same Place Yes D 50 Proprietor Retail Grocery E 52 0 Yes 4
5 Trussell Bliss W Wife F W 42 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 36 Saleslady own Business OA 52 0 Yes 5
6 Hamilton James (x) Lodger M W 37 S No C-1 Delaware Same Place Yes 40 Chemist Cellophane Plant PW 52 1600 No 6
7 Lynch Andrew Lodger M W 29 M No 7 Maryland R King George Virginia Yes Yes 48 Auto Mechanic Repair Shop PW 20 660 No 7
8 Lynch Pearl J (x) Lodger F W 30 M No 7 Virginia R King George Virginia Yes No No No No H H 0 0 No 8
9 Caroline 1113 289 O 5000 Haydon George C Head M W 61 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No OT OT 0 0 Yes 9
10 Haydon Della B Wife F W 57 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H H 0 0 Yes 10
11 Rogers George Lorenzo Lodger M W 74 D No 5 Virginia Same Place No No No No OT OT 0 0 Yes 11
12 Haydon G Thomas Son M W 33 S No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 18 Custodian Lodge Building PW 52 No 12
13 Estes Page L Lodger F W 10 S Yes 3 Virginia Same House 13
14 Burke Harry G Lodger M W 63 S No 5 Virginia Same House No No No No U 0 0 Yes 14
15 Parham Cornelius Servant M W 65 Sep No 4 Virginia Same House Yes 0 0 Yes 15
16 Caroline 1115 290 O 3000 Bullock Mary B Head F W 69 W No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 16
17 Beck Betty Lodger F W 40 Sep No 7 Virginia Same House Yes Cutter Clothing Mfg PW 17
18 Beck Helen Lodger F W 19 S No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes Waitress (beginner) Hotel No 18
19 Connell Lucy Lodger F W 56 W No 7 Maryland Same House No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 19
20 Hall Corbin C Lodger M W 29 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Linesman Electric Co PW 52 No 20
21 Hall Rebecca N Lodger F W 20 M No 6 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Sewing Machine Operator Shirt Factory d 192 No 21
22 Truslow Louise Lodger F W 62 W No 5 Virginia Same Place No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 22
23 Kinsey Nathaniel B Lodger M W 62 Sep No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes Auctioneer Real Estate OA 52 0 No 23
24 Lewis 102 291 R 25 Johnson Eliza F (x) Head F W 49 Sep No C-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 24
25 Johnson C Charles Jr Son M W 22 S Yes C-3 Virginia Same House S S 0 0 No 25
26 Johnson Orrick F Son M W 20 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Chemical Laboratory Paper Plant PW 52 1352 No 26
27 Johnson Mary V Daughter F W 19 S Yes H-4 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 27
28 Wood Robert L Lodger M W 75 W No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 28
29 Sophia 1112 292 O 1734 Stevens Lillian Head F W 51 S No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 29
30 Sophia 1110 293 O 4000 Green Bessie (x) Head F W 42 M No 3 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 30
31 Green Earl H Husband M W 40 M No 5 Virginia Same House Yes Engineer Dredging Machine GW 52 1380 No 31
32 Green Margaret E Daughter F W 19 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same House 32
33 Green Jacqueline R Daughter F W 9 S Yes 2 Virginia Same House 33
34 Peyton Woodrow W Son-in-law M W 26 M No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Foreman ? Paper Plant PW 52 1600 No 34
35 Peyton Virgina G Daughter F W 24 M No H-3 Virginia Same House No No No No H 35
36 Peyton William Henry Grandson M W 2 S No Virginia 36
37 Sophia 1108 294 O 4000 Green Roy Head M W 47 M No 4 Virginia Same House No No No No U 0 0 No 37
38 Green Della Anne Wife F W 42 M No H-1 North Carolina Same House Yes 48 Tailoress Laundry PW 52 780 No 38
39 Green Aubrey A Son M W 22 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Electrician Helper Paper Plant PW 52 806 No 39
40 Green Roy Jr Son M W 19 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes Paper Fillers Helper Paper Plant PW 26 468 No 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Green Nancy G Daughter F W 16 S Yes H-2 Virginia Same House No No No No S 0 0 No 41
42 Sophia 1106 295 O 3500 Carver Mary L (x) Head F W 69 W No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H Lodging House 0 0 Yes 42
43 Brown Fred L Lodger M W 47 M No 7 North Carolina Winston-Salem North Carolina Yes 35 Painter 0 424 43
44 Brown Gina B Lodger F W 54 M No H-1 North Carolina Winston-Salem North Carolina No No No No 0 0 No 44
45 Sullivan Herman Lodger M W 19 M No Virginia Same Place Yes Hosiery Mill 45
46 Sullivan Margaret Lodger F W 17 M No Virginia Same Place Yes Hosiery Mill 46
47 Murray Anne Patricia Lodger F W 5 S No North Carolina Winston-Salem North Carolina 47
48 Amelia 103 296 R 20 Young William D Head M W 37 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 75 Manager Florist Retail 52 1040 No 48
49 Young Katherine Wife F W 34 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 49
50 Young William D Jr Son M W 17 S Yes 7 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 50
51 Young Joyce V Daughter F W 13 S Yes 7 Virginia Same Place 51
52 Young Pater Anne Daughter F W 5 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 52
53 Amelia 105 297 R 25 Trout Carl Head M W 30 M No H-3 Washington DC Same Place Yes 52 Salesman Retail Drug PW 52 1040 No 53
54 Trout Estelle B (x) Wife F W 26 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H H 0 0 No 54
55 Trout Sylvia Jean Daughter F W 3 S No 0 Virginia 55
56 Amelia 107 298 O 3500 Blue T Bernard Head M N 44 M No C-5 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Dentist Private Practice 52 0 No 56
57 Blue Bessie D Wife F N 44 M No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 28 Waitress Boarding House 52 260 Yes 57
58 Amelia 101 299 O 3500 Larkin Blanche R Head F W 48 D No 8 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Waitress Restaurant 52 416 Yes 58
59 Larkin Mildred N Daughter F W 25 S No 8 Virginia Same House No No No No H Lodging House 0 0 No 59
60 Cannady Robert P Lodger M W 24 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 56 Operator Filling Station 52 780 No 60
61 Cannady Violet V Lodger F W 19 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Waitress Restaurant 52 416 No 61
62 Hicks Horace Lodger M W 22 M No H-2 Virginia R Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes Shoe Factory 62
63 Hicks Frances Lodger F W 18 M No 7 Virginia R Spotsylvania Virginia Yes No No No No H 0 0 Yes 63
64 Wyne Alma Lodger F W 22 S No 7 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes Yes 48 Waitress Restaurant 52 364 No 64
65 Caroline 1205 300 O 5000 Bowling Mary Lou (x) Head F W 58 S No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 65
66 Bowling Arthur B Brother M W 59 S No 0 Virginia Same House No No No No U 0 0 Yes 66
67 Caroline 1207 301 R 20 Garland Carson H Head M W 47 M No 7 Tennessee Same Place No No Yes Yes Carpenter State Highway 32 460 No 67
68 Garland Mamie L Wife F W 44 M No 8 Georgia Same Place Yes 56 Waitress Restaurant 0 0 No 68
69 Garland Lena M Daughter F W 22 S No 7 Tennessee Same Place No No Yes Waitress Restaurant 16 112 No 69
70 Garland Milton M Son M W 20 S No 7 Tennessee Same Place No No Yes Cement Worker Contractor 0 No 70
71 Garland William C Son M W 18 S No 7 Tennessee Same Place Yes Apprentice Salesman Electrical Appliances 0 No 71
72 Garland Caleb P Son M W 14 S Yes 4 Virginia Same Place 72
73 Garland Lois L Daughter F W 12 S Yes 4 Tennessee Same Place 73
74 Garland Ruth L Granddaughter F W 6 S Yes 0 Virginia Same Place 74
75 Garland Ellen M Granddaughter F W 4 S No 0 Virginia 75
76 Garland Claude W Son M W 25 M No 7 Tennessee Same Place No No Yes Cement Worker Contractor 8 0 No 76
77 Garland Ethel M Daughter-in-law F W 21 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 77
78 Garland Jack M Grandson M W 6 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 78
79 Garland Ruby M Granddaughter F W 1 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 79
80 Hicks Randolph Lodger M W 19 S No Virginia Same Place No No Helper on Truck Bottling Plant 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Caroline 1211 302 R 30 Rowe James E Head M W 63 M No 8 Virginia Same House Yes 47 Foreman Composing Room Newspaper 52 2080 No 1
2 Rowe Cornelia H Wife F W 59 M No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 2
3 Rowe Esther Daughter F W 29 S No C-4 Virginia Same House Yes 30 36 1075 No 3
4 Rowe Emile C Daughter F W 24 S Yes C-4 Virginia Same House S S 0 0 No 4
5 Caroline 1215 303 O 2500 Harrell Clarence G Head M W 53 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes Proprietor Retail Grocery 52 0 Yes 5
6 Harrell Delia M Wife F W 53 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 6
7 Harrell Carl G Son M W 32 M No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes Part Closet Auto Agency PW 52 1500 No 7
8 Harrell Florence E Daughter-in-law F W 31 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes Cutter Clothing Mfg PW 720 No 8
9 Harrell Joann Granddaughter F W 3 S No Virginia Same House 9
10 Toombs Reginald F Lodger M W 19 S No 7 Virginia Same House Yes Hemmer Pants Factory PW 600 No 10
11 Roberts William E Lodger M W 29 S No H-4 Tennessee Chattanooga Tennessee Yes Postal Clerk Post Office GW 1460 No 11
12 Fauquier 103 304 R 37 Davitt Margaret A (x) Head F W 45 W No 6 Pennsylvania Scranton Pennsylvania No No No No H 0 0 No 12
13 Davitt Agatha M Daughter F W 24 S No H-4 Pennsylvania Scranton Pennsylvania Yes Secretary Paper Plant 52 1404 No 13
14 Davitt Harold T Son M W 19 S No H-4 Pennsylvania Scranton Pennsylvania No No Yes 12 Shipping Room Paper Plant 12 204 No 14
15 Davitt Margaret M Daughter F W 14 S Yes 6 Pennsylvania Scranton Pennsylvania S 0 0 No 15
16 Davitt Carl F Son M W 2 S No Pennsylvania Scranton Pennsylvania 16
17 Fauquier 101 305 Hospital Allison Emily C Head F W 50 S No C-4 North Carolina Danville Virginia Yes Hospital PW 52 1800 Yes 17
18 Sophia 1206 306 O 3500 Walker Joseph T (x) Head M W 36 S No 6 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Band Dept Paper Plant 1107 No 18
19 Walker Elizabeth J Mother F W 68 W No 3 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 19
20 Carneal Nancy F Sister F W 28 M No H-1 Virginia Same House Yes 33 Canvas Dept Clothing Mfg 20
21 Carneal Wilbur O Brother-in-law M W 29 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 57 Salesman Retail Clothing 21
22 Carneal Wilma E Niece F W 6 S Yes Virginia Same House 22
23 Caroline 1301 307 O 8000 Young Andrew B Head M W 61 M No H-4 South Carolina Same House Yes Proprietor Real Estate E 52 0 Yes 23
24 Young Mary V (x) Wife F W 58 M No C-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 24
25 Young E Elizabeth Daughter F W 18 S Yes C-1 Virginia Same House S 25
26 Musselman Mary E Mother-in-law F W 82 W No H-4 New York Same House U 26
27 Caroline 1303 308 O 5000 Layton Anne V (x) Head F W 58 W No 8 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 27
28 Armstrong Mollie F Sister F W 60 S No 6 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 28
29 Caroline 1303 309 R 22.50 Mayo Claude H Head M W 38 M No 7 Missouri Same Place Yes 40 Viscose Dept Paper Plant 52 1260 No 29
30 Mayo Alice B (x) Wife F W 37 M No 5 Maryland Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 30
31 Caroline 1305 310 R 20 Loving Thomas Head M W 37 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 blacksmith Paper Plant 31
32 Loving Theresa Wife F W 29 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 32
33 Loving Mary Daughter F W 12 S Yes 5 Virginia Same Place 33
34 Loving Rodger Son M W 10 S Yes 3 Virginia Same Place 34
35 Loving Sidney Daughter F W 7 S Yes 0 Virginia Same Place 35
36 Caroline 1305 311 R 12 Grigsby Lizzie Head F W 43 W No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes Inspector Clothing Mfg PW 36
37 Bowie Caroline Daughter F W 3 S No Virginia Same Place 37
38 Bowie Carroll Son M W 2 S No Virginia Same Place 38
39 Bowie Gladys Daughter F W 19 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 39
40 Bowie Earl Son M W 22 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes Proprietor Shop Repair Shop E 52 0 No 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Caroline 1307 312 O 3000 Coleman Paul D Head M W 59 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No U 0 0 No 41
42 Coleman Irene P Wife F W 56 M No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 42
43 Coleman Roberta M (x) Daughter F W 26 S No C-2 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Housing Sales Dept Electric Co PW 52 1050 No 43
44 Coleman Louisa A Daughter F W 23 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 46 Saleslady Retail Clothing PW 52 500 No 44
45 Coleman Bernard H Son M W 20 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 45
46 Coleman Corinth B Daughter F W 17 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same House 0 0 No 46
47 Young Susie E Lodger F W 26 D No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Operator Telephone Co PW 52 900 No 47
48 Lowe Martha Lodger F W 23 S No H-4 Virginia Orange Virginia Yes Yes 40 Hosiery Mill PW 52 600 No 48
49 Phillips Margaret Lodger F W 22 S No H-4 Virginia Orange Virginia Yes Yes 46 Saleslady Retail Dept Store PW 52 500 No 49
50 Caroline 1309 313 R 20 Ennis John O (x) Head M W 46 M No 8 Virginia Same Place Yes 60 Proprietor Machine Shop E 52 0 No 50
51 Ennis Bulah Wife F W 32 M No 8 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 51
52 Hunter Nellie P Lodger F W 71 W No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 52
53 Caroline 1311 314 O 4500 Thomas Esther M Head F W 58 S No C-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 53
54 Thomas Bertie N Sister F W 54 S No C-2 Virginia Same House No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 54
55 Thomas Mary P Sister F W 50 S No C-2 Virginia Same House No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 55
56 Thomas Lottie M Sister F W 46 S No H-4 Virginia Same House 56
57 McGee Louise Lodger F W 22 S No C-4 Virginia Same House Yes Saleslady Retail Dress Shop PW 12 150 No 57
58 Caroline 1319 315 R 30 Sandridge Earl S Head M W 34 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 35 Printer PW 52 1092 Yes 58
59 Sandridge Virginia T Wife F W 34 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 59
60 Farrar Walter J Father-in-law M W 66 W No H-1 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 60
61 Farrar Doris Sister-in-law F W 16 S Yes H-2 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 61
62 Caroline 1319 316 R 25 Bowman William H Head M W 40 M No C-1 Tennessee Knoxville Tennessee Yes 50 Salesman Chain Dept Store PW 36 1080 No 62
63 Bowman Isabel M Wife F W 36 M No H-3 Tennessee Knoxville Tennessee Yes 48 Proprietor Beauty Parlor 52 0 63
64 White Norman E Lodger M W 54 Sep No C-4 New York Richmond Virginia No Yes Proprietor Filling Station E 52 0 Yes 64
65 Caroline 1321 317 R 30 Lewis Russell T Head M W 24 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Meat Cutter Retail Grocery 65
66 Lewis Alice C Wife F W 23 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 66
67 Lewis Theresa L Daughter F W 6 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 67
68 Lewis Alice J Daughter F W 3 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 68
69 Brown Edna M Mother-in-law F W 41 W No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes Shoe Factory 69
70 Caroline 1323 318 O 6000 Jenkins Ida T Head F W 60 S No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 70
71 Jenkins Bessie Sister F W 55 S No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 71
72 Jenkins Susie N Sister F W 50 S No 7 Virginia Same House Yes Manager Retail Grocery 52 72
73 Jenkins E Caroline (x) Sister F W 46 S No H=3 Virginia Same House Yes Asst Manager Retail Grocery 52 73
74 Sophia 1314 219 O 5000 Grady Edward E Head M W 60 M No 1 Virginia Same House Yes Dray man OA 52 0 Yes 74
75 Grady Sarah E Wife F W 55 M No 3 Virginia Same House Yes Ticket Seller Theatre PW 52 1300 Yes 75
76 Pitts Benj T Brother-in-law M W 49 D No 7 Virginia Same House Yes Proprietor Theatre E 52 0 Yes 76
77 Cox Lilly B Sister F W 65 S No 3 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 77
78 Sophia 1312 320 O 5000 Favill Ola Lee Head F W 48 W No C-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 78
79 Chewning Robert Lodger M W 30 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 79
80 Chewning Maitland Lodger M W 34 M No H-2 North Carolina Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Baggott Samuel A Lodger M W 35 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes Manager Retail Auto Supply PW 52 1560 No 1
2 Baggott Frances F Lodger F W 23 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 2
3 Faville Alvin M Son M W 31 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes Civilian Inspector of Construction US Navy GW 52 2000 No 3
4 Faville Georgina B Daughter-in-law F W 25 M No C-2 Canada Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 4
5 Sophia 1306 321 O 5000 Hancock David A Head M W 42 M No H-3 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Proprietor Electrical Contractor E 52 0 No 5
6 Hancock Pearl C Wife F W 41 M No H-3 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 6
7 Hancock John F Son M W 20 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Electrical Helper Elec Contractor PW 52 780 No 7
8 Hancock David A Jr Son M W 15 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same House S S 0 0 No 8
9 Hancock Susie J Mother F W 75 W No 7 Virginia Same House 0 0 Yes 9
10 Kuhl Mary L Aunt F W 83 W No 7 Virginia Same House 0 0 Yes 10
11 Sophia 1304 322 O 3000 Gallahan Ada (x) Head F W 63 W No 5 Virginia Same House No No No No H H 0 0 Yes 11
12 Gallahan Douglas Son M W 35 S No 6 Virginia Same House Yes Rural Mail Carrier Post Office GW 52 900 No 12
13 Gallahan Virginia (x) Daughter F W 30 S No 6 Virginia Same House No No No No H H 0 0 No 13
14 Gallahan Francis Son M W 19 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same House No No No No S S 0 0 No 14
15 Gallahan Helen Daughter F W 16 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same House No No No No S S 0 0 No 15
16 Gallahan Felton Cousin M W 55 W No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 56 Watchman Clothing Factory PW 52 936 No 16
17 Evans George Nephew M W 23 S No H-4 Virginia R Stafford Virginia Yes Yes 40 Machine Operator Cellophane Plant PW 52 1040 No 17
18 Sophia 1302 323 O 3500 Deawer Lula A (x) Head F W 48 W No 6 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 18
19 Deawer Benjamin E Son M W 23 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Mail Carrier Post Office GW 52 2000 No 19
20 Deawer James N Son M W 21 S No H-2 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Spinning Room Laboratory Paper Plant PW 52 1277 No 20
21 Deawer Winfield N Son M W 14 S No 7 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 21
22 Fauquier 101 324 R 15 Rogers Frank P Head M W 37 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Painting Contractor E 52 0 No 22
23 Rogers Mabel V (x) Wife F W 33 M No H-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 23
24 Rogers Shirley M Daughter F W 14 S Yes 6 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 24
25 Rogers Ellen V Daughter F W 12 S Yes 4 Virginia Same House 25
26 Rogers Patricia A Daughter F W 10 S Yes 4 Virginia Same House 26
27 Caroline 1401 325 O 6000 Curtis Lillie G Head F W 71 W No 7 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 27
28 Curtis Louis A (x) Son M W 48 S No H-2 New Jersey Same House No No Yes Operator Paper Plant 0 0 Yes 28
29 Burgess Jeanette G Daughter F W 42 W No H-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 29
30 Burgess John A Grandson M W 20 S No H-2 Virginia Same House Yes Salesman Retail Auto Parts 0 0 No 30
31 Caroline 1403 326 R 30 Drolsen William Head M W 37 M No H-4 Norway NA Same House Yes Mechanical Foreman Paper Plant 52 3000 No 31
32 Drolsen Sigrid M Wife F W 30 M No 7 New York Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 32
33 Drolsen Robert E Son M W 16 S Yes H-2 New York Same House S 0 0 No 33
34 Drolsen William R Son M W 13 S Yes 5 New York Same House 34
35 Caroline 1407 327 O 8000 Embrey Wister H Head M W 63 S No Virginia Same House No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 35
36 Embrey Addie L Sister F W 68 S No Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 36
37 Caroline 1409 328 R 30 Bryant Marion Head M W 33 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Salesman Retail Store 52 1400 No 37
38 Bryant Louise Wife F W 31 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 84 Registered Nurse Private Duty 39 0 Yes 38
39 Caroline 1023 cont Sterling Raymond Lodger M W 26 S No H-4 Virginia Roanoke Virginia No Yes 48 Salesman Retail Store 52 936 No 39
40 Elliott Perk Lodger M W 31 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Machine Operator Cellophane Plant 52 1040 No 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Caroline 1411 329 R 25 Jennings Judson J Head M W 58 M No 7 Virginia Same House Yes Carpenter Contractor E 0 0 No 41
42 Jennings Velva G (x) Wife F W 48 M No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No H H 0 0 No 42
43 Jennings Carl J Son M W 17 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 42 Office Boy Paper Plant PW 15 156 No 43
44 Jennings Arthur C Son M W 25 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Bands Paper Plant PW 52 1144 No 44
45 Caroline 1413 330 O 3500 King Marion H (x) Head M W 66 M No H-4 North Carolina Same House No No No No OT OT 0 0 Yes 45
46 King Ada V Wife F W 59 M No C-1 North Carolina Same House No No No No H H 0 0 No 46
47 King Mabel V Daughter F W 36 S No C-4 Virginia Same House Yes 28 1st Grade Teacher School System GW 36 1100 Yes 47
48 King Ruby L Daughter F W 26 S No C-4 Virginia Same House Yes 28 6th Grade School System GW 36 720 No 48
49 Caroline 1415 331 O 8000 Berry John W (x) Head M W 64 M No H-2 Virginia Same House No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 49
50 Berry Emily F Wife F W 65 M No H-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 50
51 Sophia 1412 332 O 5000 McGee Henry L (x) Head M W 72 M No 5 Virginia Same House Yes 54 Proprietor Coal Co E 0 0 Yes 51
52 McGee Elena H Wife F W 38 M No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No H H 0 0 No 52
53 McGee William H Son M W 20 S No C-2 Virginia Same House Yes 48 Book Keeper Hotel Co PW 0 0 No 53
54 McGee Shirley Anne Daughter F W 18 S No C-1 Virginia Same House No No No No H H 0 0 No 54
55 Hall Helen V Sister-in-law F W 33 S No H-3 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Clerical in Office Clothing Mfg Co PW 37 444 No 55
56 Hawke 101 333 R 22 Jett Mary Elizabeth (x) Head F W 37 Sep No 8 Virginia Same House Yes 19 Examiner Clothing Mfg Co PW 520 Yes 56
57 Jett Hazel Elizabeth Daughter F W 18 S No H-3 Virginia Same House No No Yes 38 Waitress Confectionary PW 26 208 No 57
58 Jett Admal G Son M W 17 S No H-3 Virginia Same House Yes 57 Salesman Retail Clothing PW 0 0 No 58
59 Jett Checota Daughter F W 15 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 59
60 Hawke 103 334 R 16 Schooler William F Head M W 39 M No 8 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Finishing Dept Paper Plant PW 52 1748 No 60
61 Schooler Sarah V (x) Wife F W 35 M No 8 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Marker Laundry PW 37 925 No 61
62 Schooler William F Jr Son M W 16 S Yes H-3 North Carolina Same Place 0 0 No 62
63 Schooler Jean L Daughter F W 14 S Yes 7 Virginia Same Place 0 0 No 63
64 Landes Anne M Niece F W 15 S Yes 7 Virginia Augusta Virginia 0 0 No 64
65 Hawke 105 335 R 16 Dodd Milton M Head M W 31 M No 4 Virginia Same Place Yes Sponger Clothing Mfg 65
66 Dodd Janie C Wife F W 30 M No 6 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 66
67 Dodd Margaret A Daughter F W 6 S Yes 0 Virginia Same Place 67
68 Hawke 105 336 R 6 Rose Howard R Head M W 22 M No 5 North Carolina Same Place Yes Shipping Clerk Hosiery Mill PW 68
69 Rose Carrie E Wife F W 22 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 69
70 Hawke 107 337 R 16 Williams Stanley F (x) Head M W 33 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Dye Dept Paper Plant PW 70
71 Williams Elsie L Wife F W 37 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H H 0 0 No 71
72 Williams Elsie J Daughter F W 9 S Yes 2 Virginia Same Place 72
73 Brooks Carrie Mother-in-law F W 62 W No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H H 0 0 No 73
74 Hawke 109 338 R 16 Miller Ida J Head F W 50 Sep No 4 Virginia Same House Yes 42 Examiner Pants Manufacturing PW 52 655 No 74
75 Miller Ralph S Son M W 19 S No H-1 Virginia Same House Yes 40 Clerk Shipping Paper Plant PW 17 272 No 75
76 Miller Alice V Daughter F W 17 S No H-1 Virginia Same House Yes 35 Ticket Taker Theatre PW 26 234 No 76
77 Miller Maurice E Son M W 11 S Yes 5 Virginia Same House 77
78 Hawke 111 339 R 18 Shelton Minnie Head F W 52 W No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes Presser Laundry PW 52 728 No 78
79 Shelton Helen Daughter F W 22 S No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 79
80 Hawke 113 340 R 25 Biglin Frank C Head M W 31 M No H-4 New York New York Yes Mechanic Laundry PW 16 240 No 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Biglin Eleanor M Wife F W 36 M No C-2 New York New York No No No No H 0 0 Yes 1
2 Biglin Robert B Son M W 15 S Yes 7 New York New York 2
3 Biglin Lillian M Daughter F W 8 S Yes 2 New York New York 3
4 Hawke 115 341 R 16 Littrell Dora Head F W 73 W No 4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 4
5 Littrell Nellie Daughter F W 48 S No 4 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Assorter Laundry PW 52 624 No 5
6 Littrell Joseph Son M W 42 S No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes Cement Worker Contractor E 0 No 6
7 Anderson Margaret Granddaughter F W 11 S Yes 4 Virginia Same Place 7
8 Caroline 1501 342 O 15000 Roy Eliza A Head F W 66 S No H-4 Virginia R Fauquier Virginia Yes No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 8
9 Williams Amelia C Lodger M W 61 S No H-4 Virginia No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 9
10 Caroline 1513 343 O 3500 Howard Charles E Head M W 68 M No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 10
11 Howard Mary B Wife F W 65 M No H-3 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 No 11
12 Caroline 1515 344 O 7500 Pierson Ernest V Head M W 65 M No Virginia Same House Yes 65 Proprietor Retail Grocery E 52 0 Yes 12
13 Pierson Mary O Wife F W 48 M No Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 13
14 Newton Robert E Nephew M W 16 S Yes 7 Virginia Same Place S 0 0 No 14
15 Caroline 1517 145 O 6500 Kornwall Ralph T K Head M W 42 M No C-5 Pennsylvania Same House Yes Research Chemist Paper Plant PW 52 5000+ Yes 15
16 Kornwall Silvia A (x) Wife F W 42 M No C-4 New York Same House No No No No 0 0 Yes 16
17 Caroline 1061 346 O 7000 Mullen Carrie Head F W 74 W No 7 West Virginia Same House No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 17
18 Mullen Robert E (x) Son M W 53 S No C-1 Maryland Same House Yes Proprietor Stone Works E 0 0 Yes 18
19 Pitt ? 347 O 25000 Boyle Woodson M Head M W 59 M No C-4 Brazil Newburgh New York No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 19
20 Boyle Rose S Wife F W 41 M No C-1 Missouri Newburgh New York No No No No H 0 0 No 20
21 Boyle Frederick E Son M W 21 S No H-4 Montana Newburgh New York Yes 35 Announcer Broadcasting Station OW 30 480 No 21
22 Sophia 1407 348 O 12000 Payne Thomas B Head M W 34 M No C-5 Virginia Same House Yes 84 Physician Private Practice OA 0 0 Yes 22
23 Payne Virginia G Wife F W 30 M No C-2 Virginia Same House No No No No H 0 0 Yes 23
24 Payne Robert M Son M W 5 S No Virginia 24
25 Payne Mary Pickford Daughter F W 3 S No Virginia 25
26 Parkin Jewel Lodger F W 44 S No C-2 North Carolina Same Place Yes 40 Trained Nurse Physician's Office PW 52 Yes 26
27 Brown French Servant M N 52 S No 7 Virginia Same House Yes Office Attendant Doctors Office 52 260 No 27
28 Sophia 1305 349 R 35 Kratt Clarence E Head M W 67 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 20 Relief Watchman Clothing Mfg 26 208 No 28
29 Kratt Cordelia F Wife F W 55 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 29
30 Garrett Mary P Daughter F W 20 Sep Yes H-3 Virginia Same Place 0 0 No 30
31 Garrett Genett W Grandson M W 2 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 31
32 McKinney William L Lodger M W 27 S No C-1 Virginia Colonial Beach Westmoreland Virginia Yes 40 Clerk-Shipping Dept Paper Mfg 52 1330 No 32
33 Drever Cranford H Lodger M W 35 S No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Plumbers Helper Paper Mfg 52 1100 No 33
34 Sophia 1007 350 O 2000 McWalt Robert L (x) Head M W 52 M No 7 North Carolina Same Place Yes 40 Operator Finishing Dept Paper Plant 52 1000 No 34
35 McWalt Rosa M Wife F W 50 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 30 Supervisor of Patterns Clothing Mfg 52 676 No 35
36 Sophia 911 351 R 12 Patton Ivan L Head M W 28 M No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 36 Motion Picture Machine Operator Theatre 52 1144 No 36
37 Patton Elsie O Wife F W 22 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 37
38 Patton Rose Marie Daughter F W 2 S No 0 Virginia 38
39 Sullivan James A Lodger M W 25 S No 1 Virginia Same Place No No No No U 0 0 No 39
40 Sophia 911 352 R 15 Lemay Gerald A Head M W 32 M No H-2 New York Same Place Yes 40 Millwright Paper Mill 52 1560 No 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Lemay Ella M Wife F W 29 M No 2 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 41
42 Lemay Francis V Daughter F W 6 S Yes Virginia Same Place 42
43 Lloyd Flavil Lodger F W 24 S No 5 Virginia R Spotsylvania Virginia Yes No No No No U 0 0 No 43
44 Sophia 909 353 R 10 Stevens Charles E (x) Head M W 20 M No 4 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Millwright Paper Plant PW 52 1040 No 44
45 Stevens Dorothy L Wife F W 18 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 45
46 Stevens Shirley Anne Daughter F W 11m S Virginia 46
47 Sophia 907 354 R 10 Myers James R Head M W 21 S No H-4 Virginia R Loudoun Virginia Yes Yes 50 Manager Creamery PW 52 1560 No 47
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 George 303½ 355 R 30 Chinn Walter N Jr (x) Head M W 34 M No C-5 Virginia Atlanta Georgia No Yes 60 Salesman Insurance OA 52 3800 No 1
2 Chinn Lucy W Wife F W 34 M No C-4 Virginia Atlanta Georgia No No No No No H 0 0 No 2
3 Chinn Elizabeth W Daughter F W 2 S No 0 Virginia 3
4 Princess Anne 1016B cont Dabney Hancock Pearl H (x) Wife F W 34 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 4
5 Amelia 303½ 356 Own/Rent 6500 Boggs Kate D (x) Head F W 53 W No H-4 Virginia Same House No No No No H H 0 0 Yes 5
6 William 316 357 R 8 Leake Wilbert P (x) Head M W 40 M No 8 Kentucky Same Place Yes 24 Cook Restaurant 30 239 No 6
7 Leake Irene V (x) Wife F W 34 M No 5 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 7
8 Leake Virginia R Daughter F W 14 S Yes 3 Virginia Same Place 8
9 Leake William L Son M W 13 S Yes 2 Virginia Same Place 9
10 Leake Mary M Daughter F W 8 S Yes 1 Kentucky Same Place 10
11 Leake Doris J Daughter F W 7 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 11
12 Fauquier 303 358 R 15 Perry Claude E Head M W 34 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No Yes 0 0 No 12
13 Perry Elsie L (x) Wife F W 28 M No H-1 Ohio Same Place Yes 42 Sewing Machine Operator Pants Factory 52 624 No 13
14 Perry Jane L Daughter F W 10 S Yes 4 Virginia Same Place 14
15 Canal 306 Bankett Frieda E Daughter F N 31 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 30 Maid Private Home 52 390 No 15
16 [?] 908 359 R Hash Herman L (x) Lodger M W 21 S No H-4 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 50 Asst Baker Bakery 52 832 No 16
17 Hash Roy L (x) Lodger M W 19 S No H-4 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 32 Helper Finishing Dept Cellophane Plant 16 256 No 17
18 William 305 360 R 15 Leacock William P (x) Head M W 34 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Station Hand Railroad 52 1200 No 18
19 Leacock Fannie T Wife F W 34 M No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 19
20 Leacock J Wardell Son M W 12 S Yes 6 Virginia Same Place 20
21 Leacock Robert E Son M W 10 S Yes 4 Virginia Same Place 21
22 Samuels Ira A Sister-in-law F W 36 S No 7 Virginia Yes 20 Spreader Clothing Mfg Co PW 39 780 No 22
23 William 305½ 361 R 20 Berry Elsie M (x) Head F W 32 W No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 32 Matron Elementary School GW 50 419 No 23
24 Berry Julian Son M W 13 S Yes 5 Virginia Same Place 24
25 Berry Preston Son M W 10 S Yes 3 Virginia Same Place 25
26 Berry Francis Daughter F W 8 S Yes 2 Virginia Same Place 26
27 Berry Robert Son M W 3 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 27
28 Toombs Randolph Brother M W 27 S No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 54 Truck Driver Retail Furniture PW 52 780 No 28
29 Dodd Rubin Lodger M W 26 S No 5 Virginia Same Place Yes 0 0 No 29
30 William 315 362 R 20 Hampton Lewis C (x) Head M W 47 M No 4 Oklahoma Terre Haute Indiana No Yes 72 Proprietor Barber Shop E 52 1092 No 30
31 Hampton Nellie G Wife F W 48 M No 7 Illinois Terre Haute Indiana No No No No No H 0 0 No 31
32 Hampton Irene Daughter F W 16 S Yes H-1 Indiana Terre Haute Indiana No S 0 0 No 32
33 Hampton Robert Son M W 11 S Yes 5 Ohio Terre Haute Indiana S 33
34 William 315½ 363 R 20 Springer Elmer R (x) Head M W 55 M No 5 New York Same Place Yes Carpenter Independent OA 33 660 No 34
35 Springer Blanche Wife F W 36 M No 2 Virginia Same Place Yes 52 Maid Hotel PW 52 429 No 35
36 Springer Joseph E Son M W 8 S Yes 1 Virginia Same Place 36
37 Springer Sylvia M Daughter F W 6 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 37
38 Springer Inez B Daughter F W 4 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 38
39 Springer Elsie M (x) Daughter F W 2 S No 0 Virginia Same Place 39
40 Springer Ida B Daughter F W 2m S No 0 Virginia Same Place 40
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
41 Embrey Ida Mother-in-law F W 65 W No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H 0 0 No 41
42 William 317 Sack Geo (x) M W 32 S No H-4 China Na Boston Massachusetts Yes 45 Tube Technician Neon Sign Works PW %2 1430 No 42
43 Charles 1001 364 R 35 Cannon Thomas Jr Head M W 25 M No H-3 Virginia Charlottesville Virginia Yes 70 Meat Cutter Retail ? PW 51 2343 No 43
44 Cannon Laura B (x) Wife F W 25 M No H-4 Virginia Charlottesville Virginia Yes 84 Trained Nurse Private Meeting OA 500 No 44
45 William 314 R 5 Smith Braxton C (x) Roomer M W 40 D No 7 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes Laborer Highway Dept GW 30 665 No 45
46 Ford 201 365 R 10 Smith William E Head M W 21 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Finishing Dept Paper Plant 52 1185 No 46
47 Smith Leila M (x) Wife F W 22 M No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 56 Waitress Restaurant 12 204 Yes 47
48 Caroline 908 Braine Harold Lodger M W 18 S Yes H-2 Missouri Orange Virginia A 0 0 Yes 48
49 Jennings Samuel C Lodger M W 17 S No 7 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 54 Asst Cook Restaurant PW 37 555 No 49
50 Jennings George W Jr Lodger M W 18 S No 7 Virginia Spotsylvania Virginia Yes Yes 54 Asst Cook Restaurant PW 37 555 No 50
51 Caroline 1103 Mintz Abbey J Lodger M W 33 S No C-4 Maryland Washington D C Yes 84 Proprietor Retail Drug PW 52 0 No 51
52 Princess Anne 1309 Gordon John Lodger M W 26 S No H-2 Pennsylvania Same Place Yes 40 Machinist Paper Plant PW 52 1248 No 52
53 Caroline 913 366 R 17.50 Brennan Conrad C Head M W 23 M No H-1 Pennsylvania Hazleton Pennsylvania No Yes 54 Asst Manager Creamery PW 26 234 No 53
54 Brennan Albert E (x) Wife F W 22 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes Cutter Clothing Mfg PW 40 1000 No 54
55 Brennan James A Son M W 1m S No 0 Virginia 55
56 Extra Line 56
57 Princess Anne 57 (cont) R 16 Coleman Margaret E Daughter F N 20 S No H-4 Virginia Same House Yes 48 PW 52 312 No 57
58 Coleman Virginia J Daughter F N 18 S Yes H-3 Virginia Same House 0 0 No 58
59 Coleman Hilda M Daughter F N 15 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same House 0 0 No 59
60 Coleman Lucille C Daughter F N 12 S Yes 5 Virginia Same House 60
61 Princess Anne 910 Talley Conway Lodger M W 29 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Machine Operator Paper Plant PW 52 1040 No 61
62 William 314 (3rd Floor) Arnold John Lodger M W 37 S No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Machine Operator Cellophane Plant 52 1248 No 62
63 Shelton George Lodger M W 26 S No 7 Virginia R Orange Virginia Yes Yes 44 Laborer Highway Dept GW 30 665 No 63
64 Lewis 307 367 Own/Rent 12000 Powell Samuel P (x) Head M W 60 M No C-4 Virginia Same Place Yes Lawyer Private Practice 52 0 Yes 64
65 Powell Dorothy M Wife F W 45 M No C-5 Pennsylvania Same Place No No No No H 0 0 Yes 65
66 Powell Catharine V Daughter F W 16 S Yers H-2 Virginia Same Place 66
67 Powell Mary M Daughter F W 14 S Yers 7 Virginia Same Place 67
68 Pitt 302 368 R 15 Brooke Betty Head F N 47 W No 5 Virginia Same House Yes 60 Maid Private Home 52 312 Yes 68
69 Brooke James Son M N 17 S Yes H-2 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 69
70 Brooke Evon Son M N 15 S Yes H-1 Virginia Same House S 0 0 No 70
71 Brooke Charles Son M N 13 S Yes 5 Virginia Same House 71
72 Brooke William P Son M N 11 S Yes 3 Virginia Same House 72
73 Brooke Clarence Son M N 9 S Yes 1 Virginia Same House 73
74 Brooke Reginald Son M N 7 S Yes 1 Virginia Same House 74
75 Brooke Frances Daughter F N 5 S No Virginia Same House 75
76 Stewart Molle Anne Mother F N 65 W No 3 Virginia Same House No No No No 0 0 Yes 76
77 Stewart Warneta Niece F N 10 S Yes 3 Virginia Same House 77
78 Princess Anne 1206 369 Nurse Home McGowan Katherine Lodger F W 25 S No H-4 Ohio Cincinatti Ohio No Yes 84 Registered Nurse Hospital PW 52 780 Yes 78
79 Harlow Mae Lodger F W 29 S No H-4 Tennessee Yes 84 Registered Nurse Hospital PW 52 780 Yes 79
80 Easter Gladys Lodger F W 27 S No H-4 Virginia Danville Virginia No Yes 84 Registered Nurse Hospital PW 52 780 Yes 80
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 Hudnell Mollie Lodger F W 30 S No H-4 Virginia Same House 84 Registered Nurse Hospital PW 52 780 Yes 1
2 Daniels Hilda Lodger F W 26 S No H-4 North Carolina Raleigh North Carolina No 84 Registered Nurse Hospital PW 52 780 Yes 2
3 Meadows Kay Lodger F W 23 S No H-4 Virginia R Culpaper Virginia Yes 84 Registered Nurse Hospital PW 52 780 Yes 3
4 Harvey Lucille Lodger F W 25 S No H-4 North Carolina Elizabeth City North Carolina 84 Registered Nurse Hospital PW 52 780 Yes 4
5 Brown Ethel Lodger F W 34 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place 84 Registered Nurse Hospital PW 52 780 Yes 5
6 Riggs Dollie Lodger F W 26 S No H-4 Virginia Charlottesville Virginia No 84 Registered Nurse Hospital PW 40 650 Yes 6
7 O'Regan Hazel Lodger F W 28 S No H-4 Tennessee Charlottesville Virginia No 84 Registered Nurse Hospital PW 52 780 Yes 7
8 Stroudemire Dollie Lodger F W 33 S No H-4 Delaware Staunton Virginia No 84 Registered Nurse Hospital PW 26 390 Yes 8
9 Biscoe Julia Lodger F W 47 S No H-4 Virginia Same House 84 Dietician Hospital PW 52 900 Yes 9
10 Fauquier 101 Hospital Quann Walter Lodger M W 54 S No H-2 Virginia Same House Yes 84 Fireman Hospital PW 52 780 Yes 10
11 Princess Anne 1011½ Vise Dilbert Lodger M W 25 S No C-1 Tennessee Knoxville Tennessee No Yes 48 Salesman Insurance PW 44 1400 No 11
12 Caroline 1604 142 Ayres Ethel (x) Roomer F W 24 S No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 48 Bookeeper Retail Store PW 52 780 No 12
13 Caroline 1616 139 Schlieffie Walter (x) Roomer M W 31 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 40 Painter Cellophane Plant PW 52 1820 No 13
14 Schlieffie Gladys P Roomer's wife F W 28 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 32 Inspector Cellophane Plant PW 52 728 No 14
15 Schlieffie Ada Roomer's daughter F W 3 S No 0 Virginia 15
16 Hawke 308 38 Johnson Henry D Nephew M N 41 M No 6 Virginia Same Place Yes Taxi Operator Own Business OA 52 0 Yes 16
17 Johnson Juanita Nephew's Wife F N 30 M No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No H H 0 0 No 17
18 Johnson Camilla Great niece F N 12 S Yes 5 Virginia Same Place 18
19 Johnson Donald great nephew M N 9 S Yes 2 Virginia Same Place 19
20 William 213 Cain Edward Father M W 72 W No Pennsylvania Fredericksburg Spotsylvania Virginia No No No No No OT 0 0 Yes 20
21 Johnston Carrie S Head F W 68 W No 7 Virginia Same Place No No No No H Housewife Home 0 0 Yes 21
22 Caroline 400 Pumphrey William F Head M W 70 W No 5 Virginia Fredericksburg Spotsylvania Virginia No No No No No OT Conductor Railroad PW 40 3100 No 22
23 Princess Anne 228 Wright Lee M N 25 S No C-2 Virginia Fredericksburg Spotsylvania Virginia No Yes 90 Barber & Waiter Private Steamship PW 50 1000 No 23
24 Pepmeir Helmuth G Hotel Guest M W 32 S No 24
25 Calhoun Raymond C M W 20 S No H-1 Virginia Fredericksburg Spotsylvania Virginia Yes No No 48 6 Dredging Peek Hand PW No 25
26 William Dickinson Lodger M W 22 D No C-1 Virginia Blacksburg Virginia No Yes 56 Seaman Shipping PW 40 720 No 26
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Line # Street House # # household visitation Own/Rent Val Name Given Relation Sex Race Age Married School Highest grade Birthplace Citizen 1 Apr 1935 county state on farm work public work seeking work have job homework # hrs wk unemplyment Occupation Industry class wkr #wks wkd amt salary other income Farm Sch Ln #
1 T [unnamed hotel] Vandenburg Elizabeth Head F W 55 W No H-4 Virginia Same Place Yes 91 Hotel Proprietor Own Business OA 52 0 Yes 1
2 Horton A Dora Mother F W 83 W No H-4 Virginia Same Place No No No No U U 0 0 No 2
3 Wallace John H Lodger M W 34 W No 8 Virginia Same Place No No No No OT OT 0 0 Yes 3
4 Jesson L A Head M W 29 M No H-3 Ohio Mansfield Richman Ohio No Yes 56 Room Clerk Hotel PW 52 1360 No 4
5 Jesson Ruby Wife F W 32 M No H-2 Ohio Mansfield Richman Ohio No Yes Cashier Hotel PW 52 250 No 5
6 Kreiger Al Lodger M W 41 S No C-1 New York Same Place Yes Manager CocaCola Plant PW 52 4500 No 6
7 Dameron Calton Lodger M W 32 S No C-1 Virginia Charlottesville Virginia No Yes 56 asst manager Hotel PW 52 1608 No 7
8 Johnson Ruth G Lodger F W 37 D No H-3 Virginia Same Place Yes 63 Dining Room Hostess Hotel PW 52 700 Yes 8
9 Pippin Raymond E Lodger M W 45 W No H-4 North Carolina Zebulon Wake North Carolina No Yes Marketing specialist Dept Agriculture GW 52 2050 Yes 9
10 Dickinson James M Lodger M W 28 W No 8 Virginia Spottsylvania Virginia No Yes 60 Salesman Bottling Co PW 52 1800 No 10
11 Chick Clarles L Lodger M W 29 S No H-4 Virginia Farmville Virginia No Yes 63 Manager Clerk Hotel PW 52 720 No 11
12 Wolpheimer S W Lodger M W 69 W No 7 Maryland Washington D C No Yes 35 Salesman Candy PW 52 1330 No 12
13 Flewellen James W Lodger M W 21 S No C-1 Virginia Gordonsville Orange Virginia Yes Yes 44 Surveying Engineer's aid GW 52 805 No 13
14 Coslin Mary Va Lodger F W 19 D No H-3 Virginia R Fauquier Virginia No Yes 40 Waitress Restaurant PW 52 624 No 14
15 Herr Belle Lodger F W 38 D No 1 New York New York New York No Yes 44 Hostess Manager Hotel OA 46 0 Yes 15
16 Breeden Margaret E Lodger F W 21 D No H-3 Virginia New York New York No Yes 40 Waitress Restaurant PW 48 500 No 16
17 Fogarty Lewis Chas Lodger M W 35 D No H-4 New Jersey Paulsboro New Jersey No Yes 40 Desk Clerk Hotel PW 52 1000 No 17
18 Proctor Jefferson F Head M W 36 M No H-3 Virginia Richmond Virginia No Yes 40 District Manager Insurance PW 52 2390 Yes 18
19 Proctor Kerah C Wife F W 34 M No C-4 Virginia Richmond Virginia No No No No No OT OT 0 0 Yes 19
20 Taylor Carey G Head M W 54 M No C-4 Virginia Same House No No Yes Salesman Marine Engines PW 0 0 No 20
21 Taylor Lena H Wife F W 58 M No H-4 Maine Same House No No No No H H 0 0 No 21
22 Importes Albert Head M W 26 M No H-2 New York Same Place No No No Yes Printing Machinist Printing Equipment Dealer PW 52 2700 No 22
23 Importes Hannah Wife F W 27 M No H-4 New York Same Place No No No Yes Bookeeper Printing Equipment PW 52 960 No 23
24 Dressler Luther C Head M W 39 M No 7 Virginia Same Place Yes 64 Steward Hotel PW 52 920 No 24
25 Dressler Nora L Wife F W 30 M No H-2 Virginia Same Place Yes 42 House Keeper Inn PW 52 480 No 25
26 Bennett Wells Head M W 51 M No C-4 New York Ann Arbor Michigan No Yes 44 College Teacher College GW 50 6000 Yes 26
27 Bennett Sybil K Wife F W 50 M No H-4 New York Ann Arbor Michigan No No No No No H H 0 0 No 27
28 Bennett Edward W Son M W 16 S Yes H-2 Michigan Ann Arbor Michigan No No No No No S S 0 0 No 28
29 Layne Murray Lodger M W 22 S No H-1 Virginia Richmond Virginia No Yes 44 Engineer's Aid Survey GW 52 805 No 29
30 Hardes Clarence L Lodger M W 43 M No H-2 Illinois Same Place Yes 42 Manager Print Shop PW 52 5000+ Yes 30
31 Crabtree Robert S Guest M W 25 M No C-1 Virginia Pulaski Virginia No Yes 44 Salesman Stell Fabricator PW 52 1865 No 31
32 Reamy E B Guest M W 25 S No H-4 Virginia R Westmoreland Virginia No Yes 48 Engineer's Aid Survey GW 52 805 No 32
33 Pickering Mabel W Guest F W 52 W No C-1 New Hampshire Lowell Massachusetts No No No No OT OT 0 0 Yes 33
34 Weber Charles W Guest F W 21 S No H-2 New York New York New York Yes 44 Printing Machinist Printing Machinery PW 35 630 No 34
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Last Updated on 28 November 2014
Entered by Gary Stanton
Email: gstanton@umw.edu